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Created by Official Registry

No. 261 of February 7, 2001
Academic Unit of Technical Sciences
Civil Engineering Career

Name: José Cruz Changoluisa Classroom: Parallel: A3 Date:

Teacher: Dr. Jaime Cañarte Ávila, Mg. Eii Area: Civil Afternoon

2A.- Review and Check 7& 8


The "simple past" is used to talk about an action that ended in a time before the current one.
The duration is not relevant. The time in which the action is located may be the recent past or
a distant past.

John Cabot sailed to America in 1498.
My father died last year.
I lived in Fiji in 1976.
We crossed the Channel yesterday.
The "simple past" is always used to refer to when something happened, so it is associated
with certain temporary expressions that indicate:

frequency: often, sometimes, always

I sometimes walked home at lunchtime.
I often brought my lunch to school.
a certain time: last week, when I was a child, yesterday, six weeks ago
We saw a good film last week.
Yesterday, I arrived in Geneva.
She finished her work atseven o'clock
I went to the theater last night
an indeterminate time: the other day, ages ago, a long time ago People lived in caves a long
time ago.
She played the piano when she was a child.

Changoluisa Choloquinga José Cruz Jaime Cañarte Ávila, Mg. Eii

050409767-6 Fecha de entrega: 03/12/20018
Created by Official Registry
No. 261 of February 7, 2001
Academic Unit of Technical Sciences
Civil Engineering Career

We use the past tense to talk about:

 something that happened once in the past:

I met my wife in 1983.
We went to Spain for our holidays.
They got home very late last night.

 something that happened again and again in the past:

When I was a boy I walked a mile to school every day.
We swam a lot while we were on holiday.
They always enjoyed visiting their friends.

 something that was true for some time in the past:

I lived abroad for ten years.
He enjoyed being a student.
She played a lot of tennis when she was younger.

 we often use phrases with ago with the past tense:

I met my wife a long time ago.

Questions and negatives

We use did to make questions with the past tense:
When did you meet your wife?
Where did you go for your holidays?
Did she play tennis when she was younger?
Did you live abroad?
But look at these questions:
Who discovered penicillin?
Who wrote Don Quixote?

Changoluisa Choloquinga José Cruz Jaime Cañarte Ávila, Mg. Eii

050409767-6 Fecha de entrega: 03/12/20018

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