Sacred and Social-Family Community Participation-Home Activity1-Angha 1

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Reaching Out: Call to Family, Community, &

Home Activity
Our bishops recommend the following ways of participating in making the world a
better place for all. As a family, see how many other ideas you can come up with under
each of the four categories. Write them in the space provided.

Protecting human life: opposing abortion, euthanasia, cloning, assisted suicide, the
death penalty; pursuing peace, caring for the most vulnerable in our communities.

Promoting family life: support of marriage; responsible communications; moral and

economic supports for families, community support for single parents and low income

Pursuing social justice: working for decent jobs and just wages for all; providing
adequate assistance to poor families; overcoming a culture of violence; combating
discrimination; working for quality health care, housing, food, and education for all.

Practicing global solidarity: overcoming hunger and global poverty; reducing debt
and promoting development; responding to the needs of immigrants and refugees;
pursuing peace; reducing conflict in the Middle East, Africa and other parts of the

Choose one idea (either one of the bishops’ or one of your own) and create an action
plan for your family to actually answer the call to participation.

Action Idea:

Plan of Action:

Date of Implementation:

Reaching Out Home Activity

Copyright © Center for Ministry Development,, 2013. All rights reserved.

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