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Journal of

Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 48, No. 306, pp. 45-58, January 1997 Experimental

Cell turgor, osmotic pressure and water potential in the

upper epidermis of barley leaves in relation to cell
location and in response to NaCI and air humidity
Wieland Fricke1
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department for Production Ecology, PO Box 7042,
S-75007 Uppsala, Sweden

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Received 26 February 1996; Accepted 22 July 1996

Abstract negligible (0.01-0.04 MPa). Epidermal cell \fi in NaCI-

treated plants was about 0.38 MPa more negative than
Previous single-cell studies on the upper epidermis of
in control plants due to higher n. Turgor pressures
barley leaves have shown that cells differ systematic-
were similar. Following a sudden change in rooting-
ally in their solute concentrations depending on their
medium \f/ or air humidity, turgor of both ridge and
location relative to stomatal pores and veins and that
trough cells responded within seconds and followed
during NaCI stress, gradients in osmotic pressure (n)
the same time-course of relaxation. The half time (T1/2)
develop (Fricke et al., 1995, 1996; Hinde, 1994). The
of turgor relaxation was not limited by the cell's T 1/2
objective of the present study was to address the
for water exchange.
question to which degree these intercellular differ-
ences in solute concentrations and n are associated
Key words: Barley leaf epidermis, cell turgor, heterogen-
with intercellular differences in turgor or water poten-
eity, NaCI stress, osmotic pressure, water potential.
tial [i//). Epidermal cells analysed were located at vari-
ous positions within the ridge regions overlying large
lateral or intermediate veins, in the trough regions Introduction
between those veins or in between stomata (i.e. inter-
stomatal cells). Turgor pressure of cells was measured Differences in turgor pressure between different leaf tissues
using a cell pressure probe, and n of extracted cell (e.g. mesophyll and epidermis in Tradescantia, Frensch
sap was determined by picolitre osmometry. For both and Schulze, 1988; Nonami et al, 1990) or root tissues
large and intermediate lateral veins, there were no (cortex and stele in maize roots, Pritchard et al., 1989)
systematic differences in turgor between cells located might be explained by differences in the water relations
at the base, mid or top of ridges, regardless of whether of these tissues or the existence of turgor-dependent
plants were analysed at low or high PAR ( < 1 0 or processes that are associated with differences in tissue
300-400 /imol photons m 2 s~ 1 ). However, turgor physiology. The question arises whether systematic
within a ridge region was not necessarily uniform, but differences in turgor may also exist between cells that
could vary by up to 0.14 MPa (1.4 bar) between adja- belong to the same (non-growing) tissue and which are
cent cells. In 60 out of 63 plants, turgor of ridge cells apparently uniform in structure and function.
was either slightly or significantly higher than turgor Some pressure-probe studies on roots have shown
of trough (lowest turgor) or interstomatal cells (inter- radial turgor gradients between cortical cells (Rygol et al.,
mediate turgor). The significance and magnitude of 1993; Zimmermann et al., 1992), whereas others have not
turgor differences was higher in plants analysed under (Jones et al, 1983; Steudle and Jeschke, 1983; Pritchard
high PAR or local air flow than in plants analysed under et al, 1989). Differences in results may have been due to
low PAR. The largest (up to 0.41 MPa) and consistently differences in the species analysed or differences in meas-
significant differences in turgor were found in plants urement conditions. For example, intercellular gradients
treated for 3-9 d prior to analysis with 100 mM NaCI. in turgor were only observed under considerable transpir-
For both NaCI-treated and non-treated (control) plants, ation. Turgor (and osmotic) pressures increased from the
differences in turgor between cell types were mainly outermost layers of the cortex towards the xylem which
due to differences in n since differences in <p were was explained by a transpiration stream-dependent

Fax: +46 18 673037. E-mail: Wieland.Fncke©emc.s/

© Oxford University Press 1997

46 Fncke

solvent drag effect on solutes (Zimmermann et al., 1992). CaSO4. Eight seedlings were then transferred to 5 1 of aerated,
An alternative explanation for the direction of gradients modified Hoagland solution containing 1 mM NaCl (Fricke
et al., 1994) and grown at a PAR of 300-400 jumol photons m~ 2
has been provided by the results of Meshcheryakov et al. s~' and a 16 h day/8 h dark period. Plants were grown in the
(1992) which suggest that in the mature region of the same room where measurements were carried out. Plants were
hypocotyl of Ricinus communis, gradients in turgor (and analysed when they were 12-22-d-old. Second, third or fourth
77) are related to the proximity of cells to the phloem leaves were analysed at the time they represented the youngest,
representing the major source of organic osmotica. A fully-, or nearly fully-expanded leaf. Leaves were analysed half-
way along the expanded blade at the adaxial (upper) epidermis,
similar explanation has been given by Frensch and Hsiao within a small region covering the first large lateral vein (LV),
(1994) for the observation that cells located in the inner counted from the midrib, the adjacent (outward) intermediate
cortex of osmotically-stressed maize roots recovered faster vein (IV) and the second large lateral vein. For details of the
in turgor than cells located in the outer cortex. NaCl treatments see Figure legends and Tables.
Pressure-probe studies on leaves (mature tissue of the
Location of epidermal cells
leaf epidermis of Tradescantia virginiana, Tomos et al.,

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1981; Shackel and Brinckmann, 1985; mesophyll of The location of epidermal cells analysed is illustrated and
specified in Fig. 1 which gives a cross-sectional view of a barley
KalanchoS daigremontiana, Steudle et al., 1980), suggest leaf (A) and a view of the surface of the upper epidermis (B).
that there are no gradients in turgor or n between cells The ridge regions consisted typically of a total of six cells to be
belonging to the same tissue. However, recent single-cell analysed; those cells that were located at the very top of a
sampling and solute-analysing studies of the upper epi- LV-ridge were not analysed since these cells were considerably
dermis of barley leaves have shown that cells located at smaller (shorter and narrower) than the other ridge cells and
capilllaries became quite often clogged during turgor measure-
various positions relative to the vascular bundles and ments (IV-ridges generally did not show those small cells at the
stomatal pores differ systematically in their vacuolar very top); those cells that were located at the very base of a
solute concentrations (Hinde, 1994; Fricke et al., 1995) IV- or LV-ridge, at the transition from the ridge to the stomatal
and that during NaCl stress, intercellular differences in n cell files, were not included in the analyses either. These cells
can develop (Fricke et al., 1996). This indicates that are likely to be exposed at their leaf-inner surface to the
substomatal cavity and might therefore be more comparable
intercellular differences in turgor or <>/ also exist. If so, with interstomatal cells (see also Fricke et al., 1995).
this would add another level of complexity to our under-
standing of leaf water and solute relations (Leigh and Measurement environment
Tomos, 1993) and its response to changes in nutrient Plants were transferred from their growth site to the measure-
supply, water supply or evaporative demand. ment site. After 15-20 min analyses were started. Throughout
In the present study on the upper epidermis of barley the analyses, the leaf area to be analysed was illuminated with
leaves, this possibility was investigated by analysing cells a cold light. Cells were viewed through a zoom stereomicroscope
(type Wild MZ8, Leica AG, Heerburg, Switzerland), at
located at various well-defined positions relative to (i) magnifications ranging from x 128 to x 200. Leaves were
stomatal pores and (ii) large lateral veins (LV) and viewed either horizontally or vertically and four different
intermediate veins (IV) for turgor pressure, n and ifi. measurement set-ups were used. (lst + 2nd set-up) When cells
Large and intermediate lateral veins were compared since were analysed only for turgor, leaves were viewed horizontally.
these veins can differ in their solute concentrations (par- The illumination of plants was reduced to dim room light (<; 10
fimol photons m " 2 s" 1 at plant level: 'low PAR' set-up) or
ticularly for NO3", Fricke et al., 1995) and may differ in comparable to that at the growth site (illumination of 300-400
their capacities for water transport (Altus et al., 1985). fimol photons m~ 2 s" 1 at plant level: 'high PAR' set-up). (3rd
To cover a range of measurement environments, leaves set-up) When cells were analysed only for 77, the leaf (vertical
were analysed under low or high PAR, or under low or viewing) was kept near to the stage on which the picolitre
high local illumination and air flow. In some experiments, osmometer was mounted. The overall illumination of the plant
was dim and the illumination with the cold light source was
plants were treated for 3-9 d before analysis with 100 mM kept at a minimum. This set-up was chosen to compare the -rr
NaCl to see to which degree the differential accumulation data with the turgor data obtained under low PAR. (4th set-
of N a + and Cl~ in epidermal cell types (Fricke et al., up) When cells were analysed for turgor and -n, to derive </i free
1996) affects their turgor and if> relations. To characterize of errors introduced by calculating tf> from turgor and TT data
the water relations under a fluctuating (/(-environment, obtained from different plants and cells, the leaf area to be
analysed was exposed to a continuously by-passing stream of
plants were subjected to short-term changes in external <> / dry air and illuminated brightly with the cold light source
and the response (relaxation) of epidermal cell turgor (vertical viewing and dim overall illumination; the stream of air
followed with time. The TU2 of turgor relaxation was was pointing towards the part of the picolitre osmometer where
compared with the cell's Ti/2 for water flux equilibrium. samples were placed under liquid paraffin).
Details of the experiments where plants were subjected to
sudden changes in external (root medium or atmospheric) </i are
Materials and methods given in the Results section and Figure legends.

Plant material Turgor and osmolality measurements

Seeds of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Golf) were imbibed Turgor measurements (Husken et al., 1978) were performed
overnight in water and germinated for 4-5 d on aerated 0.5 mM with a pressure probe obtained from Bangor University
Turgor in leaf epidermal cells 47


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VI *•*

Fig. 1. Cross-section (A) and view of the upper epidermis (B) of a barley leaf. The cross-section was cut fresh by hand from the third leaf of
barley, 1 d following full expansion. The same leaf was used to obtain a view of the upper leaf surface using a double-reprint technique (Fncke
el al., 1995). Ridges that cover large lateral veins (LV), with a bundle sheath extension stretching from the bundle to the centre top of the ridge-
epidermal surface are referred to as LV-ridges; ridges that cover intermediate veins (IV), which lack such a far-stretching bundle sheath extension,
are referred to as IV-ridges. At the transition from a ndge (R-cells) to trough region (TR-cells) is typically one file of stomata, and interstomatal
cells (IS) are located in between stomata. RT, RM and RB refers to ridge cells located at the top-, mid- or base-position analysed within ndges; UE,
upper epidermis; LE, lower epidermis; MS, mesophyll; SC, substomatal cavity. The bar represents 50 ^m.

(Bangor, North Wales, UK). To minimize vibration during Clark Electromedical Instruments, Pangbourne, UK) using a
turgor measurements, all pieces of equipment were tightened capillary puller (type 50-2013, Harvard Apparatus Ltd,
to a metal plate that rested on inflated rubber (bicycle) Edenbridge, UK) and broken with a microforge (type MF-83,
tubes. Probe capillaries were pulled from borosilicate glass Narashige Scientific Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan). Non-silanized
capillaries (outer diameter, 1.0 mm; inner diameter, 0.58 mm; capillaries were used and filled, as was the rest of the probe,
48 Fricke
with silicone oil (type AS4, Wacker Chemie, MOnchen, (Malone et al., 1989). The extracted sap was transferred within
Germany). The underestimation of cell turgor caused by the seconds under liquid paraffin placed on to the osmometer stage
volume of cell solution outside the cell (in the capillary) during and analysed for osmolality within the following 70 min.
turgor measurements should be highest for the smallest cells,
i.e. here interstomatal cells (Fig. IB). The volume of inter-
stomatal cells was generally between 31-50 pi (calculated from
leaf cross-sections and reprints of the epidermal surface; trough- Results
cell volume generally between 400-520 pi and ridge-cell volume
Turgor profile within IV- and LV-ridges
between 750-980 pi). The volume of cell solution outside the
cell was less than 0.078 pi, i.e. less than 0.16-0.25% of the The turgor relationship of the first and second LV
interstomatal cell volume. Assuming a volumetric elastic
modulus of 5 MPa (see Malone and Tomos [1990] for leaf (counted from the midrib) was similar and results from
epidermal cells of wheat) this would result in an underestimation these two LVs were therefore pooled. Since IV- and
of interstomatal cell turgor of 0.008-0.013 MPa. This is about LV-ridges were analysed from the same leaves, their mean
an order of magnitude smaller than the differences in turgor cell turgor could be compared directly.
found here between cell types and, therefore, does not interfere Both IV- and LV-ridges showed even distribution pro-

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with the interpretation of results.
files of cell turgor regardless of whether plants were
Osmolalities of extracted cell sap were determined with
a picolitre osmometer (Bangor, North Wales, UK.) as analysed under low PAR (Fig. 2A, B) or high PAR
described by Malone et al. (1989) and Tomos et al. (1994). (Fig. 2C, D). There were no systematic differences in
Osmolalities were converted into -n assuming that 0.1 MPa turgor between cells. In most of the leaves analysed, cell
corresponds to c. 40.75 mOsmolkg"1 at 22°C (Nobel, 1991). turgor within a ridge was within 0.1 MPa and cells located
The accuracy of turgor and n determination was in neighbouring positions were even closer in turgor and
0.002-0.003 MPa.
When cells were analysed for -n and turgor, the turgor of a sometimes identical. However, in some of the leaves
cell was measured immediately before cell sap was extracted analysed, turgors of cells within one ridge differed by
instantaneously using a rapid-sampling device on the probe more than 0.1 MPa (up to 0.16 MPa) and neighbouring

Low PAR High PAR

15 A Intarmedlata vain 1J C Intermediate vein

5. 1.2 1.2
'• 1 _i 1
T T i I

iT - I
T ; f
T r
o OJ

0.6 OJ

o 0J • OJ

0.0 0.0
15 B Large lateral vein D Large latara vein
o. 4T
1.2 1 ?
1 1 1 I

0.9 r •— T ~~ OJ

0.6 o.e

o OJ

0.0 0.0
Bate Middle Top Top Middle Bate Bate Middle Top Top Middle Bate

Location of Ridge Cell Location of Ridge Cell

Fig. 2. Turgor pressure profile within IV- and LV-ndges of the upper epidermis of barley leaves. Cells located at adjacent positions (R B , RM> ^ T )
within ridge regions overlying an IV (IV-ridge) or LV (LV-ridge) were analysed for turgor. The centre top of a ridge is indicated by a dashed line.
Analyses were carried out under low (A, B) or high PAR (C, D). Second, third and fourth leaves were analysed between 2 d preceding and
following full expansion. Cells were probed in such a way that first every other cell was analysed and thereafter the cells in between. Cells analysed
under low PAR conditions were located at direct neighbouring positions, whereas under high PAR conditions cells were displaced from each other
by one to two cell lengths up- or downstream along the vein. Results in (A) are expressed as means ± S D of 5-8 leaf analyses since not every leaf
analysed was composed of 6 ridge cells or a cell was lost during turgor measurement. Results in (B). (C) and (D) are expressed as means ± S D of
7, 5 and 7 complete leaf analyses, respectively.
Turgor in leaf epidermal cells 49
cells had turgors that were different by up to 0.15 MPa in four leaves significantly higher than trough-cell turgor
(not shown). The latter was not an artefact caused by the (indicated in Fig. 3A by '4/15'). The difference in turgor
probing of neighbouring cells, i.e. there was no such was more pronounced and more often significant when
tendency that the turgor of a cell probed second was leaves were analysed under high PAR (Fig. 3B). On
lower than the turgor of its neighbour cell probed first. average, ridge-cell turgor was 0.09 MPa higher than
The mean (±SD) ridge-cell turgor, calculated from trough- and 0.08 MPa higher than interstomatal-cell
the values shown in Fig. 2, for IV and LV-ridges were: turgor. The differences was in 6 of 8 plants significant
low PAR: IV-ridge 1.03 ±0.02 MPa, LV-ridge (mostly at 1% level). In some leaves, ridge-cell turgor
1.04±0.03MPa; high PAR: IV-ridge 1.21 +0.03 MPa, was up to 0.19 MPa higher than trough- or interstomatal-
LV-ridge 1.19 ±0.03 MPa. Thus, under both measurement cell turgor (not shown). The difference between
conditions, IV- and LV-ridge cell turgor was almost interstomatal- and trough-cell turgor was on average
identical. minimal (0.01 MPa) and in none of the leaves statistically
significant. Plants were treated for 3-9 d before analysis

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Turgor, n and i|/ in ridge, trough and interstomatal cells with 100 mM NaCl and analysed under low PAR.
To give an idea of the cell-to-cell variation in turgor, n Treatment with NaCl increased turgor differences between
and <j> observed for each cell type during a leaf analysis, cell types. On average, ridge-cell turgor was 0.26 MPa
one set of data is presented in its original form (Table 1). higher than trough- and 0.15 MPa higher than inter-
The remaining data are presented as average of the means stomatal-cell turgor (Fig. 3C). These turgor differences
of the individual leaf analyses together with the respective were in all of the 13 plants analysed significant (mostly
average of individual standard deviations (= error bars at 0.1% level). In some leaves, differences reached
in Figs 3-5). There was no obvious effect of leaf number 0.41 MPa for trough and 0.33 MPa for interstomatal cells
or leaf-developmental stage on the results. (not shown). Interstomatal-cell turgor was on average
Epidermal-cell turgor: In leaves analysed under condi- 0.09 MPa higher than trough-cell turgor, though only in
tions of low PAR, ridge-cell turgor was on average only three of 13 plants significantly (at 5% level).
0.04 MPa higher than trough-cell turgor, i.e. both cell In (non-NaCl-treated) control plants analysed next to
types had rather similar turgor (Fig. 3A). However, ridge- the osmometer stage under conditions of high local illu-
cell turgor was in almost all (14 of 15) leaves slightly and mination and by-passing stream of dry air, ridge-cell

Table 1. Combined measurement of turgor and osmotic pressure, and inferred water potential (t/i) in cells of the upper epidermis of
barley leaves
The leaf region analysed was exposed during measurements to a by-passing stream of dry air and brightly illuminated with the
cold light source. The leaf number (L3, 4) is given with leaf developmental stage (d) expressed in days before (minus numbers) or
days following (plus numbers) full expansion. Turgor and osmotic pressure were measured from the same cell, and <p was calculated
as the difference between. Values are given as means ± S D of (n) cell analyses per cell type and plant. The absolute differences
between trough- and ridge-cell values are given in parentheses and their significance is shown at the 5% (*) and 1% (**) level.

Leaf/Dev Cell type MPa

Turgor pressure Osmotic pressure •A

L3/d-2 Ridge (4) 0.92±0.05 1.24±0.05 -0.33 ±0.08
Trough (5) 0 83 ±0.03* [-0.11] 1.18±O.O3 [-0.06] -0.35±0.04 [-0.02]
L3/d-l Ridge (5) .11+0.07 1.31 ±0.04 -0.20 ±0.06
Trough (5) 01 ±0.05* [-0.10] 1.30 ±0.03 [-0.01] -0.28 ±0.05 [-0.08]
L3/dl Ridge (4) .28 ±0.09 1.50 ±0.08 -0.22±0.04
Trough (5) .18±0.05 [-0.10] 1.33±0.05* [-0.17] -0.15±0.04* [+0.07]
L3/dl Ridge (5) .37 ±0.08 1.53 ±0.04 -0.16 ±0.06
Trough (5) .25 ±0.03* [-0.12] 1.50±0.04[-0.03] -0.25±0.04* [-0.09]
L3/d2 Ridge (5) .26±0.12 1.57±0.15 -0.31 ±0.14
Trough (7) .09±0.06* [-0.17] 1.39±0.07 [-0.18] -0.30±0.11 [+0.01]
L3/d2 Ridge (6) .27 ±0.05 1.49 ±0.08 -0.22 ±0.08
Trough (6) .05±0.09" [-0.22] 1.36±0.03" [-0.13] -0.31 ±0.10 [-0.09]
L4/d-2 Ridge (4) .09±0.14 1.41 ±0.10 -0.32 ±0.09
Trough (4) 0.85±0.07* [-0.24] 1.21 ±0.03* [-0.20] -0.37 ±0.05 [-0.05]
L4/d-l Ridge (8) 0.72 ±0.08 1 18±O.O3 -0.46 ±0.07
Trough (6) 0.58±0.05" [-0.14] 1.09±0.01" [-0.09] -0.50 ±0.05 [-0.04]
L4/dl Ridge (6) 1.17±0.11 1.78 ±0.09 -0.58 ±0.15
Trough (6) 0.99±0.07* [-0.18] 1.57 ±0.04** [-0.21] -0.57±0.10 [+0.01]
[-O.15±O.O6f [-0.12±0.08] -0.03 ±0.05]

'Means ±SD of the difference between the trough and ridge cell value (n = 9 leaf analyses).
50 Fricke

Horizontal viewing of plants


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Vertical viewing of plants
(high local illumination and air stream)

1.8 Control



a 0.6



Cell Type
Fig. 3. Turgor pressure in leaf epidermal cells of barley. Plants were analysed while being viewed horizontally, either under low (A, C) or high
PAR (B), or while being viewed vertically, with the leaf area analysed exposed to high local illumination and stream of dry air (D, E). In control
plants (A, B, D), second, third and fourth leaves were analysed between 1 d preceding and 4 d following full expansion. NaCl-treated plants (C,
E) were treated for 3-9 d prior to analysis with 100 mM NaCl and third and fourth leaves were analysed between 2 d preceding and following full
expansion. NaCl-treatments were started at the time the third leaf emerged from the surrounding second-leaf sheath by two daily additions of
50 mM NaC1. Results are presented as means of 15 (A), 8 (B), 13 (C), 9 (D), and 5 (E) leaf analyses, with 4-11 cells analysed per cell type and
leaf. The error bars shown do nol represent the SD of the means of the n leaf analyses This would represent the leaf-to-leaf variation in cell turgor.
Instead, the error bars represent the mean cell-to-cell variation in turgor for a particular cell type ( = means of the SDs of the individual leaf
analyses). The number of leaves where turgor differences between ndge and trough, and between ridge and interstomatal cells were significant is
given in relation to the total number of leaves analysed fa/b').

turgor was on average 0.15 MPa higher than trough-cell stream, i.e. evaporative-demand conditions comparable
turgor (Fig. 3D). The difference was in 8 out of 9 plants to the low PAR set-up. Ridge-cell n was on average only
significant (mostly at 1% level). In NaCl-treated 0.04 MPa higher than trough-cell n and in none of the
plants analysed under the same conditions, ridge-cell 17 leaves analysed significantly higher (Fig. 4A). In NaCl-
turgor was on average 0.28 MPa higher than trough- and treated plants analysed under the same conditions, ridge-
0.17 MPa higher than interstomatal-cell turgor (Fig. 3E). cell 7T was on average 0.19 MPa higher than trough-, and
Differences were in 4, and in 5 out of 5 plants significant 0.03 MPa higher than interstomatal-cell -n (Fig. 4B). The
(1% level), respectively. Interstomatal-cell turgor was on difference in n between ridge and trough cells and between
average 0.11 MPa higher than trough-cell turgor. This ridge and interstomatal cells was in 7 out of 8, and in 2
difference was in 4 out of 5 leaves significant (1% level). out of 8 plants significant (mostly at 1%, and 5% level),
Epidermal-cell -n: Leaves were analysed under condi- respectively.
tions of low local illumination and no by-passing air Leaves were analysed under conditions of high local
Turgor in leaf epidermal cells 51

| Low local illumination and no ilr itraim| High local Illumination and air itream

Control B 100 mM NaCI c Control D 100 mM NaCI



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Call Type

Fig. 4. Osmotic pressure (n) in leaf epidermal cells of barley. Plants were viewed vertically and the leaf area analysed was exposed to low local
illumination and no air stream (A, B) or high local illumination and dry-air stream (C, D) In control plants (A, C), second, third and fourth
leaves were analysed between 2 d preceding and 3 d following full expansion. NaCl-treated plants (B, D) were treated for 3-8 d prior to analysis
with 100 mM NaCI and third and fourth leaves were analysed between 1 d preceding and 4 d following fulJ expansion NaCl-treatments were
started at the time the third leaf emerged from the surrounding second-leaf sheath, by two daily additions of 50 mM NaCI. Results are presented
as means of 17 (A), 8 (B), 9 (C), and 5 (D) leaf analyses, with 4-8 cells analysed per cell type and leaf. The error bars represent the mean cell-to-
cell variation in -n for a particular cell type ( = means of the SDs of the individual leaf analyses). The number of leaves where TT differences between
ridge and trough, and between ridge and interstomatal cells were significant is given in relation to the total number of leaves analysed ('a/b').

illumination and by-passing stream of dry air. Ridge-cell treated plants (-0.70 MPa; Fig. 5B). As for control plants,
TT was on average 0.12 MPa higher than trough-cell n differences in turgor between ridge cells (highest turgor)
(Fig. 4C) and in 5 out of 9 leaves significantly higher and trough and interstomatal cells were almost entirely
(mostly at 1% level). In NaCl-treated plants analysed due to differences in TT.
under the same conditions, ridge-cell n was on average
0.24 MPa higher than trough- and 0.16 MPa higher than Short-term changes in turgor in ridge and trough cells
interstomatal-cell n (Fig. 4D). The difference in TT between
ridge and troughs cells, and between ridge and inter- Plants were kept for 24 h in a plastic bag at saturated
stomatal cells was in 5 out of 5, and in 4 out of 5 plants humidity. Upon removal of the plastic bag, i.e. sudden
significant (mostly at 1% level), respectively. drop in atmospheric RH (room RH c. 25%), both ridge
Epidermal-cell ip: Water potentials of cells were obtained and trough cell turgor dropped within minutes by about
in two ways. Either by using turgor and n obtained from 0.7 MPa (Fig. 6A). Thereafter, turgor in ridge and trough
different leaf analyses and under set-ups likely to be cells followed the same time-course of recovery and
comparable in evaporative demand (Fig. 5A) or by using reached a final value after 40-90 min, with a Tlj2 of 918 s
turgor and -n obtained from identical leaves and cells for the experiment shown (Fig. 6A). The T1/2 of the
(Fig. 5B). Calculation of </r from separate determinations immediate, exponential, decline in cell turgor following
of turgor and TT gave identical mean tfi (-0.41 MPa) for the removal of the plastic bag was 78 s (Fig. 6B, separate
ridge and trough cells in control plants (Fig. 5A); in experiment). The following recovery in turgor was accom-
NaCl-treated plants, mean ridge cell ifi (-0.76 MPa) was panied by a decrease in stomatal conductance (Fig. 6C;
0.07 MPa more positive than trough cell </. (-0.83 MPa) TU2 of 702 s; separate experiments).
and 0.12 MPa more positive than interstomatal cell </« To lower the external </i of the root suddenly, 100 mM
(-0.88 MPa; Fig. 5A). Calculation of 0 from combined NaCI was added to the medium while the plant was
determinations of turgor and TT gave nearly identical mean analysed (room RH c. 34%). Turgor started to decrease
ip for ridge (-0.31 MPa) and trough cells (-0.34 MPa) in within 10 s, in both ridge (Fig. 6D) and trough cells
control plants (Fig. 5B; see also Table 1 for data of (Fig. 6E); 10 s were needed to add all the salt in the form
individual leaf analyses) and for ridge (-0.69 MPa), of a stock solution and to readjust the meniscus in the
trough (-0.73 MPa) and interstomatal cells in NaCl- probe to its initial position. Within the following 10-12
52 Fricke

Saparat* d*ttrmtnatk>n of turgor and otmotlc p r t u u r * Combined dtUrminttton of turgor and oimotk praitur*

A O«motie Pr*»ura Oimotic Praiiur*

2.1 2.1
• control 0 control
• 100 mM N*CI • 100 mM NaCt
1.8 U
Turgor Turgor
1.8 1.5
\2 1.2

1M 0.9


|1 |M| 0.6

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0J 0.3

0 1 II




•II• -0.6


-1.2 Wattr Potential -1.2 Wattr PountlaJ

-1.5 -13

-1.8 -1.8

-2.1 -2.1

Ctll Typ« Cell Typ*

Fig. 5. Turgor pressure, osmotic pressure (IT) and inferred water potential (<j>) in leaf epidermal cells of barley. Turgor and n data were taken from
Figs 3 and 4 (in (A) from Fig. 3A, C and Fig. 4A, B; in (B) from Fig. 3D, E and Fig. 4C, D) Water potentials were inferred in two ways Either
(A) by comparing turgor data with n data obtained from different plant batches and cells (i.e separate determinations), or (B) by comparing turgor
data with n data obtained from the identical plants and cells (combined determinations). For details of NaCl-treatments, leaf number and leaf
developmental stage see legends to Figs 3 and 4. Water potentials (and turgor and n) in B represent the means of 9 (control) or 5 (NaCl-treated)
leaf analyses, and error bars give for each cell type the means of the SDs of the individual leaf analyses.

min, turgor in ridge and trough cells decreased by about The RH was suddenly increased from 36% to >94%
0.5 MPa and finally stabilized (Tm of 226 and 170 s for RH by use of an ultrasonic humidifier. Epidermal (here:
the two experiments shown). Upon removal of NaCl, ridge) cell turgor started to increase within 2 s and
turgor started to increase within 30 s in both ridge attained within minutes a new stable value (Tl/2 of 62 s
(Fig. 6D) and trough cells (Fig. 6E); 30 s was needed to for the experiment shown; Fig. 6F). Subsequent addition
exchange media and probe a new cell. Turgor continued of NaCl caused a similar response in cell turgor as under
to increase and stabilized after about 10 min at a value 34% RH (compare Fig. 6D, E). However, T{/2 was faster
comparable to that previous to the experiment (T1/2 of (50 s) and the absolute decrease in turgor smaller than at
153 s and 215 s for the two experiments shown). 34% RH.

Fig. 6. Short-term response in epidermal-cell turgor and stomatal conductance to a sudden change in external ui. Plants were subjected under low
PAR to sudden changes in either the root-surrounding or atmospheric ip. This was achieved in three ways. Either by keeping the plant for 24 h
under a plastic bag at saturated humidity (bag with small holes for gas exchange) and then suddenly removing the bag (A, B, C; room RH c.
25%); or by adding 100 mM NaCl to, or removing it from the medium (D, E, F); or by suddenly increasing the leaf-surrounding RH from 36 to
^ 9 4 % RH through use of an ultrasonic humidifier (F). Each square represents the turgor of a separate cell, except the first 2-3 squares following
addition of NaCl in (D) and (E) and all the squares following increase in RH or addition of NaCl in (F), which were obtained from continuous
turgor measurement in the same cells. Stomatal conductance was measured with a portable photosynthesis system (LI-6200, Li-Cor, Lincoln, ME,
USA); results from four leaf analyses are plotted together, and each symbol represents the means of six determinations per leaf. Turgor relaxations
were fitted with curves (dotted lines) for a mono-exponential change plus residual to calculate 7", 2. Second or third leaves were analysed between
2 d preceding and following full expansion.
Turgor in leaf epidermal cells 53

Change in atmospheric

1.2 Removal of bag B

a. 1.0 Removal of bag


i- 0.4 ri T
T t / I - 918 . Q.p
• Ridge e e l
o 0.2
• Trough ceB

Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2019

«• 0 2 4 6 6 10 12 14
E Removal of bag | o third l e a f |
Time, min
omat al con<ductiince,


6\ Ti/i- 702 *

b- • -Q. •o- ...<P

CO -20 20 40 60 80 100

Time, min

| Change in root-medium 4>\

+ 100 mM
1.0 I NaCI -

o ^T 1 / t " 226 i
at 0.6 153 t .
•i Naa
o -

0J) | Combined change in axtarnal <f>\

1.2 1.6 ' F ' •

1.0 + 100 mM 1.4
a. I T 1 / I -82
0.8 ODD 1.2
o \ , T 1 r t - 170 t 215 t
0.6 1.0
•ifj Q
\- 0.8 94 X
0.4 T,/ 2-50 t-

0.2 t- 0.6 36 1
0.0 0.4 -

-20 -10 10 20 30 40 50 -20 -10 0 10

Time, min Time, min

54 Fricke

Discussion The magnitude and significance of turgor differences

between cells was higher in (control) plants analysed
Intercellular differences in n, turgor and \J* within the upper
under high PAR than in plants analysed under low PAR,
epidermis of barley leaves
and was highest in plants analysed under high local
Epidermal-cell n: A previous study on the upper epidermis illumination and by-passing stream of dry air (Fig. 3).
of barley leaves showed that, as the leaf aged, ridge-cell For each cell type, there were no statistically significant
77 increased more than trough- and interstomatal-cell n. differences in turgor between these three measurement
This was generally accompanied by a particular high conditions (not shown). This indicates that turgor differ-
accumulation of K + and Cl~ in ridge cells (Fricke et al., ences between cell types changed with measurement condi-
1995). Differences in n between cell types appeared to be tions since each cell type responded with (slightly)
non-significant. This is consistent with the present results different turgor. To what degree this was due to a direct
obtained for (control) plants analysed under low local light effect on turgor or a changed transpiration rate, can
illumination and no air flow (Fig. 4A). However, it not be said. (Plants were not protected during analysis

Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2019

contrasts with the results obtained under conditions of from CO 2 from the investigators breath.)
high local illumination and by-passing stream of dry air The turgor difference between ridge and trough cells in
(Fig. 4C) where 5 out of 9 plants showed a significantly control plants analysed for turgor and -n was, on average,
higher ridge- than trough-cell -n. This might indicate that attributable by 80% to a difference in n and attributable
a change in the (local) evaporative demand or light by 20% to a difference in </. (Fig. 5B; Table 1). For NaCl-
intensity affects solute ( K + and Cl~) export/import in treated plants, the values were 82% and 18%, respectively,
ridge and trough cells differentially and would imply that for the turgor difference between ridge and trough cells,
osmotically-significant solute movement across epidermal and 87% and 13%, respectively, for the turgor difference
cell membranes is much faster than generally assumed between ridge and interstomatal cells (Fig. 5B). Similar
(here: within 20-90 min following transfer of plants to values for the contribution of n- and i/i-differences to
the measurement site). turgor differences between ridge and trough cells were
NaCl-treatment increased differences in n between ridge obtained using turgor and n measured separately in
(higher n) and trough cells. This is consistent with previ- different plants (Fig. 5A); however, only 20% of the
ous results on NaCl-treated barley which showed that, as turgor difference between ridge and interstomatal cells
NaCl-treatment continued, ridge-cell n increased pro- could be accounted for by their difference in n. The latter
gressively more than trough-cell n, leading to n differences underlines the potential 'weakness' of determining turgor
of 0.2-0.45 MPa. Most likely, this resulted from higher and n in separate plants and cells to derive i/i.
concentrations of Cl" and N a + in ridge compared to Together, the results show that the differences in turgor
trough cells (Fricke et al., 1996). The difference between between cell types are accompanied by only very small
ridge- (higher n) and interstomatal-cell n was less pro- differences (0.01-0.04 MPa) in </.. Instead, they reflect
nounced and less often significant than the differences mainly differences in n and, therefore, ultimately, differ-
between ridge- and trough-cell -n. This is in line with ences in the cell's solute supply or ability to accumulate
previous results (Fricke et al., 1996). However, in the and maintain Cl~ and K + (control plants) or Cl~, Na +
previous study, ridge-cell -n was mostly slightly lower than and NO 3 " (NaCl-treatment). Intercellular differences in
interstomatal-cell TT, whereas in the present study it was apoplastic transpiration tension or solute potential seem
mostly higher. This may indicate that, during NaCl to be far less important. (It is assumed that reflection
treatment, the barley cultivar 'Golf studied here has a coefficients for osmolytes are close to one and comparable
higher capacity for accumulation of Cl~ and N a + in between cell types.) The results are in line with the findings
ridge cells or a lower capacity for accumulation of C\~ of two other studies where intercellular gradients in turgor
and Na + , or maintenance of NO 3 ~ in interstomatal cells and similar-sized gradients in n reflected the proximity of
than the previously studied cultivar 'Klaxon'. cells to the source of solutes (Meshcheryakov et al., 1992)
Epidermal-cell turgor: Nonami et al. (1990), studying or the site where water was ultrafiltrated into the xylem
the water relations of Tradescantia leaves, found consist- (Zimmermann et al., 1992). In contrast, Nonami et al.
ent, though non-significant differences in turgor between (1990) studying Tradescantia leaves observed that turgor
subsidiary cells and other (unspecified) epidermal cells. differences between subsidiary and other epidermal cells
Shackei and Brinckmann (1985) reported for the same were accompanied by differences in </i in the range of
species that there were no consistent differences in turgor 0.1-0.2 MPa.
between ridge and trough cells and between cells located The type of turgor variation observed within ridge
at contrasting distances from stomata. This is in sharp regions where cells differed in turgor occasionally by
contrast to the present findings on barley and points to 0.1-0.16 MPa, even in neighbouring positions, seems to
a basic difference in the epidermal water and solute be random and comparable to the kind of turgor variation
relations between the two species. noted for cells of other tissues (Steudle et al., 1980; Tomos
Turgor in leaf epidermal cells 55

1.0 NaCI 1.0

0.S 0-8 S „

c(T,/i- 109 . ©-• £ I a
- "^
S •.
0.4 0.4 E —
o, • rldga call M
a, • trough call
0.2 •
0.0 1

Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2019

\TU1- 107 • ^^A
0.6 A
rldga call
* trough call

-20 -10 10 20 30 40 50

Time, min

Fig. 7. Short-term response in turgor, osmotic pressure and water potential in leaf epidermal cells of barley to the addition of 100 mM NaCI to the
medium. Each symbol represents the turgor (A), osmotic pressure (A) and inferred water potential (B) for a separate ridge or trough cell. During
each cell analysis, turgor was measured immediately before cell sap was extracted for determination of osmotic pressure and calculation of i/>. For
better visual comparsion, curves were fitted by first order (osmotic pressure) or third order (turgor, water potential) polynoms (dotted lines); 7*1/2
was calculated from curve fits for mono-exponential decline plus residual.

et al., 1981; Steudle and Jeschke, 1983; Malone and ences in </i between cell types are transpiration-induced,
Tomos, 1992; Frensch and Hsiao, 1994). The proximity then the finding that >p is lowest in trough cells indicates
of ridge cells to stomata or bundle sheath extension did that interstomatal cells are lined at their inner walls with
not affect turgor. Similarity, trough-cell turgor showed a cuticle as observed in Tradescantia (Nonami et al., 1990)
no obvious dependency on the proximity to stomata (not and that the transpiration tension in the apoplast is highest
shown). Thus, there may be at least three 'units' of turgor in trough cells. The difference between barley and
relations within the upper epidermis of barley leaves: Tradescantia leaves concerning << / gradients may partly
the ridge-, the trough- and the interstomatal-cell unit result from the generally slower Tl/2 of water exchange in
(other peristomatal cells and guard cells were not epidermal cells of Tradescantia (Tomos et al., 1981;
considered). Tyerman and Steudle, 1982) compared to barley (Table 2).
Epidermal-cell i/i: Differences in if> between and within
non-growing leaf tissues have been reported for Short-term regulation of epidermal-cell turgor, and T1/2 of
Tradescantia and explained by the existence of transpir- water flux equilibrium
ation-induced </r gradients (Frensch and Schulze, 1988;
Nonami et al., 1990). However, in the present study there The response of epidermal cell turgor to a sudden change
were no systematic differences in 0 between epidermal cell in external </r (Fig. 6) suggested that changes in the cell's
types and regions. The difference in i/> between cells (vacuolar) solute content do not contribute to the turgor
obtained from calculation of I/I from combined analyses of response and that differences in I/I between ridge and
turgor and n ranged between 0.01 and 0.04 MPa (Fig. 5B) trough cells are at any time negligibly small. These
and was statistically non-significant. A too low transpir- assumptions were proved correct by an experiment in
ation rate as a reason for missing epidermal <p gradients is which turgor and -n (and inferred </«) were determined in
very unlikely. Even under low PAR where plants were the same leaf and cells following addition of NaCI
likely to transpire the least in the present study, the (Fig. 7). While turgor and <> / decreased by about 0.4 MPa,
'remaining' transpiration rate was still high enough to and with a similar TU2, -n remained almost constant
lower epidermal cell turgor by 0.2 MPa (compared to (<0.015 MPa increase). This also indicates that cell volu-
turgor at no transpiration; Fig. 6F). If the small differ- metric elastic modulus remained almost unchanged.
56 Fricke

The Tl/2 for local water flux equilibrium in the cells plants was only 46 s (Table 2). This shows that under the
studied was between 0.7-1.7 s (Table 2) and, thus, one conditions tested, control of stomatal aperture (water
to two orders of magnitudes smaller (faster) than the T1/2 loss) is the time-limiting process for water flux- and, thus,
for epidermal turgor relaxations at plant level (Table 2). turgor- and i/i-equilibration in the leaf epidermis of barley
This shows that water flux equilibration in the leaf (see also Fig. 6A, C). This may be a direct consequence
epidermis of barley is not time-limited by the water of the initial, non-controllable and 'counteracting', hydro-
exchange properties of epidermal cells. Falk (1966) passive movement of guard cells. The Tl/2 of 46 s is 2-17
observed that following addition of 100 mM NaCl to the times smaller than the Tl/2 obtained for excised barley
root medium of wheat, water uptake dropped within roots using the root pressure probe (Steudle and Jeschke,
seconds and recovered within the following 15 min; 1983). This points to a difference in hydraulic properties
transpirational water loss also responded within seconds, between roots of intact plants and excised roots.
slowly increased during the following 5 min and decreased The turgor of a ridge cell next (axially or laterally) to
thereafter such that, after 12-20 min, it balanced water a previously punctured ridge cell was not obviously lower

Downloaded from by guest on 17 January 2019

uptake almost perfectly. Thus, the T1/2 of 162 s (Table 2) than the turgor in that previously punctured cell: (i)
for thej turgor relaxation reported here following addition always, provided that at least 8-10 min were between the
of 100 mM NaCl reflects a mixture of root-water uptake two turgor measurements, but (ii) even sometimes when
and stomatal responses. The latter seems to involve (i) the second cell was probed within the following 20 s (low
an early hydropassive opening stage which is due to the PAR conditions; not shown). This indicates that there is
removal of backpressure exerted from the surrounding very little symplasmic hydraulic contact between adjacent
epidermis on guard cells (Franks et ai, 1995; Raschke, ridge cells. If so, \\> of ridge (and trough and inter-
1970; Dewar, 1995) and is represented by the initial stomatal ?) cells would equilibrate through the apoplast
increase in transpirational water loss in Falk's experiments (short Ti/2) or a symplasmic mesophyll connection.
(Falk, 1996; see also Malone, 1992); and (ii) a Mate'
(after 5-12 min) active closing stage which involves solute
Effect of 100 mM NaCl on epidermal cell turgor, n and v|/
movement across guard cell membranes (Raschke, 1970).
Consequently, removal of NaCl may cause an early During long-term treatment of plants with 100 mM NaCl,
closing and a late active opening stage. the ifi change in the medium caused by addition of NaCl
NaCl was added to plants kept at >94% RH, or with (c. -0.45 MPa) resulted in a nearly equivalent change in
(all) leaves covered in stopcock grease. The Tl/2 in those leaf-epidermal tp (c. -0.38 MPa). This was mainly due to

Table 2. Half times (T 1/2 ) of water flux equilibrium of (A) individual epidermal cells and (B) the hydraulic continuum between root,
xylem, leaf epidermis, and stomatal pore
Half-times of water flux equilibrium of individual cells were obtained by pressure relaxations using the pressure probe. For each
cell two Tl/2 determinations were carried out, one from endosmotic and one from exosmotic water flows. Results are presented as
means ± S D of 22-32 determinations per cell type. Third or fourth leaves were analysed, between 2 d preceding and 3 d following
full expansion, and NaCl plants were exposed for 3-9 d prior to analysis to 100 mM NaCl. Half-times of water flux equilibrium
of the hydraulic continuum between root, xylem, leaf epidermis, and stomatal pore were calculated from curves (mono-exponential
change plus residual) fitted to epidermal turgor relaxations obtained during short-term imposed changes in external 0; results are
presented as means ± S D of (n) experiments and the range of Tl/2 is given in '[ ]'.

Treatment/Experiment TUi

(A) TV2 of individual cells

R-cells TR-cells IS-cells

Control-plants 0.74 ±0.12 1.31 ±0.30 0.78±0.18
lOOmM NaCl-plants 0.89±0.22 1.70 ±0.42 not analysed

(B) Tu2 of hydraulic continuum between root, xylem, leaf epidermis, and stomata
Addition of NaCl to medium (c. 34% RH) 162 ±42 (6) [96; 228]
(£94% RH) 47±6(3) [45. 50]
(leaf greased)' 46(1)
Removal of NaCl from medium (c. 34% RH) 198±24 (3) [174; 216]
Increase in RH from 34 to 2: 94% 54±6(3) [48; 57]
Sudden drop in RH from 100% to 34%
Initial turgor drop 78(1)
Subsequent turgor recovery 858±156(6) [618; 1008]
'Leaf covered in stopcock grease prior to addition of 100 mM NaCl
Turgor in leaf epidermal cells 57

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to 100 mM NaCl, changes in epidermal turgor seemed Franks PJ, Cowan IR, Tyerman SD, Cleary AL, Lloyd J,
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E). However, this was rather coincidental since the recov-
Environment 18, 795-800.
ery decreased with increasing RH to 48+17% (means Frensch J, Hsiao TC. 1994. Transient responses of cell turgor
± S D of eight experiments at 94% RH; see also Fig. 6F, and growth of maize roots affected by changes in water
and Thiel et al., 1988). Assuming that the pressure change potential. Plant Physiology 104, 246-54.
in root-xylem transmitted quantitatively into a change in Frensch J, Schulze E-D. 1988. The effect of humidity and light
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leaves of Tradescantia virginiana L. Planta 173, 554-62.
coefficient for NaCl of 0.48. This value is very similar to
Fricke W, Hinde PS, Leigh RA, Tomos AD. 1995. Vacuolar
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roots (Steudle and Jeschke, 1983; Steudle 1993) and the differences follow patterns. Planta 196, 40—9.
xylem pressure probe on intact plants (Zhu et al., 1995). Fricke W, Leigh RA, Tomos AD. 1994. Concentrations of
In conclusion, the present study on the upper epidermis inorganic and organic solutes in extracts from individual
of barley leaves shows that the previously reported sys- epidermal, mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells of barley leaves.
Planta 192, 310-16.
tematic heterogeneity in solute concentrations (Fricke Fricke W, Leigh RA, Tomos AD. 1996. The intercellular
et al., 1995, 1996; Hinde, 1994) between ridge, trough distribution of vacuolar solutes in the epidermis and meso-
and interstomatal cells (and regions) is accompanied by phyll of barley leaves changes in response to NaCl. Journal
a systematic heterogeneity in turgor. In addition, n can of Experimental Botany 47', 1413-26.
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similar. Within ridge regions, where cells do not differ
Husken D, Steudle E, Zimmennann U. 1978. Pressure probe
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1995), there is no systematic difference in cell turgor plants. Plant Physiology 61, 158-63.
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Acknowledgements 182, 199-203.
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This work was supported by a guest-researcher grant from the water potential in elongating pea stem by pressure probe and
Swedish Forest and Agricultural Reseach Council (SJFR). picolitre osmometry. Journal of Experimental Botany 255,
Wieland Fricke would like to thank Jeremy Pritchard 1325-31.
(Birmingham, UK), Paul Richardson and Peter Hinde (Bangor, Meshcheryakov A, Steudle E, Komor E. 1992. Gradients of
UK) for teaching him the use of the pressure probe and turgor, osmotic pressure, and water potential in the cortex of
picolitre osmometer. Particular thanks go to Jurgen Frensch the hypocotyl of growing Ricinus seedlings. Plant Physiology
(Bayreuth, Germany) and Deri Tomos (Bangor, UK) for their 98, 840-52.
very helpful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. Nobel PS. 1991. Physicochemical and environmental plant
physiology. San Diego: Academic Press, 545.
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