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Anno IV : xix Volume I, Issue 1  in 

Spring 2011 ev  in 
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

This Issue’s Featured

Content: Books

Do what thou wilt shall be brother or sister to bring them to an

the whole of the Law. event, swept a floor, or bought the
officers Gatorade during initiations,

W elcome to our debut

release of The Chariot
from Swirling Star Oasis. Here you
you have made a necessary and
important contribution to our Order,
and I Thank You!
will be able to read up on a variety No matter how big or small, it is
of topics including but not limited to purely relative. What matters is the
Thelema, ritual, magick, music, art intent and will to help support and
and whatever else that might inspire maintain a group that is at the forefront
us as magicians to create and evolve. of spiritual liberty and to give back
The road to this publication has to the universe the energy it requires
been a long and arduous one. Even to usher in a new age of spiritual
though The Chariot was conceived consciousness, science and religion. 
many years ago, it took the strength of How lucky are we to be standing
our membership with the right skills
to realize it’s potential. I would like to
at the helm of history with the
banner “Do what thou wilt,” so that
The Book of Secrets
take this moment to thank the Editors generations hundreds of years from by Daniel Pineda
for their dedication and commitment now could revel in the fruits of our Weiser Books; Paperback/ $15.95
to this publication and I look forward labor! To know that you have made ISBN: 978-1-57863-485-9
to the continued release of what I’m an essential contribution toward the
sure is going to be an informative and evolution of mankind that will last
insightful newsletter.  throughout the ages, all because you
As I type this and reflect upon swept the temple floor… wow!…now
the history of this body it becomes
clear how the strength of this group
that’s pretty cool!
And so, we present The Chariot. F rom the strange symbols on
a one-dollar bill to the secret
signs of the Knights templar and
relies solely upon the individuals
who take the time and initiative Love is the law, love under will. Freemasons, invisible societies, and
to bring us closer to the ideals we the world of magic and alchemy,
Fr. ASiF- The Book of Secrets (Weiser Books/
uphold, and for this I am compelled
Body Master March 2011) is a comprehensive
to give a public Thank You! If
Swirling Star Oasis
you have even carpooled with a Continues on page 2

The Official Publication of Swirling Star Oasis E
The Book of Secrets word occult has, in modern Western

From page 1
society, dark and sometimes evil
connotations; however, it simply
A Mesage From the
__________________________ means “hidden” or “secret.” Any Deputy Body Master
knowledge or method that is not easily
introduction to the world of secret and
esoteric knowledge throughout history.
perceived or obvious may be called Do what thou wilt shall be
occult. It will, for many, bring to mind
It offers a doorway into the initiated images of black robes, ritual sacrifice, the whole of the Law.
secret traditions of the fascinating and communion with dangerous
unseen spiritual world: its symbols,
secret societies, and seers.
spiritual forces. This popular image of
occultism has distracted many from
W ithout people, there can
be no O.T.O. Our holy
order needs talented and dedicated
To search for secret knowledge is to the central reason for, and tenet of, the
journey into the soul of humanity, for spiritual seekers to carry on its work.
initiated secret tradition that in many
what is more deeply buried orobscured Therefore, I welcome my new friends
ways has not changed since the dawn of
than the very center of ourselves? The to further investigate our Mysteries
civilization–that Man can become God.
and congratulate my Brothers and
Sisters of Swirling Star Oasis on the

Lucifer’s Rebellion: A Tribute

publication of The Chariot.
It is my sincere wish that this
newsletter bring greater light to
to Dr. Christopher S. Hyatt those who desire it, and offer yet
another avenue for our brethren to

T o say Dr. Christopher S. Hyatt, not come sugarcoated or gift wrapped. communicate that light which they
Ph.D. will not ever have mass Rather, Dr. Hyatt exposes every have so worthily obtained.
appeal is an understatement. If hypocrisy and forces his readers to
anything, the masses detest him en face themselves as they are–not as they Love is the law, love under will.
masse. And rightfully so. His radical wish to be.
approach to self-transformation does In the world of Dr. Hyatt we Fr. EGO
formulate our ideas of ourselves and the Deputy Body Master

world around us based on accumulated Swirling Star Oasis
lies (aka traditions) taught to us since
Rebellion childhood. As a result, each person
comes to believe in a fictitious I
A Tribute to Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D.
solely based on the liars in our lives To contact Swirling Star Oasis
regurgitating their lies onto us. “We are regarding membership, event
all handicapped by our traditions and information and general
conclusions,” according to Dr. Hyatt. questions, please email us at
Heroically, and luckily for many of
us, he offers a way out. Oasis Officers:
Though he passed away in 2008, Fr. ASiF | Body Master
Fr. EGO | Deputy Master
his take-no-prisoners approach to
Fr. SOLhADON | Master of Arms
self-actualization lives on. The articles Sr. Ouroboros | Secretary
contained in this book–some selected Sr. Gammadion | Treasurer
by Dr. Hyatt himself–are written by
Edited with a Foreword by Shelley Marmor
Timothy Leary, Ph.D. • Robert Anton Wilson • Dr. Israel Regardie authors who carry the torch of the
Doctor’s great work, including Chic
Osho • Austin Osman Spare • James Wasserman • Jack S. Willis
Richard Kaczynski, Ph.D. • Lon Milo DuQuette • Peter Conte
Chic & Tabatha Cicero • Daniel Pineda • S. Jason Black
and Tabatha Cicero, Peter Conte,
Jack S. Willis, Daniel Pineda, Nicole
Lucifer’s Rebellion: A Tribute Laliberte, and Dr. Hyatt’s son. Some of
to Christopher S. Hyatt Ph.D. the articles are written by his friends
and colleagues: Israel Regardie, James
Edited with a Foreword Wasserman, Lon Milo DuQuette, David
by Shelley Marmor Cherubim, S. Jason Black, Robert
New Falcon Publications Brazil, Wayne Saalman, Robert Anton
Paperback/ $15.95 Wilson and Timothy Leary.
ISBN: 978-1561840311 This book is a treasure trove of sanity wrapped in the garment of madness.

The Official Publication of Swirling Star Oasis E

A Message from the Swirling Star Oasis Secretary

Do what thou wilt shall be the in this I would ask my fellow initiates active roll in our body by contacting me
to stay appraised of any upcoming with questions and suggestions.
whole of the Law. events and let me know if they will be I can be reached at the e-mail
attending. Swirling Star Oasis is a dues- address
F irst of all, I would like to offer
my congratulations to my fellow
Brothers and Sisters for the launching
collecting organization so I would also
ask that each initiate contact me as to
with any questions. May everyone
embrace this new season with light,
their local body dues balance. The dues life, love, and liberty.
of Swirling Star Oasis’ new website
structure is $20 a month for all degrees
and the publication, The Chariot. I am
proud to be counted among you!
and must be paid quarterly. Love is the law, love under will.
Swirling Star Oasis is entering a new
As the Secretary it is my duty to
and exciting chapter in our history. As Sr. Ouroboros
make sure the logistics of the body run
our ranks swell, it is the attention to Secretary
smoothly and we continue to do things
detail that will keep us on the right Swirling Star Oasis
well and with business way. To aid me
path. I invite our members to take an

The Sacred Ritual of the Pentagram From the Editors

By AIMA our ancient Brethren) are given below.
It should be understood that the error A fter many an incarnation,
The Chariot is finally here.
It took just the right combination of
(from the standpoint of modern
Edited by mathematics) is conceded. On the people to bring it to life. For years,
James Wasserman other hand, we have in the literature it was nothing more than a concept
of occultism many examples of the and a good idea. Today, The Chariot
[Reprinted with permission from Healing has arrived carrying the voice of
Energy, Prayer, and Relaxation by Dr. use of closely approximate whole
numbers, used on account of their Swirling Star Oasis.
Israel Regardie, New Falcon Publications] This newsletter is about who
symbolic sense. A striking example is
we are and what we’re doing. As
E liphas Levi writes, “The the use of the number 22 to represent
the circumference of a circle whose a group we are strong, committed
Pentagram expresses the
diameter is 7. and dedicated. As individuals we
mind’s domination over the elements,
The significant numbers are talented, creative and unique.
and it is by this sign that we bind the
represented by the Pentagram are: This is a place to express our
demons of the air, the spirits of fire,
knowledge and creativity. We invite
the spectres of water and the ghosts
I. The number 5, which is the you to have a look and enjoy!
of earth. It is the Star of the Magi, the
length of the short segment of We welcome submissions for
burning star of the Gnostic schools,
every Pentagram line. publication in The Chariot.
the sign of intellectual omnipotence
2. The number 8, the length of
and autocracy . . . It is the figure of the Sr. Gammadion
the longer segments.
human body with the four members Sr. Uræus
3. The number 21, which is the
and a point representing the head . . .
length of every Pentagram line.
The empire of the will over the Astral To submit content for publication
4.  The number 105, or total length
Light, which is the physical soul of the in The Chariot, please email us at
of the five lines of the Pentagram.
four elements, is represented in magic
by the Pentagram . . . Its use, however, The numbers represented by the Please be advised we reserve the
is most dangerous to operators who enclosing pentagon are: right to edit for content, space, etc.
do not completely and perfectly
understand it.” 1. The number 13, the length of The Chariot Production Schedule
The diagram on [page 5 of this a single line of the pentagon. Summer 2011 E Deadline 6/10/2011
newsletter] shows a pentagram 2. The number 65, the length Autumn 2011 E Deadline 9/10/2011
enclosed within a regular pentagon. of the five lines of the pentagon. Winter 2011 E Deadline 12/10/2011
The actual measurements (allowing
for an error imperceptible to the The combined length of the lines Edited by:
eye, and discoverable only by careful composing the Pentagram and the Sr. Gammadion & Sr. Uræus
mathematical analysis involving enclosing pentagon is 105+65= 170. Layout & Design by:
calculations in decimals unknown to Sr. Uræus
Continues on page 4

The Official Publication of Swirling Star Oasis E

The Agony of ADNI: A Brief Scene by Fr. EGO

An Angel, Devil, and Adept Vision; just smoke and dust that fly which could not be lost
discuss the proper manner of finding Clouding the sense of inner sight Nor won by sword, or skill, or Host.
Truth, and how to bring Darkness! Confound the fearful man I teach men by lighting the flame
humanity to initiation. Who trusts he can’t yet hopes he can! By raised wand and
brandished sword
THE ANGEL A stream is led to salty sea
Praising the ineffable name
(Gives the signs of LVX) Not by predestined thought or plan.
Uplifting hearts with the good word:
Destiny, first and final word But by the pull of gravity
The law shall be “Do what thou wilt”
That issues forth in joyous tone So doth it flow, the play of Pan
Love all, therefore and feel no guilt.
Brings worshiper unto his Lord And should a dam be built my friend,
And ecstasy to painful moan. A new flow made, a whole new End! ALL
A drop of time, a breath of light Above, below, our reach extends,
I offer choice in matters all
The hermit finds in lonely night. Spiraling past galactic spans.
Free will and knowledge is my song
The soul, its house, its means and ends
The cry of mind imprisoned calls The pious I will cause to fall
Ever the target of our plans
To dark spirits hunting such prey, By numbing them to right and wrong
Our harvest is humanity
That they may aid in prideful falls True peace born of exhaustion,
And God the fruit of such a Tree.
Feeding on the soul’s decay. Surpasses faith in rising sun.
But should the pilgrim search for Me, Through trial severe, persevere!
Though he be blind the light he’ll see. Through darkest night
(Gives the sign of the Enterer)
and blinding light
I call to man; not from afar Man made angel, devil, and God
Know that all perception is mere
But from his core, the secret point, Images held as shepherd’s tools
Empty sense, dire mental plight.
So following, the brightest star Steadying soul with flail and rod
Fear not to climb the magic mount
His soul may I at last anoint. Worshiped by idolatrous fools.
Or to drink from Truth’s ruddy fount
Yet still he turns away with fears What good is done is undone soon
From thought of loss in Therefore I sought the Mystic boon. Oh life of love that is true peace,
wealth or years. Even Gods bow to such a state.
I prayed and played
When all thoughts halt
THE DEVIL with light and dark
and cravings cease,
(Gives the signs of NOX, omitting M.T.) Summoning elemental airs
When soul is wedded to her mate.
Destiny, the word is a lie Beheld the Word, the Law, the Ark
She to her bridegroom bends to kiss;
Poor creature, I shut myself in lonely lairs
All extinguished in endless bliss.
man who trusts in light! And found that
(All give the sign of Silence)

1.  By its connection with the sphere every generation, however, comes the
Pentagram Ritual of Mars (Geburah) through the number higher vision of the operation of this
From page 3 5, the Pentagram represents the field force, and it is the better perception
__________________________ of the operation of that fiery power of these seers that is designated by
whose manifestation throughout the the third and highest name for the 5th
Both the pentagon and the universe strikes terror into primitive Sephirah, DIN, Deen, “Justice.” Thus
Pentagram, as figures corresponding minds, whose reaction to its activities to the rudimentary intelligences of the
to the number 5, are symbolically is intimated by the name PChD, sub-human planes, the Pentagram, as
related to the planet Mars, to the letter Pachad, “Fear,” attributed to the 5th Eliphas Levi intimates, is the sign of
Heh, “wherewith creation took place,” Sephirah. The operation of this same FEAR. To men of partial understanding
to the Emperor in Tarot, and thus to power, to minds advanced enough to it is the sign of resistless POWER and
the sense of Sight, to the Path of the perceive the regular and orderly modes inexorable LAW. To great seers and
Constituting Intelligence, and to the of manifestations of this force, do not, sages it is the symbolic affirmation of
zodiacal sign Aries, in which Mars rules as a rule, perceive anything beyond the undeviating JUSTICE.
and in which the Sun is exalted. Thus inexorable exactitude and irresistible 2.  By its connection with the
the Pentagram is evidently a symbolic might of the Mars-force; so that to them letter Heh, the Pentagram is first of
resume of the various ideas relating to the words “Strength” and “Severity” all a symbol of creative power; and
these following Qabalistic principles: are the natural descriptions of their through the connection of Heh in
estimate of its nature. To some few in Tetragrammaton with Binah, it is a sign

The Official Publication of Swirling Star Oasis E
of Intuition and of Understanding. Name, AHIH, Eheyeh, which
Through the attribution of the is particularly attributed to the
letter Heh to the sense of Sight, first Sephirah, Kether. Thus this
the Pentagram becomes the number is directly related to the
magical symbol of true vision, fundamental act of creation, just
both physical and metaphysical. as the Pentagram is also related
Through its connection with symbolically to that act through
the sign Aries, it is the magical its correspondence to the number
symbol of those functions of the 5. To trace the Pentagram, then, is
brain (ruled by Aries) in which to make a gesture of identification
the Mars-force is dominant as with the Primal Will; and since
the energy element, and in which AHIH is the God name of Kether,
the power symbolized by the also associated with IChIDH,
Sun has its highest expression Yechidah, “the true Self,” the
(because the sense of sight, both tracing of the Pentagram is a five-
sensory and mental, is really a fold affirmation of the supremacy
specialization of light, of which and power of that Self.
the Sun is the source). All these Why fivefold? Because of the
Qabalistic ideas are related to magical and alchemical doctrine
the 15th Path of the Constituting that all things are composed of
Intelligence, the mode of Jesus and the 12 apostles, the Sun the Quintessence and the four
Intelligence by which the Universal and the 12 signs are also references to elements. This doctrine is precisely
Mind makes, frames or composes the inner significance of this number. paralleled by the Hindu conception that
the world-order. The expression of Furthermore it is the prime factor all things in the universe are composed
this mode of universal consciousness in the numbers of many important of Akasha and four other Tattvas
through a human personal center Qabalistic terms. It is the value of the which correspond to fire, water, air
enables the individual to constitute words AChD, Achad, Unity and AHBH, and earth. In other words, to trace the
his own world in accordance with the Ahebah, “Love.” Two x 13 is the value Pentagram is to affirm symbolically
universal pattern. Thus Eliphas Levi of Tetragrammaton, IHVH. Three x 13 that the REALITY in all the five modes
quotes an old magical manuscript to is the value of the phrase IHVH AChD, of cosmic manifestation is none other
the effect that he who possesses the “Tetragrammaton is One.” Four x 13 than the ONE SELF, designated as
magical power of the letter Heh “can is the value of Tetragrammaton spelt AHIH, Eheyeh.
neither be surprised by misfortune in its plenitude, IVD-HH-VV-HH; of The total length of lines of the
nor overwhelmed by disasters, nor AlMA, “Mother,” and of BN, “Son”—all Pentagram, if each be reckoned as 21,
conquered by his enemies.” The significant words in Qabalah. Five x 13, is 105. This is the sum of the numbers
Emperor in Tarot symbolically resumes the number particularly emphasized from 1 to 14, or the Mystic Number of
all these ideas, and properly employed, by the enclosing pentagon is 65, the 14. Thus, for one familiar with Tarot, to
evokes them from the inner life of the number of ADNI, Adonai, a name trace the Pentagram is to affirm the full
Initiate. Similarly, the Pentagram, which is used in the Pentagram Ritual expression of the powers of the ONE
as employed in the ritual hereinafter itself. Thus to trace the Pentagram is to SELF portrayed by Temperance. Again,
explained, is a symbolic declaration of write Adonai geometrically. Sixty-five 14 is the number of the Chaldean verb
the same powers. is also the number of the words HIKL, DBCh, “to sacrifice,” so that to trace
In tracing a Pentagram, whether on Haikal, “Temple or Palace;” HLL, “to the Pentagram is to make a full and
paper or by a suitable magical weapon shine, to commend, to praise;” and HS, complete symbolic sacrifice of all that
in the Air, the lines of the enclosing “be silent.” In this connection we may stands in the way of free expression of
pentagon are not actually drawn, but remember the saying: “The Lord is in the power of the Primal Will. Fourteen
the points of the Pentagram establish his Holy Temple, let all the earth keep is also the number of the Qabalistic
those lines, nevertheless. Hence their silence before him.” alchemical term ZHB, Zahab, (See
meaning shall be our next concern. Coming now to the Pentagram Aesch Mezareph) meaning “gold”
Each line is 13 units in length. itself, we find that each of its lines is 21 and figuratively, “Light.” To trace
The number 13 is most important in units long. The number 21 is especially the Pentagram then, is to affirm the
practical occultism and in Qabalah. important in the Qabalah. It is the value extension of that L.V.X. which is the
Exactly twelve spheres are required to of the three letters IHV with which, true alchemical gold.
completely enclose a central sphere of according to the Book of Formation, The number 105 itself corresponds
the same size. Again, a cube has exactly God sealed the six directions, or by Gematria to three Hebrew verbs.
13 axes of symmetry, and so has an formulated the cosmic Cube of Space. The first is HPK, “to turn, to change,
octahedron. Moses and the 12 tribes, Again, it is the number of the Divine to transform, to overthrow.” The

The Official Publication of Swirling Star Oasis E
second is PKH, “to flow, to run, to Proportion,” which may be defined as related to that problem in exactly the
pour forth.” The third is TzIH, Tziyah, the division of any quantity into two same way that we ourselves are related
“to glow, to burn, to glitter.” From such parts or proportions that the to the whole line, which represents
this third verb is derived the place- measure of the lesser part shall bear the word AHIH, Eheyeh, that is to say
name TzIVN, Zion, which has a very the same relation to the measure of the Self-Existence of the Primal Will.
important magical significance. Thus the greater part as the measure of In other words, the formulation of
to trace the Pentagram is to affirm the the greater part bears in turn to the the Pentagram is a symbolic assertion
operator’s power to divert the usual whole quantity. In pure mathematics that law pervades all manifestation,
course of force into pre-determined this interesting proportion produces that we are ourselves in the same
channels, thus transforming magically endless decimals, but Nature knows relation of control with respect to
the appearances surrounding him, no fractions and is bound by no that which is below us as is the Self-
and overthrowing adverse conditions decimal divisions, for she produces her Existence of the Primal Will in relation
(HPK). But all this is accomplished by harmonies with a free hand and with to us.
the realization that the entire world of inimitable perfection, being able to In other words, by making the
form is in a state of flux, that the power measure her distances and proportions Pentagram ceremonially, we symbolically
which assumes the forms of objects in with the extremest mathematical nicety recognize that we are absolutely under
our environment is identical with an yet without being subjected to the the direction of the Primal Will, and
Inner power, which is none other than need of the cumbersome calculation that this direction is manifested through
the original creative force of the ONE which man would be obliged to use the operation of unchanging law. At the
SELF (PKH). And finally, the actual in her place. Nature’s protractor is same time we symbolically affirm the
force used in magical operations, the always right, and in her use of infinite fact that we have over our problems
flowing, scintillating, fiery energy subdivisions the smallest humanly and circumstances the same power of
which focuses itself in that locality conceivable fraction would seem to control which the One Existence has over
occultly termed TzIVN, Zion, is also her a whole number. For ready service, us—a power likewise expressed through
represented by the total length of the therefore, this continuing series of 5, unchanging law.1
lines of the Pentagram, as representing 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc., will be found to This is the essence of the significance
the verb TzIH, Tziyah. be one of immense use where absolute of the Pentagram. Its ceremonial use in
Thus the Pentagram, enclosed in exactness is not requisite, since by the the Invoking and Banishing Ritual is
a pentagon, suggests the glowing, employment of these whole numbers explained as follows:
flaming (TzIH) manifestation of the the enormous effort required by the The Ritual of the Pentagram
Life-power which emanates or pours employment of fractions involved in corresponds in every detail to the
(PKH) the cosmos, and transforms one precise extreme and mean proportion mathematical and Qabalistic meaning
expression of itself into another (HPK) is escaped. If we bear in mind, that of the figure. It may be performed with
in a never-ending series of changes. the ancient systems of mathematical either a dagger or sword. Any pointed
This manifestation of eternal change numeration were incapable of handling instrument of steel will do but it should
is at work within the being of Adonai fractions with our modern facility, we not be used for other purposes. Before
(ADNI = 65 = pentagon), the Lord, shall understand more clearly why the using it for the ritual, pass the blade
whose Self-Existence is the Temple Egyptians and Greeks did not treat through the flame of a candle and
(HIKL = 65) of the Life-power, before fractions as “numbers” and why they wipe it off with a piece of silk. If kept
whose might the wise keep silence. so habitually substituted an integral solely for the purpose of the ritual, it
The Pentagram, moreover, is directly approximate in place of our own will not be necessary to cleanse it with
connected with actual cosmic proportions. decimal precision. fire again. Steel is used because it is
Reference has been made to this in For practical purposes then, we may the metal corresponding to Mars, and
speaking of the number 13, but we may go say that whenever we draw a Pentagram, because it has certain occult affinities
farther. The segments of the Pentagram we also divide each of its five lines in for certain of nature’s finer forces.
line (5 and 8) have to do with extreme extreme and mean proportion. That
and mean proportion. Concerning this, is to say, we make the measure of the
1 The Pentagram lines are subdivided
Samuel Coleman says the following in lesser part bear the same relation to
in EXACT extreme and mean ratio,
Nature’s Harmonic Unity (a volume the measure of the greater part as the
geometrically. It is only the numbers
written for the instruction of artists, and greater part bears to the whole line.
5, 8, and 13, that are symbolic integral
thus more valuable as a confirmation of The symbolic meaning is obvious. In
approximations. That is to say, the 13
the occult positions). using the Pentagram we always apply
unit segment. Also, the 8 unit segment
The series 5, 8, 21, etc., will be the measure of the lesser part, which
is to the 5 unit segment as is the 13 unit
seen upon examination to present the represents the particular problem, to
segment to the 8 unit segment. These
nearest integral equivalent to what our human powers and possibilities,
ratios are rigorously exact and subject
in the exact science of mathematics which correspond to the greater part.
to geometrical proof. (AIMA)
is known as “Extreme and Mean We also indicate that our powers are

The Official Publication of Swirling Star Oasis E
Make for it a bag of red silk and keep it changes, transformations.” Thus the This means “Throughout the ages.”
wrapped in this when not in use. This first word of the ritual has to do with the You then conclude this affirmation
insures it being associated in fact, transformation of the “man of earth” of eternal dominion, power and glory
and in your consciousness with the into a conscious vehicle of the Creative to the ONE SELF by pronouncing or
Mars vibration. Power, through conscious union of intoning the confirmatory word: Amen,
At the beginning of the ritual, the personality with the Administrative (AMN) 91, or 7 X 13.2
operator faces East, that is, toward Intelligence associated with the letter Phonetically, the complete sentence
the place of dawn, and toward the Tau, and symbolized by Key 21 of Tarot. composed of the six Hebrew words is:
place of Kether on the Tree of Life. Ateh, Malkuth, Vay-Geburah, Vay-
By so doing he symbolically affirms 2. Touching your breast, intone: Gedulah, Leh-Oh-Lahm, Ah-men. The
the truth that all his power is derived Malkuth. words should be said in a resonant,
from the One Source of Light and Life Malkuth (MLKUTh) signifies vibrating voice.
which is manifested to us as the Sun. “The Kingdom” and is primarily a There are five steps in this part
In performing the operation, he is recognition that whatever occurs is part of the ritual. The total enumeration
technically in the position represented of the Cosmic Order. A perfect order of the words employed is also a
on the Tree by the point at which the too, since the number of MLKVTh is multiple of 5. (AThH, 406 + MLKVTh,
Paths of Samekh (Sagittarius) and Peh the “perfect number” 496, the sum of 496 + VGBVRH, 222 + VGDVLH, 54 +
(Mars) cross each other, between Yesod the numbers from 0 to 31 and thus by LOVLM, 176 + AMN, 91 equals 1445).
and Tiphareth. If you have a Sanctum, implication the complete extension of 1445 is the number of the phrase
it would be best to place your Altar so the powers represented by the divine LShAIRITh NChLThV, “the remnant
that you can walk around it. If you have name AL, EL (equals 31), which is of his heritage,” which, of course, has
neither Altar nor Sanctum, any quiet attributed to Chesed. direct application to any human use of
place where you will not be disturbed (Note that the number of Malkuth the Life-power’s energy. 1445 is also 5
will do. Stand midway between the on the Tree is 10. The Mystic Number x 289, and 289 corresponds to PTR,
Altar and the East wall of your room or Theosophical extension of 4, which “to break through, to liberate,” and to
and face East. (Or, stand facing East is the number of Chesed.) Furthermore, PRT, “to distinguish, to particularize.”
wherever you are about to perform the 496 is the value of VThMIM, Ve- Both verbs designate the kind of
operation.) Thummim, “and perfections.” The activity represented by the Pentagram,
The first step of the operation is the whole significance of this second step as well as the actual purpose of the
formulation of the Qabalistic Cross. in the ritual is the affirmation of the Pentagram Ritual which aims to bring
While this is being made, the magical Cosmic Order proceeding from the about a particular manifestation of the
sword or dagger is held point upward divine self-impartation represented by Life-power’s liberating energy, and
in the operator’s left hand, leaving the Chesed and 4. comprehends that energy as working
right hand free for the following action: in a five-fold manner. Observe too, that
3. Touching your right shoulder, the letters which form these verbs are
1. Touching your forehead with the intone: Vey-Geburah (VGBVRH) 222. the same, differently arranged. Each
forefinger of your right hand, intone or begins with Peh, the letter of Mars. Each
say: Ateh. Thus the third step of the ritual is includes Resh, the alphabetical sign of
directly related to the 5h Sephirah, the Sun. In both we find Teth, symbol
This name, which is AThH equals Geburah, Severity, Strength or Justice.
406, and means “To Thee,” or simply of the serpent force and of Leo, the
“Thou.” This name is numerically zodiacal sign corresponding to the Sun.
4. Touching your left shoulder,
equivalent to the letter-name Tau, Now, still facing East, draw a
intone: Vey-Gedulah (VGDVLH) 54.
(ThV). This number is important Pentagram in the air before you,
Fifty-four is the number of DN, Dan
because it is the second “Theosophical tracing it with the point of your magical
“judgment,” the name of the Hebrew
extension” or Mystic Number from 7. weapon, held in the right hand.
tribe corresponding to Scorpio, the
That is, the sum of the numbers from Great care must be taken to close
night house, or occult sign ruled by
0 to 7 equals 28, and the sum of the the Pentagram at its starting point.
Mars. This step corresponds to the 4th
numbers from 0 to 28 equals 406. The The Invoking Pentagram begins
Sephirah, in the aspect of Magnificence,
number 406 represents the following with a downward stroke and the lines
or Gedulah.
words in Hebrew: OMHARTz, Aam are traced in the direction as shown.
ha Eretz, “an ignoramus,” literally 5. Clasping your hands upon your
“man of earth, a clod;” VPSRIN (Dan. breast, but keeping the fingers open, so 2 Compare the above with the
5:25), pronounced Upharsin, means that the fingers and thumb make five concluding words of The Lord’s
“divided;” SHVQ, Shoke, “to join closely, crosses, and represent the 10 Sephiroth Prayer: “Thine (Attah) is the Kingdom
to run,” also “the leg (of man or beast);” (with the magical weapon held by the (Malkuth) and the power (Ve-Geburah)
and ShNVIM, Shanaim, “repetitions, hilt between the palms, point upward) and the Glory (Ve-Gedulah) forever and
intone: Le-Olahm, (LOVLM) 176. ever (Leh-Olahm,) Amen.” (AIMA)

The Official Publication of Swirling Star Oasis E
The Banishing Pentagram begins with a line of the same electric fire traced by LOVLM ADNI. This signifies “Thine
an upward stroke. Each Pentagram the point of the weapon. Facing South is the power throughout ages, O
is traced as a continuous line. you make another Pentagram and Lord!”
(See diagram). Trace the figure in again, advance the point of the weapon The total numeration of the words
the air before you, just as you would toward the center of the Pentagram. in this sentence is 858, in which the
draw it on the wall. Let the arm be This time you say or intone the Divine succession of digits is a numerical
fully extended during this part of the Name: Adonai, ADNI. representation of the proportions
operation, and trace each line with a You then visualize the Pentagram of the three segments of a Pentagram
measured deliberate sweep of the arm. just as before. line. 858, moreover is 66 x 13, and 66
Practice this part of the operation until Now turn or move to the West, is the Mystical Number of 11, a number
you can make the figure firmly and holding the weapon extended as which is especially connected with the
exactly without any trace of hurry before, and repeating the mental vision Magic of LVX because it is that of AVD,
or hesitation. of the line of electric fire. At the West Od, the force used in beneficent magic.
From the North, you now return
to the East, tracing the line as before,
until it reaches the central point of the
first Pentagram, and thus completes
the circle of electric fire.
Face East, extend your arms at
full length on either side, so that your
body and arms form a cross, holding
the weapon point upward in your right
hand. Here you intone the following
Angelic Names:

1.  Before me, Raphael

(RPAL: 311)

Visualize the archangel as a mighty

figure in a yellow robe in which
shimmers the complementary mauve.
As the East is the station of Air, you
may mentally feel a gentle breeze
coming from around the figure.

2.  Behind me Gabriel

(GBRIAL: 246)

Visualize this archangel behind

you robed in blue with orange
complementary tones, and a crystal cup
After the tracing of the Pentagram, the same tracing of the Pentagram is of blue water held aloft in the hands.
extend your right arm, holding your repeated, but the Divine Name said or The West is the station of Water, so you
weapon so that the point is directed intoned is: Eheyeh, AHIH. may sense water flowing from behind
toward the center of the Pentagram. You now move to the North and the figure.
Then take a deep breath and while make a fourth Pentagram.
exhaling pronounce or intone the Here say or intone the Notaricon3 3.  At my right hand Michael
Divine Name, IHVH. Only the letters AGLA. Many writers ignore the fact (MIKAL: 101)
are pronounced ... Yod Heh Vau Heh. that this “word” is actually composed of
Visualize the glowing archangel at
At the same time you should endeavor the initials of the sentence: Ateh Gebur
the right as dressed in robes of red, with
to visualize the Pentagram as a flaming Leh-Olahm Adonai, AThH GBVR
vivid green overtones. A great sword of
star of electric fire, bluish white.
steel is uplifted in the hand. The South
You then turn to the South, continuing 3 [A Qabalistic word formed from is the station of Fire, so you may sense
to hold your arm extended, as if tracing the initial letters of a sentence. AIMA radiant heat and flames.
a line from the center of the Pentagram originally expected people to intone the
at the East to the point which will be the whole sentence rather than the formula 4.  At my left hand Uriel
center of the Pentagram traced at the “AGLA” as I suggest above.—Ed.] (AVRIAL: 248)
South. As you do so, try to see mentally,

The Official Publication of Swirling Star Oasis E
Visualize the archangel at your pentagon, each of whose sides is 1 unit Primal Will, or Kether. Kether is also
left as robed in a parti-coloured robe long. Adding the length of the lines and the seat of Yechidah, IChIDH, the true
composed of citrine, olive, russet and the length of the sides of the pentagon, Self, and all magic has for its object the
black. The North is the station of Earth we get 21 + 5 which equals 26, the value actual expression of the latent powers
so you may visualize the figure on a of IHVH, Tetragrammaton. The same of Yechidah. Ours is a work whose End
fertile ground with grasses and wheat. result will be gained by adding the is its Beginning, even as the ancient
perimeters of the five isoceles triangles picture of the serpent with its tail in its
5.  Around me flame the Pentagrams, forming the points of the star to the mouth is intended to remind us.
above me shines the six-rayed star. perimeter of the enclosed pentagon. Adonai, ADNI, “Lord,” is the
You then repeat the formula of the The Divine Name Adonai, ADNI, is Divine Name particularly attributed to
Qabalistic Cross. This completes the represented by the five longer segments Malkuth, the Kingdom. It represents
Pentagram Ritual. of each line of the figure, when the unit what Hindus call Ishvara, or the
The purpose of the Invoking Ritual measurement, of a single line is taken as Self-Existent ONE as the ruler of the
is to put you in contact with the higher 21. It is also represented by the regular Kingdom of the personal LORD. This
forces. It makes the personal organism pentagon enclosing the Pentagram, for name is pronounced in the South, the
a center of expression for a strong although this is not traced, its position place of the Sun’s meridian height,
current of the Astral Light. It should and proportions are established by the as a reminder that our immediate
be used sparingly, preferably in the points of the figure. For ADNI equals connection with the Self-Existent
morning. It may also be employed just 65 equals 5 x 13. ONE is through the agency of ITS
before beginning some undertaking The Divine Name Eheyeh, AHIH, manifestation as the solar radiance.
which makes a great demand upon the equals 21. This is the total length of the The Notaricon AGLA representing
strength of the Operator. Pentagram lines, if each be taken as the sentence, Ateh, Gebur Leh-Olahm
The purpose of the Banishing Ritual 4.2. It is also the sum of the perimeters Adonai (ATh GBVR LOVLM ADNI),
is protective. It may be used more often of the five isoceles triangles forming “Thine is the Power throughout the
than the Invoking Ritual, for its object the points of the star, using the same ages, O Lord,” is recited at the North
is to raise the personal vibrations to measurement. Again, it is the length because the North, as the place of the
a point where they repel all adverse of each Pentagram line when the greatest symbolic cold and darkness,
influences. In ceremonials involving the measurement of the longer portion is represents the latent or unmanifested
employment of the “inhabitants of the 8, and of the shorter 5. (cold) forces of the universe, and our
elements” as they are called in the Fama The sentence, ATh GBVR LOVLM ignorance (darkness) as to their real
Fraternitatis, the Banishing Pentagram ADNI, Ateh GeburLeh-Olahm Adonai, nature. The North is the place of the
serves to avert any danger of obsession. (AGLA) as mentioned adds to 858, Unknown, the region of appearances
In using the Pentagram Ritual you are so that the sequence of the digits and errors. Therefore it is the direction
dealing with no other inhabitants than represent the integral expression of associated with the letter Peh, and with
the gnomes or spirits of earth. When you the unit-values of the three parts of the the 16th Key of Tarot, which shows
are thoroughly perfected in the actual Pentagram line. the overthrow of the structure of false
performance of the Pentagram Ritual, Tetragrammaton, IHVH, is knowledge by the lightning-flash, which
you may perform it mentally. Simply pronounced at the East, because typifies the Tree of Life, or knowledge
imagine every step of the process and it designates the Self-Existent of Reality. Hence, in the North is said
be careful to throw the whole weight of ONE. The East is the point of the the sentence which sums up the whole
your magical will into every stage of the compass symbolizing beginning esoteric doctrine, ascribing ALL power,
physical operation. or dawn, and the beginning of all unknown and unmanifested, as well as
The Divine Names used in this ritual magical works is the fact of Self- known and expressed, at ALL times, to
are expressed by the proportions of Existence. This name definitely ascribes the One Source of all. This sentence is
the Pentagram. For the first of these, the powers invoked by the operation to the mathematical formula 858, which
IHVH, it is necessary to take a different their true source. shows the Rhythm of the Cosmic Breath
unit-measurement of the lines of the Eheyeh, AHIH, the Divine Name (8), working through the mathematical
figure. If we take a single line as having attributed to Kether, is pronounced order of the universe (5), and
a longer segment of 8 and a shorter at the West because the West is the continually reproducing the process
segment of 5, then the longer segment place of sunset, and so represents whereby the Life-power involves itself
is to the shorter as 1.6 is to 1, for the completion or end of the Sun’s in the limitations of form, and evolves
8:5 : 1.6:1. daily journey. The West is thus the itself again from the bondage of those
Using this proportion, the unit symbol of completion or end goal of limitations (8).
length of a single line will be 4.2. Then all human endeavor. The name AHIH When the operator returns to the
the five lines will have a total length of is associated with it in order to remind East, he stands with his arms extended,
21, and they will be enclosed by a regular us that the object of all magical works so as to form a cross. Thus he identifies
is the operator’s identification with the himself with the Administrative

The Official Publication of Swirling Star Oasis E
Intelligence, represented by the letter Michael, MIKAL, “Like unto God,” is Self-Existence designated by IHVH.
Tau and by Key 21 of Tarot. In so referred to the South as is Adonai, ADNI, Full consciousness of that identity is
doing he symbolically affirms the because this Name is intended to remind the completion of the Great Work. It is
Divine Mercy and the Divine Justice, the operator of the identity of his personal the making of the mystical “Stone,” the
because a man standing erect with “Lord” with the Supreme Spirit. ABN, Ehben,” in which AB, Father and
arms extended so as to form a cross, BN, Son are perfectly conjoined.
defines the boundaries of an imaginary The sentence, “Above me shines the
square. This, because in normally six-rayed Star” refers to the Hexagram,
proportioned human bodies, the the Star of the Macrocosm, or Great
distance from fingertip to fingertip, Universe. The Hexagram is composed
when the arms are extended, is equal of six equilateral triangles formed by
to the height of the body. Hence this the intersection of two great equilateral
position represents the same basic idea triangles representing Fire and Water.
as that suggested by the Square, and by Each of the six lines composing the
the number 4. Furthermore, it affirms Hexagram is divided into exactly three
the complete manifestation of the 10 equal parts, so that the total length of
Sephiroth in the 4 worlds, since the the lines is 6 x 3 = 18, the number of the
Qabalistic idea is that each Sephirah word ChI, Chai, “Life.” The sentence in
includes the powers of all 10 Sephiroth. the ritual therefore means, “Above me is
Thus the number 400, which is the the entire force of the Cosmic Life.”
value of the letter Tau, is the number of Since a single line of the Hexagram
total manifestation. contains three equal parts, each of
The operator then recites the names which may be represented by the
of the Angels of the four points of number 1, every line may also be
the compass. He says, “Before me, symbolized by the number 111. This
Raphael,” because he faces East. In this is the number of the letter-name
position, the West is behind him, and Uriel, AVRIAL, “The enlightened ALP, Aleph; of the adjective PLA,
as its Angel is Gabriel, at this point the of God,” is referred to the North, Pehleh, “Admirable of Hidden,” which
ritual runs: “Behind me, Gabriel.” The and associated with the Notaricon designates the first Path on the Tree of
South is at his right hand, and its ruler AGLA intoned at that point, because Life, Kether; of the initials of Brother
Michael, is designated by the sentence, enlightenment consists in the P.A.L. who was the associate of Brother
“At my right hand, Michael.” Uriel, or knowledge that ALL powers, no matter C.R., Founder of Rosicrucianism, at
Auriel, ruler of the North, is referred to how they appear, are rooted in the the beginning of his journey to the
by the words, “At my left hand, Auriel.” Divine Self-activity. Holy Land; of AOM, the Hebrew
Raphael, RPAL, means “God is The four Angels invoked in this equivalent of the Sanskrit AUM; of
the healer.” The name is derived from ritual have also other Qabalistic APL, Ophel, “darkness, obscurity,”
the verb RPA, ‘to bind up, to save, to meanings. Raphael is the Angel of (the obscurity of the No-Thing which
restore, to support.” It refers to the Mercury, and of the element of Air, and precedes manifestation); and of OVLH,
East, as does the divine name IHVH, is for this reason attributed to Ruach in Olah, which has three meanings: 1)
because the beginning of all magical the Qabalistic classification of the parts “Wickedness, Injustice,” and refers to
works is the recognition that the Self- of the human constitution. Gabriel, the apparent iniquity of some phases
Existent One is the only support of Angel of the Moon, corresponds to the of the cosmic manifestation; 2) “a step,
human undertakings, the only power element of Water, and to Neshamah, a staircase,” which refers to the graded
that can coordinate (bind up) and the Intuition. Michael, Angel of the ascent of evolutionary development,
make whole or complete any of the Sun, corresponds to Fire, and Chiah, 3) “a burnt offering, a sacrifice,” which
works of man. the Life-force. Uriel, Angel of Earth, refers to the self-offering of the Life-
Gabriel, GBRIAL, means “Strong one corresponds to Nephesh, the Animal power in the perpetual sacrifice of the
of God,” and comes from the same root Soul, or body consciousness. cosmic manifestation.
as Geburah. It is referred to the West, The sentence, “Around me flames Since a single line of a Hexagram
because the completion of all magical the Pentagram” refers to the intellectual may be represented by the number 111,
works is due, not to the operator’s perception that since the Pentagram is the six lines represent 6 x 111, or 666.
personal power, but to the fact that the mathematically the symbol of Divinity, This is the number which has always
operation makes him an open channel as heretofore shown, and also the symbol had a definite connection with the Sun,
or transparent medium through which of Man, the microcosm, it follows that and here it may be noted that on the
the Life-power’s activity of adaptation the operator is looking forward to a Tree of Life the number 6, of which a
(corresponding to the power of the 5th realization of the real identity between Hexagram is the geometrical symbol,
Sephirah) may be freely expressed. the Self in human personality and the is the Sphere of the Sun. Furthermore,

The Official Publication of Swirling Star Oasis E
the magic square of the Sun contains interpreters of the Book of Revelation mathematically and Qabalistically the
the numbers from 1 to 36, so that the (the sanest and least fanatical of all goal and the means. It sets a pattern
total resulting from adding all the who have tried their ingenuity on for self-unfoldment which powerfully
numbers in such a square is 666, the the riddle of that dark book) who influences the operations of the body-
Theosophical extension, or Mystic believe the number of the Beast to be building and function-controlling
Number of 36. a reference to Nero, from the Hebrew powers of the subconsciousness. It
The number 666 is the number NRVNQSR. Nero personified the puts us symbolically in right relation to
of the names SVRTh, Sorath, “Spirit materialistic conception of human life. the One Life, and when we are in this
of the Sun;” of SHMSh IHVH, This conception continues to poison right relation, no hostile influence can
“Tetragrammaton of the Sun,” or “Sun the life of the world to this very day. possibly injure us.
of Eternity;” and of NRVNOSR, the Its root is the belief that the physical Automatically, this ritual produces
Hebrew spelling of Nero Caesar. 666 is forces are the only real forces, that the the conditions, both physical and
also the celebrated number of the Beast laws of the physical are the only real astral which make easier for us the
mentioned in Revelation. laws. From this root springs the false realization of our true place in the
When the human mind accepts doctrine of determinism, false because universal scheme. You are admonished
the life processes of the macrocosm, it does not follow the idea to its logical to make yourself familiar with all the
symbolized by the Hexagram, as conclusion, which makes of men, details of its meaning. There are depths
final determinants of human action, puppets moved by the strings of blind of significance below the surface of
it accepts fatalism. Then it is, as force and necessity. the written word of this instruction.
Jacob Boehme would say, “under Opposed to this doctrine is the Enough has been said to enable you
the domination of the astral spirit.” magical conception summarized in to know what the ritual means, and
For the hexagram is the figure which the Ritual of the Pentagram. This says what it is intended to accomplish.
is used to divide a circle into twelve that man, with the powers of nature Understanding of its deeper values
equal parts, representing the Signs of and of evolution (symbolized by the is the fruit of careful, intelligent and
the Zodiac and the Houses of Heaven Hexagram) behind him, may so utilize faithful practice of the Ritual itself.
used in Astrology. To think of human and direct those forces through the
beings as absolutely dominated by the agency of human personality as to *****
forces of the macrocosm is to accept produce, by artistic adaptations, results Author’s Note: The material in this
materialism, and when thorough-going which go far beyond the macrocosmic chapter has been gathered after much
materialism is carried into practice, it averages. The Pentagram which is a research in many volumes and from various
leads to bestial conduct. symbol of the Logos made flesh, which other sources. Among the volumes consulted
Many observers of history have announces the identity of the Self- credit should go to: Transcendental Magic
perceived that materialism is the existent ONE with the essential Self in by Eliphas Levi. The four volumes by Israel
characteristic mental attitude of man, is an emblem of this work Regardie entitled The Golden Dawn, and
what may be called the “Roman” of adaptation. his book The Middle Pillar, Magick in
interpretation of life. It is the point Man himself is the subject of his Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley,
of view which makes a god of blind own alchemical operations. By artistic and others too numerous to list here.
force. Politically, it is expressed in adaptations of macrocosmic powers
those attitudes which justify war as a focussed in his personality, man ******
biological necessity, and make brute may modify himself, even as he has [Editor’s Note: This essay was
strength the only test of the “survival of succeeded in modifying the animal life originally part of a collection of
the fittest.” in his environment. He may tame the monographs by AIMA published in 1979 as
Many people feel that this idea, wild animals in his own cell-structure. The Ancient Wisdom and Rituals (Foibles
which permeates the traditional He may change his very form and Publications), now extremely scarce. The
political philosophies of many features. He may readjust the structure descriptions of the four archangels were
European nations, and vitiates their of his nervous system and transform added from The Magician: His Training
systems of jurisprudence, may be the chemistry of his blood. By such and Work by W.E. Butler, Wilshire Book
traced directly to the Rome of the changes wrought in himself, he may Company, 1973. Butler derived these from
Caesars. It is undoubtedly older than ripen his corruptible natural body into standard Golden Dawn attributions. Israel
Rome, but in the Rome of the Caesars, an incorruptible spiritual body, the Regardie’s Golden Dawn is now available
it dominated the world for a time. perfected fruit of the Tree of Life. in an updated and expanded edition from
If we realize this, we shall find The Ritual of the Pentagram sums New Falcon Publications as The Complete
ourselves in agreement with those up this tremendous aspiration. It states Golden Dawn System of Magic.]

Love is the law, love under will.

The Official Publication of Swirling Star Oasis E

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