Presentation - Pre & Post Workout Bars - Updated

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Presentation by
Gowrishankar L
Research and development
Naturo Food & Fruit Products
• The recommendation coming from the Department of Health and
Human Services is that an people should engages in at least 150
minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of exercise to maintain their
• There are several other reasons that drive people to get into fitness
1. Improve health
2. Lose bodyweight
3. Look better
4. Feel better
5. Get/stay in shape
6. Tone up & socialize
10 May 2019 Gowrishankar L 2
So who is exercising?
• According to a Nielsen Survey, 78% of the world either exercises
regularly or has expressed the desire to do so.
• And in that 78%, it’s the Millennials (18-34 year olds) that are more
likely to opt for exercise, with 81% claiming that they exercise or
would like to.
• The Boomers (those between 50 and 71) as a group, are less likely to
exercise with 61% saying that would like to while 22% have zero
interest in hitting the gym at all.
• Among that 81%, nearly 76% are getting into the gym. In that 76%,
nearly 46.5% of peoples are trying to get into the shape and to lose
their body weight(fat%), remaining 29.5% are doing bodybuilding.

10 May 2019 Gowrishankar L 3

• We are focusing on the set of peoples who used to take energy drinks,
protein powders and Fat burners.
• Nearly 86% of peoples in the gym are using protein powders to develop their
muscles and for tissue repair.
• We can categorize the people on our focus
S.NO category Default requirement Specific requirement
1 Weight loss Pre and post workout bars 1.Fat burners, low carb and fat in diet (2000 k cal
2 Weight gain Pre and post workout bars 1.Daily dietary required should follow and good fat
should be taken
3 Bodybuilding Pre and post workout bars 1. Need high carbs & proteins, good fat.
(Bulking phase) 2. Should follow 3500 kcal diet
4 Bodybuilding Pre and post workout bars 1. Need high carbs & proteins .
(cutting phase) 2. Should follow 2400 kcal diet
10 May 2019 Gowrishankar L 4
Nutrients required – Micronutrients
S.NO Micronutrient Source Uses
1 Calcium Almonds, sesame seeds. It's not only required for strong bones and teeth, but it is also
vital for muscle contraction and energy metabolism. Research
shows that a lack of calcium can also trigger the release of
calcitrol, a hormone that causes you to store fat.
2 Biotin Peanut butter, oats, almonds This plays an important role in converting carbohydrates, fats
and proteins into energy
3 Iron Dried fig, bran cereals Iron forms part of haemoglobin, the pigment that transports
oxygen from the lungs to the muscles. It's also essential for
maintaining high energy levels, and it helps keep your immune
system strong.
4 Vitamin C Citrus fruit This powerful antioxidant helps metabolise carbs for fuel and
protects the body from exercise-induced oxidative stress. It also
helps the body absorb iron and protects against energy-sapping
5 Selenium Sunflower seeds This is an essential trace mineral that has been shown to boost
the immune system, fight cancer and prevent heart disease. It
can also maintain your mood, prevent depression and impede
10 May 2019 free radical
Gowrishankar L damage from weight training. 5
Nutrients required – Micronutrients
S.No Micronutrient Source Uses
6 Omega 3 walnuts It is essential to get omega 3 fatty acids from our diet, because
the body can't make them. Men who eat these fats have an
improved blood flow and healthier hearts. The fats also
suppress hunger, helping you to lose weight.
7 Vitamin D sunflower seeds This helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus. Calcium is
essential for muscle contractions, while phosphorus is involved
in the synthesis of ATP, the useable form of energy in the body.
8 Vitamin B12 Breakfast cereals Vitamin B12 plays a part in forming red blood cells and
converting food into energy. It also ensures that the brain and
muscles communicate efficiently, which affects muscle growth
and co-ordination.
9 Copper Peanuts, sunflower seeds As the third most abundant trace mineral in the body, copper
helps protect the cardiovascular, nervous and skeletal system. It
also strengthens the tendons needed to lift weights.
10 Magnesium Mixed nuts Found in the muscles, soft tissues and body fluids, magnesium
plays a vital part in muscle contraction and helps to boost your
energy levels. It can also reduce fatigue and muscle cramps.
10 May 2019 Gowrishankar L 6
Nutrients required – Micronutrients
S.NO Micronutrients Source uses
11 Riboflavin Cornflakes Also known as vitamin B2, riboflavin aids the breakdown
of protein, carbohydrates and fat, which are transformed
into energy, and also supports the antioxidants in the
12 Zinc Pulses, pumpkin seeds Zinc enables your body to produce muscle-building
testosterone. It also promotes recovery from exercise,
boosts fertility and increases your number of infection-
fighting T-cells.

10 May 2019 Gowrishankar L 7

1. Protein alone will not help to develop muscles, it needs slow burning
2. Here are the list of powders rich in protein, slow burning carbohydrates
and good fats.
A. Egg white powders G. Soy protein powder
B. Whey protein H. Pea protein
C. Casein protein I. Navy bean powders
D. Dried lentils powder J. Oats protein powders
E. Peanut butter
F. Green peas powder
Note: whey protein itself contains needed essential amino-acids
10 May 2019 Gowrishankar L 8

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