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One- mark Questions

Chapter – 6
Work Life and Leisure
1. Name the author of the book Debganer Martye Aagamen.
Ans. Durgacharan Ray
2. Why were people both amazed and confused by what they saw in the cities?
Ans. The city seemed to offer a series of contrasting images and experiences – wealth and
poverty, splendor and dust, opportunities and disappointments.
3. What were the three historical processes that have shaped cities in decisive ways?
Ans. 1. The rise of industrial capitalism
2. Establishment of colonial rule over large parts of the world
3. Development of democratic ideals.
4. Define Metropolis
Ans. A large densely populated city of a country or state, often the capital of a region
5. Name the early industrial cities of Britain.
Ans. Leeds and Manchester
6. Who were the philanthropists?
Ans. Someone who works for social upliftment and charity, donating time and money for the
7. Who is Charles Booth? What is he known for?
Ans. Charles Booth is a Liverpool ship owner who conducted the first social survey of low skilled
workers in the East End of London in 1887
8. What was the “Temperance movement”?
Ans. A middle class – led social reform movement in Britain and USA, aimed at reducing
alcoholism amongst the working class.
9. What was the message conveyed in the book written by Andrew Mearns?
Ans. The Bitter Cry of Outcast London showed why crime was more profitable than laboring in
small underpaid factories.
10. Between which two stations in London did the very first section of the Underground open?
Ans. The very first section of the London Underground opened on 10 January 1863 between
Paddington and Farrington Stations.
11. Who developed the principle of Garden City?
Ans. Ebenezer Howard developed the principle of Garden City.
12. What do you mean by the term Individualism?
Ans. A theory which promotes the liberty, rights or independent action of the individual, rather
than that of the collective.
13. How did the working class in London spend their leisure time and holidays in the late 18 th
Ans. They met in pubs for a drink, exchanging news and sometimes organizing political action.
14. Which form of entertainment became the great mass entertainment for mixed audiences in
the early 20th century?
Ans. The Cinema became the great mass entertainment in the early 20th century.
15. What was Chartism?
Ans. Chartism was a movement for male adult franchise
16. When was the Bombay Improvement Trust established?
Ans. 1898
17. Who designed the garden city at New Earswick?
Ans. Raymond Unwin and Barry Parker
18. When was Rent Control introduced in Britain?
Ans. Rent control was introduced in London during the First World War
19. What was the reason for the riots in London in 1886?
Ans. A severe winter in 1886 had brought all outside work to a standstill bringing misery and
poverty to the London poor.
20. What led to the demand for “new lungs” for the city of London?
Ans. The congestion and pollution in the industrial city led to the demand for new lungs for the
city of London.
21. What was Chartism a movement for?
Ans. Chartism was a movement for adult male franchise
22. Name the Presidency cities of India in the early 19th century.
Ans. Bombay, Calcutta and Madras
23. How did Bombay come under the control of the British?
Ans. When King Charles II married the Portugese princess, Bombay was given as part of the
dowry to England in 1661
24. What was the main reason why people migrated to Bombay in the 19 th century?
Ans. The growth of trade in cotton and opium led to a large number of artisans, traders and
bankers and shopkeepers to settle in Bombay. The establishment of textile mills in 1864 invited
fresh migrants to Bombay.
25. How was the problem of land scarcity in Bombay solved?
Ans. The problem of land scarcity in Bombay was solved through massive Land reclamation
26. What are the Akharas?
Ans. Traditional wrestling schools located in every neighbourhood, where the young are trained
to ensure both physical and moral fitness.
27. Name the first movie made by Dadasaheb Phalke.
Ans. Raja Harishchandra
28. Which Indian city was the first to get smoke nuisance legislation?
Ans. Calcutta in 1863
29. Why was the Bombay Improvement Trust established?
Ans. It was established in 1898 to clear poorer homes from the city centre.
30. What was the city of Bombay also called?
Ans. The city of Bombay was also called Mayapuri – the city of dreams
31. What were the responsibilities of a jobber in the chawls of Bombay?
Ans. A jobber acted as a village headman, settling disputes, organizing food supplies and
arranging informal credit.
32. Why was Calcutta the most polluted city in India?
Ans. Residents in Calcutta depended on dung and wood as fuel. The introduction of railway
lines in 1855 also added to the pollution.
33. How was industrial smoke in Calcutta finally controlled?
Ans. The Bengal Smoke Nuisance Commission managed to control industrial smoke.
34. What were the calamities that affected Bombay in the late 19th Century?
Ans. The famine of Kutch in 1888-89 and the plague of 1898

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