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PRACTICE QUESTIONS for EnP LICENSURE EXAMINATIONS ‘About 50% of questions are adapted from the national licensure examinations of ‘American institute of Certified Planners (AICP), United States of America. @ 1st Set by Alan G. Cadavos® STUDY TIPS FOR YOUR SELF-REVIEW Think positive that you can pass — so that your mind can expand capacity and absorb as much information as possible. Re- and re-read. Visual and sound familiarity with words will work in a Multiple Choice Exam. Study a bit ‘each day over a long period of time. At least 100 total hours are needed: Aplanner is a Generalist, not a medical sub-sub-specialist. “Better to know a litle about a lot of subjects than alot of detail about a few topics!” ‘The comprehensive content coverage can be overwhelming. Itis even tougher if you are in a crunch. So do not cramll! You are not taking a high schoo! quiz. Don't let terms trip you up. Study definitions of key terms. Study in whatever way has worked for you in the past -- write outlines, mnemonic devices, flash cards, whatever. Your notes from previous planning classes are always helpful. Talk to previous exam passers. Join study group of others preparing for the exam. E-mail partners for exchange of digital or electronic materials. Don't spend too much resources on photocopying. Prioritize PRC bibliography if you have to photocopy. Few days before exam, be rested and well-led, exercise to relax, have a good massage! ‘On exam day, arrive early at venue. "Case the room,” as the detectives would say. Give yourself time to settle your nerves. Dress comfortably (PRC usually requires white shirttop to distinguish examinees from ‘companionsivisitors). Bring non-programmable calculator, several lead pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser. ‘On exam day, eat just right — not too much food nor too much liquid that will make you go to the CR frequently. Bring survival kit ~ snacks, energy bar or energy drink, some water, tylenol, advil, ibuprofen, anti-diarthea, tissue paper. STUDY THE PROFILE OF EXAMINATION PANEL ‘+ Arch/Dr. Josefina M. Ramos - her interests are in regional planning, NEDA practices, human settlements, housing and utiles, civic architecture, local institutions. ‘+ Dr. Lirio Abuyuan -- her interests are in economics of local development, projects, infrastructure, transport ‘+ Dean Dolores Endriga -- her interests are in social planning, sociology, demography, mass shelter, land use planning, statistics and methods of research, ph rah +_enp@piep.or ‘ Practice Questions for EnP Licensure Examinations © Name & Date Paget Instruction: Write the letter of best answer on box provided 1. Presidential Decree 1308 Sec.2a defines i as referring to ‘all activites concemed with the management and development of land, as well as the preservation, conservation and management of the human environment” (A) Urban Planning (B) Human Ecology _(C) Environmental Management (0) Environmental Planning 2. According to RA 9275 Sec, it refers to the entire system which covers conservation, regulation and minimization of pollution, clean production, waste management, environmental law and policy, environmental education and information, study and mitigation ofthe environmental impacts of human activity, and environmental research, (A) Environment and Natural Resources Development (C) Environmental Management (8) Regional Planning (0) Environmental Planning 3, These are areas of less than 500 people per km? whose inhabitants are primarily engaged in agriculture orn extraction of raw materials, with dwellings which are spaced widely apart and often with litle or no services or Utlties such as power, piped water, sewerage, roads, etc. (A) Troe (8) Purok —(C) Hamlet (0) Rural 4. As defined by PD 1517 and by National Statistics Office, ‘urban’ area has the following characteristics except one: (A) itexports substantial quantities of processed (C) overall density of at least 1000 persons per products square kilometer nits entirety (B) core district's density is atleast 500 per (0) exribits a street pattern square kilometer 5. A’cty isa significanty-large urban area which has: (A) a cluster of skyscrapers (C) a rectilinear or orthogonal street design (8) acharter or legal proclamation _(D) a seaport or an airport 6. Ina November 2008 ruling of the Supreme Court upholding RA 9009's amendment of Sec. 450 of RA 7160 LGC, the statutory requirements for an LGU's elevation to cithood are (A) contiguous teritory of at least 100 km: except for islandigroup of islands _(C) population of atleast 150,000 (8) minimum annual income of P100 milion based on 1981 constant prices (0) all of the above 7. This pertains ta the process wherein large numbers of people, driven by demographic factors, live together in important locations ~ a process that is always accompanied by economic agglomeration, spatial alteration, and socio-cultural change. (A) Industraization (8) Urbanization (C) Demographic Transition __(D) Modernization 8, This refers to the unprecedented phenomenon occurring in megacities wherein the rate of increase of local population outpaces the natural ‘carrying capacity’ of cities as ecosystems and overwhelms the ‘caring capacity’ of city institutions in terms of resources and personnel to address complex problems. (A) Metropolitanization (B) Modernization (C) Hyper-Urbanization (D) False or Pseudo-Urbanization 9. A direct result of leapfrog’ or ‘checkerboard! development, this phenomenon irreversibly converts rural space into Urban space even before the populations meant to use it could be present (A) Premature Urbanization (8) Hyper-Urbanization (C) Metropolitan Annexation (D) Commercialization 410) Settlements in high-risk zones; buildings on natural wetlands; rivers and waterways used as Sewers; recurrent shortages of food, water and power, segments of idle prime land in city center; lack of distinctive city image and coherent urban form, all taken fogether, are manifestations of ~ (A) Population Explosion (B) Urban Geohazards (C) Exurbanization (OD) Unmanaged Urbanization Ecopolis EnP ph rah +_enp@piep.or ‘ Practice Questions for EnP Licensure Examinations © Name & Dato. soonmnnnnnsene OPage 2 Instruction: Write the leter of best answer on box provided 11. This refers to low-density urban use of land expanded faster than population growth requires and occurring in an ‘morphic manner at the margins of existing urban centers. Overtime, more and more houses are built far from Urban centers that would require more energy use per person and more government resources to provide piecemeal extensions of roads and ulti. (A) Dispersion _(B) Decentralization (C) De-urbanization _(D) Sprawt 12. In Michael P. Todaro’s Labor Migration Model of Urbanization (1976), the central pull factor or main attraction of Third World cities to rural migrants even when these cities are unprepared to accept migration is (A) “brightlignts effect” or lure of cty life and neon-it entertainment (B) possible benefits derived ftom proximity to seat of power and prestige of central city address (C) abundance and plenitude in cities versus hunger and famine due to insurgency wars in the countryside (0) substantial wage differentials between urban labor and rural labor forthe same level of skil, task, or occupation 13, The phenomenon of ‘urban primacy’ mostl in Third World countries wherein a single metropolis comers a disproportionate share of a country’s population, resources, and investments by reason of historical or political precedence, or as a result of foreign colonial influence, is also called "Manila imperialism’ in the Philippines. (A) itis desirable because ofthe efficient use of space and economies of scale, (B) itproves that benefts from agglomeration outweigh the disbenefts from congestion and overconcentration (C)itdemonstrates that Third Wertd countries remain as colonies of Western imperialist powers. (0) it shows polarization within a country and siphoning off of economic assets and human talent from ‘hinterland’ 14, The twin strategy of ‘concentrated decentralization’ and ‘industrial dispersal’ to correct urban primacy and inter- regional divergence in the Philippines was began under the administration of President (A) Ferdinand E. Marcos (B) Corazon C. Aquino (C) Fidel V. Ramos (0) Gloria M, Arroyo 15, Dr Edward L. Glaeser of Harvard University (1995, 2003) correlates ‘urban development with ‘democratization’ in the following observations. Which statement pertains the most to so-called ‘annihilation of space’ in urban areas? (A) information travels at high-speed in cities; transactions between producers and consumers are faster (8) because people in ities have high level of awareness, itis much harder for rulers to be despotic or tyrannical. (C) ineffective governments find it much harder for to ignore mass poverty and social problems in cities than in countryside. (0) Revolutions, labor uprisings, and riots are usually born and bred in cites. 41, In 2008, the Philippine city with biggest population, biggest gross income, biggest net income, and biggest IRA is (A) City of Manila ——_(B) Makati City (C) Quezon City (D) Metropolitan Davao 417. This school of thought maintains that cities are heaters of capital accumulation’ largely a consequence of class- based struggle among groups for strategic dominance and contral af surplus. Such a confictis usually won by the rich and powerful trough agents of capital such as multi-national corporations which use the city to amass wealth by raising property values through commerciaization, gentrification, manipulation, and land speculation. (A) Capital Theoretic Model (B) Political Economy (C) Eco-Capitalsm (0) Eco-Anarchism 418. This school of thought describes a borderless global economy characterized by free trade and free movement of capital wherein nation-states would have ‘lean and mean’ governments wich pursue policies of liseralzation, deregulation, privatization, de-bureaucratzation, ‘unbundling, 'de-coupling’, and similar structural adjustments, (A) World Systems Theory (B) Natural Capitalism (C)Neo-Liberalism _(D) Liberal Democracy Ecopolis En?

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