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item # Priority Source Topic Location & Issue Comments

1 1 FK email 1. phone line front gate 1. J&B was awarded the contract for the phone line repair. Work Completed.
replacement 2. New Com was awarded the contract for the new controller. Work scheduled for
2. New Controller 5/2/19 at 10:00 am. Chelscey & Sophie will be present for the training.
Sophie scheduled to P/U ck on Thursday 5/2
2 1 LL List repair water proofing At No. wall of 101/395 Water damage to Dino & Fred are soliciting bids
and damage unit due to water intrusion from planter

3 1 Sophie e Annual power- Court yard and ground level patio drains are Needs further review. Problem should be professionally addressed. With the large trees
mail jetted/washing of all obviously plugged and not draining properly. in the path of the drain lines they may be cracked, have reverse flow in sections & get
drains clogged with tree roots.
Problem under review by Maintenance Committee
4 1 Sophie e Down spouts & gutters Maintenance committee recommends replacement of all leaking and rusted downspouts
mail leaking and gutters. Estimates need to be obtained. Get agreement on how many need to be
Bid being solicited by Committee

5 1 LL List Place wire mesh over 5 grates in inner courtyard In November 2018, a rep. from Vector Control came to Oakland Towers to assess the
grates (mosquito (Should be a routine maintenance item) situation. Her recommendation: install fine screens (criss-cross pattern) over all drain
control) openings in the Common Area. (per sophie email, 3/2/19)
UPDATE 4/25/2019: Vector Control Rep on site 4/17/19 & found "immature
mosquitoes" in two drains. Recommended window screen mesh at drains. Possible fines
of upto $1,000.00/day.
Mosquitoe pellets have been placed in drains; Committee will install screen before next

6 1 395 under cabinets #27-32 in carport

7 1 395 area around water heater vent at exit to
8 1 395 pillars on the outside of lobby
9 1 395 on the side (under window) of 395-101
(12 feet)
10 1 385 wall below 101 (25 feet x 2 feet high)
11 1 385 pillars in front of lobby entrance 7 feet
and 3 feet
12 1 385 carport 303
13 1 stucco repair 395 NE wall of 101 (21 by 14 inches high)
14 1 LL List electrical outlet for Exterior entry to 395 Bldg
sump pump


item # Priority Source Topic Location & Issue Comments

15 1 Sophie Tree Trimming Jacaranda tree and pine trees located at the UPDATE 4/23/19: Received 2 bids, Johnson Tree Service was low bidder. Work
e-mail south building are trimmed every 2-3 yrs. completed & paid. CLOSED
Done in Jan 2017 (?) Courtyard trees and
those on ground floor owners' patios have Need to establish a 3 year trimming schedule
been getting trimmed annually. Done in
March 2018
16 1 Sophie e Water 385 & 395 Roofs Dino will have the responsibility of cleaning the gutters weekly & the awnings bi-monthly
mail ponding/pooling on Routine maitenance item done by the gardener at the additional fee of $100.00/mo.
the roof during rains
17 1 Sump pumps operational & routine maintenance
18 2 LL List insulation of hot water 395 insulation to hot water line in front of
line 395 building (94 feet X 2 pieces (replace)

19 2 LL List 385 insulation of hot water line in front of

385 building 98 feet X 2 (replace)
20 2 LL List Dryer Vents 395 dryer vents disconnected. Needs to be
reconnected. Dryer vent, 2 pieces to be
21 2 LL List 385 dryer vent 15 feet with 2 elbows to be
22 2 LL List inner courtyard back need latch for back gate
23 2 LL List Pedestrian gate (soft Needs to be replaced (repair latch)
24 2 Fred Structure support of Temporary structural supports need to be
carport replaced with permanent structure.
25 2 Fred Exterior door from Door is seriously deteriorated and needs
roof into stairwell replaced ( should be a HM door)
26 3 LL List Baseboards in carports 395 replace or repair baseboard files in back
(?) exit to carport
27 3 3 grates in exit needs a thorough cleaning out
28 3 LL List inner courtyard 15 pieces need to be repainted Committee has obtained a quote to sand blast, powder coat primer, powder coat paint
furniture & replace glides as necessary for the 15 pcs of courtyard furniture. Cost includes P/U &
delivery. Cost: $1,880.00.
Cost to replace similar pieces is estimated to be approximately $5,769.00 base on the
estimates for the pool furniture.


item # Priority Source Topic Location & Issue Comments

29 3 Sophie Replacing the sprinkler (what is the issue with the existing?) This item has been cancelled. CLOSED
e mail heads
30 3 Sophie e Potential structural Both buildings Suggest for Association wait until Pasadena passes ordnance so we will know what code
mail retrofitting to comply with.
UPDATE 4/24/19: Simon clarified that the City only observed structures from the street,
not from the back side parking. The buildings are not currently listed as a soft structure.
It is a suggestion by the Committee to have a Structural Engineering firm review the
plans for verification if the two towers are or will be concidered 'Soft Structures"

31 3 Sophie e Painting of building The Board feels the gutter repairs & ground floor exterior walls (stucco) are more
mail pressing issues needing attention before this gets done. This item will remain on list as
32 3 Lawn lights Issue??__
33 3 Carpet cleaning Old Business 5.7
34 3 controllers No. & So. Vehicle entrances Vehicle gate entrances: it has been suggested that the original controllers be updated.
35 3 Phones in elevators Both towers There are no emergency phones in the elevators. Bldgs were built prior to Code

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