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UNIT 2 Forum worksheet


During the last years Finland has come to be on the top of quality education in the world.
On the other hand, the quality education in Colombia, according with international tests
like PISA, is among the lowests.

1. Read the following extract about Finnish education.

A few years ago I started hearing about Finland’s crazy success within the
educational system. Finnish students have some of the best test scores in
the world. Teachers love working there, and they are well paid. But children don’t
even begin school until they are seven-years-old.
Schools in Finland focus on learning that is relaxing and stress-free. Learning
is a collaboration between students and teachers. Students don’t have
homework and they have very few standardized tests. Outdoors is an
extension to indoor teaching, not exclusive of it. There are hourly breaks where
the children have recess. Classrooms are filled with natural light and fresh air.
Students and teachers don’t wear shoes indoors, and the classroom is a place
of peace.
Adapted from:
UNIT 2 Forum worksheet

Useful vocabulary 2. What would make education in Colombia

better? Think and write on the forum 5
 There are too many
suggestions to make education in Colombia
 There is too much
better. Don’t forget to include the useful
 There should be more
 There should be less
 There should be fewer
 We have enough Example: In Colombia, there should be more
 We don’t have enough schools.
In Colombia, there should be less

3. On the forum, give your opinion on your classmate’s suggestions about education in

Maria: “There should be less homework.”

Pedro: “I think, it shouldn’t be less homework because homework

helps us to understand the class topics”.

5 suggestions to make education in Colombia better:
*In Colombia there should be more homeworks, because at the childrens help them
to train with the topics that they have seen in the day.
*In Colombia there should be more activities in the classroom’s hours ´cause the
childrens need to practice with the situations where they can catch up better scores
in the examn.
*In Colombia there should be more Pre-icfes tests for the students from the schools
In Colombia there aren´too many subjects that it shouldn´t be neccesarys for the
examns like Etica y Valores, Orientacion and religion.

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