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Vol. 55, No. 5, May 2009, pp. 798–812 doi 10.1287/mnsc.1080.0986

issn 0025-1909  eissn 1526-5501  09  5505  0798 © 2009 INFORMS

A Generalized Approach to Portfolio Optimization:

Improving Performance by Constraining
Portfolio Norms
Victor DeMiguel
London Business School, London NW1 4SA, United Kingdom,

Lorenzo Garlappi
McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712,

Francisco J. Nogales
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 28911 Leganes, Madrid, Spain,

Raman Uppal
London Business School, London NW1 4SA, United Kingdom,

W e provide a general framework for finding portfolios that perform well out-of-sample in the presence of
estimation error. This framework relies on solving the traditional minimum-variance problem but subject to
the additional constraint that the norm of the portfolio-weight vector be smaller than a given threshold. We show
that our framework nests as special cases the shrinkage approaches of Jagannathan and Ma (Jagannathan, R.,
T. Ma. 2003. Risk reduction in large portfolios: Why imposing the wrong constraints helps. J. Finance 58 1651–
1684) and Ledoit and Wolf (Ledoit, O., M. Wolf. 2003. Improved estimation of the covariance matrix of stock
returns with an application to portfolio selection. J. Empirical Finance 10 603–621, and Ledoit, O., M. Wolf. 2004.
A well-conditioned estimator for large-dimensional covariance matrices. J. Multivariate Anal. 88 365–411) and
the 1/N portfolio studied in DeMiguel et al. (DeMiguel, V., L. Garlappi, R. Uppal. 2009. Optimal versus naive
diversification: How inefficient is the 1/N portfolio strategy? Rev. Financial Stud. 22 1915–1953). We also use
our framework to propose several new portfolio strategies. For the proposed portfolios, we provide a moment-
shrinkage interpretation and a Bayesian interpretation where the investor has a prior belief on portfolio weights
rather than on moments of asset returns. Finally, we compare empirically the out-of-sample performance of the
new portfolios we propose to 10 strategies in the literature across five data sets. We find that the norm-constrained
portfolios often have a higher Sharpe ratio than the portfolio strategies in Jagannathan and Ma (2003), Ledoit
and Wolf (2003, 2004), the 1/N portfolio, and other strategies in the literature, such as factor portfolios.
Key words: portfolio choice; covariance matrix estimation; estimation error; shrinkage estimator; norm
History: Received July 14, 2007; accepted November 28, 2008, by David A. Hsieh, finance. Published online in
Articles in Advance March 6, 2009.

1. Introduction work for determining portfolios with superior out-

Markowitz (1952) showed that an investor who cares of-sample performance in the presence of estimation
only about the mean and variance of static portfo- error. This general framework relies on solving the
lio returns should hold a portfolio on the efficient traditional minimum-variance problem (based on the
frontier. To implement these portfolios in practice, sample covariance matrix) but subject to the addi-
one needs to estimate the means and covariances of tional constraint that the norm of the portfolio-weight
asset returns. Traditionally, the sample means and vector be smaller than a given threshold.
covariances have been used for this purpose. But It is well known that it is more difficult to estimate
due to estimation error, the portfolios that rely on means than covariances of asset returns (see Merton
the sample estimates typically perform poorly out of 1980) and also that errors in estimates of means have a
sample.1 In this paper, we provide a general frame-
larger impact on portfolio weights than errors in esti-
mates of covariances. For this reason, recent academic
For evidence of the poor performance of the Markowitz portfo-
research has focused on minimum-variance portfo-
lio based on sample estimates of means and covariances, see Frost
and Savarino (1986, 1988), Michaud (1989), Best and Grauer (1991), lios, which rely solely on estimates of covariances
Chopra and Ziemba (1993), Broadie (1993), and Litterman (2003). and thus are less vulnerable to estimation error than
DeMiguel et al.: Constraining Portfolio Norms
Management Science 55(5), pp. 798–812, © 2009 INFORMS 799

mean-variance portfolios.2 Indeed, extensive empirical [covariance matrices] constructed using factor mod-
evidence shows that the minimum-variance portfolio els, shrinkage estimators or daily returns” (p. 1654).
usually performs better out of sample than any other Finally, DeMiguel et al. (2009) demonstrate that even
mean-variance portfolio—even when using a perfor- constraining shortsales may not mitigate completely
mance measure that depends on both the portfolio the error in estimating the covariance matrix, and thus
mean and variance. For example, Jagannathan and Ma an investor may be better off (in terms of Sharpe ratio,
(2003, pp. 1652–1653) report:3 certainty-equivalent returns, and turnover) ignoring
The estimation error in the sample mean is so large data on asset returns altogether and using the naive
nothing much is lost in ignoring the mean altogether 1/N rule to allocate an equal proportion of wealth
when no further information about the population across each of the N assets.
mean is available. For example, the global minimum In this paper, we develop a new approach for deter-
variance portfolio has as large an out-of-sample Sharpe mining the optimal portfolio weights in the pres-
ratio as other efficient portfolios when past histori-
ence of estimation error. Following Brandt (1999) and
cal average returns are used as proxies for expected
returns. In view of this we focus our attention on Britten-Jones (1999), we treat the weights rather than
global minimum variance portfolios in this study. the moments of asset returns as the objects of interest
to be estimated. So rather than shrinking the moments
Just like Jagannathan and Ma (2003), we too focus of asset returns, we introduce the constraint that the
on minimum-variance portfolios, even though the norm of the portfolio-weight vector be smaller than a
general framework we develop applies also to mean- given threshold.
variance portfolios. But even the performance of
Our paper contributes to the literature on optimal
the minimum-variance portfolio depends crucially
portfolio choice in the presence of estimation error
on the quality of the estimated covariances, and
in several ways. First, we show that our framework
although the estimation error associated with the
nests as special cases the shrinkage approaches of
sample covariances is smaller than that for sample
Jagannathan and Ma (2003) and Ledoit and Wolf
mean returns, it can still be substantial.
In the literature, several approaches have been pro- (2003, 2004). In particular, we prove that if one solves
posed to deal with the problem of estimating the large the minimum-variance problem subject to the con-
number of elements in the covariance matrix. One straint that the sum of the absolute values of the
approach is to use higher frequency data, say, daily weights (1-norm) be smaller than or equal to one, then
instead of monthly returns (see Jagannathan and Ma one retrieves the shortsale-constrained minimum-
2003). A second approach is to impose some factor variance portfolio considered by Jagannathan and Ma
structure on the estimator of the covariance matrix (2003). If one constrains the sum of the squares of
(Chan et al. 1999, Green and Hollifield 1992), which the portfolio weights (2-norm) to be smaller than a
reduces the number of parameters to be estimated. given threshold, then one recovers the class of portfo-
A third approach has been proposed by Ledoit and lios considered by Ledoit and Wolf (2004). Similarly,
Wolf (2003, 2004), who use as an estimator a weighted imposing a particular quadratic constraint allows
average of the sample covariance matrix and another one to recover the portfolios in Ledoit and Wolf
estimator, such as the 1-factor covariance matrix or (2003). Finally, constraining the squared 2-norm of the
the identity matrix. A fourth approach, which is often portfolio-weight vector to be smaller than or equal
used in practice, is to impose shortsale constraints to 1/N gives the 1/N portfolio studied in DeMiguel
on the portfolio weights (see Frost and Savarino et al. (2009).
1988, Chopra 1993). Jagannathan and Ma (2003) show Second, we use this unifying framework to develop
that imposing a shortsale constraint when minimiz- new portfolio strategies. For example, we show
ing the portfolio variance is equivalent to shrinking how the shortsale-constrained portfolio considered in
the extreme elements of the covariance matrix. This Jagannathan and Ma (2003) can be generalized. In par-
simple remedy for dealing with estimation error per- ticular, we show that by imposing the constraint that
forms very well. In fact, Jagannathan and Ma (2003) the 1-norm of the portfolio-weight vector be smaller
find that “the sample covariance matrix [with short-
than a threshold that is strictly larger than one, then
sale constraints] performs almost as well as those
one obtains a new class of shrinkage portfolios that
limit the total amount of shortselling in the portfo-
Note that although expected returns cannot be forecasted reason- lio, rather than limit the shorting of each asset as
ably well from historical data, if a portfolio manager has the skill
to forecast expected returns, then he or she may wish to use a
in the traditional shortsale-constrained portfolio. To
mean-variance portfolio rather than a minimum-variance portfolio. the best of our knowledge, this kind of portfolio has
For additional evidence, see Jorion (1985, 1986, 1991) and not been analyzed before in the academic literature,
DeMiguel et al. (2009). although it corresponds closely to the actual portfolio
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800 Management Science 55(5), pp. 798–812, © 2009 INFORMS

Table 1 List of Data Sets Considered

No. Data set Abbreviation N Time period Source

1 Ten industry portfolios representing the U.S. stock market 10Ind 10 07/1963–12/2004 K. Frencha
2 Forty-eight industry portfolios representing the U.S. stock market 48Ind 48 07/1963–12/2004 K. French
3 Six Fama and French (1992) portfolios of firms sorted by size and book-to-market 6FF 6 07/1963–12/2004 K. French
4 Twenty-five Fama and French (1992) portfolios of firms sorted by size and book-to-market 25FF 25 07/1963–12/2004 K. French
5 500 randomized stocks from CRSPb balanced monthly 500CRSP 500 04/1968–04/2005 CRSP

Notes. This table lists the various data sets of monthly asset returns analyzed, the abbreviation used to refer to each data set, the number of risky assets N in
each data set, the time period spanned by the data set, and the source of the data. The data set of CRSP returns (500CRSP) is constructed in a way that is
similar to Jagannathan and Ma (2003), with monthly rebalancing: in April of each year we randomly select 500 assets among all assets in the CRSP data set
for which there is return data for the previous 120 months as well as for the next 12 months. We then consider these randomly selected 500 assets as our
asset universe for the next 12 months.
CRSP, The Center for Research in Security Prices.

holdings allowed in personal margin accounts.4 We and Friedman 1993). These regression techniques and
also propose a class of portfolios that we term “partial the distribution theory associated with them have
minimum-variance portfolios.” These portfolios are been used extensively in the statistics literature.
obtained by applying the classical conjugate-gradient Fifth, the generalized framework allows one to cal-
method (see Nocedal and Wright 1999) to solve the ibrate the model using historical data to improve
minimum-variance problem. We show that these port- its out-of-sample performance. We compare empir-
folios are related to the portfolios obtained by impos- ically the out-of-sample performance of the norm-
ing a constraint on the 2-norm of the portfolio-weight constrained portfolios to 10 strategies in the literature
vector. for five different data sets. The data sets we
Third, we give a Bayesian interpretation for the consider are listed in Table 1, and the portfolios
norm-constrained portfolios and also for the port- we evaluate are listed in Table 2. In terms of out-
folios proposed by Jagannathan and Ma (2003) and of-sample variance, the norm-constrained portfolios
Ledoit and Wolf (2003, 2004) that is in terms of a often have a lower variance than the shortsale-
certain prior belief on portfolio weights rather than on constrained minimum-variance portfolio studied in
moments of asset returns. Jagannathan and Ma (2003), the 1/N portfolio eval-
Fourth, our approach to minimum-variance portfo- uated in DeMiguel et al. (2009), and also other
lio selection is also related to a number of approaches strategies proposed in the literature, including fac-
proposed in the statistics and chemometrics litera- tor portfolios and the parametric portfolios in Brandt
ture to reduce estimation error in regression analysis. et al. (2005); however, the variance of the norm-
It is known in the literature that optimal portfo- constrained portfolios is similar to that of the port-
lio weights in an unconstrained mean- or minimum- folios in Ledoit and Wolf (2003, 2004). In terms of
variance problem can be thought of as coefficients of out-of-sample Sharpe ratio, the portfolios we propose
attain a Sharpe ratio that is higher than the shortsale-
an ordinary least squares regression (see, for example,
constrained minimum-variance portfolio, the 1/N
Britten-Jones 1999). It then follows that, in general,
portfolio, and the portfolios in Ledoit and Wolf (2003,
constrained weights are the outcome of similarly
2004), although the higher Sharpe ratio is accompa-
specified restricted regressions. In particular, con-
nied by higher turnover. Finally, the Sharpe ratio and
straining the 1-norm of the portfolio vector to be less
turnover of the proposed portfolios is similar to that
than a certain threshold is analogous to the statisti-
of Brandt et al. (2005) but without the need to use
cal technique for regression analysis known as “least
firm-specific characteristics.5
absolute shrinkage and selection operator” (lasso)
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
(Tibshirani 1996); constraining the 2-norm of the port- lows. Section 2 reviews the approaches considered in
folio vector to be less than a certain threshold corre-
sponds to the statistical technique known as “ridge 5
Because the parametric portfolios in Brandt et al. (2005) rely on
regression” (Hoerl and Kennard 1970); and comput- firm-specific characteristics, they are not really comparable to the
ing the “partial minimum-variance portfolio” corre- other portfolios we evaluate; however, we decided to include them
sponds to the technique developed in chemometrics in our empirical analysis because these portfolios achieve very high
known as “partial least squares” (Wold 1975, Frank Sharpe ratios and hence are an important benchmark. Lauprete
(2001) also considers the 1- and 2-norm-constrained portfolios; see
also Lauprete et al. (2002) and Welsch and Zhou (2007). Our addi-
These portfolios are quite popular among practitioners—see the tional contribution is to relate these methods to the approaches in
articles in The Economist (Buttonwood 2007) and The New York Times Jagannathan and Ma (2003) and Ledoit and Wolf (2003, 2004), pro-
(Hershey 2007) that describe “130–30” portfolios where investors pose the partial minimum-variance portfolios, and provide com-
are long 130% and short 30% of their wealth. prehensive empirical results.
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Table 2 List of Portfolios Considered

No. Model Abbreviation

Panel A: Portfolio strategies developed in this paper

1-norm-constrained minimum-variance portfolio
With  calibrated using cross-validation over portfolio variance NC1V
With  calibrated by maximizing portfolio return in previous period NC1R
2-norm-constrained minimum-variance portfolio
With  calibrated using cross-validation over portfolio variance NC2V
With  calibrated by maximizing portfolio return in previous period NC2R
 -norm-constrained minimum-variance portfolio
With  calibrated using cross-validation over portfolio variance NCFV
With  calibrated by maximizing portfolio return in previous period NCFR
Partial minimum-variance portfolios
With k calibrated using cross-validation over portfolio variance PARV
With k calibrated by maximizing portfolio return in previous period PARR

Panel B: Portfolio strategies from the existing literature used for comparison
Simple benchmarks
1 Equally-weighted (1/N) portfolio 1/N
2 Value-weighted (market) portfolio VW
Portfolios that use mean returns with shortsales unconstrained
3 Mean-variance portfolio with risk aversion parameter  = 5 MEAN
4 Bayesian mean-variance portfolio as in Jorion (1985, 1986) with risk aversion parameter  = 5 BAYE
Minimum-variance portfolios
5 Minimum-variance portfolio with shortsales unconstrained MINU
6 Minimum-variance portfolio with shortsales constrained (Jagannathan and Ma 2003) MINC
7 Minimum-variance portfolio with the market as the single factor FAC1
Minimum-variance portfolios where covariance matrix is average of two estimators
8 Weighted average of sample covariance and identity matrix (Ledoit and Wolf 2004) LWID
9 Weighted average of sample covariance and 1-factor matrix (Ledoit and Wolf 2003) LW1F
Parametric portfolios
10 Parametric portfolio as in Brandt et al. (2005) with a risk-aversion parameter of  = 5 BSV3
using the factors size, book-to-market, and momentum

Notes. This table lists the various portfolio strategies we consider. Panel A lists the norm-constrained portfolios developed
in this paper, whereas panel B lists the portfolios from the literature. Note that  is the threshold parameter that limits the
norm of the portfolio-weight vector, whereas the order parameter k indicates which of the N − 1 partial minimum-variance
portfolios to use. The last column gives the abbreviation that we use to refer to the strategy.

Jagannathan and Ma (2003) and Ledoit and Wolf (2003, optimization problem:
2004), which shrink some or all of the elements of the
sample covariance matrix. In §3, we propose our gen- 
min w w (1)
eral approach, which shrinks the portfolio-weight vec- w
tor directly. In §4, we discuss the performance of the s.t. w e = 1 (2)
different portfolios on empirical data. Section 5 con-
cludes. Our main results are highlighted in proposi-
where w ∈ N is the vector of portfolio weights,  ∈
tions, and proofs for all the propositions are available
N ×N 
in the appendix. Details of how to compute the par-  is the estimated covariance matrix, w w is
tial minimum-variance portfolios are available in the the variance of the portfolio return, e ∈ N is the
online appendix (provided in the e-companion).6 vector of ones, and the constraint w e = 1 ensures that
the portfolio weights sum up to one. We denote the
2. Existing Approaches: Shrinking the solution to this shortsale-unconstrained minimum-
variance problem by wMINU .
Sample Covariance Matrix Jagannathan and Ma (2003) study the shortsale-
In the absence of shortsale constraints, the minimum-
variance portfolio is the solution to the following constrained minimum-variance portfolio, wMINC , which
is the solution to problem (1)–(2) with the additional
constraint that the portfolio weights be nonnegative
An electronic companion to this paper is available as part of the
online version that can be found at http://mansci.journal.informs. (w ≥ 0). They show that the solution to the shortsale-
org/. constrained problem coincides with the solution to
DeMiguel et al.: Constraining Portfolio Norms
802 Management Science 55(5), pp. 798–812, © 2009 INFORMS

the unconstrained problem in (1)–(2) if the sample norm of the portfolio-weight vector is smaller than
covariance matrix in (1) is replaced by the matrix a certain threshold ; that is, w ≤ , where w
is the norm of the portfolio-weight vector.  In partic-
  − e − e  (3) ular, we consider the 1-norm, w1 = Ni=1 wi , and
the A-norm, wA = w Aw 1/2 , where A ∈ N ×N is a
where  ∈ N is the vector of Lagrange multipliers for positive-definite matrix.
the shortsale constraint. Because  ≥ 0, the matrix   Note that the traditional shortsale-unconstrained
may be interpreted as the sample covariance matrix minimum-variance portfolio, wMINU , is the solu-
after shrinkage, because if the shortsale constraint cor- tion to the norm-constrained problem with  = .
responding to the ith asset is binding (wi = 0), then Consequently, if  < wMINU , then the norm of the
the sample covariance of this asset with any other portfolio that solves the norm-constrained minimum-
asset is reduced by i , the magnitude of the Lagrange variance portfolio problem must be strictly smaller
multiplier associated with its shortsale constraint. than that of the unconstrained minimum-variance
Ledoit and Wolf (2003, 2004) propose replacing the portfolio, wMINU .8 Hence, imposing a constraint on the
sample covariance matrix with a weighted average of norm of the portfolio-weight vector can be interpreted
the sample covariance matrix and a low-variance tar- as shrinking the shortsale-unconstrained sample-

get estimator,  based minimum-variance portfolio toward a target
target . Concretely, they propose solving
 is replaced by portfolio. The target portfolio is the one that minimizes
problem (1)–(2), where the matrix 
the norm of the weight vector subject to the condition
1    that the weights add up to one.9 Shrinkage estima-
 +   (4)
1+ 1 +  target tors have been a popular method for reducing estima-
tion error ever since their introduction by James and
and where  is a positive constant. Ledoit and Wolf Stein (1961). The idea behind shrinkage estimators is
(2003, 2004) also show how one can estimate the value that shrinking an unbiased estimator toward a lower-
of  that minimizes the expected Frobenius norm of variance target has a negative and a positive effect.
the difference between the matrix   The negative effect is that the shrinkage introduces
LW and the true
covariance matrix. They show that this method can bias into the resulting estimator, whereas the positive
be interpreted as shrinking the sample covariance effect is that it reduces the variance of the estimator.
matrix toward the estimator  
target . They consider sev-
3.1. First Special Case: The 1-Norm-Constrained

eral candidates for target , such as the identity matrix Portfolios
and the covariance matrix obtained from estimating a The 1-norm-constrained portfolio, wNC1 , is the solution
1-factor model with the market as the factor.7 to the traditional minimum-variance portfolio prob-
lem (1)–(2) subject to the additional constraint that
3. A Generalized Approach: the 1-norm of the portfolio-weight vector be smaller
Constraining the Portfolio Norms N or equal to a certain threshold ; that is, w1 =
i=1 ≤ .
In this section, we propose a class of portfolios The following proposition shows that for the
that can be viewed as resulting from shrinking the case  = 1, the solution to the 1-norm-constrained
portfolio-weight vector instead of shrinking the moments minimum-variance problem is the same as that for
of asset returns. Specifically, we define the norm- the shortsale-constrained minimum-variance portfolio
constrained minimum-variance portfolio as the one that analyzed in Jagannathan and Ma (2003).
solves the traditional minimum-variance problem
(1)–(2) subject to the additional constraint that the Proposition 1. The solution to the 1-norm-con-
strained minimum-variance portfolio problem with  = 1
coincides with the solution to the shortsale-constrained
Note that Ledoit and Wolf (2004) actually consider a positive mul- problem.
tiple of the identity matrix as their shrinkage target. Specifically,
they consider the identity matrix multiplied by the average of the
diagonal elements of the sample covariance matrix. This makes Note that the norm-constrained portfolios are not obtained by
sense in the context of their work because their objective is to find shrinking every weight of the minimum-variance portfolio; instead,
the estimator that minimizes the Frobenius norm of the difference the norm-constrained portfolios are obtained by shrinking the total
with the true covariance matrix. In the context of our manuscript, norm of the minimum-variance portfolio. This interpretation of
where the objective is to compute minimum-variance portfolios, it shrinkage is the same as in Tibshirani (1996) in the context of lasso
does not matter whether one uses the identity matrix as the shrink- regression.
age target, or a positive multiple of the identity matrix. The reason Let wM be the portfolio that minimizes the norm. To see that

for this is that given a shrinkage target  target = I, with  > 0, and this is the target portfolio in our approach, note that if we impose
a shrinkage weight 1 > 0, the resulting minimum-variance port- the constraint that the portfolio norm is smaller than wM , then
folio coincides with that obtained using the identity matrix as a the only portfolio that is feasible with respect to this constraint is
shrinkage target and a shrinkage weight 2 = 1 > 0. precisely wM .
DeMiguel et al.: Constraining Portfolio Norms
Management Science 55(5), pp. 798–812, © 2009 INFORMS 803

In contrast to the case where  = 1, for threshold we refer to these as the 2-norm-constrained minimum-
values of  > 1 this approach generates a class of variance portfolios. To gain intuition about these port-

portfolios that generalize the shortsale-constrained folios, note that the 2-norm constraint Ni=1 w2i ≤  can
minimum-variance portfolio. Specifically, some alge- be reformulated equivalently as follows:10
braic manipulation can be used to show that the  2  
1-norm constraint w1 ≤  can be rewritten as 
1 1
wi − ≤ − (7)
− wi ≤  (5) The reformulated constraint (7) demonstrates that
i∈ w
imposing the 2-norm constraint on the portfolio
weights is equivalent to imposing a constraint that the
where  w is the set of asset indexes for which 2-norm of the difference between this portfolio and
the corresponding portfolio weight is negative, the 1/N portfolio is bounded by  − 1/N . Note also
 w =
i wi < 0 . The left-hand side of (5) is the total that the 1/N portfolio is a special case of the 2-norm-
proportion of wealth that is sold short and  − 1 /2 constrained portfolio with  = 1/N .
can be interpreted as the shortsale budget. This short- For the special case where A =   , imposing a con-
sale budget can then be freely distributed among all 
straint on the F -norm of the portfolio is equivalent to
of the assets. imposing a constraint on the portfolio variance under
the covariance estimator obtained from a 1-factor
3.2. Second Special Case: The model; that is, imposing the constraint that w   w is
A-Norm-Constrained Portfolios smaller than a certain threshold.
We now compare the 1-, 2-, and   -norm con-
The A-norm-constrained minimum-variance portfolio is F
the solution to the traditional minimum-variance strained portfolios. We have shown above that the
problem (1)–(2) subject to the additional constraint 1-norm-constrained portfolios are a generalization of
that the A-norm of the portfolio-weight vector be the shortsale-constrained portfolios in which the total
smaller than a particular threshold, . ˆ Because amount of shortselling on all assets must remain
the squared A-norm is easier to analyze than the below a shortsale budget of  − 1 /2. Therefore, we
A-norm, we instead impose the equivalent constraint may expect the 1-norm-constrained portfolios to have
the well-known property of shortsale-constrained
w Aw ≤ , where  = ˆ 2 .
minimum-variance portfolios, which tend to assign
The following proposition shows the relation
a weight different from zero to only a few of the
between the A-norm-constrained portfolios and the
assets.11 In contrast, we have shown that the 2-norm-
shrinkage portfolios proposed by Ledoit and Wolf.
constrained portfolio is the portfolio that minimizes
 is nonsingular, for each the sample variance subject to the constraint that the
Proposition 2. Provided 
square of the 2-norm of the difference with the 1/N
 ≥ 0 there exists a  such that the solution to the
portfolio is bounded by  − 1/N . Consequently, we
minimum-variance problem in (1)–(2), with the sample
 replaced by  = 1/1 +   + would expect that the 2-norm-constrained portfolios
covariance matrix, , LW will, in general, remain relatively close to the 1/N
/1 +  A, coincides with the solution to the A-norm- portfolio and thus will assign a positive weight to
constrained minimum-variance portfolio problem, which is all assets. Similarly, we should expect the   -norm-
the traditional minimum-variance problem subject to the constrained portfolios to remain close to the portfo-
additional constraint lio that minimizes the 1-factor model variance. Thus,
investors who believe the total amount of shortselling
w Aw ≤  (6) of the optimal portfolio should not exceed a given
budget would want to use a 1-norm constraint. On
In particular, if we choose the matrix A equal to the other hand, investors who believe that the optimal
the identity matrix, I, then there is a one-to-one cor- portfolio is close to the well-diversified 1/N portfolio
respondence between the A-norm-constrained portfo- would want to use a 2-norm constraint when solving
lios and the shrinkage portfolio proposed in Ledoit
and Wolf (2004). On the other hand, if A equals the 10
To understand why these two formulations are equivalent,
1-factor covariance matrix,  , then there is a one-to- observe that Ni=1 wi − 1/N 2 = Ni=1 w2i + Ni=1 1/N 2 − Ni=1 2wi /N =
w2i − 1/N , where the last result follows from the fact that
one correspondence with the shrinkage portfolio in i=1 N
i=1 1/N = 1/N and i=1 2wi /N = 2/N .
N 2

Ledoit and Wolf (2003). 11

The reason for this is that the 1-norm function has a kink at port-
Note that for the special case where A = I, the folios where one or more of the weights are zero, whereas this is
A-norm is simply the 2-norm, w2 , and therefore not the case for the 2-norm function.
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804 Management Science 55(5), pp. 798–812, © 2009 INFORMS

the minimum-variance problem to reduce estimation and identically distributed as a Double Exponential distri-
error. Finally, investors who believe a 1-factor struc- bution with probability density function
ture holds in the asset-return distribution would use
a -norm constraint. 
F wi = e− (8)
3.3. Third Special Case: The Partial
Minimum-Variance Portfolios Furthermore, assume that the investor believes a priori
The third class of portfolios we propose are obtained that the variance of the minimum-variance portfolio return,
by applying the classical conjugate-gradient method denoted by  2 , has an independent prior distribution
(Nocedal and Wright 1999, Chap. 5) to solve the  2 . Then there exists a threshold parameter  such that
minimum-variance problem. The conjugate-gradient the weights of the 1-norm-constrained minimum-variance
method takes as a starting portfolio some initial guess portfolio are the mode of the posterior distribution of the
(in our implementation we use the 1/N portfolio) and minimum-variance portfolio weights.
then generates a sequence of N − 1 portfolios in which
the terminal portfolio is the shortsale-unconstrained The next proposition shows that the A-norm-
minimum-variance portfolio. We term each of these constrained portfolio is the mode of the posterior dis-
N − 1 intermediate portfolios a partial minimum- tribution of portfolio weights for an investor whose
variance portfolio. In the online appendix, we pro- prior belief is that the portfolio weights wi have
vide a detailed description of how to compute these a multivariate Normal distribution with covariance
portfolios. matrix A.
Even though the partial minimum-variance port-
folios are not obtained by explicitly imposing a Proposition 5. Assume that asset returns are nor-
constraint on the norm of the minimum-variance mally distributed. Moreover, assume that the investor
portfolio, the following proposition shows that the believes a priori that the shortsale-unconstrained minimum-
2-norm of the partial minimum-variance portfo- variance portfolio weights are distributed as a multivariate
lios is smaller than the 2-norm of the shortsale- Normal distribution with probability density function
unconstrained minimum-variance portfolios.
1  Aw
Proposition 3. The 2-norm of the kth partial min- w = 2 −n/2 A1/2 e− 2 w (9)
imum-variance portfolio is smaller than or equal to the
2-norm of the shortsale-unconstrained minimum-variance Furthermore, assume that the investor believes a priori
portfolio for k ≤ N − 1. that the variance of the minimum-variance portfolio return,
Moreover, Proposition EC.3 in the online appendix denoted by  2 , has an independent prior distribution
shows that the partial minimum-variance portfolios  2 . Then there exists a threshold parameter  such that
can be viewed as a discrete first-order approximation the weights of the A-norm-constrained minimum-variance
to the 2-norm-constrained portfolios. portfolio are the mode of the posterior distribution of the
minimum-variance portfolio weights.
3.4. A Bayesian Interpretation of
the Norm-Constrained Portfolios Note that choosing the portfolio that maximizes
Tibshirani (1996, §5) gives a Bayesian interpreta- the posterior distribution of the minimum-variance
tion for the regression analysis techniques of lasso portfolio weights guarantees that the investor is
and “ridge” regressions; see also Hastie et al. (2001, choosing the portfolio with the highest probability
Chap. 3) and Park and Casella (2008). Here we adapt of being the minimum-variance portfolio given the
his argument to give a Bayesian interpretation of investor’s prior distribution on portfolio weights and
the 1- and A-norm-constrained minimum-variance the observed asset-return data. This interpretation is
portfolios. different from that in the traditional Bayesian portfo-
The following proposition shows that the 1-norm- lio choice literature (for instance, Jorion 1986) because
constrained portfolio is the mode of the posterior dis- in our framework the investor has a prior belief on the
tribution of portfolio weights for an investor whose portfolio weights rather than on the asset-return dis-
prior belief is that the portfolio weights are indepen- tribution. Consequently, while the Bayesian investor
dently and identically distributed as a Double Expo- in the traditional setting chooses the portfolio that
nential distribution. maximizes expected utility with respect to the pos-
Proposition 4. Assume that asset returns are nor- terior distribution of asset returns, in our setting the
mally distributed. Moreover, assume that the investor investor chooses the portfolio that maximizes the pos-
believes a priori that each of the shortsale-unconstrained terior distribution of portfolio weights (see Tu and
minimum-variance portfolio weights, wi , is independently Zhou 2009).
DeMiguel et al.: Constraining Portfolio Norms
Management Science 55(5), pp. 798–812, © 2009 INFORMS 805

3.5. A Moment-Shrinkage Interpretation of 4.1. Description of the Portfolios Evaluated

the Norm-Constrained Portfolios The norm-constrained minimum-variance portfolios
The 1- and A-norm-constrained minimum-variance and the partial minimum-variance portfolio that we
portfolios can also be interpreted as portfolios that consider are listed in panel A of Table 2. Note that
result from shrinking some of the elements of the to use the 1-, 2-, and  -norm-constrained minimum-
sample covariance matrix. variance portfolios, one needs to choose the value of
the threshold parameter , which bounds the maxi-
Proposition 6. Let the solution to the 1-norm- mum value that the portfolio norm may take. Simi-
constrained minimum-variance problem be such that larly, for the partial minimum-variance portfolios, one
wNC1 i
= 0 for i = 1  N . Then wNC1 is also the needs to choose the order parameter k that indicates
solution to the shortsale-unconstrained minimum-variance which of the N − 1 partial minimum-variance port-
problem (1)–(2) if the sample covariance matrix, ,  is folios to use. The parameters  and k could be spec-
replaced by the matrix ified exogenously. But in our framework these can
also be calibrated to achieve a particular objective,
NC1 =  − ne − en 
 (10) to exploit a particular feature of the returns data,
or both. We use two different criteria to calibrate
where  ∈  is the Lagrange multiplier for the 1-norm the norm-constrained portfolios: (i) minimizing the
constraint at the solution to the 1-norm-constrained portfolio variance and (ii) maximizing the last period
minimum-variance problem, and n ∈ N is a vector whose portfolio return to exploit positive autocorrelation in
ith component is one if the weight assigned by the 1-norm- portfolio returns as opposed to autocorrelation in the
constrained portfolio to the ith asset is negative and zero return of individual securities.12
otherwise. If the objective is to minimize the out-of-sample
portfolio variance, then to choose  and k we use the
Proposition 6 shows that the 1-norm-constrained nonparametric technique known as cross validation—
portfolios can also be interpreted as those obtained see Efron and Gong (1983) and Campbell et al.
by shrinking some of the elements of the sample (1997, §12.3.2).13 On the other hand, if the objec-
covariance matrix. Concretely, Equation (10) shows tive is to maximize the portfolio return over the
that the 1-norm-constrained portfolios can be seen last period, we choose  ∗ so that  ∗ = arg max w r ,
as the result of shrinking by the constant amount  in which r is the asset-return vector for the last
the covariances of those assets that are being sold period within the estimation window, and w is the
short with all the other assets. Note that the amount norm-constrained or partial minimum-variance port-
of shrinkage  is the same for all assets that are folio computed using all the data over the estimation
being sold short. This is the main difference between
the 1-norm-constrained and the shortsale-constrained Our motivation for the portfolio autocorrelation criterion is the
work by Campbell et al. (1997), who report: “Despite the fact that
portfolios. From Equation (3) it can be observed that
individual security returns are weakly negatively autocorrelated,
for the shortsale-constrained portfolios, the amount portfolio returns—which are essentially averages of individual
of shrinkage applied to the covariances of each of security returns—are strongly autocorrelated. This somewhat para-
the assets is equal to the Lagrange multiplier cor- doxical result can mean only one thing: large positive cross-
responding to its shortsale constraint i , and these autocorrelations across individual securities across time” (p. 74).
We consider the return in only the last period because this is where
Lagrange multipliers may take different values for the autocorrelation is highest. We have also considered the average
different assets. return in the last two to six months, but the out-of-sample perfor-
Similarly, observe from Proposition 2 that the mance is worse than when using only the return in the previous
A-norm-constrained portfolios can be obtained also month.
by shrinking all elements of the sample covariance Cross validation works as follows. Given an estimation window
composed of  sample returns, for each t ranging from 1 to  per-
matrix toward the elements of matrix A.
form the following four steps. First, delete the tth sample return
from the estimation window and compute the sample covari-
ance matrix corresponding to the data set without the tth sample
4. Out-of-Sample Evaluation of return,  . Second, compute the corresponding portfolio w ,
t  t
where  =  for the case of the norm-constrained portfolios and  =
the Proposed Portfolios k (with 1 ≤ k ≤ N − 1) for the case of the partial minimum-variance
In this section, we compare across five different data portfolios. Third, compute the out-of-sample return attained by
sets (listed in Table 1) the out-of-sample empirical this portfolio on the tth sample asset return r t = w t  rt .
performance of the norm-constrained portfolios to Then the variance of the out-of-sample portfolio return is given
by the sample variance of the  out-of-sample returns, r t ; that
10 portfolios from the existing literature using three  
2 = t=1 r t − r¯ t 2 / − 1 , where r¯ t = t=1 r t /.
performance metrics: the out-of-sample portfolio vari- Finally, choose the parameter  ∗ that minimizes this out-of-sample
ance, the out-of-sample Sharpe ratio, and turnover. return variance; that is,  ∗ = arg min  2 .
DeMiguel et al.: Constraining Portfolio Norms
806 Management Science 55(5), pp. 798–812, © 2009 INFORMS

window with the parameter . That is, we choose the 4.2. Description of the Methodology Used to
parameter  =
 k to maximize the return in the last Evaluate Performance
period within the estimation window. We compare the performance of the norm-constrained
Panel B of Table 2 lists the portfolios to which portfolios to the portfolios in the literature using three
we compare the performance of the norm-constrained criteria: (i) out-of-sample portfolio variance, (ii) out-
portfolios. The first two comparison portfolios are of-sample portfolio Sharpe ratio, and (iii) portfolio
simple benchmarks that require neither estima- turnover (trading volume). We use the following
tion nor optimization: the 1/N portfolio and the “rolling-horizon” procedure for the comparison. First,
value-weighted market portfolio, which we com- we choose a window over which to perform the esti-
pute as the portfolio that assigns a weight to mation. We denote the length of the estimation win-
each asset equal to the market capitalization of dow by  < T , where T is the total number of returns
that asset divided by the market capitalization in the data set. For our experiments, we use an esti-
of all the assets in the data set. We also con- mation window of  = 120 data points, which for
sider two portfolios that rely on estimates of mean monthly data corresponds to 10 years.16 Second, using
returns: the traditional shortsale-unconstrained mean- the return data over the estimation window, , we
variance portfolio and the Bayesian mean-variance compute the various portfolios. Third, we repeat this
portfolio, which is selected using the approach “rolling-window” procedure for the next month by
in Jorion (1985, 1986); both of these portfolios including the data for the next month and dropping
are computed assuming a risk aversion of  = 5.14 the data for the earliest month. We continue doing this
The next three portfolios we consider are the until the end of the data set is reached. At the end of
shortsale-unconstrained minimum-variance portfolio, this process, we have generated T − portfolio-weight
the shortsale-constrained minimum-variance portfo- vectors for each strategy; that is, wit for t =   T −1
lio analyzed in Jagannathan and Ma (2003), and the and for each strategy i.
minimum-variance portfolio under the assumption Holding the portfolio wit for one month gives the

that returns are described by a 1-factor model with out-of-sample return at time t + 1: rt+1
= wit rt+1 , where
the market as the only factor. We also consider two rt+1 denotes the asset returns. We use the time series
minimum-variance portfolios that are formed using of returns and weights for each strategy to com-
a covariance matrix that is a weighted average of pute the out-of-sample variance, Sharpe ratio, and
two estimators. The first of these portfolios is formed turnover:
from a combination of the sample covariance matrix 1 T
and the identity matrix as in Ledoit and Wolf (2004),  i 2 =
 wit rt+1 − ˆ i 
T −  − 1 t=
whereas the second is formed from a combination of
the sample covariance matrix and the 1-factor covari- 1 T −1

ance matrix with the market as the factor as in Ledoit with ˆ i = wi r  (11)
T −  t= t t+1
and Wolf (2003). Finally, we consider the paramet-
 = ˆ i 
ric portfolios of Brandt et al. (2005) that rely on SR (12)
firm-specific characteristics; again, we assume that the i
investor has a risk aversion equal to five.15 1 T
−1 N
Turnover = wij t+1 − wij t+   (13)
T −  − 1 t= j=1
For the risk-aversion parameter we have considered also values
of 1, 2, and 10, but because the insights are similar we do not report
where in the definition of turnover, wij t denotes the
these results.
portfolio weight in asset j chosen at time t under strat-
We do not consider several other portfolios. For instance, we do
not consider estimators of the covariance matrix based on daily
egy i, wij t+ the portfolio weight before rebalancing but
returns because Jagannathan and Ma (2003, §III) find that their per- at t + 1, and wij t+1 the desired portfolio weight at
formance is similar to that of the shortsale-constrained minimum- time t + 1 (after rebalancing), implying that turnover
variance portfolio with monthly returns. Also, we do not consider is equal to the sum of the absolute value of the rebal-
portfolios based on the constant correlation model of Elton and
ancing trades across the N available assets and over
Gruber (1973) because these are outperformed by portfolios pro-
posed in Ledoit and Wolf (2003). We report results only for the the T −  − 1 trading dates, normalized by the total
single market-factor model because Chan et al. (1999) show that number of trading dates.
several factor models with 1, 3, 4, 8, and 10 factors (based on To measure the statistical significance of the differ-
financial market variables and firm-specific characteristics) are not ence between the variances and Sharpe ratios of the
better than the 1-factor market model. Finally, we consider short-
sale constraints only for the minimum-variance portfolio because
Jagannathan and Ma (2003) find that “for the factor models and 16
We have tried other estimation window lengths, such as  = 60
shrinkages estimators, imposing such constraints is likely to hurt” and 240, but the results are similar; thus, we report the results only
(pp. 1653–1654). for the case  = 120.
DeMiguel et al.: Constraining Portfolio Norms
Management Science 55(5), pp. 798–812, © 2009 INFORMS 807

returns for two given portfolios, we use bootstrapping Table 3 Portfolio Variances
methods, which are suitable when portfolio returns
Strategy 10Ind 48Ind 6FF 25FF CRSP
are not independently and identically distributed as
a multivariate Normal. In particular, to compute the Panel A: Portfolio strategies developed in this paper
p-values for the Sharpe ratios we use a bootstrapping NC1V 000134 000126 000156 000135 000074
methodology proposed in Ledoit and Wolf (2008) that 007 001 046 065 006
is designed for the case in which portfolio returns have NC1R 000138 000135 000159 000143 000080
fat tails and are of a time series nature (for instance, 098 026 097 010 001
returns are serially correlated or exhibit volatility clus- NC2V 000134 000137 000156 000130 000066
tering). Specifically, to test the hypothesis that the 008 021 013 043 051
NC2R 000149 000176 000163 000152 000087
Sharpe ratio of the return of portfolio i is equal to that
010 000 063 002 000
of portfolio n, that is, H0 i /i − n /n = 0, we com-
NCFV 000135 000131 000162 000134 000052
pute a two-sided p-value using the studentized circu-
039 003 047 082 000
lar block bootstrap proposed in Ledoit and Wolf (2008)
NCFR 000144 000166 000171 000170 000068
with B = 1000 bootstrap resamples and a block size 030 001 007 000 053
equal to b = 5. We do this using the code available at
PARV 000138 000141 000159 000133 000065 To test the 100 100 100 100 100
hypothesis that the variance of the returns of two port- PARR 000153 000163 000161 000146 000085
folios is equal, that is, H0 i2 − n2 = 0, we use the 002 001 077 012 000
(nonstudentized) stationary bootstrap of Politis and Panel B: Portfolio strategies from existing literature
Romano (1994) to construct a two-sided confidence
1/N 000179 000221 000230 000249 000169
interval for the difference between the variances. We 000 000 000 000 000
have used B = 1000 bootstrap resamples and an VW 000158 000190 000191 000186 000157
expected block size b = 5. Then we use the methodol- 004 000 000 000 000
ogy suggested in Ledoit and Wolf (2008, Remark 3.2) MEAN 001090 038107 000353 000942 000626
to generate the resulting bootstrap p-values. 000 000 000 000 000
BAYE 000264 006793 000221 000400 000066
4.3. Discussion of the Out-of-Sample Performance 000 000 000 000 044
Table 3 reports the out-of-sample variances for the dif- MINU 000138 000186 000156 000143 000104
ferent portfolios and the corresponding p-value that 068 000 025 009 000
the portfolio variance for that strategy is different MINC 000134 000133 000186 000176 000087
from that for the PARV portfolio. We have also 027 033 001 000 000
computed all other pairwise p-values, and although FAC1 000145 000159 000202 000241 000075
we do not report them in the table, we use them 044 010 000 000 013
when comparing portfolio strategies in our discussion LWID 000131 000143 000155 000126 000065
below, and we say that the difference is significant if 000 075 028 006 075
this p-value is smaller than 5%. LW1F 000135 000140 000158 000134 000052
004 079 086 091 000
From panel A in Table 3 we see that the out-of-
sample variance for the norm-constrained portfolios BSV3 000601 000392 000306 000344 000574
000 000 000 000 000
calibrated using cross validation over the return vari-
ance (NC1V, NC2V, NCFV, PARV) is similar across Notes. This table reports the monthly out-of-sample variances and the cor-
the five data sets. Also, not surprisingly, the out-of- responding p-value that the portfolio variance for a strategy is different from
that for the partial minimum-variance portfolio calibrated using cross vali-
sample variance is lower for these portfolios than for
dation over portfolio variance (PARV). The p-values are computed using the
those that are calibrated using the criterion of max- stationary bootstrap of Politis and Romano (1994) and the method in Ledoit
imizing the return of the portfolio in the previous and Wolf (2008, Remark 3.2).
period (NC1R, NC2R, NCFR, PARR).
Comparing the variances of the norm-constrained than the Bayesian portfolio (BAYE) for all data sets
portfolios in panel A to those of the portfolios from except CRSP. The norm-constrained portfolios gener-
the literature listed in panel B of Table 3, we see that ally achieve lower out-of-sample variances than the
the norm-constrained portfolios typically have lower unconstrained minimum-variance portfolio (MINU),
out-of-sample variances than the portfolios from the and the differences are often statistically significant;
literature. For instance, NC1V, NC2V, NCFV, and for instance, PARV achieves a statistically signifi-
PARV always achieve out-of-sample variances that cant lower variance than MINU for the 48Ind and
are lower than those of the 1/N , value-weighted CRSP data sets. Also, the 1-norm-constrained port-
(VW), and mean-variance (MEAN) portfolios, and folios (NC1V) generally have lower variance than
the differences are statistically significant. Similarly, the shortsale-constrained minimum-variance portfo-
the norm-constrained portfolios have lower variances lios (MINC) that NC1V nests, and the differences are
DeMiguel et al.: Constraining Portfolio Norms
808 Management Science 55(5), pp. 798–812, © 2009 INFORMS

statistically significant for the 6FF, 25FF, and CRSP Table 4 Portfolio Sharpe Ratios
data sets. We also observe that the norm-constrained
Strategy 10Ind 48Ind 6FF 25FF CRSP
portfolios NC1V, NC2V, NCFV, and PARV all attain
lower out-of-sample variances than the minimum- Panel A: Portfolio strategies developed in this paper
variance portfolio based on a 1-factor market model NC1V 02854 02886 03385 03649 04013
(FAC1), and the differences are often statistically sig- 006 032 001 000 011
nificant; for example, the difference between the vari- NC1R 02890 02831 03374 03553 03706
005 019 000 000 004
ances of PARV and FAC1 is statistically significant for
NC2V 02919 02855 03527 04089 03994
the 6FF and 25FF data sets.
008 022 010 022 007
However, the out-of-sample variances of the 2- and NC2R 03193 02891 03922 04278 04672
 -norm-constrained portfolios (NC2V, NCFV) are
 040 005 093 036 055
not always lower than those of the Ledoit and Wolf NCFV 02927 02808 03479 03728 04463
(2003, 2004) portfolios (LWID, LW1F). For instance, 021 027 008 003 048
the LWID portfolio attains lower variances than the NCFR 03114 02723 03186 03815 04243
NC2V portfolio for the 10Ind and 25FF data sets, with 056 022 001 011 032
the difference being significant for the 10Ind data set. PARV 02841 02823 03478 04077 03937
On the other hand, the LW1F portfolio has a higher 007 029 010 025 005
variance than the NCFV portfolio for the 48Ind data PARR 03293 03166 03912 04403 04768
100 100 100 100 100
set, and the difference is statistically significant.
Table 4 reports the out-of-sample Sharpe ratios for Panel B: Portfolio strategies from existing literature
the different portfolios and the corresponding p-value 1/N 02541 02508 02563 02565 03326
002 010 000 000 000
that the Sharpe ratio for each of these strategies
VW 02619 02698 02437 02558 02748
is different from that for the PARR portfolio. We 002 023 000 000 000
have also computed all other pairwise p-values, and
MEAN 00499 −00334 03214 02253 00723
when comparing portfolio strategies in our discussion 001 001 022 002 000
below we say that the difference is significant if this BAYE 01685 −00121 03666 03151 04018
p-value is smaller than 5%. 004 004 057 015 008
From panel A in Table 4 we see that the partial MINU 02865 02222 03640 04199 03820
minimum-variance portfolio calibrated by maximiz- 009 001 030 050 003
ing the portfolio return in the last period (PARR) MINC 02852 02914 02629 02720 03985
almost always attains higher Sharpe ratios than the 006 044 000 000 008
1-, 2-, and   -norm-constrained portfolios (NC1R, FAC1 03060 02674 02485 02486 04166
054 026 000 000 037
NC2R, NCFR), although the differences are significant
LWID 02962 02620 03226 03974 04086
only between PARR and NC1R, not between PARR 011 005 000 010 011
and NC2R or NCFR. LW1F 02902 02544 03296 03927 04500
Comparing the Sharpe ratios of the norm-con- 013 004 001 009 056
strained portfolios in panel A to those of the portfo- BSV3 01157 03314 03907 04047 02674
lios from the literature listed in panel B, we see that 000 082 099 062 000
the norm-constrained portfolios have higher Sharpe
Notes. This table reports the monthly out-of-sample Sharpe ratio and the
ratios than both the equally weighted (1/N ) and the corresponding p-value that the Sharpe ratio for each of these strategies
value-weighted (VW) portfolios for all data sets, and is different from that for the partial minimum-variance portfolio calibrated
the difference is substantial and significant in most by maximizing the portfolio return in the previous period (PARR). The
cases; in fact, PARR attains a significantly higher p-values are computed using the studentized circular block bootstrapping
methodology in Ledoit and Wolf (2008).
Sharpe ratio for all data sets except 48Ind. The dif-
ference in performance is even more striking when it nests, and the differences are significant for the 6FF
the norm-constrained portfolios are compared to the and 25FF data sets.
traditional mean-variance (MEAN) and the Bayesian The PARR portfolio attains a higher Sharpe ratio
mean-variance strategies (BAYE). than LWID and LW1F for all the data sets, and
The PARR portfolio attains a higher Sharpe ratio the difference is statistically significant for the 48Ind
than MINU, MINC, and FAC1 for all the data sets, and 6FF data sets, although as we will see below,
and the difference is often significant. Moreover, the higher Sharpe ratio of PARR is accompanied by
the 1-norm-constrained portfolio calibrated by max- higher turnover. Also, the 2-norm-constrained port-
imizing the return of the portfolio in the previous folio (NC2R) always attains a higher out-of-sample
period (NC1R) typically outperforms the shortsale- Sharpe ratio than the LWID portfolio, although the
constrained minimum-variance portfolio (MINC) that difference is significant only for the 6FF data set.
DeMiguel et al.: Constraining Portfolio Norms
Management Science 55(5), pp. 798–812, © 2009 INFORMS 809

Table 5 Portfolio Turnovers over variance, and the LWID and LW1F portfolios
proposed in Ledoit and Wolf (2003, 2004), are higher
Strategy 10Ind 48Ind 6FF 25FF CRSP
than that of MINC. The shortsale-unconstrained
Panel A: Portfolio strategies developed in this paper minimum-variance portfolio and the portfolios based
NC1V 01494 02680 01729 02407 06141 on factor models have higher turnover than MINC
NC1R 06013 08232 10064 09767 09753 and the norm-constrained strategies calibrated to
NC2V 01448 03266 01946 04570 05808 minimize portfolio variance. The partial minimum-
NC2R 10177 27556 16594 36275 10443
variance portfolio calibrated by maximizing the port-
NCFV 01052 02469 02790 04134 05729
NCFR 06944 23117 19952 33560 10584
folio return in the last month (PARR) and the para-
PARV 01689 03838 02600 04628 05743
metric portfolios based on the work by Brandt et al.
PARR 10414 24846 16407 35657 10984 (2005) have similar turnovers, which are much higher
than those of the rest of the portfolios.
Panel B: Portfolio strategies from existing literature
1/N 00232 00311 00155 00174 00595
VW 00382 00540 00213 00310 02316 5. Conclusion
MEAN 10135 1056126 07987 42495 30014 We provide a general unifying framework for deter-
BAYE 03565 66314 05388 21264 06191
mining portfolios in the presence of estimation error.
MINU 01656 08286 02223 07953 07769
MINC 00552 00741 00461 00841 04222
This framework is based on shrinking directly the
FAC1 00935 02047 01152 02398 03650 portfolio-weight vector rather than some or all of
LWID 01132 04029 00905 03144 05594 the elements of the sample covariance matrix. This
LW1F 01428 04034 01455 04893 05463 is accomplished by solving the traditional minimum-
BSV3 04683 09066 05384 05564 21926 variance problem (based on the sample covariance
Notes. This table reports the monthly turnover of the various portfolios.
matrix) but subject to the additional constraint that
Turnover is the average percentage of wealth traded in each period and, as the norm of the portfolio-weight vector be smaller
defined in Equation (13), is equal to the sum of the absolute value of the than a given threshold. We show that our gen-
rebalancing trades across the N available assets and over the T −  − 1 trad- eral framework nests as special cases the shrinkage
ing dates, normalized by the total number of trading dates. approaches of Jagannathan and Ma (2003), Ledoit
However, the   -norm-constrained portfolio cali- and Wolf (2003, 2004), and the 1/N portfolio stud-
brated by maximizing the return of the portfolio in ied in DeMiguel et al. (2009). We also compare
the previous period (NCFR) fails to achieve higher empirically the out-of-sample performance of the new
Sharpe ratios than the corresponding LW1F portfolio. portfolios we have proposed to 10 strategies in the
Finally, even though the PARR portfolio does not literature across five data sets. We find that the norm-
use firm-specific characteristics, it achieves Sharpe constrained portfolios often have a higher Sharpe
ratios that are at least as good as those for the para- ratio than the portfolio strategies in Jagannathan and
metric portfolios (BSV) developed in Brandt et al. Ma (2003), Ledoit and Wolf (2003, 2004), the 1/N port-
(2005), and the differences are significant for the 10Ind folio, and other strategies in the literature, such as
and CRSP data sets. factor portfolios.
From panel A in Table 5 we see that the turnover of
the norm-constrained portfolios calibrated using cross 6. Electronic Companion
validation over the portfolio variance is much lower An electronic companion to this paper is available as
than that of the portfolios calibrated by maximiz- part of the online version that can be found at http://
ing the portfolio return. Panel B of this table shows,
not surprisingly, that the best portfolios in terms of
turnover are the 1/N and value-weighted portfolios.17 Acknowledgments
The turnover of these portfolios is followed by that of The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from
the shortsale-constrained minimum-variance portfolio INQUIRE-UK; however, this article represents the views of
(MINC). The turnovers of the 1-, 2-, and   -norm- the authors and not of INQUIRE. The third author is par-
constrained portfolios and the partial minimum- tially supported by the Ministry of Education and Science
variance portfolio calibrated with cross validation and Technology of Spain through CICYT Project MTM2007-
63140. The authors are very grateful to Department Edi-
tor David Hsieh, the associate editor, and two anonymous
We compute the value-weighted portfolio for each data set as the
referees for detailed and extensive comments. The authors
portfolio that assigns a weight to each asset equal to the market
capitalization of that asset divided by the market capitalization of
thank Mike Chernov, Wayne Ferson, Vito Gala, Michael
all the assets in the data set. Note that because the composition Gallmeyer, Francisco Gomes, Burton Hollifield, Garud Iyen-
of the “market portfolio” may be changing over time, the strategy gar, Tongshu Ma, Igor Makarov, Spencer Martin, Javier
of holding the value-weighted portfolio may have a turnover that Peña, Roberto Rigobon, Pedro Santa Clara, Chester Spatt,
is different from zero. Catalina Stefanescu, and Bruce Weber for comments. The
DeMiguel et al.: Constraining Portfolio Norms
810 Management Science 55(5), pp. 798–812, © 2009 INFORMS

authors are also grateful for suggestions from seminar par- Then Bayes theorem implies that the posterior distribution
ticipants at Carnegie Mellon University, Columbia Univer- of the portfolio weights conditional on the observed sample
sity, Goethe University, INSEAD, Universidade Nova, Uni- returns is
versity of North Carolina, University of Southern Califor-
nia, INQUIRE Conference, 2007 INFORMS Annual Meet- w  2 
rt Tt=1
ing, 2007 ICCOPT-MOPTA Conference, Follow-Up Work- w  2 Lw  2 
rt Tt=1
shop on Optimization in Finance, Third Asset Management =
w 2 w  Lw  
rt t=1 dwd
2 2 T 2
Forum sponsored by Schroder Bank, Fifth World Congress
of the Bachelier Society, Second Tremblant Conference on where
Risk Management, and 2008 American Finance Association  T 
1 w rt − w 
ˆ 2
Meetings. Lw  2 
rt Tt=1 = √ exp − t=1
 N 2N  N 2 2
Appendix. Proofs of Propositions is the likelihood function of w and  2 given the observed
Proof of Proposition 1. Note that the 1-norm-con- sample returns
rt Tt=1 .18 Hence we have that
strained minimum-variance portfolio problem with  = 1
can be obtained from the shortsale-constrained problem by w  2 
rt Tt=1 ∝ w  2 Lw  2 
rt Tt=1  (20)
replacing the shortsale constraint w ≥ 0 with the 1-norm
constraint w1 ≤ 1. Straightforward algebra shows that, in where the symbol ∝ means that the distribution is pro-
the presence of the additional constraint that the portfolio portional to the right-hand-side term. Simple algebra then
weights add up to one, these two constraints are indeed shows that
equivalent.  w  2 
rt Tt=1
Proof of Proposition 2. Note that the portfolio that  T 
minimizes the A-norm subject to the constraint that  2 t=1 w rt − w 
ˆ 2
∝ exp − − w1 (21)
the weights add up to one can be written as wF = N 2 2
A−1 e/e A−1 e . Hence, if  ≥ 1/e A−1 e , then there exists
Hence for any value of , the portfolio that maximizes the
a feasible point for the A-norm-constrained minimum-
 is nonsingu- posterior distribution of the minimum-variance portfolio
variance portfolio problem. If, in addition,  weights, subject to the condition that the portfolio weights
lar, then there is a unique global minimizer to the problem, add up to one, is the solution to the following optimization
and this unique minimizer is characterized by the first- problem:
order optimality conditions, which imply that there exist
Lagrange multipliers  and  such that  + w 
min w w (22)
 + 2Aw − e = 0
2w (14) s.t. w e = 1 (23)
w e = 1 (15) 
 = T w r − w 
where w w t=1 t ˆ 2 /T − 1 and  =

w Aw ≤  (16) 2 /T − 1 . Moreover, it follows from optimization the-

ory (Nocedal and Wright 1999, Chap. 17) that there

 ≥ 0 (17) exists a threshold parameter  such that the solution to
problem (22)–(23) coincides with the 1-norm-constrained
These conditions imply that the first-order optimality con- minimum-variance portfolio. Finally, because for any fixed
ditions hold for the minimum-variance problem with   =
LW value of  the portfolio that maximizes the posterior distri-
 + /1 +  A. Moreover, because 
1/1 +    is nonsin-
bution is a 1-norm-constrained minimum-variance portfo-
gular and positive definite, A is positive definite, and  ≥ 0, lio, we know that the portfolio that maximizes the posterior
we know that the matrix  
LW is positive definite, and the distribution must also be a 1-norm-constrained minimum-
first-order optimality conditions for the minimum-variance variance portfolio. 
problem with   are then also sufficient for optimality.  Proof of Proposition 5. Following the same line of rea-
Proof of Proposition 3. Note that the 1/N portfolio is soning as in the proof of Proposition 4, we have by Bayes
the portfolio with minimum 2-norm out of all portfolios theorem and simple algebra that
whose weights sum up to one. Moreover, we use the 1/N
portfolio as the starting point for the conjugate-gradient w  2 
rt Tt=1
method when we apply this method to solve the minimum-  T  

 2 t=1 w rt − w 
ˆ 2 1 
variance portfolio problem. Then, it trivially follows from ∝ exp − − w Aw (24)
N 2 2 2
the analysis in Phatak and De Hoog (2003) and Steihaug
(1983) that the 2-norm of the iterates generated by the Hence for any value of  the portfolio that maximizes the
conjugate-gradient method is nondecreasing.  posterior distribution of the minimum-variance portfolio
Proof of Proposition 4. Because the prior distributions
of the portfolio weights are independent, the prior distribu- 18
Note that Lw  2 
rt Tt=1 coincides with the joint density func-
tion for a portfolio w is tion for the distribution of the sequence of independent portfolio
w rt Tt=1 conditional on the values of  and w; that is,
 −  N −w1 
w rt Tt=1  w  2 . This conditional distribution is customarily
w = e = Ne (18)
2 2 termed in Bayesian statistics as the likelihood function.
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