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Referring to the article the malay mail online -wed aug 21 2013 titled Zaid: Arabic school

driving non-Malays to vernacular education,I think that the zaid statement he voiced through his
twitter is a superficial reality and far from the real facts.
We all know that vernacular schools is a bitter heritage of colonial relics that we still carry to this
day in our education system. The different education systems with the mainstream education
system suggested by the government have caused our education to remain united to the people of
this country.

The dependence of chinese society in education with vernacular schools is due to the use of their
native language in teaching sessions rather than national language is the main factor of sending
their children to vernacular school. Zaid accusation that the mainstream school is a place for
indoctrination Islamic or Islamic ideology is clearly aims to be malicious in creating an ever-
increasing education gap from the original goal of unifying the multiracial people through the
education system.

The philosophy of national education that clearly seeks to produce balanced and harmonious
human beings from intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical based on belief and obedience
to God is the basis of education in this country. The subject of Islamic education in schools is not
intended to breed extremist Islamic students but who have pure moral character in daily life as
well as having faith in God. While non-Islamic students are applied to moral subjects so that
moral values can be embedded in their everyday life and thus lead to a balanced and harmonious

While maintaining the existence of vernacular schools in the country he also sees the importance
of national schools if they can produce quality students but must be far from their religious
characteristics. Zaid statements also claiming that a group of religious backgrounds who wanted
this national education system to have a strong religious feature led to a non-Islamic society
rejecting the mainstream schools and moving to vernacular schools.

For me the zaid statement has made for us all to think what else is the lack of our national
education philosophy until we give birth to a man called Zaid Ibrahim. And last but not least may
Allah take care of us and guide us to the path that is always redha by him.

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