Microteaching S Report

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Microteaching´s Report

By Daniela Garrido

The present report was made based on a microteaching performed by our head
teacher Miss Valeria Munñ oz.

*Level : The level of the microteaching was accord to the level of the students
(english teaching students from 5th year),the teacher conected previous
knowledge with new content fully.The link was clear, not that much at the
beggining, but at the end of the class you Could tell everything was according to
our level.

*Materials: Materials were well used , first; a powerpoint to point in the right
direction the class objective , then videos to explain oral discourse and written
texts aswell to explain a complaint letter and the meaning of written discourse
.All were done well.

*English level language: Our teachers level of english is good, nice

pronunciation,wide vocabulary,fluency,etc.

*Student centered: The class was a mixture of student centered and teacher
centered.It is hard for any teacher who has to explain something first,not to act
teacher centered!, but it took short time every time and at it end I would say it
was appropriate to do .The rest of the class was tottally student centered.

*Use of comunicative skills: Done, when encouraging the students to answer

questions to be envolved with the class,etc,but groupwork Messing i think,even
when is written discourse, a Group work would have been good ,maby the
complaint letter made in pairs or something like that.For me , every class should
have a small Group work,for them to interact with those they never do or just to
have a little chat or to compite or whatever but i think is good.

*Group Management: Good Group Management,none o us was absent-minded i

felt,the teacher knows how to speak to everyone and Project her positive
energies very well

*Clear instructions: All the instructions were clear.

*Activities promote learning: yes , i learnt

*Monitoring of the progress: I think it was well done, when a teacher is better
than you for obvious reasons is difficult to Judie.

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