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alert('SUBSCRIBE : DipawTopia','Oke')

gg.toast('DipawTopia FarmerPack')
print('Creator :DipawTopia')


print('Like comment subscribe')

--Game guardian detection

if gg.isVisible(true) then
goto start


menu =
gg.choice({'>1Hit Flamet','1Hit pickaxe','Chicken Plow','Rayman','sorrow','Fuel

if menu == 1 then goto ft end

if menu == 2 then goto pk end
if menu == 3 then goto wait end
if menu == 4 then goto Tambahan end
if menu == 5 then goto sorrow end
if menu == 6 then goto fuelp end
if menu == nil then goto exit end
if menu == nil then goto exit end


ft1 = gg.choice({'>Already Use The Flamethrower','>Not Yet Using The


if ft1 == 1 then goto flame end

if ft1 == 2 then goto pakai end
if ft1 == 3 then goto start end

if ft1 == nil then goto exit end

gg.alert('Indonesia : Pakai Dulu Sana //////// English : Use It First')


gg.searchNumber("1748;1748;1748", gg.TYPE_WORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
t= gg.getResults(3) --load items))
t[1].value = "5480"
t[2].value = "5480"
t[3].value = "5480"
t[1].freeze = true
t[2].freeze = true
t[3].freeze = true
t[1].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[2].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[3].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
print("addListItems:", gg.addListItems(t))
goto flame1


gg.alert('Indonesia : Lepas Dan Pakai Flamethrower Sampai Keluar Pet Raymannya Lalu
Tekan Tahan Ke Sisi Terdekat Dan Seret Ke Tombol Loncat ///////// English :
Release And Use Flamethrower Until Exit Pet Rayman Then Press Hold To The Nearest
Side And Drag To Jump Button','Understand')

gg.alert('Indonesia: Kamu Diberi Waktu 20 Detik /////// English: You are given 20

gg.sleep(20000) --Waiting 20 seconds

goto pilih


gg. alert('Butuh Waktu Tambahan? //////Need extra time?','Next')

pilih1 = gg.choice({'>I Need 20 Seconds More','I Need 10 Seconds More','I am


if pilih1 == 1 then goto tmbh end

if pilih1 == 2 then goto tmbh1 end
if pilih1 == 3 then goto flame2 end
if pilih1 == nil then goto exit end


gg.sleep(20000) --Waiting 20 seconds

goto pilih


gg.sleep(10000) --Waiting 10 seconds

goto pilih


gg.alert('Select effect','Okay')

efek = gg.choice({'>Ring Of Force','>Normal'})

if efek == 1 then goto rof end

if efek == 2 then goto nl end
if efek == nil then goto exit end


t= gg.getResults(3) --load items))

t[1].value = "6086"
t[2].value = "6086"
t[3].value = "6086"
t[1].freeze = true
t[2].freeze = true
t[3].freeze = true
t[1].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[2].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[3].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
print( "addListItems:", gg.addListItems(t))
goto flame3


gg.sleep(5000) --Waiting 5 seconds

t= gg.getResults(3) --load items))

t[1].value = "6086"
t[2].value = "6086"
t[3].value = "1874"
t[1].freeze = true
t[2].freeze = true
t[3].freeze = true
t[1].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[2].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[3].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
print( "addListItems:", gg.addListItems(t))
goto done



t= gg.getResults(3) --load items))

t[1].value = "6086"
t[2].value = "6086"
t[3].value = "6086"
t[1].freeze = false
t[2].freeze = false
t[3].freeze = false
print( "addListItems:", gg.addListItems(t))
goto nl1


gg.sleep(5000) --Waiting 5 seconds

t= gg.getResults(3) --load items))
t[1].value = "6086"
t[2].value = "6086"
t[3].value = "6086"
t[1].freeze = true
t[2].freeze = true
t[3].freeze = true
t[1].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[2].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[3].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
print( "addListItems:", gg.addListItems(t))
goto done


gg.alert('Your 1 Hit Is Active. If Your 1 Hit Inactive, try restoring the Game
Guardian and try again','Okay')


pk1 = gg.choice({'>Already Use The Pickaxe','>Not using pickaxe yet','>BACK<'})

if pk1 == 1 then goto pick end

if pk1 == 2 then goto pakai end
if pk1 == 3 then goto start end
if pk1 == nil then goto exit end

gg.searchNumber('98;98;98', gg.TYPE_WORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
gg.alert('Indonesia: Lepas Pickaxe ///// English: Remove Pickaxe')
gg.sleep(5000) --Waiting 5 seconds
gg.searchNumber('0',gg.TYPE_WORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0,-1)
t= gg.getResults(3) --load items))
t[1].value = "5480"
t[2].value = "5480"
t[3].value = "5480"
t[1].freeze = true
t[2].freeze = true
t[3].freeze = true
t[1].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NO
t[2].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[3].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
print("addListItems:", gg.addListItems(t))
goto dipaw


gg.alert('Indonesia : Lepas Dan Pakai Pickaxe Sampai Keluar Pet Raymannya Lalu
Tekan Tahan Ke Sisi Terdekat Dan Seret Ke Tombol Loncat //////// English : Release
And Use Flamethrower Until Exit Pet Rayman Then Press Hold To The Nearest Side And
Drag To Jump Button','Understand')

gg.alert('Indonesia: Kamu Diberi Waktu 20 Detik /////// English: You are given 20

gg.sleep(20000) --Waiting 20 seconds

goto fly


gg. alert('Butuh Waktu Tambahan? ///// Need extra time?','Next')

pilih2 = gg.choice({'>I Need 20 Seconds More','>I Need 10 Seconds More','>I am


if pilih2 == 1 then goto tmbh2 end

if pilih2 == 2 then goto tmbh3 end
if pilih2 == 3 then goto pick1 end


gg.sleep(20000) --Waiting 20 seconds

goto fly

gg.sleep(10000) --Waiting 10 seconds

goto fly


gg.alert('Select Effect','Okay')

efek1 = gg.choice({'>Ring Of Force','Normal'})

if efek1 == 1 then goto roff end

if efek1 == 2 then goto nm end
if efek1 == nil then goto exit end


t= gg.getResults(3) --load items))

t[1].value = "3274"
t[2].value = "3274"
t[3].value = "3274"
t[1].freeze = true
t[2].freeze = true
t[3].freeze = true
t[1].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[2].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[3].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
print("addListItems:", gg.addListItems(t))
goto roff1

t= gg.getResults(3) --load items))
t[1].value = "3274"
t[2].value = "3274"
t[3].value = "1874"
t[1].freeze = true
t[2].freeze = true
t[3].freeze = true
t[1].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[2].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[3].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
print("addListItems:", gg.addListItems(t))
goto done

t= gg.getResults(3) --load items))
t[1].value = "3274"
t[2].value = "3274"
t[3].value = "3274"
t[1].freeze = false
t[2].freeze = false
t[3].freeze = false
print("addListItems:", gg.addListItems(t))
goto nm1


t= gg.getResults(3) --load items))

t[1].value = "3274"
t[2].value = "3274"
t[3].value = "3274"
t[1].freeze = true
t[2].freeze = true
t[3].freeze = true
t[1].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[2].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[3].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
print("addListItems:", gg.addListItems(t))
goto done

al=gg.alert('Did you already wear your airobs?','YES','NO')
if al == 1 then goto hit end
if al == 2 then goto waits end
if al == 3 then goto rayman end
if al == 4 then goto waiting end
if al == nil then goto wait end

gg.toast('5 Second to use airobs')
goto wait

gg.searchNumber('125F;496', gg.TYPE_WORD)
gr = gg.getResults(280)
gr[2].value = '5022'
gr[2].freeze = true
gr[3].value = '5022'
gr[3].freeze = true
gr[4].value = '5022'
gr[4].freeze = true
crn = gg.alert('Selamat Hack Telah aktif jangan lupa subscribe dipawtopia','OKAY')
gg.editAll('5022', gg.TYPE_WORD)
gg.toast('subscribe dipawtopia')
goto done

al=gg.alert('Did you already wear your pickaxe?','YES','NO')
if menu == 1 then goto waiting end
if menu == 2 then goto rayman end
if menu == nil then goto exit end

gg.toast('5 Second to use pickaxe')
goto rayman

gg.searchNumber('98;98;98', gg.TYPE_WORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
gg.alert('Indonesia: Lepas Pickaxe ///// English: Remove Pickaxe')
gg.sleep(5000) --Waiting 5 seconds
gg.searchNumber('0',gg.TYPE_WORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0,-1)
t= gg.getResults(3) --load items))
t[1].value = "5480"
t[2].value = "5480"
t[3].value = "5480"
t[1].freeze = true
t[2].freeze = true
t[3].freeze = true
t[1].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NO
t[2].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
t[3].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL
print("addListItems:", gg.addListItems(t))
goto mantul


gg.alert('Indonesia : Lepas Dan Pakai Flamethrower Sampai Keluar Pet Raymannya Lalu
Tekan Tahan Ke Sisi Terdekat Dan Seret Ke Tombol Loncat //////// English : Release
And Use Flamethrower Until Exit Pet Rayman Then Press Hold To The Nearest Side And
Drag To Jump Button','Understand')

gg.sleep(20000) --Waiting 20 seconds

goto mantap


gg.alert('Selamat Hack Telah Aktif Hati Hati dalam menggunakannya SUBSCRIBE


al=gg.alert('Did you already wear your airobs?','YES','NO')
if menu == 1 then goto srw end
if menu == 2 then goto wcw end
if menu == nil then goto exit end

gg.toast('5 Second to use airobs')
goto srw

gg.searchNumber('125F;496', gg.TYPE_WORD)
gr = gg.getResults(940)
gr[2].value = '1966'
gr[2].freeze = true
gr[3].value = '1966'
gr[3].freeze = true
gr[4].value = '1966'
gr[4].freeze = true
crn = gg.alert('Selamat Hack Telah aktif jangan lupa subscribe dipawtopia','OKAY')
gg.editAll('1966', gg.TYPE_WORD)
gg.toast('subscribe dipawtopia')
goto done

al=gg.alert('Did you already wear your ripper?','YES','NO')
if menu == 1 then goto tfp end
if menu == 2 then goto wcwc end
if menu == nil then goto exit end

gg.toast('5 Second to use airobs')
goto tfp

gg.searchNumber('125F;818', gg.TYPE_WORD)
gr = gg.getResults(94)
gr[2].value = '1746'
gr[2].freeze = true
gr[3].value = '1746'
gr[3].freeze = true
gr[4].value = '1746'
gr[4].freeze = true
crn = gg.alert('Selamat Hack Telah aktif jangan lupa subscribe dipawtopia','OKAY')
gg.editAll('1746', gg.TYPE_WORD)
gg.toast('subscribe dipawtopia')
goto done

print('Thx For Ussing My Script bye')
gg.alert('subcribe dipawtopia','Oke')

print('update your GameGuardian')
gg.toast('GG not support')

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