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--� Copyright, 2002, Inc. All rights reserved.

--Redistribution and use of this code in source and/or binary
--forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
--that: (1) all copies of the source code retain the above
--unmodified copyright notice and this entire unmodified
--section of text, (2) You or Your organization owns a valid
--Developer License to this product from
--and, (3) when any portion of this code is bundled in any
--form with an application, a valid notice must be provided
--within the user documentation, start-up screen or in the
--help-about section of the application that specifies as the provider of the Software bundled
--with the application.
--NOTE: Source for the Universal Font is only provided with the
--purchase of a Developer License.
--Purchase link:

CREATE OR REPLACE package IDAutomation as

function Postnet(p_data_to_encode varchar2,

p_return_type number default 0) return varchar2;
** Postnet will return the properly formatted string for a Postnet **
** barcode. **
** Enter a single string of Zip, Zip + 4 or Zip + 4 + Delivery Point. **
** specification string. **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **
** p_return_type : 0 - String to used with barcode font **
** 1 - Human readable string with start **
** and end characters **
** 2 - Check digit only **

function I2of5 (p_data_to_encode varchar2) return varchar2;

** I2of5 will return the properly formatted string for a Interleave 2 of 5**
** barcode. **
** This function also "interleaves" numbers into pairs for high density **
** without check digits. **
** specification string. **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **

function I2of5Mod10 (p_data_to_encode varchar2,

p_return_type number default 0) return varchar2;
** I2of5 will return the properly formatted string for a Interleave 2 of 5**
** barcode with a Mod10 check digit **
** This function also "interleaves" numbers into pairs for high density **
** without check digits. **
** specification string. **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **
** p_return_type : 0 - String to used with barcode font **
** 1 - Human readable string with start **
** and end characters **
** 2 - Check digit only **

function Code128(p_data_to_encode varchar2,

p_return_type number default 0) return varchar2;
** Code128 will return the properly formatted string for a Code128 **
** barcode using the A, B, or C Specification **
** If you are not sure which Code 128 set is for your application, then **
** use this one. This is a "Code 128 Auto" function that will **
** automatically encode any data from ASCII 0 to ASCII 127. It will **
** automatically switch to character set C for numbers also. **
** To encode alpha-numeric UCC/EAN-128, ASCII 202 or character � is **
** entered as the FNC1 before each AI. For example, the UCC number of **
** (8100)712345(21)12WH5678 should be entered as: �8100712345�2112WH5678. **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **
** p_return_type : 0 - String to used with barcode font **
** 1 - Human readable string with start **
** and end characters **
** 2 - Check digit only **

function Code128A (data_to_encode VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;

** This function will provide a string formatted for alpha-numeric values for Code
128A **
** Parameters
** data_to_encode : String that will be encoded without start and stop, checkdigit
** characters
** Return Value
** start_character + data_to_encode + check_digit + stop_character

function Code128B (data_to_encode VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;

** This function will provide a string formatted for alpha-numeric values for Code
128B **
** Parameters
** data_to_encode : String that will be encoded without start and stop, checkdigit
** characters
** Return Value
** start_character + data_to_encode + check_digit + stop_character

function Code128C (data_to_encode NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2;

** This function will provide a string formatted for numeric only values for Code
128C **
** Parameters
** data_to_encode : Value that will be encoded without start and stop, checkdigit
** characters
** Return Value
** start_character + data_to_encode + check_digit + stop_character

function Code39Mod43(p_data_to_encode varchar2,

p_return_type number default 0) return varchar2;
** Code39Mod43 will return the properly formatted string for a Code39Mod43 **
** barcode using the A, B, or C Specification **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **
** p_return_type : 1 - String to used with barcode font
** 2 - Human readable string with
start **
** and end characters
** 3 - Check digit only

function UPCa (p_data_to_encode varchar2) return varchar2;

** UPCa will return the properly formatted string for a UPCa **
** barcode. **
** specification string. **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **

function EAN8 (p_data_to_encode varchar2) return varchar2;

** EAN8 will return the properly formatted string for an EAN8 barcode **
** This function only accepts 7 digits **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **

function EAN13 (p_data_to_encode varchar2) return varchar2;

** EAN13 will return the properly formatted string for an EAN8 barcode **
** This function only accepts 12 digits **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **
CREATE OR REPLACE package body IDAutomation as

function is_number(p_string varchar2) return boolean

** This function will return true if the character is a number **
** else return false **


for i in 1..length(p_string)
if substr(p_string, i, 1) not in ('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0') then
return false;
end if;
end loop;
return true; -- All the characters are numbers

function Postnet(p_data_to_encode varchar2,

p_return_type number default 0) return varchar2
** Postnet will return the properly formatted string for a Postnet **
** barcode. **
** specification string. **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **
** p_return_type : 0 - String to used with barcode font **

** 1 - Human readable string with

start **
** and end characters
** 2 - Check digit only

onlyCorrectData varchar2(4000); -- Make it big enough to handle any

weightedTotal number := 0; -- Used for calculating Check Digit
check_digit number; -- Check digit variable


-- Remove any non-numeric characters

for i in 1..length(p_data_to_encode)
if is_number(substr(p_data_to_encode,i,1)) then
onlyCorrectData := onlyCorrectData || substr(p_data_to_encode,i,1);
end if;
end loop;
-- Calculate Check Digit
-- Add each of the values in the string together
for i in 1..length(onlyCorrectData)
weightedTotal := weightedTotal + to_number(substr(onlyCorrectData,i,1));
end loop;
-- Find the remainder of the weightedTotal divided by 10
if mod(weightedTotal,10) <> 0 then
check_digit := 10 - (mod(weightedTotal,10));
check_digit := 0;
end if;

-- Return the correct value based on the p_return_type parameter

if p_return_type = 0 then
return '('||onlyCorrectData||check_digit||')'||' ';
elsif p_return_type = 1 then
return onlyCorrectData || check_digit;
elsif p_return_type = 2 then
return check_digit;
return null;
end if;

end postnet;

function I2of5(p_data_to_encode varchar2) return varchar2

** I2of5 will return the properly formatted string for a Interleaved 2of5 **
** barcode. **
** specification string. **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **

startCode varchar2(1) := chr(203);

endCode varchar2(1) := chr(204);

onlyCorrectData varchar2(4000); -- Make it big enough to handle any

weightedTotal number := 0; -- Used for calculating Check Digit
check_digit number; -- Check digit variable
currentCharNum number; -- Temp character variable
printableString varchar2(4000); -- Variable to hold encoded string


-- Only keep numbers; Leading and Trailing spaces will be removed as well
for i in 1..length(p_data_to_encode)
if is_number(substr(p_data_to_encode,i,1)) then
onlyCorrectData := onlyCorrectData || substr(p_data_to_encode,i,1);
end if;
end loop;

-- Check to make sure there is an even number of characters

-- If not then prepend a "0"
if mod(length(onlyCorrectData),2) = 1 then
onlyCorrectData := '0'||onlyCorrectData;
end if;

for i in 1..length(onlyCorrectData)
-- Only execute this loop every second time eg. when i = 1,3,5,7, etc...
if mod(i,2) = 1 then
currentCharNum := to_number(substr(onlyCorrectData,i,2));
-- Get the ASCII Value of the current char according to chart
if currentCharNum < 94 then printableString := printableString ||
chr(currentCharNum + 33); end if;
if currentCharNum >= 94 then printableString := printableString ||
chr(currentCharNum + 103); end if;
end if; -- mod(i,2)
end loop;

return startCode || printableString || endCode|| ' ';

end I2of5;

function I2of5Mod10 (p_data_to_encode varchar2,

p_return_type number default 0) return varchar2
** I2of5 will return the properly formatted string for a Interleave 2 of 5**
** barcode with a Mod10 check digit **
** This function also "interleaves" numbers into pairs for high density **
** without check digits. **
** specification string. **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **
** p_return_type : 0 - String to used with barcode font **
** 1 - Human readable string with start **
** and end characters **
** 2 - Check digit only **

startCode varchar2(1) := chr(203);

endCode varchar2(1) := chr(204);

onlyCorrectData varchar2(4000); -- Make it big enough to handle any

weightedTotal number := 0; -- Used for calculating Check Digit
check_digit number; -- Check digit variable
currentCharNum number; -- Temp character variable
printableString varchar2(4000); -- Variable to hold encoded string

factor number := 3;


-- Only keep numbers; Leading and Trailing spaces will be removed as well
for i in 1..length(p_data_to_encode)
if is_number(substr(p_data_to_encode,i,1)) then
onlyCorrectData := onlyCorrectData || substr(p_data_to_encode,i,1);
end if;
end loop;

-- Calculate the check digit

for i in reverse 1..length(onlyCorrectData)
-- Get the value of each number starting at the end
currentCharNum := substr(onlyCorrectData, i, 1);
-- Multiply by the weighting factor which is 3,1,3,1,...
weightedTotal := weightedTotal + (currentCharNum * factor);
-- Change the factor for the next calculation
factor := 4 - factor;
end loop;

-- Find the check digit by finding the smallest number that = a multiple of 10
if mod(weightedTotal,10) <> 0 then
check_digit := mod(weightedTotal,10);
check_digit := 0;
end if;

-- Add check digit to onlyCorrectData

onlyCorrectData := onlyCorrectData || check_digit;

-- Check to make sure there is an even number of characters

-- If not then prepend a "0"
if mod(length(onlyCorrectData),2) = 1 then
onlyCorrectData := '0'||onlyCorrectData;
end if;

for i in 1..length(onlyCorrectData)
-- Only execute this loop every second time eg. when i = 1,3,5,7, etc...
if mod(i,2) = 1 then
currentCharNum := to_number(substr(onlyCorrectData,i,2));
-- Get the ASCII Value of the current char according to chart
if currentCharNum < 94 then printableString := printableString ||
chr(currentCharNum + 33); end if;
if currentCharNum >= 94 then printableString := printableString ||
chr(currentCharNum + 103); end if;
end if; -- mod(i,2)
end loop;

if p_return_type = 0 then
return startCode || printableString || endCode|| ' ';
elsif p_return_type = 1 then
return onlyCorrectData;
elsif p_return_type = 2 then
return check_digit;
return null;
end if;

end I2of5Mod10;

function Code128(p_data_to_encode varchar2,

p_return_type number default 0) return varchar2
** Code128 will return the properly formatted string for a Code128 **
** barcode using the A, B, or C Specification **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **
** p_return_type : 1 - String to used with barcode font **

** 2 - Human readable string with

start **
** and end characters
** 3 - Check digit only

dataToPrint varchar2(4000); --Data to be returned

dataToFormat varchar2(4000);
dataToEncode varchar2(4000);
c128Start varchar2(1);
c128_StartA varchar2(1) := chr(203);
c128_StartB varchar2(1) := chr(204);
c128_StartC varchar2(1) := chr(205);
c128Stop varchar2(1) := chr(206);

HumanReadableText varchar2(4000);
currentCharNum number;
currentChar varchar2(1);
currentEncoding varchar2(1);
weightedTotal number;
checkDigitValue number;
c128_CheckDigit varchar2(2);
stringLength number;

i number := 1;
currentValue number;

dataToFormat := rtrim(ltrim(p_data_to_encode));
currentCharNum := ascii(substr(dataToFormat,1,1));

-- Select the start character

if currentCharNum < 32 then c128Start := c128_StartA; end if;
if currentCharNum >= 32 and currentCharNum < 127 then c128Start := c128_StartB; end
if length(dataToFormat) > 4 and is_number(substr(dataToFormat, 1, 4)) then
c128Start := c128_StartC; end if;
-- 202 is the FNC1, character set C is mandatory
if currentCharNum = 202 then c128Start := c128_StartC; end if;
if c128Start = chr(203) then currentEncoding := 'A'; end if;
if c128Start = chr(204) then currentEncoding := 'B'; end if;
if c128Start = chr(205) then currentEncoding := 'C'; end if;

stringLength := length(dataToFormat);

while i <= stringLength

-- check for FNC1 in any set
if substr(dataToFormat,i,1) = chr(202) then
dataToEncode := dataToEncode || chr(202);
-- check for switching to character set C
elsif ((i < stringLength - 2) and (is_number(substr(dataToFormat, i, 1))) and
(is_number(substr(dataToFormat, i+1, 1))) and (is_number(substr(dataToFormat,

i, 4))))
or ((i < stringLength) and (is_number(substr(dataToFormat, i, 1))) and
(is_number(substr(dataToFormat, i+1, 1))) and (currentEncoding = 'C'))

-- switch to set C if not already in it
if currentEncoding <> 'C' then
dataToEncode := dataToEncode || chr(199);
end if;
currentEncoding := 'C';
currentValue := to_number(substr(dataToFormat,i,2));
-- set the currentValue to the number of String currentChar
if currentValue < 95 and currentValue > 0 then
dataToEncode := dataToEncode || chr(currentValue + 32);
end if;
if currentValue >= 95 then
dataToEncode := dataToEncode || chr(currentValue + 100);
end if;
if currentValue = 0 then
dataToEncode := dataToEncode || chr(194);
end if;
i := i + 1;
-- check for switching to character set A
elsif (i <= stringLength)
and ((ascii(substr(dataToFormat,i,1)) < 31)
or ((currentEncoding = 'A') and (ascii(substr(dataToFormat,i,1)) > 32 and
(ascii(substr(dataToFormat,i,1))) < 96))) then
-- switch to set A if not already in it
if currentEncoding <> 'A' then
dataToEncode := dataToEncode || chr(201);
end if;
currentEncoding := 'A';

-- Get the ascii value of the next character

currentCharNum := ascii(substr(dataToFormat,i,1));
if currentCharNum = 32 then dataToEncode := dataToEncode || chr(194); end if;
if currentCharNum < 32 then dataToEncode := dataToEncode ||
chr(currentCharNum + 96); end if;
if currentCharNum > 32 then dataToEncode := dataToEncode ||
chr(currentCharNum); end if;

-- check for switching to character set B

elsif (i <= stringLength) and ((ascii(substr(dataToFormat,i,1))) > 31 and
(ascii(substr(dataToFormat,i,1))) < 127) then
--switch to character set B
if currentEncoding <> 'B' then
dataToEncode := dataToEncode || chr(200);
end if;
currentEncoding := 'B';
-- get the ascii value of the next character
currentCharNum := ascii(substr(dataToFormat,i,1));
if currentCharNum = 32 then
dataToEncode := dataToEncode || chr(194);
dataToEncode := dataToEncode || chr(currentCharNum);
end if;
end if;
i := i + 1;
end loop;

--Format Text for AIs

-- reset cursor
i := 1;

while i <= length(dataToFormat)

-- get ascii value of each character
currentCharNum := ascii(substr(dataToFormat,i,1));
-- check for FNC1
if i < length(dataToFormat) - 2 and currentCharNum = 202 then
-- it appears that there is an AI
-- get the value of each number pair (ex. 5 and 6 = 5*10+6 = 56)
currentCharNum := to_number(substr(dataToFormat, i+1, 2));
-- is 4 digit AI?
if ((i < length(dataToFormat) - 4) and ((currentCharNum between 80 and 81) or
(currentCharNum between 31 and 34))) then
HumanReadableText := HumanReadableText || ' (' ||substr(dataToFormat, i+1,
4)||') ';
i := i + 4;
-- is 3 digit AI?
elsif ((i < length(dataToFormat) - 3) and ((currentCharNum between 40 and 49)
or (currentCharNum between 23 and 25))) then
HumanReadableText := HumanReadableText || ' (' ||substr(dataToFormat, i+1,
3)||') ';
i := i + 3;
-- is 2 digit AI?
elsif ((i < length(dataToFormat) - 2) and ((currentCharNum between 0 and 30)
or (currentCharNum between 90 and 99))) then
HumanReadableText := HumanReadableText || ' (' ||substr(dataToFormat, i+1,
2)||') ';
i := i + 2;
end if;
elsif ascii(substr(dataToFormat, i, 1)) < 32 then
HumanReadableText := HumanReadableText || ' ';
elsif ascii(substr(dataToFormat, i, 1)) > 31 and ascii(substr(dataToFormat, i,
1)) < 128 then
HumanReadableText := HumanReadableText || substr(dataToFormat, i, 1);
end if;
i := i + 1;
end loop;

-- Calculate Modulo 103 Check Digit

-- Set weightedTotal to the value of the start character
weightedTotal := ascii(c128Start) - 100;
for j in 1..length(dataToEncode)
-- Get the ascii value of each character
currentCharNum := ascii(substr(dataToEncode,j ,1));
-- Get the code 128 value of the CurrentChar according to chart
if currentCharNum < 135 then currentValue := currentCharNum - 32; end if;
if currentCharNum >= 135 then currentValue := currentCharNum - 100; end if;
if currentCharNum = 194 then currentValue := 0; end if;
-- Multiply by the weighting character
currentValue := currentValue * j;
-- Add the values together
weightedTotal := weightedTotal + currentValue;

end loop;

-- divide the weightedTotal by 103 and get the remainder, this is the CheckDigit
checkDigitValue := mod(weightedTotal, 103);
-- Now that we have the CheckDigit Value, find the corresponding ASCII character
from the table
if checkDigitValue < 95 and checkDigitValue > 0 then c128_CheckDigit :=
chr(checkDigitValue + 32); end if;
if checkDigitValue >= 95 then c128_CheckDigit := chr(checkDigitValue + 100); end
if checkDigitValue = 0 then c128_CheckDigit := chr(194); end if;

for j in 1..length(dataToEncode)
currentChar := substr(dataToEncode, j, 1);
-- Replace spaces with chr(194)
if currentChar = ' ' then
currentChar := chr(194);
end if;
dataToPrint := dataToPrint || currentChar;
end loop;

if p_return_type = 0 then
return c128Start || dataToPrint || c128_CheckDigit || c128Stop;
elsif p_return_type = 1 then
return HumanReadableText;
elsif p_return_type = 2 then
return c128_CheckDigit;
end if;
end Code128;

function Code128A (data_to_encode varchar2) return varchar2

** This function will provide a string formatted for alpha-numeric values for Code
128A **
** Parameters
** data_to_encode : String that will be encoded without start and stop, checkdigit
** characters
** Return Value
** start_character + data_to_encode + check_digit + stop_character

v_data_to_encode varchar2(4000) := upper(data_to_encode); -- Convert any

lowercase letters to upper case
check_digit_char varchar2(1) := null;
check_digit number := null;
start_character varchar2(1) := chr(0203);
stop_character varchar2(1) := chr(0206);

current_value number := null;

encoded_string varchar2(1000) := null;

-- Calcuation variables
weight_total number := ascii(start_character) - 100;


-- Determine the check digit

for i in 1..length(v_data_to_encode)
current_value := to_number(ascii(substr(v_data_to_encode, i, 1)));
if current_value < 135 then
current_value := current_value - 32;
elsif current_value >= 135 then
current_value := current_value - 100;
end if;

-- Calculate the check digit

current_value := current_value * i;
weight_total := weight_total + current_value;

end loop;
-- Get the check digit value
check_digit := mod(weight_total,103);
-- Get the corresponding character from the check_digit
if check_digit < 95 and check_digit > 0 then
check_digit_char := chr(check_digit + 32);
elsif check_digit >= 95 then
check_digit_char := chr(check_digit + 100);
elsif check_digit = 0 then
check_digit_char := chr(194);
end if;
-- check digit determined

-- Replace any occurence of ' ' (space) with chr(194)

encoded_string := replace(v_data_to_encode,' ',chr(194));

return start_character || encoded_string || check_digit_char || stop_character;


function Code128B (data_to_encode varchar2) return varchar2

** This function will provide a string formatted for alpha-numeric values for Code
128B **
** Parameters
** data_to_encode : String that will be encoded without start and stop, checkdigit
** characters
** Return Value
** start_character + data_to_encode + check_digit + stop_character

check_digit_char varchar2(1) := null;

check_digit number := null;
start_character varchar2(1) := chr(0204);
stop_character varchar2(1) := chr(0206);

current_value number := null;

encoded_string varchar2(1000) := null;

-- Calcuation variables
weight_total number := ascii(start_character) - 100;


-- Determine the check digit

for i in 1..length(data_to_encode)
current_value := to_number(ascii(substr(data_to_encode, i, 1)));
if current_value < 135 then
current_value := current_value - 32;
elsif current_value >= 135 then
current_value := current_value - 100;
end if;

-- Calculate the check digit

current_value := current_value * i;
weight_total := weight_total + current_value;

end loop;
-- Get the check digit value
check_digit := mod(weight_total,103);
-- Get the corresponding character from the check_digit
if check_digit < 95 and check_digit > 0 then
check_digit_char := chr(check_digit + 32);
elsif check_digit >= 95 then
check_digit_char := chr(check_digit + 100);
elsif check_digit = 0 then
check_digit_char := chr(194);
end if;
-- check digit determined

-- Replace any occurence of ' ' (space) with chr(194)

encoded_string := replace(data_to_encode,' ',chr(194));

return start_character || encoded_string || check_digit_char || stop_character;


function Code128C (data_to_encode NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2

** This function will provide a string formatted for numeric only values for Code
128C **
** Parameters
** data_to_encode : Value that will be encoded without start and stop, checkdigit
** characters
** Return Value
** start_character + data_to_encode + check_digit + stop_character

data_to_encode_char varchar2(1000) := null;

check_digit_char varchar2(1) := null;
check_digit number := null;
start_character varchar2(1) := chr(0205);
stop_character varchar2(1) := chr(0206);

current_value number := null;

encoded_string varchar2(1000) := null;

-- Calcuation variables
weight_value number := 1;
weight_total number := 105;


-- Only keep numbers and remove dashes

for i in 1..length(data_to_encode)
if is_number(substr(data_to_encode,i,1)) then data_to_encode_char :=
data_to_encode_char || substr(data_to_encode,i,1); end if;
end loop;

-- The string must be an even length, if not append a zero to the beginning of
if mod(length(data_to_encode_char),2) = 1 then
data_to_encode_char := lpad(data_to_encode_char,length(data_to_encode_char)
end if;

for i in 1..length(data_to_encode_char)
if mod(i,2) = 1 then -- skep every second value
current_value := to_number(substr(data_to_encode_char, i, 2));
if current_value < 95 and current_value > 0 then
encoded_string := encoded_string || chr(current_value + 32);

elsif current_value >= 95 then

encoded_string := encoded_string || chr(current_value + 100);
elsif current_value = 0 then
encoded_string := encoded_string || chr(194);
end if;

-- Calculate the check digit

current_value := current_value * weight_value;
weight_total := weight_total + current_value;
weight_value := weight_value + 1;
end if;
end loop;

-- Get the check digit value

check_digit := mod(weight_total,103);

-- Get the corresponding character from the check_digit

if check_digit < 95 and check_digit > 0 then
check_digit_char := chr(check_digit + 32);
elsif check_digit >= 95 then
check_digit_char := chr(check_digit + 100);
elsif check_digit = 0 then
check_digit_char := chr(194);
end if;

return start_character || encoded_string || check_digit_char || stop_character;


function Code39Mod43(p_data_to_encode varchar2,

p_return_type number default 0) return varchar2
** Code39Mod43 will return the properly formatted string for a Code39Mod43 **
** barcode using the A, B, or C Specification **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **
** p_return_type : 1 - String to used with barcode font
** 2 - Human readable string with
start **
** and end characters
** 3 - Check digit only

v_data_to_encode varchar2(4000) := rtrim(upper(p_data_to_encode));

onlyCorrectData varchar2(4000);
dataToPrint varchar2(4000);

currentCharNum number;
weightedTotal number := 0;

currentValue number;
checkDigitValue number;
checkDigit number;


for i in 1..length(v_data_to_encode)
-- Get each character one at a time
currentCharNum := ascii(substr(v_data_to_encode,i,1));
-- Get the value of CurrentChar according to MOD43
-- 0-9
if currentCharNum between 48 and 57 -- 0-9
or currentCharNum between 65 and 90 -- A-Z
or currentCharNum in (32,45,46,36,47,43,37) then -- Space,-,.,$,/,+,%
onlyCorrectData := onlyCorrectData || substr(v_data_to_encode,i,1);
end if;
end loop;

v_data_to_encode := onlyCorrectData;

for i in 1..length(v_data_to_encode)
-- Get each character one at a time
currentCharNum := ascii(substr(v_data_to_encode,i,1));
-- Get the value of CurrentChar according to MOD43
-- 0-9
if currentCharNum between 48 and 57 then currentValue := currentCharNum - 48; end
-- A-Z
if currentCharNum between 65 and 90 then currentValue := currentCharNum - 55; end
-- Space
if currentCharNum = 32 then currentValue := 38; end if;
-- -
if currentCharNum = 45 then currentValue := 36; end if;
-- .
if currentCharNum = 46 then currentValue := 37; end if;
-- $
if currentCharNum = 36 then currentValue := 39; end if;
-- /
if currentCharNum = 47 then currentValue := 40; end if;
-- +
if currentCharNum = 43 then currentValue := 41; end if;
-- %
if currentCharNum = 37 then currentValue := 42; end if;

-- To print the barcode symbol representing a space you will

-- type or print "=" instead of a space character
if currentCharNum = 32 then currentCharNum := 61; end if;

-- Gather data to print

dataToPrint := dataToPrint || chr(currentCharNum);

-- Add the values together

weightedTotal := weightedTotal + currentValue;

end loop;

-- Divide the weightedTotal by 43 and get the remainder for check digit
checkDigitValue := mod(weightedTotal,43);

-- Assign check digit a character value

-- 0-9
if checkDigitValue < 10 then checkDigit := checkDigitValue + 48; end if;
-- A-Z
if checkDigitValue between 10 and 35 then checkDigit := checkDigitValue + 55; end
-- Space
if checkDigitValue = 38 then checkDigit := 61; end if;
-- -
if checkDigitValue = 36 then checkDigit := 45; end if;
-- .
if checkDigitValue = 37 then checkDigit := 46; end if;
-- $
if checkDigitValue = 39 then checkDigit := 36; end if;
-- /
if checkDigitValue = 40 then checkDigit := 47; end if;
-- +
if checkDigitValue = 41 then checkDigit := 43; end if;
-- %
if checkDigitValue = 42 then checkDigit := 37; end if;
-- Return appropriate string
if p_return_type = 0 then
return '!' || dataToPrint || chr(checkDigit) || '!' || ' ';
elsif p_return_type = 1 then
return dataToPrint || chr(checkDigit);
elsif p_return_type = 2 then
return chr(checkDigit);
else return null;
end if;

end Code39Mod43;

function UPCa (p_data_to_encode varchar2) return varchar2

** UPCa will return the properly formatted string for a UPCa **
** barcode. **
** specification string. **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **
v_data_to_encode varchar2(4000) := rtrim(ltrim(p_data_to_encode));
onlyCorrectData varchar2(4000);
dataToEncode varchar2(4000);
currentCharNum number;
currentChar varchar2(1);
checkDigit number;
dataToPrint varchar2(4000);

ean5addon varchar2(5);
ean2addon varchar2(2);
eanaddonToPrint varchar2(100);
encoding varchar2(10);
currentEncoding varchar2(1);

-- Check digit variables

factor number := 3;
weightedTotal number := 0;

-- Only keep numbers and remove dashes
for i in 1..length(v_data_to_encode)
if is_number(substr(v_data_to_encode,i,1)) then onlyCorrectData :=
onlyCorrectData || substr(v_data_to_encode,i,1); end if;
end loop;

-- Remove check digits if one was added

if length(onlyCorrectData) = 12 then onlyCorrectData := substr(onlyCorrectData,
1, 11); end if;
if length(onlyCorrectData) = 14 then onlyCorrectData := substr(onlyCorrectData,
1, 11) || substr(onlyCorrectData, 13,2); end if;
if length(onlyCorrectData) = 17 then onlyCorrectData := substr(onlyCorrectData,
1, 11) || substr(onlyCorrectData, 13,5); end if;

-- Split the 12 digit number from add-on

if length(onlyCorrectData) = 16 then ean5addon := substr(onlyCorrectData, 12, 5);
end if;
if length(onlyCorrectData) = 13 then ean2addon := substr(onlyCorrectData, 12, 2);
end if;
dataToEncode := substr(onlyCorrectData, 1, 11);

-- Calculate the Check Digit

for i in reverse 1..length(dataToEncode)
currentCharNum := substr(dataToEncode,i,1);
-- multiply by the weighting factor which is 3,1,3,1,3,.....
-- and add the sum together
weightedTotal := weightedTotal + (currentCharNum * factor);
-- change the factor for the next calculation
factor := 4 - factor;
end loop;

-- Find the check digit by finding the number + weightedTotal that = a multiple
of 10
-- Divide by 10, get the remainder and subtract from 10
if mod(weightedTotal, 10) <> 0 then
checkDigit := 10 - mod(weightedTotal,10);
checkDigit := 0;
end if;

dataToEncode := dataToEncode || checkDigit;

-- Determine character to print for proper barcoding

for i in 1..length(dataToEncode)
-- Get ASCII value from each character
currentCharNum := ascii(substr(dataToEncode, i, 1));
-- Print different barcodes according to the location of the CurrentChar
if i = 1 then -- Print the human readable character, the normal guard pattern
and then the barcode
if chr(currentCharNum) > 4 then dataToPrint := chr(currentCharNum + 64) ||
'(' || chr(currentCharNum + 49); end if;
if chr(currentCharNum) <= 4 then dataToPrint := chr(currentCharNum + 37) ||
'(' || chr(currentCharNum + 49); end if;
elsif i between 2 and 5 then
dataToPrint := dataToPrint ||chr(currentCharNum);
elsif i = 6 then -- print the center guard after the 6th character
dataToPrint := dataToPrint ||chr(currentCharNum) || '*';
elsif i between 7 and 11 then -- Add 27 to the ASCII value of
characters 6-12 to print from character set+ C
-- this is required when printing to the right
of the center guard pattern
dataToPrint := dataToPrint || chr(currentCharNum + 27);
elsif i = 12 then -- print the barcode without the human
readable character, the normal guard pattern
-- and then the human readable character
if chr(currentCharNum) > 4 then dataToPrint := dataToPrint ||
chr(currentCharNum + 59) || '(' || chr(currentCharNum + 64); end if;
if chr(currentCharNum) <= 4 then dataToPrint := dataToPrint ||
chr(currentCharNum + 59) || '(' || chr(currentCharNum + 37); end if;

end if;
end loop;
-- Process 5 digit add on if it exits
if length(ean5addon) = 5 then
-- Get check digit for add on
factor := 3;
weightedTotal := 0;
for i in reverse 1..length(ean5addon)
-- Get the value of each number starting at the end
currentCharNum := substr(ean5addon, i, 1);
-- Multiply by the weighting factor which is 3,9,3,9, ....
-- and add the sum together
if factor = 3 then weightedTotal := weightedTotal + (currentCharNum * 3);
end if;
if factor = 1 then weightedTotal := weightedTotal + (currentCharNum * 9);
end if;
-- Change the factor for the next calculation
factor := 4 - factor;
end loop;

-- Find the check digit by extracting to the right-most number from

checkDigit := to_number(substr(weightedTotal,length(weightedTotal), 1));

-- Encode the add-on CheckDigit into the number sets

-- by using variable parity between character sets A and B
if checkDigit = 0 then encoding := 'BBAAA';
elsif checkDigit = 1 then encoding := 'BABAA';
elsif checkDigit = 2 then encoding := 'BAABA';
elsif checkDigit = 3 then encoding := 'BAAAB';
elsif checkDigit = 4 then encoding := 'ABBAA';
elsif checkDigit = 5 then encoding := 'AABBA';
elsif checkDigit = 6 then encoding := 'AAABB';
elsif checkDigit = 7 then encoding := 'ABABA';
elsif checkDigit = 8 then encoding := 'ABAAB';
elsif checkDigit = 9 then encoding := 'AABAB';
end if;

-- Determine character to print for proper barcoding

for i in 1..length(ean5addon)
-- Get the value of each number
-- it is encoded with variable parity
currentChar := substr(ean5addon, i, 1);
currentEncoding := substr(encoding, i, 1);
-- Print different barcodes according to the location of the currentChar
and currentEncoding
if currentEncoding = 'A' then
if currentChar = '0' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(34);
end if;
if currentChar = '1' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(35);
end if;
if currentChar = '2' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(36);
end if;
if currentChar = '3' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(37); end if;
if currentChar = '4' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(38); end if;
if currentChar = '5' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(44); end if;
if currentChar = '6' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(46); end if;
if currentChar = '7' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(47); end if;
if currentChar = '8' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(58); end if;
if currentChar = '9' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(59); end if;
elsif currentEncoding = 'B' then
if currentChar = '0' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(122);
end if;
if currentChar = '1' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(61);
end if;
if currentChar = '2' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(63);
end if;
if currentChar = '3' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(64); end if;
if currentChar = '4' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(91); end if;
if currentChar = '5' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(92); end if;
if currentChar = '6' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(93); end if;
if currentChar = '7' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(95); end if;
if currentChar = '8' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(123); end if;
if currentChar = '9' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(125); end if;
end if;

-- Add in the space & add on guard pattern

-- eanAddOnToPrint
if i = 1 then -- eanAddOnToPrint = chr(32) || chr(43) || eanAddOnToPrint ||
eanAddOnToPrint := chr(43) || eanAddOnToPrint || chr(33);
elsif i between 2 and 4 then
eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(33);
elsif i = 5 then
eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint;
end if;
end loop;
end if; -- ean5addon

-- Process 2 digit add-on if it exists

if length(ean2AddOn) = 2 then
-- Get encoding for add on
for i in 0..99
if mod(i,4) = 0 then -- Only process every fourth item
if to_number(ean2AddOn) = i then encoding := 'AA'; end if;
if to_number(ean2AddOn) = i + 1 then encoding := 'AB'; end if;
if to_number(ean2AddOn) = i + 2 then encoding := 'BA'; end if;
if to_number(ean2AddOn) = i + 3 then encoding := 'BB'; end if;
end if;
end loop;

-- Determine what to print

for i in 1..length(ean2AddOn)
-- Get the value of each number
-- it is encoded with variable parity
currentChar := substr(ean2AddOn, i, 1);
currentEncoding := substr(encoding, i, 1);
-- Print the different barcodes according to the location of the
currentChar and currentEncoding
if currentEncoding = 'A' then
if currentChar = '0' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(34);
end if;
if currentChar = '1' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(35);
end if;
if currentChar = '2' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(36);
end if;
if currentChar = '3' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(37); end if;
if currentChar = '4' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(38); end if;
if currentChar = '5' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(44); end if;
if currentChar = '6' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(46); end if;
if currentChar = '7' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(47); end if;
if currentChar = '8' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(58); end if;
if currentChar = '9' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(59); end if;
elsif currentEncoding = 'B' then
if currentChar = '0' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(122);
end if;
if currentChar = '1' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(61);
end if;
if currentChar = '2' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(63);
end if;
if currentChar = '3' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(64); end if;
if currentChar = '4' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(91); end if;
if currentChar = '5' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(92); end if;
if currentChar = '6' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(93); end if;
if currentChar = '7' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(95); end if;
if currentChar = '8' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(123); end if;
if currentChar = '9' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(125); end if;
end if;

-- Add in the space & add-on guard pattern

if i = 1 then
eanAddOnToPrint := chr(43) || eanAddOnToPrint || chr(33);
elsif i = 2 then
eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint;
end if;
end loop;
end if; -- ean2AddOn

return dataToPrint || eanAddOnToPrint || ' ';

end UPCa;

function EAN8 (p_data_to_encode varchar2) return varchar2

** EAN8 will return the properly formatted string for an EAN8 barcode **
** This function also "interleaves" numbers into pairs for high density **
** without check digits. **
** specification string. **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **

dataToEncode varchar2(4000) := rtrim(ltrim(p_data_to_encode));

onlyCorrectData varchar2(4000);
dataToPrint varchar2(4000);

factor number := 3;
weightedTotal number := 0;

currentCharNum number;
checkDigit number;

wrong_length exception;
-- Clean up the data by removing keeping numbers and removing dashes
for i in 1..length(dataToEncode)
if is_number(substr(dataToEncode, i, 1)) then
onlyCorrectData := onlyCorrectData || substr(dataToEncode, i, 1);
end if;
end loop;

dataToEncode := onlyCorrectData;

if length(dataToEncode) <> 7 then

raise wrong_length;
end if;

-- Calculate the check digit

for i in reverse 1..length(dataToEncode)
-- Get the value of each number starting at the end
currentCharNum := substr(dataToEncode, i, 1);
-- Multiply by the weighting factor which is 3,1,3,1,...
-- and add sum together
weightedTotal := weightedTotal + (currentCharNum * factor);
-- Change the factor for the next calculation
factor := 4 - factor;
end loop;

-- Find the checkdigit by finding the number + weightedTotal that = multiple of

-- Divide by 10, get the remainder and subtract from 10
if mod(weightedTotal,10) <> 0 then
checkDigit := 10 - mod(weightedTotal,10);
checkDigit := 0;
end if;

dataToEncode := dataToEncode || checkDigit;

-- Determine the correct character to print for proper barcoding

for i in 1..length(dataToEncode)
currentCharNum := ascii(substr(dataToEncode, i, 1));

if i = 1 then dataToPrint := '(' || chr(currentCharNum); end if;

if i in (2,3) then dataToPrint := dataToPrint || chr(currentCharNum); end
if i = 4 then dataToPrint := dataToPrint || chr(currentCharNum) ||
'*'; end if; -- Print the center guard
if i in (5,6,7) then dataToPrint := dataToPrint || chr(currentCharNum + 27);
end if;
-- Print the check digit as 8th character and normal guard pattern
if i = 8 then dataToPrint := dataToPrint || chr(currentCharNum + 27)
|| '('; end if;
end loop;

return dataToPrint || ' ';

when wrong_length then
raise_application_error(-20001,'Cannot process this barcode. Please enter a 7
digit number for an EAN8 barcode. Do not use any spaces or dashes');
end EAN8;

function EAN13 (p_data_to_encode varchar2) return varchar2

** EAN13 will return the properly formatted string for an EAN8 barcode **
** This function only accepts 12 digits **
** Parameters : p_data_to_encode : Data to be encoded **

dataToEncode varchar2(4000) := rtrim(ltrim(p_data_to_encode));

onlyCorrectData varchar2(4000);
dataToPrint varchar2(4000);

currentCharNum number;
currentChar varchar2(1);

factor number := 3;
weightedTotal number := 0;

ean5AddOn varchar2(10);
ean2AddOn varchar2(10);
eanAddOnToPrint varchar2(20);

checkDigit number;

leadingDigit number;
encoding varchar2(15);
currentEncoding varchar2(1);

-- Only keep numbers and remove dashes
for i in 1..length(dataToEncode)
if is_number(substr(dataToEncode, i, 1)) then onlyCorrectData :=
onlyCorrectData || substr(dataToEncode, i, 1); end if;
end loop;

-- Remove check digit if one was added

if length(onlyCorrectData) = 13 then onlyCorrectData := substr(onlyCorrectData,
1, 12); end if;
if length(onlyCorrectData) = 15 then onlyCorrectData := substr(onlyCorrectData,
1, 12) || substr(onlyCorrectData, 14, 2); end if;
if length(onlyCorrectData) = 18 then onlyCorrectData := substr(onlyCorrectData,
1, 12) || substr(onlyCorrectData, 14, 5); end if;

-- setup the add on variables

if length(onlyCorrectData) = 17 then ean5AddOn := substr(onlyCorrectData, 13, 5);
end if;
if length(onlyCorrectData) = 14 then ean2AddOn := substr(onlyCorrectData, 13, 2);
end if;
-- split the 12 digit number from add-on
dataToEncode := substr(onlyCorrectData, 1, 12);

-- Calculate the check digit

for i in reverse 1..length(dataToEncode)
-- Get the value of each number starting at the end
currentCharNum := substr(dataToEncode, i, 1);

-- Multiply by the weighting factor which is 3,1,3,1...

-- and add the sum together
weightedTotal := weightedTotal + (currentCharNum * factor);

-- change the factor for next calculation

factor := 4 - factor;
end loop;

-- Find the check digit by finding the number + weightedTotal that = a multiple
of 10
-- divide by 10, get the remainder and subtract from 10
if mod(weightedTotal,10) <> 0 then
checkDigit := 10 - mod(weightedTotal,10);
checkDigit := 0;
end if;

-- Encode the leading digit into the left half of the EAN-13 symbol
-- by using variable parity between character sets A and B
leadingDigit := substr(dataToEncode,1,1);
if leadingDigit = 0 then encoding := 'AAAAAACCCCCC';
elsif leadingDigit = 1 then encoding := 'AABABBCCCCCC';
elsif leadingDigit = 2 then encoding := 'AABBABCCCCCC';
elsif leadingDigit = 3 then encoding := 'AABBBACCCCCC';
elsif leadingDigit = 4 then encoding := 'ABAABBCCCCCC';
elsif leadingDigit = 5 then encoding := 'ABBAABCCCCCC';
elsif leadingDigit = 6 then encoding := 'ABBBAACCCCCC';
elsif leadingDigit = 7 then encoding := 'ABABABCCCCCC';
elsif leadingDigit = 8 then encoding := 'ABABBACCCCCC';
elsif leadingDigit = 9 then encoding := 'ABBABACCCCCC';
end if;

-- Add the check digit to the end of the barcode & remove the leading digit
dataToEncode := substr(dataToEncode, 2, 11) || checkDigit;

-- Determine the character to print for proper barcoding

for i in 1..length(dataToEncode)
-- get the ASCII value of each number excluding the first number because it is
-- encoded with variable parity
currentCharNum := ascii(substr(dataToEncode, i, 1));
currentEncoding := substr(encoding, i, 1);

-- Print different barcodes according to the location of the currentCharNum and

if currentEncoding = 'A' then dataToPrint := dataToPrint ||
elsif currentEncoding = 'B' then dataToPrint := dataToPrint ||
chr(currentCharNum + 17);
elsif currentEncoding = 'C' then dataToPrint := dataToPrint ||
chr(currentCharNum + 27);
end if;

-- Add in the first character along with guard patterns

if i = 1 then -- For the leading digit print the human readable character

if leadingDigit > 4 then dataToPrint := chr((leadingDigit + 48) + 64) ||

'(' || dataToPrint; end if;
if leadingDigit <= 4 then dataToPrint := chr((leadingDigit + 48) + 37) || '('
|| dataToPrint; end if;
elsif i = 6 then -- Print the center guard pattern after the 6th character
dataToPrint := dataToPrint || '*';
elsif i = 12 then -- Print the normal guard pattern at the end of the barcode
datatoPrint := dataToPrint || '(';
end if;
end loop;

-- Process the 5 digit add-on if it exists

if length(ean5AddOn) = 5 then
factor := 3;
weightedTotal := 0;

for i in reverse 1..length(ean5AddOn)

-- Get the value of each number starting at the end
currentCharNum := substr(ean5AddOn, i, 1);

-- Multiply by the weighting factor which is 3,9,3,9, ...

-- and add the sum together
if factor = 3 then weightedTotal := weightedTotal + (currentCharNum * 3);
end if;
if factor = 1 then weightedTotal := weightedTotal + (currentCharNum * 9);
end if;

-- change the factor for the next calculation

factor := 4 - factor;
end loop;
-- Find the check digit by extracting the right-most number from weightedTotal
checkDigit := to_number(substr(weightedTotal,length(weightedTotal), 1));

-- Encode the add-on checkDigit into the number sets

-- by using variable parity between character sets A and B
if checkDigit = 0 then encoding := 'BBAAA';
elsif checkDigit = 1 then encoding := 'BABAA';
elsif checkDigit = 2 then encoding := 'BAABA';
elsif checkDigit = 3 then encoding := 'BAAAB';
elsif checkDigit = 4 then encoding := 'ABBAA';
elsif checkDigit = 5 then encoding := 'AABBA';
elsif checkDigit = 6 then encoding := 'AAABB';
elsif checkDigit = 7 then encoding := 'ABABA';
elsif checkDigit = 8 then encoding := 'ABAAB';
elsif checkDigit = 9 then encoding := 'AABAB';
end if;

-- Determine the character to print for proper barcoding

for i in 1..length(ean5AddOn)
-- get the value of each number
-- it is encoded with variable parity
currentChar := substr(ean5AddOn, i, 1);
currentEncoding := substr(encoding, i, 1);
-- Print different barcodes according to the location of the currentChar
and currentEncoding
if currentEncoding = 'A' then
if currentChar = '0' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(34);
end if;
if currentChar = '1' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(35); end if;
if currentChar = '2' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(36); end if;
if currentChar = '3' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(37); end if;
if currentChar = '4' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(38); end if;
if currentChar = '5' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(44); end if;
if currentChar = '6' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(46); end if;
if currentChar = '7' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(47); end if;
if currentChar = '8' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(58); end if;
if currentChar = '9' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(59); end if;
elsif currentEncoding = 'B' then
if currentChar = '0' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(122);
end if;
if currentChar = '1' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(61); end if;
if currentChar = '2' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(63); end if;
if currentChar = '3' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(64); end if;
if currentChar = '4' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(91); end if;
if currentChar = '5' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(92); end if;
if currentChar = '6' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(93); end if;
if currentChar = '7' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(95); end if;
if currentChar = '8' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(123); end if;
if currentChar = '9' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(125); end if;
end if;

if i = 1 then eanAddOnToPrint := chr(32) || chr(43) ||

eanAddOnToPrint || chr(33);
elsif i between 2 and 4 then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(33);
elsif i = 5 then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint;
end if;
end loop;
end if; -- ean5AddOn
-- Process 2 digit add on if it exists
if length(ean2AddOn) = 2 then
-- Get encoding for add on
for i in 0..99
if mod(i,4) = 0 then -- only every fourth digit
if to_number(ean2AddOn) = i then encoding := 'AA'; end if;
if to_number(ean2AddOn) = i+1 then encoding := 'AB'; end if;
if to_number(ean2AddOn) = i+2 then encoding := 'BA'; end if;
if to_number(ean2AddOn) = i+3 then encoding := 'BB'; end if;
end if;
end loop;

-- Determine what to print

for i in 1..length(ean2AddOn)
-- get the value of each number
currentChar := substr(ean2AddOn, i, 1);
currentEncoding := substr(encoding, i, 1);
-- Print different barcodes according to the location of the currentChar
and currentEncoding
if currentEncoding = 'A' then
if currentChar = '0' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(34);
end if;
if currentChar = '1' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(35); end if;
if currentChar = '2' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(36); end if;
if currentChar = '3' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(37); end if;
if currentChar = '4' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(38); end if;
if currentChar = '5' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(44); end if;
if currentChar = '6' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(46); end if;
if currentChar = '7' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(47); end if;
if currentChar = '8' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(58); end if;
if currentChar = '9' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(59); end if;
elsif currentEncoding = 'B' then
if currentChar = '0' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint || chr(122);
end if;
if currentChar = '1' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(61); end if;
if currentChar = '2' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(63); end if;
if currentChar = '3' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(64); end if;
if currentChar = '4' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(91); end if;
if currentChar = '5' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(92); end if;
if currentChar = '6' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(93); end if;
if currentChar = '7' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(95); end if;
if currentChar = '8' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(123); end if;
if currentChar = '9' then eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint ||
chr(125); end if;
end if;

if i = 1 then -- add in the space & add-on pattern

eanAddOnToPrint := chr(32) || chr(43) || eanAddOnToPrint || chr(33);
elsif i = 2 then -- print add-on delineators between each add-on character

eanAddOnToPrint := eanAddOnToPrint;
end if;
end loop;
end if; --ean2AddOn

-- return printable string

return dataToPrint || eanAddOnToPrint || ' ';

end EAN13;


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