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How to make an EP: 1

How to make an EP:

You will need 1" copper pipe or larger diameter, 1 small crystal,
20 to 16 gauge un-insolated copper wire, metal shavings, resin,
wax paper and tape.

EP's work by pulling the DOR from the underground and then
releasing POR above ground and below. One key to the
effectiveness of EP's is the resonating cavity created in the
empty space inside the pipe. The larger the resonating cavity the
more effective. When using a larger diameter pipe you can have
a shorter length pipe and still be effective, while for smaller
diameter pipe you need a longer pipe to achieve the same

When choosing a copper pipe think about what you can afford. If
you can afford 1.5 inch pipe, it's easier to place in the ground
because of the shorter length.

This is a 1.5 inch pipe, 13 inches long. You don't need to have a
longer pipe for this diameter. The smaller pipe is used to cast OR
matrix plug insert for the main pipe. The plug is 6 inches long 28 August 2009 12:05:33 PM

How to make an EP: 2

matrix plug insert for the main pipe. The plug is 6 inches long
and has 1 inch cut off for removing the casting easier. You can
also poor the OR matrix directly into a 13 inch pipe. If you are
pouring directly into the pipe then fill the pipe about half full
with the orgone mix as described below making sure the crystal
tip is facing toward the resonate cavity.
If your using a 1 inch pipe I would use an 18 inch to 24 inch pipe
length to achieve the same effectiveness (same amount of
resonate cavity).

Here is how you wrap the small crystal. 28 August 2009 12:05:33 PM

How to make an EP: 3

Make sure you tape the end off tightly, inside is wax paper rolled
onto itself allowing the casting to be easily removed. 28 August 2009 12:05:33 PM

How to make an EP: 4

When mixing the metal and resin you can do it at once or drop
the particles in then pour resin over the top. Mixing them
together allow you to have less bubbles and air pockets.

The easiest way to get the goods in, spoon it in. A lot cleaner
and less mess on you. You want to fill the casting about half full
with OR matrix before placing the crystal inside. If pouring
directly into the pipe then fill the bottom with about 3 inches of
metal and resin then add your crystal. 28 August 2009 12:05:33 PM

How to make an EP: 5

Using needle nose pliers allows you to set the crystal in proper
alignment. Remember to face the crystal (pointed tip) in the
direction toward the resonate cavity.

Fill the casting to the top and let it cure. Remember if your not
using a casting plug and filling the pipe, make your OR matrix
about 1/2 the length of the pipe. 28 August 2009 12:05:33 PM

How to make an EP: 6

Make sure the curing process is done before removing. To

remove the casting simply tap one end with a hammer, pull the
1" end off.

Slide the OR plug out. 28 August 2009 12:05:33 PM

How to make an EP: 7

Remove the wax paper and Ta Da! Keep in mind which end is
suppose to be point toward the ground (mark it).
All you do now is find a suitable area to try out your new toy.
Drop the plug in the pipe, crystal facing toward the ground as
you marked. Use a mallet or hammer to set into the ground. If
your worried about damaging the pipe use a large steal
plumbing cap or 2x4 to absorb the pounding. Dents on the back
end of the pipe from pounding do not seem to effect the
performance of the device. One advantage to creating a plug is
while you are pounding into the ground it allows the air and dirt
to enter the pipe easier helping hold the OR matrix in place.
poured into a pipe, I would drill a small hole near the OR matrix
to relieve the air pressure allowoing the EP to set better. THE EP
WORK, ONLY PARTLY. But the further the better, since you don't
want people to find it. 28 August 2009 12:05:33 PM

How to make an EP: 8

The EP must be inserted vertically into the ground to work,

unless its into a hill side. (perpendicular to the ground, another
way to put it)

How I find locations for EP, I discern above ground DOR to

underground DOR. I do this by how my body reacts to certain 28 August 2009 12:05:33 PM

How to make an EP: 9

areas. My hands ache when there is above ground DOR. My head

aches where there is underground DOR. See if you notice the
same sensations. So far it's been 100% correct for me.
Bust those bastard ups!
Have fun busting the underground bases. 28 August 2009 12:05:33 PM

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