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, II Year, Model Question Papers

Paper I : Value Education and Human Rights Education

1. a. “Teachers should be involved in Value Education” Justify your response to above statement.

b. What are values? How are they classified?

2. a. Explain salient features of Social – Action Model’.

b. Illustrate how you would create ‘Just Communities in your school community.

3. a. Who is a ‘morally educated person’. What sets apart a ‘morally educated person’ from a
‘educated person’

b. ‘What is a ‘moral judgement’? Illustrate with the help of moral dilemmas different types of moral

4. a. What is Justice? What are different types of Justice? Give Examples.

b. Discuss about gilligans concept of care vis-a-vis kohlbergs concept of justice.

5. a. What are human rights? What are its salient features?

b. Using relevant examples bring out the difference between different generations of human rights.

6. a. Explain how you would teach “fundamental duties” of Indian citizens to high school students.

b. Discuss the role of AP Human Rights Commission in protecting human rights.

7. a. Using India Culture as the base, how would you inculcate human values?

b. What are the symbols of Indian Culture.

8. a. To impart Human Rights Education in School, what strategies would you adopt?

b. Design a curriculum for Human Rights Education for College Students.

9. a. Trace the historical developments of concept of human rights in India.

b.Describe in detail the provision for Human Rights in Indian Constitution

10 a. Discuss the need and importance of value education in existing social scenario with special
reference to i. Violence against girl child ii. Cyber crimes

b.Discuss the dichotonny of two dimensions of morality justice and care. Highlight issues of

i.Capital punishment 2. Euthanasia and 3.Suicide 4. Juvenile crimes etc.

Paper – II : Educational Guidance and Counselling

1. a. What do you mean by guidance? Discuss its functions.

b. Discuss the basic assumptions of guidance services in education.

2. a. Identify the specific needs of guidance services for special learners

b. Discuss the various principles of educational guidance.

3. a.What are the salient features of super’s theory of vocational guidance.

b.Distinguish between career talk and career conference.

4. a. What do you mean by personal guidance?

b.Identify the potential problems of personal guidance.

5. a.How would you plan for group guidance at secondary school stage.

b.Suggest the procedure and techniques of group guidance.

6. a Differentiate between group conselling and individual counseling

b.What are the characteristics of good individual counseling.

7. a. How would you evaluate a guidance programme?

b.Distinguish between counseling and guidance.

8. a.Why do we need various tests in counseling and guidance services?

b.Illustrate with examples the relevance of guidance services in real class room learning.

9. a. What do you mean by administration of tests in counseling and guidance services?

b. Discuss the various tests used in counseling and guidance services.

10. a Compare and contrast the directive and non-directive counseling approaches.

b. Discuss the strategies of vocational guidance at secondary school stage.

Paper – III : Management, Planning and Economics of Education

1. a. What about the nature and scope of educational management?

b. Educational administration at various levels – Explain.

2. a. Write about the need and importance of educational planning.

b. Write about any one approaches of educational planning.

3. a. How can you control, manage budget in education.

b. How allocation of education is being done.

4. a.What is the significance of economics of education?

b. State the dependence of education and employment.

5. a. State different types of costs of education.

b. Explain taxonomy of educational benefits.

6. a. Explain about the growth of educational management.

b. Briefly explain about leadership and personnel management.

7. a.Explain the models of educations planning.

b. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of decentralized planning.

8. a Explain the demand factors, which influence finance in education.

b. State different sources of finance for education in India.

9. a State the difference between human capital and human resource.

b. Write about the privatization of education.

10. a.Write about the components and determinants of costs of education.

b. What are the problems that come across in measuring length and costs of education.

11. a.Discuss the objectives and principles of educational management.

b.Explain in detail about the costs and benefits of education.

Paper VI : Elementary and Environmental Education

1. a. Mention the objective and Rationale of Elementary Education

b. Explain Universalisation of Elementary Education as a developmental strategy.

2. a. Write a note on National Policy of Education – 1986 on Elementary Education.

b.Write a note on different aspects of UEE – enrolment, participation and learning achievement.

3. a. Write a note on dropout phenomenon at Elementary level. What measures do you take up to
retain children in schools

b. Write a note on the importance of Education of the Girl Child.

4. a. What are the factors which determine school effectiveness?

b. Write a note on DPEP. What are the goals and strategies of District Primary Education

5. a. Mention the Aims and objectives of Environmental Education.

b.What is the special nature of curriculum on Environmental Education.

6. a. Describe the relationship between man and environment.

b. Write a note on Ecological Perspective of Environmental Education.

7. a. What methods do you adopt to teach Environmental Education?

b.Write a note on the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1989

8. a. What do you mean by Natural Resources. Explain abiotic resources?

b. What are man-induced Environmental Hazards?

9. a. Discuss the status of UEE with reference to the equity principles

b.Explain in detail the support services of UEE

10. a. What type of programmes do you conduct to enable school children to combat with the
negative effects of environmental erosion and pollution at various stages of education?

b. Extinction of any one of the plant or animal species results in ecological imbalance. As an
Environmental Education teacher how do you strongly inculcate the ill effects of extinction of flora
and fauna in your students.

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