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[23:17:03]: #[32mSuccessfully loaded

1y0113n/50065e28-9d59-4f09-9fff-7501c6e6a92f_19/Deliverfile' #[0m

| Detected Values from './Deliverfile' |
| app_identifier | |
| username | |
| ipa | /var/folders/3_/s2d5g2nj47gb_x4bpwz |
| | ztfm80000gn/T/d20190512-1710-1y0113 |
| | n/50065e28-9d59-4f09-9fff-7501c6e6a |
| | 92f_19/19.ipa |
| submit_for_review | true |
| force | true |
| automatic_release | true |
| submission_information | {:add_id_info_uses_idfa=>false, |
| | :export_compliance_uses_encryption= |
| | >false, |
| | :export_compliance_encryption_updat |
| | ed=>false} |
| languages | ["en-US"] |
| release_notes | {"default"=>"Added support for new |
| | fields."} |

[23:17:03]: Login to App Store Connect (

[23:17:03]: Login successful

| #[32mdeliver 2.120.0 Summary#[0m
| team_id | 119355379 |
| skip_screenshots | true |
| screenshots_path | ./screenshots |
| metadata_path | ./metadata |
| app_version | 1.0.11 |
| username | |
| app_identifier | |
| ipa | /var/folders/3_/s2d5g2nj47gb_x4bpwz |
| | ztfm80000gn/T/d20190512-1710-1y0113 |
| | n/50065e28-9d59-4f09-9fff-7501c6e6a |
| | 92f_19/19.ipa |
| platform | ios |
| edit_live | false |
| use_live_version | false |
| skip_binary_upload | false |
| skip_metadata | false |
| skip_app_version_update | false |
| force | true |
| overwrite_screenshots | false |
| submit_for_review | true |
| reject_if_possible | false |
| automatic_release | true |
| phased_release | false |
| reset_ratings | false |
| submission_information.add_id_info_ | false |
| uses_idfa | |
| submission_information.export_compl | false |
| iance_uses_encryption | |
| submission_information.export_compl | false |
| iance_encryption_updated | |
| run_precheck_before_submit | true |
| precheck_default_rule_level | warn |
| individual_metadata_items | [] |
| release_notes.default | Added support for new fields. |
| languages | ["en-US"] |
| ignore_language_directory_validatio | false |
| n | |
| precheck_include_in_app_purchases | true |

[23:17:04]: Making sure the latest version on App Store Connect matches '1.0.11'
from the ipa file...
[23:17:05]: #[32m'1.0.11' is the latest version on App Store Connect#[0m
[23:17:06]: Detected languages: ["en-US", "default"]
[23:17:10]: #[32mSuccessfully uploaded set of metadata to App Store Connect#[0m
[23:17:10]: Uploading binary to App Store Connect
[23:17:10]: Going to upload updated app to App Store Connect
[23:17:10]: #[32mThis might take a few minutes. Please don't interrupt the
[23:18:16]: #[32miTunes Transporter successfully finished its job#[0m
[23:18:17]: #[32mSuccessfully uploaded package to App Store Connect. It might take
a few minutes until it's visible online.#[0m
[23:18:17]: #[32mFinished the upload to App Store Connect#[0m
[23:18:17]: Running precheck before submitting to review, if you'd like to disable
this check you can set run_precheck_before_submit to false
[23:18:17]: Making sure we pass precheck ♀ before we submit

| #[32mSummary for precheck 2.120.0#[0m |
| default_rule_level | warn |
| include_in_app_purchases | true |
| app_identifier | |
| username | |

[23:18:17]: Checking app for precheck rule violations

[23:18:18]: Reading in-app purchases. If you have a lot, this might take a while
[23:18:18]: You can disable IAP checking by setting the `include_in_app_purchases`
flag to `false`
[23:18:19]: Done reading in-app purchases
[23:18:19]: ✅ Passed: No negative  sentiment
[23:18:19]: ✅ Passed: No placeholder text
[23:18:19]: ✅ Passed: No mentioning  competitors
[23:18:19]: ✅ Passed: No future functionality promises
[23:18:19]: ✅ Passed: No words indicating test content
[23:18:19]: ✅ Passed: No curse words
[23:18:19]: ✅ Passed: No words indicating your IAP is free
[23:18:19]: #[33m� Failed: Incorrect, or missing copyright date-> using a
copyright date that is any different from this current year, or missing a date#[0m
[23:18:20]: ✅ Passed: No broken urls
| #[33mPotential problems#[0m |
| Field | Failure reason |
| copyright | #[33mmissing: 2019#[0m |
[23:18:20]: #[33m#[33mprecheck ♀ found one or more potential metadata problems,
but this won't prevent fastlane from completing �#[0m
[23:18:20]: Selecting the latest build...
[23:18:21]: Waiting App Store Connect processing for build 1.0.11 (17)... this
might take a while...
[23:18:53]: Waiting App Store Connect processing for build 1.0.11 (17)... this
might take a while...
[23:19:24]: Waiting App Store Connect processing for build 1.0.11 (17)... this
might take a while...
[23:19:56]: Waiting App Store Connect processing for build 1.0.11 (17)... this
might take a while...
[23:20:28]: Waiting App Store Connect processing for build 1.0.11 (17)... this
might take a while...
[23:20:59]: Waiting App Store Connect processing for build 1.0.11 (17)... this
might take a while...
[23:21:30]: Waiting App Store Connect processing for build 1.0.11 (17)... this
might take a while...
[23:22:01]: Waiting App Store Connect processing for build 1.0.11 (17)... this
might take a while...
[23:22:33]: Waiting App Store Connect processing for build 1.0.11 (17)... this
might take a while...
[23:23:04]: Selecting build 1.0.11 (17)...
[23:23:06]: #[32mSuccessfully selected build#[0m
[23:23:06]: Submitting the app for review...

Looking for related GitHub issues on fastlane/fastlane...

➡ #[33mUnable to upload screenshot for Appletvos and iOS at the same time#[0m [#[32mclosed#[0m] 8
15 hours ago

➡ #[33mDeliver fails on every other locale when uploading screenshots#[0m [#[32mclosed#[0m] 11
11 Dec 2017

➡ #[33mIncorrect error message when trying to upload build while the app is in
Waiting-for-review status [mac]#[0m [#[32mclosed#[0m] 8
05 Sep 2017

and 2 more at:


� You can ⌘ + double-click on links to open them directly in your browser.

# fastlane 2.122.0 is available. You are on 2.120.0.
# You should use the latest version.
# Please update using `bundle update fastlane`.
#[32m2.122.0 Improvements#[0m
* [action] Added `format` option to `swiftlint` action (#14643) via Bruno Guidolim
* [action] create_pull_request add assignees option (#14637) via Kaito Watanabe
* [action] increment_version_number: Allow version without patch number (#14615)
via Dunya Kirkali
* [pilot] Trim leading zeros in app_version in
wait_for_build_processing_to_be_complete (#14691) via Edward Lai
* [supply] add API error logging and spec for supply (#14695) via Stefan Natchev
* [action] slather: Change binaryFile data type from Bool to optional String
(#14677) via Robert Bauer
* [scan] spec_helper refactoring and fixing Scan tests (#14503) via Artem Sheremet
* [actions] New action `validate_play_store_json_key` (#14659) via Jan Piotrowski
* [action] Fix latest testflight build number problems / expired build scenario
(#14683) via Ram
* [action] dded public key and note parameters to BuildAndUploadToAppetize.
(#14631) via DanAtApex
* [action] update_app_identifier fails to search for curly brace variables in
Info.plist (#14687) via Daniel Jankowski
* [spaceship] Feature to troubleshoot to_json issues, related to #13608 (#14682)
via Jerome Lacoste
* [actions] extract shared code from setup_travis and setup_circle_ci actions
(#14346) via Daniel Jankowski
* [action] Fix increment_build_number precondition issue (#14409) via Daniel
* [spaceship] require pathname needed when not using bundler and requiring
spaceship directly (#14667) via Josh Holtz

#[32m2.121.1 Improvements#[0m
* [deliver] screenshots are binary data, write as such (#14655) via Jan Piotrowski
* [action] app_store_build_number (and latest_testflight_build_number) don't raise
error if using :initial_build_number (#14654) via Josh Holtz
* [spaceship] Authentication documentation (#14524) via Jan Piotrowski
* [deliver] fix ipad 3rd gen naming to prevent future collisions (#14653) via Josh
* [frameit] add missing documentation for title_min_height option (#14651) via
Bruno Virlet
* [pilot] fix typo in message (#14646) via Piet Jaspers

#[32m2.121.0 Improvements for deliver, spaceship, and actions#[0m

* [action] allow modify_services to enable data_protection (#14571) via martinkasa
* [deliver] apple tv privacy policy upload and download handling added (#14569) via
* [deliver] iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation) ambiguity resolution (#14576) via
Viktoras Laukevičius
* [spaceship] make Spaceship::Tunes::DisplayFamily main data source for screenshot
information (#14574) via Liam Nichols
* [action] cert: Prevent from crash when keychain_path param wasn't passed (#14620)
via Dmitrii Celpan
* [frameit] fix frameit percentage padding (#14596) via Christophe Wagner
* [action] pod_lib_lint: Add support for use_module_headers and subspecs (#14599)
via Raymond Hoagland
* [action] app_store_build_number: Pass teamID when selecting itunes team (#14604)
via Dmitrii Celpan
* [spaceship] Include 'DES' cookie into FASTLANE_SESSION (#14301) (#14525) via
Maksym Grebenets
* [spaceship] Automate phone number selection for "request code via SMS" in 2FA
with `SPACESHIP_2FA_SMS_DEFAULT_PHONE_NUMBER` env var (#14436) via Jan Piotrowski
* [deliver] Test Deliver::AppScreenshot methods and fix uncovered bugs (#14588) via
Liam Nichols
* [action] Post line break characters as actual interpreted line break through
slack integration (#14612) via Albert
* [action] artifactory: Add a read timeout option (#14580) via Raymond Hoagland
* [action] pod_lib_lint: Add new cocoapods 1.7 parameters of the lint command
(#14579) via Martin Fiebig
* [action] sonar: new optional param for branch name (#14611) via Husyn
* [action] register_devices changed to actions/register_devices/ (#14582) via
Morten Bøgh
* [deliver] upload_screenshots_spec to test screenshot collection (#14533) via Liam
* [deliver] Fix builds whose versions have components with leading zeros infinitely
wait for submission (#14513) via Justin Hill

#[32mTo see all new releases, open[0m

#[32mPlease update using `bundle update fastlane`#[0m

[!] The request could not be completed because:
You must add at least one screenshot. [en-US]: You must add at least one
screenshot. There are one or more errors on the page.#[0m

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