Ap Stats Project

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2nd Semester Term Project

Anonymous Stevenson High School Students Survey

Does playing a high school sport effect your GPA?

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4

Plays/played a High School Sport. Sport Does not play a high school sport.
1 3.98 Dance 3.88
2 3.86 Baseball 3.82
3 3.81 Baseball 3.70
4 3.53 Baseball 3.51
5 3.55 Soccer 3.08
6 4.08 Dance 3.29
7 3.42 Baseball 3.47
8 3.41 Baseball 3.72
9 3.18 Baseball 2.52
10 4.06 Tennis 2.73
11 3.98 Baseball 3.50
12 2.92 Lacrosse 2.46
13 3.31 Lacrosse 3.81
14 3.00 Lacrosse 3.63
15 3.65 Lacrosse 3.48
16 3.34 Lacrosse 3.61
17 3.54 Soccer 3.33
18 3.51 Football 4.04
19 3.00 Football 3.86
20 3.90 Dance 3.65
21 3.66 Volleyball 4.01
22 3.74 Baseball 3.00
23 3.10 Wrestling 3.52
24 3.50 Football 3.23
25 3.41 Football 3.90
26 3.15 Soccer 3.93
27 3.85 Soccer 3.73
28 3.26 Swim 3.49
29 2.46 Lacrosse 3.30
30 3.60 Baseball 2.85
31 3.12 Football 4.06
32 3.64 Soccer 3.57
33 3.72 Track 4.04
34 3.43 Basketball 3.78
35 3.45 Track 2.80
36 3.84 Baseball 3.50
37 2.14 Football 4.06
38 3.91 Baseball 3.72
39 3.63 Baseball 3.69
40 3.67 Baseball 3.10
41 3.51 Baseball 3.37
42 3.25 Baseball 3.02
43 3.87 Baseball 3.51
44 3.95 Baseball 3.33
45 3.66 Baseball 3.69
46 3.58 Soccer 2.72
47 3.52 Football 3.60
48 3.78 Baseball 3.13
49 4.01 Dance 3.45
50 3.66 Lacrosse 2.14
Design: Asked 50 student athletes at Stevenson High School. Asked sophomores, juniors and senior
Running a 2 sample t test.

Null Hypothesis- Playing a high school sport does not effect a student's GPA
Alternative Hypothesis- Playing a high school sport effects a student's GPA

SRS- used convience sampling
Normality- both data sets have a sample size of 30
Independence- N(1)> 10(50)
N(2)> 10(50)
there are more than 500 students at Stevenson High School


Conclusion- Since the pvalue= .375, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Playing a high school sport does not effect a student's GPA.
phomores, juniors and seniors.

venson High School

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