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SAP2000 Analysis Report

Model Name: type 2.sdb

7 January 2018
type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

7. Design preferences 07 January 2018

1. Model geometry........................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1. Joint coordinates............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Joint restraints................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Element connectivity......................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Material properties.................................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Section properties..................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Frames.............................................................................................................................................................. 6

4. Load patterns............................................................................................................................................................ 7
4.1. Definitions......................................................................................................................................................... 7
5. Load cases.............................................................................................................................................................. 11
5.1. Definitions........................................................................................................................................................ 11
5.2. Static case load assignments.......................................................................................................................... 11
5.3. Response spectrum case load assignments................................................................................................... 11
6. Load combinations.................................................................................................................................................. 12
7. Design preferences................................................................................................................................................. 13

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model...................................................................................................................................... 4

List of Tables
Table 1: Joint Coordinates............................................................................................................................................. 4
Table 2: Joint Restraint Assignments............................................................................................................................ 4
Table 3: Connectivity - Frame........................................................................................................................................ 5
Table 4: Frame Section Assignments............................................................................................................................ 5
Table 5: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties..................................................................................... 5
Table 7: Material Properties 03c - Aluminum Data........................................................................................................ 5
Table 8: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 4......................................................................................... 6
Table 8: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 4......................................................................................... 6
Table 8: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 4......................................................................................... 6
Table 8: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 4......................................................................................... 6
Table 10: Load Pattern Definitions................................................................................................................................ 7
Table 11: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 2................................................................................................................ 11
Table 11: Load Case Definitions, Part 2 of 2................................................................................................................ 11
Table 12: Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments............................................................................................................. 11
Table 13: Function - Response Spectrum - User......................................................................................................... 11
Table 14: Combination Definitions............................................................................................................................... 12

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type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

7. Design preferences 07 January 2018


1.1 About this Report

This report deals with methodology of the structural analysis carried out for predominant wind loading
of the Structure. It includes the result of structural analysis of the current structure and its component
design required for its intended use as per the current codal provisions.

1.2 About the Structure

The structure is Aluminuim framed structure with shed of the Angular Indian sections which are
extensively used for supporting the solar Panel. In the shed the UPVC roofing sheet is used for covering.
The foundation is laid on isolated footing with the provision of appropriate anchor bolts.

1.3 Analysis procedure

The structure has been modelled, analysed and designed in computer software “SAP2000 V19”. The
software has very good analysis and design capability .It is a Finite Element Method (FEM) based
software and requires modelling of the structure by finite-elements. Most likely the structure is modelled
on the basis of 3D space frame model and the loading is applied in the respective plane with the codal
provision. Hence the obtained response is used by software to evaluate the sufficient strength required
for the provided section.

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type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

7. Design preferences 07 January 2018

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint
restraints, and element connectivity.

Figure 1: Finite element model

1.1. Joint coordinates

Table 1: Joint Coordinates

Table 1: Joint Coordinates
Joint CoordSys CoordType GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ
m m m
7 GLOBAL Cartesian 0. 0. 0.275
8 GLOBAL Cartesian 0.097 0. 0.3
12 GLOBAL Cartesian 0.097 0. 0.
13 GLOBAL Cartesian 0.597 0. 0.
14 GLOBAL Cartesian 0.597 0. 0.04
15 GLOBAL Cartesian 0.694 0. 0.065

1.2. Joint restraints

Table 2: Joint Restraint Assignments

Table 2: Joint Restraint Assignments
Joint U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3

12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

13 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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7. Design preferences 07 January 2018

1.3. Element connectivity

Table 3: Connectivity - Frame

Table 3: Connectivity - Frame
Frame JointI JointJ Length
10 8 12 0.3
11 12 13 0.5
12 13 14 0.04
14 7 8 0.10017
16 14 15 0.10017

Table 4: Frame Section Assignments

Table 4: Frame Section Assignments
Frame AnalSect DesignSect MatProp

10 Plate Section Plate Section Default

11 Plate Section Plate Section Default
12 Plate Section Plate Section Default
14 Plate Section Plate Section Default
16 Plate Section Plate Section Default

2. Material properties
This section provides material property information for materials used in the model.

Table 5: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties

Table 5: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties
Material UnitWeight UnitMass E1 G12 U12 A1
KN/m3 KN-s2/m4 KN/m2 KN/m2 1/C
Aluminum 2.6602E+01 2.7145E+00 69637054. 26179343. 0.33 2.3580E-05
68 87

Table 7: Material Properties 03c - Aluminum Data

Table 7: Material Properties 03c - Aluminum Data
Material AlumType Alloy Fcy Fty Ftu Fsu
KN/m2 KN/m2 KN/m2 KN/m2
Aluminum Wrought 6061-T6 241316.53 241316.53 262000.8 165474.19

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type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

7. Design preferences 07 January 2018

3. Section properties
This section provides section property information for objects used in the model.

3.1. Frames

Table 8: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 4

Table 8: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 4
SectionName Material Shape t3 t2 Area TorsConst I33 I22
m m m2 m4 m4 m4
Plate Section Aluminum Rectangular 0.005 0.1 0.0005 4.035E-09 1.042E-09 4.167E-07

Table 8: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 4

Table 8: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of
SectionName I23 AS2 AS3
m4 m2 m2
Plate Section 0. 0.000417 0.000417

Table 8: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 4

Table 8: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 4
SectionName S33 S22 Z33 Z22 R33 R22
m3 m3 m3 m3 m m
Plate Section 4.167E-07 8.333E-06 6.250E-07 0.000013 0.001443 0.028868

Table 8: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 4

Table 8: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 4
SectionName AMod A2Mod A3Mod JMod I2Mod I3Mod MMod WMod

Plate Section 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

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type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

7. Design preferences 07 January 2018

4. Load patterns
This section provides loading information as applied to the model.

4.1. Definitions

Table 10: Load Pattern Definitions

Table 10: Load Pattern Definitions
LoadPat DesignType SelfWtMult AutoLoad

DEAD Dead 1.
Solar panel Dead 0.
Wind Wind 0. IS 875-2015

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type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

7. Design preferences 07 January 2018


For analysis and design of the structure , all loadings (dead loads , live loads and wind loads) are
calculated based on different parts of IS875:1987 (NBC has been used wherever applicable).

2.1 Dead Loads (DL)

These are the permanent load which is not supposed to change during the structure’s design life. The
dead loads included in the design are:
a. Unit-weight of materials:
i. Solar Panel 15 kg/m2(assumed)
ii. Aluminium: 26.6018 KN/m3(7849 Kg/m3)

2.2 Wind Load (WL)

Wind load has been calculated based on NBC104 and IS 875:1987 Part 3. And hence obtained wind load
is used in the Purlins and Runners as uniform member load and in support as point load.


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type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

7. Design preferences 07 January 2018

2.4 Wind Load Calculation

A) Wind pressure in Roof Sign Input Unit

Basic wind speed Vb 47.00 m/sec

Probability Factor k1 0.96

Terrain/height/size factor k2 0.94

Topography factor k3 1.00 refer code IS 875 Part 3
Design wind speed Vz 38.54 m/sec
Design wind Pressure Pd 1054.715 N/m2
Height to width ratio H/w 0.43
Pitching angle φ 34.00 degree
Structure type B
Terrain category 3
Structure class General Building 50.00
Wall opening > 20% wall opening
1) For Wind normal to ridge
External wind pressure coefficient windward Cpe -0.40
(choose appropriate from Table B7 and B9)
For windward slope Cpe -0.18
External wind pressure coefficient leeward Cpe -0.40
For leeward slope Cpe -0.40

Internal pressure coeff. For normal permeability

Cpi 0.50
Cpi -0.50

Combined external and internal wind pressure

Windward slope 464.14 N/m2
783.54 N/m2
leeward slope 267.36 N/m2
980.32 N/m2
2) Wind parallel to ridge
External wind pressure coefficient Cpe
On both slops for 1/4 th length of building Cpe -0.70
On both slops for 1/2 th length of building Cpe -0.60

Internal pressure coeff. For normal permeability Cpi 0.50

Cpi -0.50

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type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

7. Design preferences 07 January 2018

Combined External + Internal wind pressure
On both slopes for 1/4 th length of building - N/m2
-1,247.68 N/m2
On both slopes for 1/2 th length of building 89.12 N/m2
-1,247.68 N/m2
So the design wind pressure is 464.14 Downward
and -1,247.68 Upward

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type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

7. Design preferences 07 January 2018

5. Load cases
This section provides load case information.

5.1. Definitions

Table 11: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 2

Table 11: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 2
Case Type InitialCond ModalCase BaseCase MassSource DesActOpt

DEAD LinStatic Zero Prog Det

MODAL LinModal Zero Prog Det
Solar panel LinStatic Zero Prog Det
Wind LinStatic Zero Prog Det

Table 11: Load Case Definitions, Part 2 of 2

Table 11: Load Case
Definitions, Part 2 of 2
Case DesignAct

Solar panel Non-
Wind Short-Term

5.2. Static case load assignments

Table 12: Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments

Table 12: Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments
Case LoadType LoadName LoadSF

DEAD Load pattern DEAD 1.

Solar panel Load pattern Solar panel 1.
Wind Load pattern Wind 1.

5.3. Response spectrum case load assignments

Table 13: Function - Response Spectrum - User

Table 13: Function - Response Spectrum - User
Name Period Accel FuncDamp
UNIFRS 0. 1. 0.05
UNIFRS 1. 1.

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type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

7. Design preferences 07 January 2018

6. Load combinations
This section provides load combination information.

Table 14: Combination Definitions

Table 14: Combination Definitions
ComboName ComboType CaseName ScaleFactor

DSTL7 Linear Add DEAD 1.4

DSTL7 Solar panel 1.4
DSTL8 Linear Add DEAD 1.2
DSTL8 Solar panel 1.2
DSTL8 Wind 1.
DSTL9 Linear Add DEAD 1.2
DSTL9 Solar panel 1.2
DSTL9 Wind -1.
DSTL10 Linear Add DEAD 0.9
DSTL10 Solar panel 0.9
DSTL10 Wind 1.
DSTL11 Linear Add DEAD 0.9
DSTL11 Solar panel 0.9
DSTL11 Wind -1.
DSTL12 Linear Add DEAD 1.
DSTL12 Solar panel 1.
DCON1 Linear Add DEAD 1.4
DCON1 Solar panel 1.4
DCON2 Linear Add DEAD 1.2
DCON2 Solar panel 1.2
DCON2 Wind 1.
DCON3 Linear Add DEAD 1.2
DCON3 Solar panel 1.2
DCON3 Wind -1.
DCON4 Linear Add DEAD 0.9
DCON4 Solar panel 0.9
DCON4 Wind 1.
DCON5 Linear Add DEAD 0.9
DCON5 Solar panel 0.9
DCON5 Wind -1.
COMB1 Linear Add Solar panel 1.
COMB2 Linear Add Wind 1.
COMB2 Solar panel 1.

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type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

7. Design preferences 07 January 2018

7. Design preferences
This section provides the design preferences for each type of design, which typically include material
reduction factors, framing type, stress ratio limit, deflection limits, and other code specific items.

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type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

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7. Design preferences 07 January 2018

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type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

7. Design preferences 07 January 2018


SAP2000 Job Number



Frame ID: 10 Station Loc: 0.300 Section ID: Plate Section

Element Type: Moment Resisting Classification: Compact

Lateral Factor:1.000 Use Lateral Factor: No Near-Weld Section: No

Resistance Factors:

Phiy=0.950 Phib=0.850 Phic=0.850 Phiu=0.850

Phicc=0.950 Phicp=0.800 PHIV=0.800 Phivp=0.900



A=5.000E-04 i22=0.000 i33=0.000

s22=8.333E-06 s33=0.000 r22=0.029 r33=0.001

Designation: 6061-T6 Wrought Alloy

E=69637054.7 Fcy=241316.526 Fty=241316.526 Fsy=139324.161 Fy=241316.526 Ftu=262000.800


Buckling Constants

Bc =271413.985 Dc =1694.448 Cc =65.673 Bp =310558.838 Dp =2073.937 Cp =61.395

Bt =297794.801 Dt =10741.465 Ct =N/C Bbr=460307.351 Dbr=4583.501 Cbr=66.951

Btb=446692.201 Dtb=30739.769 Ctb=55.435 Bs =180129.090 Ds =916.127 Cs =80.614

K1c=0.350 K2c=2.270 K1b=0.500 K2b=2.040

P-M33-M22 Demand/Capacity Ratio is 0.805 = 0.186 + 0.618 + 0.000


V2 V3
P M33 M22
0.000 0.000
Combo DALM8 -1.407 -0.074 0.000


fa Fa Ft

Stress Allowable Allowable

Axial 2814.903 15114.020 178160.544

Fc(flange) Fc(web) Fac0 Fec Fcr Frc

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type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

7. Design preferences 07 January 2018

Compression Compression Allowable Buckling Buckling Allowable
699.744 108745.849 178160.5
Axial 0.000 0.000 15114.020 15909.495 15909.495 0.000

fb Fb Fe Cm K L
Stress Allowable t
Allowable Factor Factor Factor

SAP2000Major Bending 176468.141 298025.910 15114.020 0.850 1.000 1.000

Job Number

Minor Bending 0.000 298025.910 6045608.077 0.850 1.000 1.000

Fb Fb(Flange) Fb(Web) Feb(Local) Fcr(Local) Frb(Local)
Tension Compression Compression Buckling Buckling Allowable

Major Bending 298025.910 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Minor Bending 298025.910 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000


ID: 14 Station Loc: 0.100
1.000 0.000 0.000

Element Type: Moment Resisting Classification: Compact

Lateral Factor:1.000 Use Lateral Factor: No Near-Weld Section: No
fv FV Stress
Resistance Factors:
Stress Allowable Ratio
Phiy=0.950 Phib=0.850 Phic=0.850 Phiu=0.850
Major Shear 0.000 132357.953 0.000
Phicc=0.762 Phicp=0.800 PHIV=0.800 Phivp=0.900

Minor Shear 0.000 132357.953 0.000

A=5.000E-04 i22=0.000 i33=0.000

s22=8.333E-06 s33=0.000 r22=0.029 r33=0.001

Designation: 6061-T6 Wrought Alloy

E=69637054.7 Fcy=241316.526 Fty=241316.526 Fsy=139324.161 Fy=241316.526 Ftu=262000.800


Buckling Constants

Bc =271413.985 Dc =1694.448 Cc =65.673 Bp =310558.838

Bt =297794.801 Dt =10741.465 Ct =N/C Bbr=460307.351

Btb=446692.201 Dtb=30739.769 Ctb=55.435 Bs =180129.090

K1c=0.350 K2c=2.270 K1b=0.500 K2b=2.040

P-M33-M22 Demand/Capacity Ratio is 0.596 = 0.004 + 0.592 + 0.000


P M33 M22

Combo DALM8 0.350 -0.074 0.000


fa Fa Ft

Axial Stress Allowable Allowable

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type 2.sdb SAP2000 v19.2.0 - License #3010*17WPD8FQY83BAK4

7. Design preferences 07 January 2018

1.358 0.000

V2 V3

Fc(flange) Fc(web) Fac0 Fec Fcr Frc

Compression Compression Allowable Buckling Buckling Allowable

Axial 0.000 0.000 108745.849 142700.274 142700.274 0.000

fb Fb Fe Cm K L

Stress Allowable Allowable Factor Factor Factor

Major Bending 176468.141 298025.910 108745.849 1.000 1.000 1.000

Minor Bending 0.000 298025.910 43498339.6 1.000 1.000 1.000

Fb Fb(Flange) Fb(Web) Feb(Local) Fcr(Local) Frb(Local)

Tension Compression Compression Buckling Buckling Allowable

Major Bending 298025.910 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Minor Bending 298025.910 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Cb C1 C2

Coefficient 2.830 0.500 0.000


fv FV Stress

Stress Allowable Ratio

Major Shear 3258.008 132357.953 0.025

Minor Shear 0.000 132357.953 0.000

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Design Parameters

Diameter of the bolt d 6mm

Nominal diameter of bolt do 8mm

Thickness of plate t 2.40mm

Minimum Pitch distance Pmin 15mm

(IS 800
Minimum Edge distance emin 12mm(IS800,
Maximum Pitch distance Pmax 77mm(IS
Maximum Edge distance emax 47mm
(IS 800
Ultimate tensile strength of a bolt fub 195N/mm2

156N/mm2 (0.8
Yield stress of the bolt fyb

Ultimate tensile strength of a plate fu 195N/mm2

Number of shear planes with threads intercepting the 1

shear plane

Number of shear planes without threads intercepting the

ns 0
shear plane

Number of bolts provided nb 1

Partial safety factor for bolted connection with bearing

ᵞmb 1.25
type bolts

Partial safety factor against yield stress and buckling ᵞmo 1.1

Nominal plain shank area of the bolt Asb 28.27mm2

Net shear area of the bolt at threads Anb 22.62mm2

Shear Capacity of Bolt

Nominal shear capacity of

Vnsb 2.55kN
the bolt

Design strength of the bolt Vdsb 2.04kN

Bearing Capacity of Bolt
Reduction factor Kb 0.375
Nominal bearing capacity of a bolt Vnpb 2.63kN
Design bearing capacity of a bolt Vdpb 2.10kN
NOTE: The design strength of the bolt shall be taken as the smaller of the value as governed by shear (Vdsb) and
bearing (Vdpb).
Bolt capacity Vdb 2.04kN
Tension Capacity Design tension capacity of bolt Tdb 3.97kN
Total tensile force in the bolt Tb 4.45kN

Shear stress= τ 112.50N/mm

Tensile yield stress or σt 195N/mm2

design stress

Pitch diameter Dp
Axial length of full thread L 0.00159mm
Safety factor S 1.8
Pull-out Force F 2.50kN
Reaction at Purlins where bolt connects 1.21kN
Pull-out Force Calculation
Pull out force of bolt should always be greater than reaction at purlin where bolt connects. Hence safe.

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