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S.B.S .Government Post Graduate Collage, Rudrapur

Form No [ ] [ ] [ ] Date

As a part of our project work we are seeking the awareness of “RIGHT TO INFORMATION”
among college students. We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete this
short questionnaire. We assure you that we will maintain the privacy of your information.

Personal information:
Name: _________________________________ Contact no. _______________________________
Course enrolled: ________________________
Age (in year): Below 20 20-25 26-30 More than 30
Gender: Male Female
Resident of: Urban area Rural area
1. Have you ever heard of right to information act ( RTI Act)?
Yes No

2 Please tell me from where did you come to know about the RTI act?
a. Television programmes/ Radio broadcast
b. Newspaper / print media / magazine etc.
c. Internet / websites / online sources
d. Word of mouth (friends, family etc.)
e. Other (please specify) __________________________________________________

3 Are you aware of the issues or areas one can use the RTI act for oneself or family?
Yes No

4 Which of these issues or areas have you /would like to use the RTI act for yourself or your
a. Education related information
(E.g. mark-sheet related information, inspection of exam sheet)
b. Quasi judicial information
(municipal bodies, panchyat etc. Service related)
c. Government ministries/ departments operation related information
(fuel, electricity, passport, water, telephone, law & order etc services related)
d. Taxation related issues

5 Have you ever tried to seek information from a government organisation or department?
Yes No

6. How many application have you filed till date?
1-5 5-10 Nill More than 15

7. Do you have any apprehension in using this act?

a. I need more knowledge about the act
b. It requires a lot of hassle to file an application
c. I will come into trouble for asking information about government bodies.
d. Any other (please specify) _____________________________________

8. You know you can file your RTI application online?

Yes No

9. You are aware to whom the application should address to & where you have to submit it
Yes No

10. You are aware that there are many government agencies and NGOs working to help the
appellants to launch a complaint and follow up
Yes No

11. You are aware that you can file a first appeal within 30 days from the day of receiving the
information, if the information provided to you is incomplete or no information is provided at
Yes No

12. You are aware that you can file a second appeal within 90 days from the day of receiving the
information after filing the first appeal to the concerned SIC or directly to the CIC, if the
information provided to you is incomplete or no information is provided?
Yes No

13 .What suggestion do you have to enable the citizen make use of the act?
a. There should be a facilitation centre explaining the detail of the Process for
filing an RTI application
b. There should a user manual /guide present in every department where RTI
applicants are filed
c. Advertisement in television/ newspaper etc.
d. Seminars regarding awareness on RTI in school/ collage
e. Any other (please specify) ______________________________________________

Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________
Signature of the Respondent: _____________________________ Place _____________________

Thanking you for sparing your valuable time.

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