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One Sunday evening,

I went to the park as usual,

I saw something in blue,

Under the bench.

I was wondering what was it,

I went to get closer,

I took and opened it,

It was a…………………………

I promised to myself,

I must return it to the owner,

But how???

Oh yess!!!

Instagram, facebook, whatsapp or telegram?

I’m sure I could return it,

I bet , the owner would be in deep trouble,

For sure he searched for it high and low,

I should publicize it as soon as possible.

One bright /sunny day,

I received a call,

We met at the nearby bus-stop,

He gave me a reward,

He thanked and expressed his grateful to me..

As he could get back his ………………………………..

###cat / phone / bag / laptop / sport shoes / wallet / purse / ball / book
Oh what shall I have today for my ………………….?

I know , a ………,

As big as can be!

I’ll start with the…………………

………………… , quite large,

Then, slap / spread on some…………………

Oh yes , and some …………………

I’ll put in some ……………….

Add more……

A ……… or two

And may be …………………

This big…………………!

I’ll bung/ add in some………………

A …….of course

And… a …….

All covered in …………………….

Add in some………….

And may be some…………….

Some …….. , an ……………….

A …………………..

A ………………… with some ………………

Some ……………….

……………………….. , ……………………………..

……………………….. , …………………………..

……………………. and……………………….
………………………. And …………………..

All ……………………with………………

And ……………………….. , …………………………….

Now a ……………………like that

You really can’t beat

It’s packed out with goodies

A real tasty treat

There’s only one problem;

It’s breaking my heart….

It’s such a big …………..

Where do I start?
Let’s go to my house,

I’ll show you my bedroom,

The place where I had my sweetest and my sorst dream.

Let’s go to my house,

Here is the swimming pool,

The place where I relax my mind,

And enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Let’s go to my house,

There’s no place like home.

Last night I had a dream,

I dreamt about a unique

I drove my favourite car,

To my favourite place.

Last night I had a dream,

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