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How should the role of the United States be remembered?

As saved the World..

- D Day but it didn't start til 1944

- Produced Supplies in Bulk
- Defeated Japan alone

Marcelo Calixto
Mr. Thorson
27 March 2019

The role of the United States should be in the view that they help save the war.
The reason I believe this is because the United States played a huge part in war by first,
helping our allies with winning the war. The United States had the most made resources
in war and was able to defeat Japan alone with the mighty techniques of island hopping
and bombing raids. The fire power our country had was so powerful, no one could take
it. The atomic bomb played a big role because of the damage given to the both cities
and was eventually known as one of the deadliest bombs to ever hit the earth. We
helped fight the Germans and fought hard in D Day. Allies with the United States couldn't
win anything without our country's help. We had war bonds help us to recover and get
what we needed to win as much as we could in war. The United States in the end
became the Arsenal of Democracy because of the war moves made by the strongest
country at the time, ourselves. In the end, the United States should be known as the
country to save the war because of all the pros they brought to the war to help win it.

The United States, aka the strongest country at war, should be remembered,
war-wise, as the country that saved the war. Our country helped fight against the
Germans, was strong on D Day, defeated Japan alone via island hopping and bombing
raids and, we used the atomic bomb. Our allies counted on our country to win the war

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