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131.5 The next day Father asked me where I wanted to go for breakfast.

I said the

grocery store because I can buy my own food and Father will make it the way I like it. He said

He said because his car is broken we must take the subway.

Here are some reasons I hate taking the subway:

Reasons I hate the Subway

1: People touch me

2: It is loud and confusing

4: It is underground, so I can’t count cars

5: There is lots of food that I can’t eat (for example hotdogs which are brown and pizza which
is yellow)

Father said that our train leaves at 8:41 and it is 7:59 which means there is 52 minutes left and

the subway is 1.37 miles away which takes 38 minutes to walk so we had to go then to have 14

minutes left to find our train and get on it. When we got to the subway, we swiped our cards,

and then we had to walk through shiny metal bars called turnstiles. I do not like walking

through turnstiles because they feel like they are pushing me and if you wait too long you could

get stuck in the turnstiles. I do not want to be stuck in a turnstile.

Another reason I do not like the subway is the train drivers are liars for example, our train was

supposed to leave at 8:41 but instead we left at 8:43 because some stupid person was late to

the train and I do not like people who are late because they make everyone else late and that is

very inconsiderate. Also, the train had exactly 59 people on it which was very bad because I was

squished against the door by a smelly man wearing a brown trench coat and brown khaki pants
who grabbed my shoulder when the train stopped. I screamed and pushed his arm off me very

fast and Father told him not to do it again and luckily we got off at the next stop marked Brunel


When we got to the grocery store, we went to the breakfast section. Father got a box of sugary

pink cereal and I got green grapes, white bread (not toasted) and 3 Milkybars because I had

eaten my last one the day before and they are my favorite food. When Father was paying

£12.39 for the food, the cashier at the checkout line said, “have a good day” and I told her that I

did not know if I was going to have a good day because I could not see the cars on the ride

there. Then we ate the food outside the store at a metal table under a dirty blue awning. The

grapes and bread tasted good, but Father bumped the table and the grapes touched the bread,

so I just ate one and three quarters Milkybars.

After we were full, Father called a yellow taxi cab. The inside of the taxi had lots of trash and

the driver was going an average of 14.5 miles over the speed limit which I did not like but I did

like the fare meter. The fare meter figures out how much you pay for the taxi depending on

how far you go and how long it takes to get there. Here is the equation for our taxi fare.

£2.50 + (kilometers x £1.20) + (minutes x £0.40) = fare

For example, this was our fare:

£2.50 + (9 x £1.20) + (13 x £0.40) = £65.30

When I looked at the meter, it said £65.30 but I knew it would because being wrong is lying and

I do not lie.

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