Kyjuan King Crop Production Cilantro SBA 2019

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School Based Assessment

Crop Production

Candidate: KyJuan King

Candidate Number:

School: Edward P. Yorke High School

School Number: 040027

Proficiency: General

Territory: Belize

Teacher: Ms. Abigail Calderon

Start Date: 12 January, 2019

Termination Date: 23 February, 2019

Table of Contents

Content Page Number


Projection Description…………………………………………………………………4

Sketch Layout……………………………………………………………………………...5

Procedures …………………………………………………………………………………6-7

Materials and Equipment……………………………………………………………..8-9


Picture Description……………………………………………………………………....12

Complete Budget………………………………………………………………………….13-18


Recommendation ………………………………………………………………………...20


Bibliography………………………………………………………………………………... 22

Appendices ………………………………………………………………………………….23

On the 12 of January 2019, a project designed to demonstrate the proper procedure and
techniques for crop production started. Cilantro was the crop of choice.

The site of the project was a secluded area on the campus of Edward P. Yorke High School.
Teachers and other students was not allowed around the site. The area was cleared for land
preparation which comprises of the building and filling of the seedbeds with black soil and
the primary and secondary tillage. The candidates proceeded to plant the seeds. In the
weeks following, the crop was watered and weeded routinely and fertilizer was added to
aid in development.

A healthy crop was harvested on the February 23, 2019. It was then marketed, packaged
and sold to local consumers. The project lasted over a course of six weeks and the yield
satisfied the requirements of the SBA.

Project Description
A secluded area on campus was cleared in preparation for planting.

All the small plants and tall grass that was found in the area were removed
with the aid of machetes and rakes. Afterward, the plots of land where the
seed beds would be built were marked off using pegs and fishing line. Then
shallow trenches were dug and one row of cement blocks were set along the
markers to function as the frames of the seed beds. After the seedbeds were
constructed, they were filled with black soil purchased by Edward P. Yorke
High School specifically for the project. The soil was spread evenly, ploughed
thoroughly to aerate and sprinkled lightly with water to moisten.

In each seed bed constructed, four uniform rows of seeds, one-inch-deep were
planted with small trenches between them for drainage. The seeds were
covered entirely with soil and left to germinate. Over the course of a six-week
period, the seed beds were watered and weeded twice daily. On Wednesdays
and Saturdays, they were fertilized.

These procedures then resulted in a healthy crop that was then uprooted,
rinsed with clean water and packed for marketing.

Sketch Layout

Sanctioned Project Area

Seed beds [1m X 3m X 0.3m]



1 Land preparation: The land was prepared by clearing up the area to be used and by
primary and secondary tillage.

2 Seed Bed preparation: The seeds beds were prepared by using cement blocks to
make a barrier so that it was suitable to support the soil and plants. One row of
cement blocks was set together in the shape of a rectangle. The black soil was then
added inside the box.

3 Irrigation: The crops were watered using a watering container, which provided the
right amount of water that the plant needed to be hydrated.

4 Seedling Distribution: The seeds were placed in rows of four and one inch deep.
Then the soil was placed lightly on top of the seeds. Seeds were not patted down as
this would reduce the rate at which germination would occur due to the seed being
damaged. Water was sprinkled to provide moisture. After three to five days, weak or
crowded areas of the leaves were snipped off so that the cilantro would grow faster.

5 Transplanting: In this project, seeds were kept and monitored in one seed bed due
the high number of seeds being planted. However, in most instances, the young
plants are removed from their seed box by using a trowel to move both the plant
and its roots from one box to the other.

6 Weed Control: The plants were carefully monitored ensuring that all weeds were
uprooted to increase the rate of growth of plants. External factors such as dead
leaves falling from nearby trees were also removed from the seed bed.

7 Fertilization: The crops were fertilized using fertilizer brand Miracle Grow. This
helped the crop to grow healthier and stronger.

8 Molding/Mulching/Stalking/Pruning: As the plants increased in size, certain

activities such as molding, mulching, stalking and pruning were done to allow plants
to grow successfully.

9 Harvesting: When it was time for the Cilantro to be harvested, we uprooted them in
bunches to get as much as we could. We had to make sure that they were retrieved
perfectly and that no Cilantro was left behind.
10 Marketing: The marketing of the crop entailed cleaning, packaging and advertising
the produce. The crop was cleaned by taking out all the soil particles from the root
hairs, when that was completed; the leaves were rinsed with clean running water.
They were packaged in an air tight sealed bag to prevent easy spoiling. We advertised
through social media, radio broadcasting and fliers were given to persons who passed
by and stapled unto bulletin boards and lampposts.

Materials and Equipment
Materials Uses

Cilantro Seeds Seeds used in project expected to sprout.

Black Soil Medium through which seeds will sprout and get nourished.

Miracle Grower Fertilizer mixed into soil for plant growth.

Water Keeps plant roots moist and plant hydrated.

Transparent Bags Used to package cilantros for sale and marketing

Cement Block Used to build seed box and seed bed

Rake Used for heaping up soil, leaves etc.

Machete Fertilizer mixed into soil for plant growth.

Palm Branches Used to cover seed bed area to prevent desiccation

Used for removing seedling from its box, using the thin tip of
Transplanting Trowel
blade to hold the roots

Digging Trowel Used for digging holes and mixing soil

Digging Fork Used for loosening, lifting, and turning over soil.

Wheelbarrow Used for transporting large loads of soil.

Shovel Used for digging, lifting, and moving bulk materials.

Spade Used for breaking large lumps of soil

Watering Can Container used for watering plants

Hose Transports large volumes of water to a particular location

Schedule of Weekly Activities
Week 1

Monday Thursday Friday
>Seedbed area was
>Materials for
>Area was marked out >Soil was sorted, >Seeds were
seedbed were
selected tilted and then planted in the seed
gathered >Cement Block were
>Selected Area used to complete the moisture was box and were
>Soil was added irrigated
was cleared. bed >Seedbed was
filled with soil

Week 2

>water cilantro >water cilantro >water cilantro >Water cilantro

>water cilantro seed
seeds seeds seeds seed
> weed control

Week 3

> water cilantro >water cilantro

>water cilantro >water cilantro plant >water cilantro
seed plant
seed >weed control plant
>weed control >fertilizing

Week 4

>water cilantro > water >Water cilantro >water cilantro

>water cilantro seeds
seeds cilantro seed seed seeds

>weed control >Fertilizing

Week 5

>water cilantro >water cilantro >water cilantro seeds > water cilantro >Water cilantro
seeds seeds seed seed

>weed control >Fertilizing

Week 6

>water cilantro
> water cilantro >water cilantro >water cilantro seeds
>Water cilantro seed
seed seeds seeds > we did the last
>Fertilizing hand weed control
>weed control

On 23rd a Saturday we Harvested them up.

Picture Description

The construction of seedbeds after

the project area has been cleared. Almost mature crop one week
before harvesting.

finished crop already harvested,
The planting of seed in a finished washed, marketed and packaged for
seedbed sale

watering (irrigation) of seedling

Complete Budget
Expenditure; Income; Profit

Edward P. York High School

Cilantro Production

Estimated Expenditure

Time started: October 28, 2018

Time end- December 9, 2018

Description Price ($)

Water $10.00

1\2 pound bags $5.00

Miracle grow (Fertilizer) $7.00

Cilantro seeds $10.00

Watering container $10.00

Total Expenditure $42.00

Edward P. York High School
Cilantro Production
Estimated Income
Time started: October 28, 2018
Time end: December 9, 2018

Description Total

Sale of 25lbs of cilantro @ $10 per pound 25lbs * $10.00

Total Income $250.00

Edward P. York High School
Cilantro Production
Estimated Surplus
Time started: October 28, 2018
Time end: December 9, 2018

Description Total

Total Income $250.00

Total Expense $42.00

Net Profit ( Total Expense – Income) $208.00

Edward P. Yorke High School
Cilantro Production
Actual Expenditure
Time started: 12 January, 2019
Time end: 23 February , 2019

Description Total

Cilantro Seeds $20.00

Miracle Grow ( Fertilizer) $16.00

Water $5.00

Water Container $10.95

1 pound bags $5.25

Total Expenditure $ 57.20

Edward P. York High School
Actual Income
Time started: 12 January, 2019
Time end- 23 February, 2019

Description Total ($)

Sale of 11.01lbs. of cilantro per pound @ $12.00 11.01lbs * $12.00

Total Income $132.12

Edward P. York High School
Actual Surplus
Time started: 12 January, 2019
Time end- 23 February, 2019

Description Total

Total Income $132.12

Total Expenditure $57.20

Net Profit (Total Income – Total expense) $74.92

Comparison of Projected and Actual income:

● Projected Income – the estimated sum of money to be made from project

● Actual Income- the real value of money yielded from the project
❖ Actual Income – Projected Income
❖ $132.12 - $250.00
❖ = $117.88
● The value of the Projected Income exceeded that of the Actual Income by $117.88.

Comparison of Projected and Actual Expenditure:

● Projected Expenditure- an approximate value of all expenses for the project

● Actual Expenditure- the exact amount of money spent calculated with fixed figures
❖ Actual Expenditure – Projected Expenditure
❖ $57.20 - $42.00
❖ = -$3.45
● The Actual Expenditure was revealed to be more than the Projected Expenditure by
a sum of $3.45.

Comparison of Projected and Actual Surplus:

● Projected Profit- an estimation of the money to be made; obtained as the difference

of estimated money spent and estimated money earned
● Actual Profit- the real value of the money made
❖ Actual Profit – Projected Profit
❖ (Actual Income- Actual Exp.) - (Projected Income- Projected Exp.)
❖ ($132.12 – $57.20) - ($250.00 - $42.00)
❖ $74.92 - $208.00
= $133.08
● The Projected Surplus was $133.08 less than the actual value of the
profit made.

The project could have been more successful had the candidates distributed
the tasks of watering and weeding the crop daily. Also, where one of the bed
was situated it didn’t receive enough sunlight. This had an adverse effect on
the yield. The project was a success on completion because we had a surplus
of $74.92.

The project produced a healthy crop in the appropriate time span, costing only $57.20. The
yield of the crop made a profit of $74.92 which is $133.08 less than what was expected to
be made. The performance and completion of the various techniques demonstrated the
easy cultivation of this crop. With this knowledge candidate are now motivated to cultivate
cilantro (coriander) and other small herbs, spices and vegetables which can be easily
maintained at home to save money.




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