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: INITIAL MAY 4, 2010



1. The four forces acting on an airplane in-flight are:

lift, weight, thrust, and drag.
lift, weight, gravity, and thrust.
lift, weight, gravity, power, and friction

2. (Refer to figure 38.) Determine the approximate total distance required to land
Over a 50-foot obstacle.
Pressure …………. 4,000 Feet
Weight …………….2,800 pounds
Headwind component ..10knots
1,525 feet
1,950 feet
1,775 feet

3. To minimize the side loads placed on the landing gear during touchdown, the
pilot should keep:

direction of motion of the aircraft parallel to the runway.

down wing lowered sufficiently to eliminate the tendency for the aircraft to drift.
longitudinal axis of the aircraft parallel to the direction of its motion.

4. (Refer to figure 41) Determine the total distance required for takeoff to clear
a 50-foot obstacle.
Pressure …………. ……..4,000 Feet
Takeoff Weight ………….2,800 pounds
Headwind component ….Calm
1,500 feet
2,000 feet
1,750 feet

5. If an altimeter setting is not available before flight, to which altitude should the
pilot adjust the altimeter?

The elevation of the nearest airport corrected to mean sea level.

The elevation of the departure area.
Pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard.

6. Loading an airplane to the most aft CG will cause the airplane to be:

less stable at slow speeds, but more stable at high speeds.

less stable at high speeds, but more stable at low speeds.
less stable at all speed.


Empty Weight 1495 151593 101.4

Pilot and pax 380 64

Fuel (30 gal Usable no reserve) 96

The CG is located how far to the aft of datum?

CG 94.01
CG 92.44
CG 119.8

8. If it is necessary to set the altimeter from 29.15 to 29.85, what change


700-foot increase in indicated altitude.

70-foot increase in indicated altitude.
70-foot increase in density altitude.

9. The angle of attack at which an airplane wing will stalls:

increase if the CG is moved forward

remain the same regardless of gross weight.
change with an increase in gross weight.

10. When computing weight and balance, the basic empty weight includes the
weight of the airframe, engine(s), and all installed optional equipment. Basic
empty weight also includes?

The unusable fuel, full operating fluids, and full oil

All usable fuel, full oil, hydraulic fluid, but does not include the weight of pilot,
passengers, or baggage
All usable fuel and oil, but does not include any radio equipment or instruments
that were installed by someone other than the manufacturer

11. (Refer to figure 31) If the tower-reported surface wind is 010° at 18 knots,
what is the crosswind component for a Rwy 08 landing?

7 knots
15 knots
17 knots

12. (Refer to figure 11) If the cruise altitude is 7,500 feet, using 64 percent power
at 2,500 RPM, what would be the range with 48 gallons of usable fuel?

635 miles
645 miles
810 miles

13. (Refer to figure 11) What would be the endurance at an altitude of 7,500
feet, using 52 percent power?
NOTE: with 48gallons of fuel – no reserve

6.1 hours
7.7 hours
8.0 hours
14. (Refer to figure 11) What would be the approximate true airspeed and fuel
consumption per hour at an altitude of 7,500 feet, using 52 percent power?
103 MPH TAS, 6.3 GPH
105 MPH TAS, 6.6 GPH
105 MPH TAS, 6.2 GPH

15. The CG of an aircraft can be determine by which of the following method’s?

Dividing total arms by total moments
Multiplying total arms by total weight
Dividing total moments by total weight

16. The CG of an aircraft may be determined by:

dividing total arms by total moments
dividing total moments by total weight
multiplying total weight by total moments

17. If all index units are positive when computing weight and balance, the
location of the datum would be at the:
centerline of the main wheels
nose, or out in front of the airplane
centerline of the nose or tailwheel, depending on the type of airplane

18. (Refer to figure 9) Using a normal climb, how much fuel would be used from
engine start to 12,000 feet pressure altitude?

Aircraft weight……………………………3,800 lb
Airport pressure altitude…………...……4,000 ft
Temperature……………………………...26° C
46 pounds
51 pounds
58 pounds

19. (Rfer to figure 14)


Aircraft weight……………………………………….3,700 lb
Airport pressure altitude……………………………4,000 ft
Temperature at 4,000 ft…………………………….21° C

Using a normal climb under the given conditions, how much fuel would be used
from engine start to a pressure altitude of 12,000 ft.?
30 pounds
37 pounds
46 pounds

20. What effect does an uphill runway slope have on takeoff performance?
Increase takeoff speed
Increase takeoff distance
Decrease takeoff distance

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