Appreciation Essay

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The Perfect Wife

The perfect wife for me would have to be a woman who knows what she is doing

with her life and who wants to have children. I don’t need anyone, but I sure plan on

having someone to spend the rest of their life with me. I do need children because

everybody dies one day and I need people to carry on my legacy. Someone who will take

care of my offsprings needs to be qualified to the proper skills. Personally I am very

conservative and I have old school morals. I also have some new school morals. Some of

which include the wife cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the kids. Doing laundry and

other house chores. This sounds like the typical housewife. I’m looking for something in

between, because I don’t want a wife who’s just going to be at home all day. I want her to

have a career just like me and get on her purpose.

Having someone just stay at home and doing whatever I say isn’t going to do me

any good because eventually I’m going to get bored of her. This can happen to the male

as well vise versa. However in this case the male is weak and the female is dominant,

with time she will leave him. That is not me, I am the dominant person in the

relationship. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the sultan of swat, the king of clash. This is
why I don’t want to get married, simply because love is not genuine anymore. Not all

women but most of them now days are not loyal, you can’t trust anyone.

Now let’s hypothetically say that in a perfect world or a utopia such subjects

exist. What am I looking for? As I have mentioned earlier I want a woman not a girl. I

want a woman who knows what she wants and who is going to have our children. She

also needs to have skills. I mentioned those already. Now what about about physical

appearance? This one's a no brainer. She needs to be a goddess of course. Physical

features are very important to me and I have very high standards. But personality is more

important. I don’t want a pretty girl who’s as dumb a rock. Now I don’t want one who’s

smarter than Einstein either. Or one who’s a light as a feather. Something in the middle. I

don’t have any issue with race at all, but my type is blondes. To me blondes are the most

beautiful girls in the universe. I see them as angels, and blue eyes are my kryptonite. I

think the eyes are more important. Blonde hair is like a bonus because the eyes are the

window to the soul, and there is nothing more beautiful than blue eyes. They make my

heart melt faster than a popsicle on the fourth of July. So my type is usually a blonde girl

with blue eyes. As far as personality I want someone who will be with me through hell

and back. Someone who I can trust with anything and and overall great partner. I am a

King and I need a Queen to rule with me.

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