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Public policy proposal


Discipline: Consultancy, design and evaluation of programmes for the Public Sector

The study of public policy would be the most recent branch of political science. In terms of research techniques and methods, they
are borrowed from various social disciplines and adapted to the needs of instrumentation for each study.
Until the 60s, political science was not particularly interested in the study of what happens inside the government and governance
mechanisms research. Specialized studies however showed extensive electoral process, political organizations and concepts analysis
framework in political science, etc.
After the 60s, increases the interest to find out what is going on inside the government and intensifies the concern for increased
efficiency decisions in allocation of public funds and hence the interest in studying the manner in which political and administrative
decisions are made.
From the 80s, begun the talks more and more in terms of governance reform, focusing on increasing performance in managing
public money on improving the relationship between state and citizens, between the Government and the civil society.
Public policy instruments consists in a variety of methodologies for planning and forecasting, taking into account the different levels
and purposes of the issues, the development of options to resolve, the choice of resources, planning the implementation, monitoring and the
Public policies are also instruments through which societal issues are resolved.
The Romanian Government’s proposed domains for financing in the 2014 – 2020 programming period, formulated in the recently-
released Partnership Agreement, does not give a strategic approach to Romania’s needs, does not provide a convincing explanation of the
development priorities and strategically-envisaged action in order to obtain tangible results at the end of the exercise and does not express a
committed attitude to reform and modernize Romania towards which all resources would be allocated, including European funds1.
As far as EU social policy is concerned, the European level may be clearly distinguished from the national level. “What is emerging
in Europe is a system of shared political authority over social policy, though one of that is far more decentralized then the arrangements of
traditional federal states”2.
While European integration could originally be seen as focused on the realization of the internal market (for economic purposes), it
has become widely accepted that economic and social integration go hand in hand.
However it is well-known that the question of how the balance between the economic and the social integration should exactly be
pondered, remains a matter of (high) debate.
Employment policy follows governance mechanisms and open methods of coordination, in focusing on economic growth, a better
functioning of the labour market, promoting adaptability and economic competitiveness.
When it comes to resources, the human resources seems to be the most important, as the major condition to the success of an
organization is to attract and retain the best specialists.
Even for the absorption of European Funds, there have to be very well prepared employees in order to achieve it. But it will be seen,
that some groups of citizens are experiencing new problems, when it comes to the integration on the labour market.
In this information era, to reach the desired success, employees are requested to be intelligent, creative and to take the initiative as
many times, as possible.
In this purpose, it has to be created a work environment where every employee is able to show their talent and to be appreciated.
In order to achieve that, it is needed to create a comprehensive public policy, that can offer to this particular group of people a
chance to qualify. We are talking about a specific group of people, mainly the WOMEN AGED OVER 40 YEARS.

P. Pierson and L. Leibfreid „Multitiered institutions and the making of social policy” , The Brooking Institution, 1995, p.7
Further on as it will be seen the public policy instruments consists in a variety of methodologies for planning and forecasting, taking
into account the different levels and purposes of the issues, the development of options to resolve, the choice of resources, planning the
implementation, monitoring and the evaluation.

Due to legislative instruments, according to Government Decision nr. 561 / 2009 can initiate public draft proposals for adoption or
approval by the Government:
a) Ministries and other bodies of the central public administration, subordinated to the Government and autonomous administrative
b) Specialized bodies of the central public administration, subordinated to ministries;
c) Prefects, county councils, the General Council of Bucharest.
1. The originator/ Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection
the initiating
2. Formulation of Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection is organized and operates as a specialized body of the central
the problem public administration, subordinated to the Government, with legal personality, with the synthesis and
coordination role to implement the strategy and government policy in the areas of work, family, equality social
In the context of promoting active social dialogue at national level, the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social
Protection (MMFPS) acts to ensure a positive and dynamic interaction of social policies and of occupation of
the workforce, to improve quality of life for all citizens, ensuring social cohesion and poverty reduction and the
risk of social exclusion by providing a qualitative social system, equitable and accessible to all.
The fundamental problem is emerging on which this proposal is the integration of women aged over 40 years in
the labor market.
Women who are older than 40 years are disadvantaged because of several factors in getting a job. Some of the
factors that led to this unfavorable situation for women are: inequality of opportunity between men and
women, education, physical appearance, physical and mental strength, willingness to work long hours, urban /
rural, marital status etc.
3. Title of policy "Integration of women aged over 40 years in the labor market"

4. Purpose The proposal aims to increase the number of women aged over 40 integrated and reintegrated into the labor

5. General  General Objectives:

objectives / - capitalization of the status of women, regardless of age, in the country's economic platform.
specific  Specific Objectives:
objectives - Increasing the efficiency in solving current problems to eliminate the gap between the obligations and the
- Changing the attitudes of employers and removing the stigma that has reference primarily to the elderly.
- Solving the conflict of ideas, attitudes between various firms and people with stigma age, to create an
atmosphere of understanding in all these environments and perform planned change through the persuasion of
the public opinion.

6. Beneficiares  Direct: the concerned individuals and the employers

 Indirect: the women’s targeted families through increased family budget and the state by lowering the
unemployment rate.
7. Options to solve Option 1 Economical Impact 1 Estimated budget 1
The establishment and the Economic : 1.000.000 euro
organization of training courses in • the reintegration of female that can
various fields of activity contribute to economic and social

Social :
• developing a wide range of services in
various fields.
• improving the quality of services
• facilitating the participation of women in
the labor market and combining work and
family responsibilities in a more equitable
way for women.

• not applicable

Option 2 Economical Impact 2 Estimated budget 2

3.000.000 euro
Economic :
The establishment and organization
• lower the unemployment rate.
of training courses acquiring multiple
Through such courses, increase the ease to
obtain a service. The higher scope of
knowledge of a person is, the options for
getting a job are multiplying. Thus, if a
woman can not practice in a particular
area, with acquiring multiple qualifications
courses it gives her the possibility to start a
new activity.
• Increase family budget

Social :
• the possibility of a higher standard of
• Improve services

• not applicable

Option 3 Economical Impact 3 Estimated budget 3

Economic : 500.000 euro

Creating an advertising campaign
Creating an advertising campaign
• economic impact is not significant, the
that negative and hostile attitudes are
cost of this alternative is low, but the
replaced with positive, the bias to
results are also easily appreciable.
reach acceptance and ignorance
disappear by virtue of knowledge.
Campaign theme: "I worked Social :
yesterday, I work today, I want to
• promoting moral values and equal
work tomorrow"!
• requires minimal cost of implementation;
The campaign will be promoted both
in urban and rural areas through
verbal and non-verbal Ecologic :
communication via relays: - New
• not applicable
Media, and written press, tv, radio,
internet social networking sites etc.
Population will be informed and we
will try to succeed in bringing
awareness to this issue closer to
8. The consultation Organizations, institutions The results (alternative versions proposed, views, positions cast)
process consulted: To address this Option 1 of solving;
issue we consulted:
The consultation brought together experts and interested groups in the
•Ministry of Labour, Family and labor sector and the employment in order to reach the optimal solution
Social Protection and also financially efficient, to help constructively to the development
• National Agency for Employment; and increase the number of jobs for women aged over 40.
• National Institute of Statistics;
• Various NGOs consultants
interested in obtaining employment;

9. Recommended Presentation Expected Deadlines of the project. Estimated budget

option Estimated term for achieving the purpose 3.000.000 euro
of this proposal is five years
Option 2

The establishment and

organization of training courses
acquiring multiple qualifications.
These training courses for acquiring
multiple qualifications will be held in
specialized educational institutions in
different fields (carpentry,
cosmetology, confections, IT etc).
Institutions will be selected following
a process of verification of their
accreditation, in the following
metropolitan areas: Bucharest,
Brasov, Timisoara, Cluj, Iasi and
Beneficiaries will be selected after
verifying their eligibility: age greater
than 40 years, at least 1 year when
they tried to reintegrate into the labor
market, at least three workers to be
These conditions will be checked by
trained personnel to achieve the
objective of public policy proposals.
The estimated budget overrun;
• Failing to achieve the minimum
estimated places a significant
increase in the number of women
• The jobs decreasing in fields
covering acquiring multiple
qualifications courses;
Target group: women older than 40

Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection

"Integration of women aged over 40 years in the labor market"

The Action Plan for the proposed option in order to solve the issue:
Activity Deadline Responsible Budget Results Monitoring Report Assessment
required for the Report

1. Signing a 10 months Group of 30.000 Signing a contract Persons entitled by law Ministry of
contract with lawyers euro and knowing the Education
the educational conditions that Ministry of
institutios must be followed Labour, Family
involved in the and Social
process Protection

2. Selection of Between 1 and 5 Specialized 100.000 Increasing the Educational Inspectorates Ministry of
specialized years, depending companies euro degree of the Education
personnel on the intensity of efficiency and Ministry of
the course effectiveness Labour, Family
and Social
3. Creating and 4 months Media 60.000 Disclosure public Specialized company in Ministry of
presenting an Studios euro about the courses Marketing Labour, Family
advertisement to be organized and Social
by all Protection
stations to

Borza, Ioana, Grunberg Laura, Văcărescu Eliza,Cartea neagră a egalităţii de şanse între femei şi bărbaţi în România, Societatea de
Analize Feministe, 2006

Chelcea Septimiu, Psihosociologia publicităţii, Polirom 2012

Coman, Cristina, Relaţiile publice, Principii şi strategii, Polirom 2001

Kotler, Philiph, Armstrong , Gary, Principiile marketingului, Teora, 2008

Newsom, Doug, Carrell Bob, Redactarea materialelor de relaţii publice, Collegium, 2004

P. Pierson and L. Leibfreid „Multitiered institutions and the making of social policy” , The Brooking Institution, 1995

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