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Secretarial Practices

Q.1.Fill in the blanks and rewrite the sentences

1. Owned capital is provided by the ______________________ to the company.

2. A bundle of fully paid up shares converted into one fund is known as ___________.
3. Debenture is a source of _____________ capital.
4. The shares issued out of accumulated profits are known as _____________ shares.
5. Voting rights are not conferred upon __________________ shareholders.
6. Right issue of shares is offered to _____________ shareholders.
7. Shareholder is ____________ of the company.
8. Fixed rate of dividend is enjoyed by _________________ shareholders.
9. Return on investment in shares is known as _____________.
10. The debentures that create charge over assets are known as ____________
11. _____________ is the bearer document of the title to the shares.
12. Share Warrant is issued by the ___________ company.
13. Share certificate is signed by two directors and a ________________.
14. _____________ letter informs the member that calls are due.
15. Purchase of the unsold shares is guaranteed by __________________.
16. When the shares are issued at the price less then the face value they are said to be
sold at ____________.
17. Extra shares allotted to existing equity shareholders out of reserves are called
___________ shares.
18. A public limited company issues _____________________ to invite public to
subscribe in the share capital.
19. Interest is charged upto 5% if ____________ amount is not paid to the company in
20. If a share of Rs.10 is sold for Rs.11, it is said to be sold at _________________.
21. A letter of forfeiture is sent by _______________ post.
22. When calls are not paid shares are ____________________ by the company.
23. A notice of ________ days must be given before forfeiture of shares.
24. If a member is proved to be insolvent, his shares are ____________________ to the
legal representative.
25. Surrender of shares is a _________________ action taken by the member.
26. After receiving the application of transfer, secretary issues _______________
receipts to the applicant.
27. Debentureholders are ________________ of the company.
28. Debentureholders get _____________________ at fixed rate.
29. Factoring is method of obtaining cash against _________ sales.
30. Allotment of debentures must be completed within ___________ days from the date
of issue of prospectus.
31. Deep Discount bonds are issued for _______ years and more.
32. Company has to get its debentures rated by at least ___________ credit rating
33. No deposits from public can be accepted by ______________ company.
34. A company cannot accept deposits payable ______________.
35. No deposits can be repaid before ____________ months.
36. The rate of interest on deposit shall not exceed _______________p.a.
37. Minimum period of deposits is _____________.
38. Public companies cannot accept deposit for more than __________ months.
39. Every company which accepts deposits from small depositors shall intimate any
default made by it in repayment of such deposits to __________________.
40. The shareholders are _______________ of the company.
41. A letter of __________________ is exchanged for getting share certificate.
42. The bonus shares are issued to _________________________ shareholders.
43. The decision of ceasing the membership is communicated by sending
_____________ letter.
44. The company can invite objections for the transfer by sending _______________
notice to transferor and transferee.
45. Debentureholders have no right to participate in the ______________ of the
46. Debenture is an acknowledgement of _____________ received.
47. Polite and Prompt correspondence by secretary creates _______________ of the
48. Depositors are the _______________ of the company.
49. Depositors get ______________ rate of interest.
50. Company accepts deposits for minimum ___________ months.
51. Promptness and Polite tone brings _____________ to the company.
52. Process of converting shares in physical form into electronic form is called ________.
53. _____________________ is the link between depository and investor.
54. All depository participants are to be registered with ________________.
55. Depository participant acts as an ______________ of Depository.
56. Depository Participant is the agent of ________________.
57. The authorized agents of depositories are called _______________.
58. For handling shares in electronic form an investor has to open ______________
59. Depository is an organization holding securities in ___________________ form.
60. Dematerialisation is the process of converting shares in physical form into
__________________ form.
61. A company can declare final dividend at _____________ general meeting.
62. The dividend declared in Board Meeting is called as ______________ dividend.
63. Bonus shares can be issued twice in the period of ____________ years.
64. Registered shareholders get dividend through ____________ warrants.
65. The _______________ dividend is declared in between two annual general meeting.
66. The _______________ is the return of income on investment in share of a company.
67. The declared dividend is paid only in ______________ form.
68. The share-warrant holders claim dividend through ______________ attached to
their share warrant.
69. The dividend warrants are posted to shareholders within __________________ days
of declaration of dividend.
70. The recommended rate of final dividend cannot be ______________ by the
members in Annual General Meeting.
71. After expiry of seven years, unpaid/unclaimed dividend shall be transferred to
___________ fund.
72. When shareholder does not present dividend warrant or coupons for payment of
dividend, the dividend is called as _____________ dividend.
73. SEBI stands for ________________________________.
74. Stock Exchange is a ________________________ market.
75. Security market is classified into ____________________ and ______________
76. In primary market only ______________ shares are issued.
77. The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act is passed in the year _____________.
78. Secondary market is a market where securities are ________________.
79. In ___________________ market the existing securities are bought and sold.
80. ____________________ is a professional speculator.
81. SEBI was established in the year _________.
82. Investors can deal in their securities through ______________.
83. In India, bear is known as ________________.
84. Exchange for securities of small companies is _______________.
85. ‘BOLT’ system is used in _____________ Stock Exchange.
86. _________________ is broad-based index of BSE.
87. The NSE of India was registered as limited company in ___________.
88. The report showing progress of a specific period is called ______________ report.
89. Director’s Report is also known as _________________ reports.
90. A report prepared by two or more persons is called as a ______________ report.
91. Reports which are required to be prepared by provision of law are known as
92. The ____________________ report is prepared before statutory meeting.
93. To keep statutory books according to the provisions of the Companies Act,1956 is
________________ for every company.
94. The Register of Members is considered as _______________ evidence of
95. The minutes book contains the records of ________________________ made at
96. The Register of Members must be kept open for inspection at least for
97. Drafting the minutes of a meeting is the duty of the ___________________.
98. In case the number of members exceeds _______________ the company is required
to keep an index of its members.
99. A copy of the minutes of a meeting should be given to the members within
_________ days after its demand.
1. Index of debentureholders must be kept by a company having more than
__________ debentureholders.
2. The first annual return must be filed with the Registrar within ______________
months of incorporation.
3. Consent to act as director of a company must be filed with the Registrar of
Companies in the prescribed form called ______________.


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