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Name  of  Employee:  
Dear  ______________  


We   refer   to   your   letter   of   explanation   dated   __________________   in   response   to   our  
earlier  show  cause  letter.  
The   management   has   carefully   considered   your   explanation   and   finds   it   unacceptable.    
In   view   of   this,   it   has   been   decided   to   conduct   a   Domestic   Inquiry   into   the   following  
charges  against  you:  
1) That  from  ______________  2012  to  _________________,  /  till  to  date,  you  have  
been  absent  from  work  without  approval  or  informing  your  superiors.  
2) That  you  have  on  the  following  dates  been  coming  to  work  late  without  approval  
or  informing  your  superiors:  
a) ____________________  (date)  ________________  (Time  in)  
b) ____________________  (date)  ________________  (Time  in)  
c) ____________________  (date)  ________________  (Time  in)  
d) ____________________  (date)  ________________  (Time  in)  
The   inquiry   would   be   conducted   at   _____(venue)________   on   __________   2012   at  
_____  am/pm.  
During   the   inquiry   you   would   be   allowed   every   opportunity   to   defend   yourself   by   cross-­‐
examining   company   witnesses,   and   bringing   witnesses   and   documents   that   you   may  
have.  If  you  need  any  company  employees  as  witnesses  for   your   defence,  please  inform  
the  undersigned  in  writing  three  days  before  the  inquiry.  
Pending  the  inquiry  you  would  remain  suspended  until  DD/MM/YYYY.  
Please  take  note  that  if  you  are  absent,  the  inquiry  would  be  conducted  in  your  absence.  
Yours  faithfully,  
(Name  of  Signatory  and  Designation)  

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