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1 AIRCRAFT TECHNICAL LOG ........................................................................................... 2

2 INSTRUCTIONS OF USE ................................................................................................. 2

3 DISTRIBUTION OF AIRCRAFT TECHNICAL LOG SHEET .............................................. 3

4 AIRCRAFT TECHNICAL LOG SAMPLE AND DECODE ................................................... 4

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The purpose of Aircraft Technical Log is to record pertinent details of all flight sectors and the preparation
of the aircraft for each flight. An ATL includes the following specified information:

1) Company name and address;

2) Aeroplane type and registration;

3) Certificate of Release to Service;

4) Defects in addition to documented rectification;

5) Oil quantity data;

6) Fuel quantity data;

7) Documentation of MEL controlled deferred defects and conditions;

8) Details of components change … etc.


The Aircraft Technical Log shall be handled in accordance with the following instructions:

1) All entries shall be made in CAPITAL LETTERS using a ball point pen to ensure that all copies are
legibly duplicated;

2) Entries shall not be erased. If any corrections are required to be made, the corrections shall be
identifiable, and errors corrected must remain legible by striking out the incorrect entry and making the
change followed by initials adjacent to the new entry. As a guidance, the following practice shall be

a) When an entry requires to be made ‘void’, the Captain shall draw 2 diagonal lines for the subject
log entry and write in the word ‘VOID’ within the diagonal lines. The Commander shall also enter
his initials.

b) When an entire Aircraft Technical Log page requires to be made ‘void’, the Commander shall
draw 2 diagonal lines across the entire page and write in the word ‘VOID’ within the 2 diagonal

c) When an error is made in an Aircraft Technical Log, a single horizontal line shall be drawn across
the word and the correction made above it. The Commander will then initial against the
correction(s) made.

3) The Captain and the flight information details shall be appropriately entered in the block provided for
that purpose. Flight information details shall include aircraft registration, purpose of flight, flight
number, date, arrival and departure stations, time of departure and arrival, and sector times. Date and
time entries must be reference to UTC;

4) Fuel and fluid replenishment figures and departure quantities shall be entered in the appropriate boxes.
The person responsible for refueling shall enter his name, authorization and sign in the designated
block of the log page;

5) APU running hours, tire pressures and information on the use of ground de-icing shall be entered in
the block provided for that purpose. When ground de-/anti-icing procedures are used, then enter the
time when ground de-/-anti-icing was started and the type of fluid applied including the mixture ratio of

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6) If an ASR has been raised and has direct relation to the entered defect, then ‘ASR RAISED’ block of
the log page shall be appropriately ticked;

7) Details of defects shall be entered in the block provided for that purpose. Each page holds three
defects entry. If an additional entry is required, the next page shall be used, the last page shall be
signed by the Commander and ‘NEXT PAGE USED’ block of the log page shall be appropriately

8) In case no defects were encountered, a statement “NIL DEFECTS” shall be entered for the continuity
of records;

9) Detail of correction or deferral shall be entered in the block provided for that purpose. If any
components are installed or removed this shall be recorded. When no corrective action is performed
the phrase “Noted” shall be written in this area. The AME / Authorized Personnel shall enter details of
the corrective action taken to rectify recorded defects including other details such as personal
identification, date, part and serial numbers of removed items together with the part, serial and release
numbers of replacement items.

Note: In case of defects that cannot be rectified and required to be deferred, and, if allowable by
reference to the MEL / CDL or an approved technical publication, then the details of deferred
defect shall be logged in Deferred Maintenance Record.

10) Accomplishment of the Transit, Daily and Weekly Check shall be certified in the Aircraft Technical Log
page. The person responsible shall sign and enter his authorization number with date in the block
provided for that purpose;

11) Items from the Cabin Defect Log related to safety or airworthiness or those requiring spare parts
replacement shall be transferred to the Aircraft Technical Log by the Commander or an authorized
engineering staff. After transferring the defects from Cabin Defect Log, the Commander or an
authorized engineer shall tick ‘CABIN DEFECTS RECORDED’ block of the log page;

12) The AME / Authorized Personnel shall indicate if due to aircraft system degradation the type of
operations has been downgrade e.g. RVSM or the aircraft auto-land capability etc;

13) The aircraft shall be released to service by AME / Authorized Personnel with a Certificate of Release
to Service (CRS) Authorization. The signature of the AME / Authorized Personnel indicates completion
of airworthiness certification.

14) The signature of the Commander accepting the aircraft for the flight after satisfying himself that the
aircraft is fit for the flight and the stated fuel quantities are on-board the aircraft. The Commander
signature on the ‘Commander’s Acceptance’ block means that the Commander has satisfied with the
aircraft conditions for the applicable flight. The Commander has the authority to reject an aircraft prior
to flight if he is not satisfied with any aspect of airworthiness or maintenance status of the aircraft or
the documentation.


Aircraft Technical Log page contains four copies, which after its completion shall be distributed as follows:

1) White copy, to be removed at Muscat Station only and send to Technical Records.

2) Blue copy, to be removed by the Engineering at arrival station, and to be retained for their records as
a part of release document;

3) Yellow copy, to be removed by flight crew after termination of flight to include in flight envelopes.

4) Pink copy, shall be retained in the Aircraft Technical Logbook.

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The Aircraft Technical Logbook is divided in two sections with its own profile usage as given below :

1) GREEN section shall be used for pilot completion i.e. details of pre-flight completion and post-flight
completion; and

2) BLUE sections shall be used for Engineer completion.

The following table gives the description of the Aircraft Technical Log with the responsibility of the relevant
person to complete the appropriate blocks. The responsibility to complete details by flight crew is indicated
by word “P”, and the aircraft engineer with word and “E”.

Name of Block Resp. Description of Block
Log No.

1 Aircraft P Enter the three-letter registration code of the aircraft

2 Purpose of Flight P Tick as appropriate
a) Revenue – normal passenger flight
b) Test – Flight test
c) Training – Non-revenue training flight (e.g. Base Training
d) Tech Ferry – Technical Ferry. It requires special approval
from the Head of Safety and Quality and Head of Flight
e) Positioning – To / From any station without revenue
passengers. It is not a technical ferry.

3 Flight Data
Date P Date of flight departure based on UTC
Flt No. P Flight number of the leg
FROM P Airport of origin (3 letter IATA code)
TO P Airport of destination (3 letter IATA code)
4 Sector Times
Chocks off P Chocks off time in reference to UTC.
Chocks on P Chocks on time in reference to UTC.
Take-off Time P Time at which the aircraft gets airborne in reference to UTC
Landing Time P Time of aircraft touchdown in reference to UTC
Flight Time P The time between take-off and landing.
Block Time P Block Time = Time difference between CHOCKS ON (-) (UTC)

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Name of Block Resp. Description of Block
Log No.

5 Arrival Data P To be completed by the aircraft Commander (Name, Staff No.

Certification and Signature) after flight. It may include the following
a) Technical Defects are Recorded: If a technical defect
occurred during flight and is reported in the aircraft technical
log, tick “YES” or else “NO”.
b) Cabin Defects are Recorded: If a cabin defect affecting
airworthiness is reported in the cabin defect log, transfer it
into aircraft technical log. If cabin defects are logged, tick
“YES” or else “NO”.
c) ASR Raised: Tick ‘YES’ whenever the entered defect is in
relation to a filed ASR or else ‘NO’
6 De-/Anti-Icing P Enter detailed information on fluid type used, mixture and time
of De-/-anti-icing.
7 Other Operational Information
Go-around P Tick if go-around executed
Autoland P Tick if auto-land is performed.
Touch and Go P Enter number of touch and go performed

8 Fuel Distribution P/E Detail information of fuel load.

a) Arrival Fuel – Fuel quantity on arrival in each tank as per
the aircraft gauges
b) Calculate fuel to be added for planned next leg.
c) Departure Fuel – Enter the actual fuel uplift.
d) Enter number of kilograms required for departure.
e) After arrival, enter fuel remaining in tanks and engine fuel
burn and planned burn.
f) Fuel Vendor – Name of fuelling company
g) Specific Gravity (SG) – Specific gravity of fuel as mentioned
on the fuel receipt
Planned Burn = Trip Burn + Taxi
Fuel Uplift Check:
a) Actual Fuel Uplift is defined as the fuel uplift as measured
by the fuel supplier.
b) Calculated Fuel Uplift is defined as aircraft indicated fuel
quantity after refuelling, minus, aircraft indicated fuel
quantity before refuelling.
c) Any discrepancy outside of allowable limits shall be
investigated prior to departure and noted on the Captain’s

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Name of Block Resp. Description of Block
Log No.

9 IDG Oil E Enter quantity of oil refilled in IDG during transit or at scheduled
10 Engine Oil P/E Enter quantity of fluid refilled in engines during transit or at
scheduled maintenance
11 Tyre Pressures E To fill as of pre-adjusted tyre pressure.
12 Hydraulic Fluid E Enter quantity of fluid refilled during transit or at scheduled
13 APU Status E Enter APU hours and quantity of oil refilled in APU during
transit or at scheduled maintenance
14 RVSM Status E Certify the aircraft status for RVSM operations with reference
to previous sector Aircraft Technical Log. Tick “YES” if the
aircraft is RVSM compliant or else “NO”.
15 Fuel / Oil P/E Certify with signature that Fuel / ENG / APU oil and hydraulic
Servicing fluid quantities are distributed as entered in the Aircraft
Certification Technical Log
16 Defects Reported P/E a) Block to enter details of any new defects observed during
/ Observed the flight. Enter the defect giving precise information. If
more space is required, continue into the next defect area
and give the same number as the item where the entry
b) Each defect must be entered into a separate item area
c) Grouping of several related defects on one item is not
d) Enter the Item No., Staff No. and tick “PILOT REPORT”
block to indicate that defect is reported by the pilot

17 Next Page Used P/E If more than 3 blocks are used and if an additional entry is
required, the next page shall be used, tick “YES” for next page
used, and use next set of pages
18 Action Taken E a) Block to enter details of action taken to rectify the defect
reported / abnormal findings. Ensure all details required by
the block are completed.
b) (*) means items are related to each other.
c) _DD Enter applicable alphabets as applicable if required:
• (A) – Acceptable Deferred Defects (ADD) such as items
in the cabin that are not subject to the MEL, or
• (M) – Minimum Deferred Defect (MDD) that are subject
to the MEL.
d) Pilot may use this block in case of dispatching without
engineer and there is no maintenance action required to
defer the defect.

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Name of Block Resp. Description of Block
Log No.

19 Aircraft Release E Information of where and when scheduled maintenance took

place (e.g. Daily Check). Additionally, it shall state the name of
the organization and the Certifying Staff who will be responsible
for the work accomplished. The Certification in this section is
releasing the aircraft back to service.
a) Transit check: Valid if carried out within 30 minutes of
aircraft arrival and within 45 minutes of aircraft departure.
b) Daily check: Valid for 24 hours extendable to 36 hours.
c) Weekly check: Valid for 7 days and not exceeding 8 days.
20 Certificate of E Signature of the AME / Authorized Person with authorization
Release to number confirming that the aircraft is airworthy for the flight.
21 Commander’s P Signature of the Commander accepting the aircraft for the flight
Departure after satisfying himself that the aircraft is fit for the flight and the
Acceptance stated fuel quantities is available on-board the aircraft for the
planned flight
28 Distribution E Engineer will distribute completed log pages in accordance with
the established distribution list

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