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Proposal for
Multi Level Marketing (MLM)
Offered Modules & Features List

1. Dynamic Website*: HTML & DHTML, Flash & other animation tools, designer
software’s along with Photoshop / coral draw tools used to bring best presentable
website design along with database driven home page & user personalized web pages.
Dynamic features like scrolling of latest news, seminars and other promotional contents.
These contents can be updated thru Dynamic content manager in Admin Control as and
when you feel required to change yourself. The Language on the website will be English,
Incase if any other Indian or foreign / regional language replication required, will be an
additional than this assignment (charges for translations would be on actual and to be
incurred by the client). Filling of forms like Feedback, inquiries, queries etc also provided
which will be delivered to database reports and email ID of the administrator or specified
email ID. Initially we will provide you one static level website designs for your approval.
On your acceptance, we will proceed further and prepare the pages, navigations &
animations to make the website more beautiful & presentable. Option of themes will be
also given for members to change the looks on the page.

The website include following pages.

1. About Us -> Profile, Vision, Mission.

2. Business Plan.
3. Contact Page.
4. Terms & Conditions.
5. News & Events.
6. Legal Documents.
7. Achievers List with photos.
8. Meetings & Seminars.
9. Photo gallery.
10. Member’s Login.
12. F.A.Q page

(*Dynamic Website design may vary according to client preference. Though Dynamic Website is
listed in offered modules, additional charges are applicable)

2. Online Application Signup / PIN Registration All the users can enroll to the net work by
simply filling the online application form. You have to provide what are the fields in the
application form.
User Area
1. User Login/Logout has a special style of providing Users login from others, which is
most secured and features system. Users can have more facilities to operate this
business and down line follow-ups.
2. Welcome Letter
3. My Profile
3.1 Show Profile
3.2 Change Login Password
3.3 Forgot Password
3.4 Change Profile Picture
4. Center (In-built Mailing System)
4.1 Inbox
4.2 Out Box
4.3 Compose Mail
4.4 Mail Forwarding
4.5 Read and Unread Mail
4.6 Mails update with counts
5. My Genealogy
5.1 Tree View (Graphical View)
5.2 User Searching in Tree (Search a Down line)
5.3 User profile in tree as tooltip
5.4 Tabular Tree Structure
6. Sponsor Details
7. My Incentives
8. Repurchase Here, user can repurchase the products for redeem BV (Business
Volume) or PV (Point Value) My Accounts.
9. Consolidated Income reports
10. Process & Disbursement Mechanism
10.1 Processing of Payouts time to time (Automated / operator enabled)
10.2 Schedule Reports of all Incomes
11. Well designed Vouchers & Statements
12. Payout funding & analysis Reports
13. Payout Incomes MIS
14. E-Pin System
14.1 Show My E-Pin
14.2 Request E-Pin
14.3 Search My E-Pin
15. Leg Details
16. SMS System
16.1 Send Preset SMS
16.2 Invite Friend
17. Welcome message
18. Day Greetings
19. My Referrals
20. Download Documents
Admin Area
1. Admin Login/Logout
2. Configuration System
2.1 Network Settings Admin have an option to change the commission like Level
Commission (In the Case of Matrix or Unilevel), Pair Commissions (In the Case
of Binary), Payout Ceiling and Referral Commission.

2.2 Site Information

2.3 E-pin Configuration If your company sales products or user sign-up is through
e-pin, this utility provides you to configure the e-pin as you like. Here you can set
the number of characters, character set for e-pin and maximum active e-pin at a
time in your system for security purpose. You can set the number of characters in
the e-pin to any integer values between 6 and 25, and also you can configure
whether the e-pin includes only specified number of digits, alphabets or a
combination of alpha numerals.

2.4 User Name Configuration Admin has the privilege to set the user name
format. Here you can set the user name by including a prefix or not. If you need
prefix for user name you can set the prefix.

2.5 Referral Status This feature enables you to set the referral status in your
system. If you configure the referral status as ‘Yes’ in your system, then you can
set the referral commission through ‘Network Configuration’ link. And then for
each new user registration, the sponsor of that user will get the referral
commission and also provides users to track their referrals through ‘View My
Referrals’ link.

2.6 Welcome Letter This utility provides you to configure the welcome letter. It
also gives a preview of the welcome letter after you completing the settings.

2.7 Terms and Conditions This feature enables you to set the terms and
conditions of your system. The terms and conditions configured here is display
on the ‘I ACCEPT TERMS AND CONDITIONS’ link on the user registration form.

3. E-Pin System It is very useful for MLM companies. E-pin is the best way for payment.
Most of the MLM Companies want to sale their products and sign-up through e-pin. By
this way you can collect payment from members. This software manages e-pin &
secures the transactions. We are providing following feature.
3.1 Generate E-Pin
3.2 Request E-Pin
3.3 Show E-Pin Request
3.4 Allocate E-Pin
3.5 Block E-Pin
3.6 Edit, Delete E-Pin
3.7 Show E-Pin
3.8 E-pin Status
3.9 Search E-Pin
3.10 Send E-pin by SMS
3.11 Send e-Pin in User Panel
3.12 E-Pin Wise Report

4. Products Management This facility provides you to configure your products. We provide the
following features to manage products in your system.
4.1 Add Product
4.2 Edit Products
4.3 Add Product Image
4.4 Delete Product

5. Profile Tools Member can view the profile details and can able to edit some of the details
5.1 Show Profile
5.2 Edit Profile
5.3 Change User Password
5.4 Approve / Reject Profile
5.5 Search profiles
5.6 Member Photo Upload Option

6. Genealogy includes well structured graphical tree view. The tree view is expandable up to the
last level of the joining under him.
6.1 Graphical Tree View
6.2 User Searching in Tree (Search A Down line)
6.3 User profile in tree as tooltip
6.4 Tabular tree View

7. Payout Release Admin have an option to release payout by selecting payout date and user
Id. The released is show in the status as released otherwise is the status as pending.

8. Reports The Reports of MIS and other summaries, Analysis, queries and any kind of data
retrievals for your Business Reporting, you need to specify the type of report and format of
reports required, which will be incorporated time to time to an endless extend during the service
agreement period. We have a general format of all reports that are given below.
8.1 Sponsor Report
8.2 User Profile Report
8.3 Date wise Payout Report
8.4 Payout Released/Pending Reports
8.5 TDS Report
8.6 Joining report with date criteria
8.7 Block IDs Reports
8.8 Bank Statement Report
8.9 Activation and Non Activation Report
8.10 E-pin Reports 9. IP Tracker (Optional)

10. Support Center (In-built Mailing System)

This Facility will enable to have authenticated communication among all the Users,
Administrators, Branch network etc. within the application / single window working.
10.1 Inbox
10.2 Out Box
10.3 Compose
10.4 Mail Forwarding
10.5 Mails update with counts
10.6 Read and Unread Mail

11. Contents Manager This Module will enable the admin users to manage contents on the
website dynamically form time to time
11.1 News on Home page with RTF editor
11.2 News on Users Home page with RTF editor
11.3 Event on Users Home page with RTF editor
11.4 FAQs

12. Processing of Payouts time to time (Automated / operator enabled)

13. Well designed Vouchers & Statements
14. Payout funding & analysis Reports
15. Backup Mechanism / Recovery Mechanism
16. Upload & Edit Documents
The above-mentioned features of MLM software from us are scheduled as per your
requirement understood and also allowed to customize or add any other features as per
the Requirement based on Business model requirements or as per the business practice
chosen by the Client. However, if any new kind of feature is in need to develop the logic
at our end, the client should allow us the required time duration for the same.

Optional Modules & Features List

1. SMS Menu (Fully integrated SMS Facility) The system is able to send automated SMS
to the user’s mobile on various actions & activities to update the user on his gains &
transactions. We have our own 100% reliable gateway ( for
SMS, which is currently available to Indian clients.
For Clients outside India, we can integrate with other International SMS Gateways or 3rd
party SMS service providers.
1.1 SMS to new enrolled user – a welcome message
1.2 SMS to the Sponsor of new enrollment to congratulate him
1.3 SMS when payout all the payout receivers
1.4 SMS on shopping Transactions
1.5 Send SMS By Selecting Starting ID And Ending Id.
However, you may specify any other occasions / actions where you need this SMS Alert
integration as per your requirement All the SMS message text matters to be prescribed
by the client within the limit of SMS one single unit as 160 Characters. The sender ID for
all the SMS sending out from the system should be a choice of the client.

SMS Delivery Limitations

The Automated / integrated shooting of SMS from the web application on various
occasions are only an add-on facility provided. The Delivery of SMS’s is purely depends
on the gateway efficiency configured in the system, Operators compatibility and Internet
services availability. Our Limitations will be up to error free gateway integration and
tracking / keeping log records.

2. E-Wallet System E-Wallet is an online medium holding the information and history of
money transactions assuring safety and security to the users. In the case of an MLM
Software, E-wallet has the role of a virtual account where member can make
transactions with the amount available. Amount deducted from the payouts can be
transferred to E-wallet. Some amount from the Net payouts can be transferred to E-
Wallet. (Option given to the members) By using the E-Wallet Amount can be utilized for
purchasing the E-Pin and Products.

2.1 Fund Transfer

2.2 E-Pin/Product Purchase
2.3 Available Balance
2.4 E-Wallet Report
2.5 Transaction History

3. Payment Gateway User can purchase the product using their credit card/debit card. So
the Merchant should take a payment gateway account. Transaction includes buying new
products, Bonus, Online Registration, and Online Purchase, Signing Up new Members,
Package Up-gradation, and Member Renewals. Below is the list of Payment Gateways
which are can be associated with Infinite MLM Software.

3.3 CCAvenue
3.4 First Data
3.5 Liberty Reserve
3.6 EBS (E-Billing Solutions)
3.7 Paytm
3.8 NMI (Network Merchants Inc.)
3.9 SolidTrust Pay
4. Payout Release This module can be referred to as the payout method carried out in a
fixed schedule which can be processed from either Main E-wallet or Daily Allowance

9.1 Main E-wallet Payout Request (Payout Release from E-wallet Balance)
9.2 Daily Allowance Wallet

Cost & Time Estimation:

Domain & Hosting: 5500 + (18 %GST) (Yearly)

Website & MLM Software Design: 4, 50,000 + (18 %GST) Approx
Development Time: 2.5 Month

Note: Cost can be increased if requirements change

Payment Terms:

35% advance / token money at the time of project signoff

25 % second delivery
25 % third delivery
15 % final delivery

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