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Name : _____________________________________________

USN : _____________________________________________

Semester & Section : _____________________________________________

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Sub Code:06IM51 IA Marks: 25
Hrs / Week: 5 Hrs Exam: 3 Hrs
Total Hrs: 62 Marks: 100
MANAGEMENT: Introduction - meaning – nature and characteristics of Management, scope and
Functional Areas of Management, management science, art of profession – Management &
Administration – roles of management, Levels of Management, Development of Management
Thought – early management approaches – Modern management approaches. 06 Hrs
PLANNING: Nature, Importance and purpose of planning process – objectives - Types of
plans(meaning only) – Decision making – Importance of Planning - Steps in planning and planning
premises – Hierarchy of plans. 07 Hrs
ORGANIZING AND STAFFING: Nature and purpose of Organization, Principles of
Organizations, Types of Organizations – Departmentation. Centralization vs. Decentralization of
Authority and responsibility, Span of Control, MBO and MBE (meaning only) Nature and
importance of Staffing, Process of selection and recruitment (In brief). 07 Hrs
DIRECTING & CONTROLLING: Meaning and nature of directing – Leadership styles,
Motivation Theories, Communication – Meaning and Importance – Coordination, Meaning and
importance and techniques of co-ordination. Meaning and steps in controlling – Essentials of a
sound control system – Methods of establishing control (in brief). 08 Hrs

ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Meaning of Entrepreneur; Evolution of the concept, Function of an
Entrepreneur, Types of Entrepreneur, Intrapreneur – An emerging class. Concept of
Entrepreneurship – evolution of entrepreneurship, development of entrepreneurship; stages in
entrepreneurial process; Role of entrepreneurs in economic development; entrepreneurship in India;
entrepreneurship – its barriers. 06 Hrs
SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES: Definition; Characteristics; Need and rationale; Objectives;
Scope; role of SSI in Economic Development. Advantages of SSI Steps to start and SSI –
Government policy towards SSI; Different Policies of SSI; Government Support for SSI during 5
year plans. Impact of Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization on SSI Effect of WTO/GATT
Supporting Agencies of Government for SSI, Meaning, Nature of support; Objectives; Functions;
Types of Help; Ancillary Industry and Tiny Industry (Definition Only). 07 Hrs
UNIT - 7
Single Window Agency; SISI; NSIC; SIDBI; KSFC. 07 Hrs

UNIT - 8
PREPARATION OF PROJECT: Meaning of Project; Project Identification; Project Selection;
Project Report; Need and Significance of Report; Contents; Formulation; Guidelines by Planning
Commission for Project report; Network Analysis; Errors of Project Report; Project Appraisal.
Identification of business opportunities: Market Feasibility Study; Technical Feasibility Study;
Financial Feasibility Study & Social Feasibility Study. 07 Hrs

1. Principles of Management – P.C.Tripathi, P.N.Reddy – Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development & Management – Vasant Desai – Himalaya
Publishing House
3. Entrepreneurship Development – Poornima.M.Charantimath – Small Business Enterprises –
Pearson Education – 2006 (2 & 4).
1. Management Fundamentals – Concepts, Application, Skill Development – Robers Lusier –
Thomson –
2. Entrepreneurship Development – S.S.Khanka – S.Chand & Co.
3. Management – Stephen Robbins – Pearson Education/PHI – 17th Edition, 2003.


Sub Code: 06IM51 I.A. Marks: 25

Hours / Week: 05 Total Hours: 62
Subject: Management & Entrepreneurship Sem:V

Hour Topics to be covered

1. Introduction - meaning – nature and characteristics of Management
2. Scope and Functional Areas of Management
3. Management science, art of profession
4. Management & Administration
5. Roles of management, Levels of Management
6. Revision/quiz/surprise test
7. Development of Management Thought
8. Early management approaches – Modern management approaches
9. Nature, Importance and purpose of planning process
10. Objectives - Types of plans (meaning only)
11. Decision making
12. Revision/quiz/surprise test
13. Importance of Planning
14. Steps in planning and planning premises
15. Hierarchy of plans
16. Nature and purpose of Organization
17. Principles of Organizations
18. Revision/quiz/surprise test
19. Types of Organizations
Departmentation. Centralization vs. Decentralization of Authority and
Span of Control - MBO and MBE (meaning only) Nature and importance of
22. Process of selection and recruitment (In brief).
23. Meaning and nature of directing – Leadership styles
24. Revision/quiz/surprise test
25. Motivation Theories
26. Communication – Meaning and Importance – Coordination
27. Meaning and importance and techniques of co-ordination
28. Meaning and steps in controlling
29. Essentials of a sound control system
30. Revision/quiz/surprise test
31. Methods of establishing control (in brief).
32. Meaning of Entrepreneur; Evolution of the concept,.,;
33. Function of an Entrepreneur, Types of Entrepreneur
34. Intrapreneur – An emerging class

35. Concept of Entrepreneurship – evolution of entrepreneurship
36. Revision/quiz/surprise test
Development of entrepreneurship; stages in entrepreneurial process;
Role of entrepreneurs in economic development
38. Entrepreneurship in India; entrepreneurship – its barriers.
39. Definition; Characteristics; Need and rationale; Objectives; Scope;.,
40. Role of SSI in Economic Development.
Advantages of SSI Steps to start and SSI – Government policy towards SSI;
Different Policies of SSI;
42. Revision/quiz/surprise test
43. Government Support for SSI during 5 year plans
Impact of Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization on SSI Effect of
WTO/GATT Supporting Agencies of Government for SSI
Meaning, Nature of support; Objectives; Functions; Types of Help; Ancillary
45. Industry and Tiny Industry (Definition Only).
46. Different Schemes; TECKSOK
48. Revision/quiz/surprise test
49. KSIMC; DIC Single Window Agency
50. SISI
51. NSIC
53. KSFC
54. Revision/quiz/surprise test
55. Meaning of Project; Project Identification
56. Project Selection; Project Report; Need and Significance of Report
57. Contents; Formulation; Guidelines by Planning Commission for Project report
58. Network Analysis; Errors of Project Report; Project Appraisal.
59. Identification of business opportunities:
60. Market Feasibility Study; Technical Feasibility Study;
61. Financial Feasibility Study & Social Feasibility Study.
62. Revision/quiz/surprise test

1. Define ‘Management’. What are its crucial elements?
2. What does the ‘Management Process’ mean?
3. What are the 5 major functions of management? Would you attach different levels of
importance to these functions at various levels of management?
4. Is planning the most important function of management? If so, why?
5. Discuss the importance of management in the present world.
6. Discuss the different approaches/ system models in management.
7. What are some of the social issues a management is expected to be involved with?
8. Discuss a few approaches to meeting social responsibilities.
9. What are ‘Ethics’? Elaborate on some of the pressure points for an ethical management.
10. Discuss the evolution of management techniques.
11. Write in detail on Taylor’s 5 principles of management.
12. Write a short note on Gilbreth’s contribution to management.
13. Explain some of the reasons for planning. Are there ‘good’ plans and ‘bad’ plans?
14. Describe the characteristics of good planning.
15. Briefly discuss the steps in the process of formal planning.
16. Resistance to change is considered as a major problem in implementing innovative plans.
What are the causes for resistance and how can they be rectified?
17. Differentiate between the different types of strategies employed in organizational planning.
18. Explain in detail the concept of ‘policies, procedures and rules’.
19. Differentiate between qualitative decision-making and quantitative decision-making. Under
what circumstances is each type more suitable?
20. Explain the qualitative decision-making step-by-step.
21. Differentiate between programmed and non-programmed decisions.
22. What are the advantages of group decision-making?
23. What guidelines would you prescribe to dilute the disadvantages of group decision-making?
24. Differentiate between the different approaches to group decision-making.
25. List and justify the specific characteristics of a group leader. Should this leader be assigned
to the group or be elected by the group?
26. List a few guidelines to make decision-making more effective.
27. What are some of the common errors committed in decision-making and how can these
errors be avoided?
28. What are the 10 principles of an organization?
29. Explain the benefits of an efficiently structured organization.
30. Differentiate between authority and responsibility. Can one be exercised without the other?
31. Explain in detail the process of delegation.
32. What are the factors involved in determining the optimum span of management?
33. Discuss centralization – decentralization issue with its pros and cons.
34. What is MBO? Does it help or hinder effective operation?
35. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of MBO. Can the disadvantages be eliminated?
36. What type of managerial behaviour would result in the failure of MBO program?
37. Describe the various steps involved in the staffing process.
38. Define a. Job analysis b. job description and c. job specification.
39. Discuss the pros and cons of various recruiting sources.
40. How important is the process of interview for the candidate as well as for the management?

41. What important advice would you give a candidate to be selected in an interview?
42. What are the various steps required in the process of actual selection of the candidate for the
43. What incentives as well as motivators can the management use to retain the work force and
build up a sense of belonging among the workers?
44. Explain the need for training and retraining the work force.
45. Explain the steps involved in any effective training programme.
46. What do we mean by ‘human relations’? What part does our upbringing play in developing
these ‘human relations’?
47. What are the different theories of leadership? Which theory seems to justify the leadership
of a democratic country like India?
48. Under what circumstances are the following leaderships acceptable and why?
a. Autocratic leadership
b. Participative leadership
c. Free-reign leadership
49. Describe and explain some of the personal characteristics of successful leaders. Which of
these characteristics are most important and why?
50. Differentiate between trait theory and behaviour theory of leadership.
51. “Leaders are born, not made”. Comment on it.
52. Why do different human beings behave differently under similar circumstances? Does
individual behaviour subscribe to ‘cause-effect’ phenomenon?
53. In explaining behaviour, differentiate between inherited and learnt factors.
54. Compare and contrast the Maslow and Herzberg motivational models.
55. What steps can the management take to satisfy social, esteem and self-actualization needs of
the employees?
56. What do we mean by ‘job-enrichment’?
57. What are the effects of job enrichment programs?
58. Explain the basic meaning and necessity for control.
59. What are the characteristics of an effective control system?
60. Describe the different methods of comparing the actual results with expected results for the
purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of control system.
61. What are the various types of managerial controls?
62. Is ‘self-control’ the best control, thus eliminating the necessity of all other type of controls?
63. What are some of the symptoms of inadequate control? Are all these symptoms traceable to
certain well-defined causes? Explain.
64. Define Entrepreneurship.
65. Describe how entrepreneurship evolved from the economic theory.
66. Explain entrepreneurship and the characteristics of entrepreneurs.
67. How do entrepreneurs differ from people not interested in new ventures?
68. Discuss small business as a dimension of entrepreneurship.
69. Describe the concept of corporate entrepreneurship.
70. Describe the risks a manager might assume when championing a new corporate innovation.
71. Explain how entrepreneurship has influences economic development and productivity in
recent years with an Indian case study.
72. Distinguish between franchisor and franchisee.

73. ‘Luck of Persistence?’ Which of these do you think plays a role in entrepreneurship?
74. Explain the process of creativity.
75. Describe how innovation is important as a dimension of entrepreneurship.
76. Distinguish between creativity and innovation.
77. How is innovation different from invention?
78. Describe 3 key roles and 7 conditions important for technological innovation.
79. Identify major changes that create opportunity for entrepreneurs.
80. Explain the concepts of ‘windows’ and ‘corridors’ for new ventures.
81. Describe how economic and legal changes can occur to create new opportunities for
82. Explain how opportunities arise from social, cultural and demographic changes.
83. Discuss popular myths of entrepreneurship and why they are more fantasy than fact.
84. Describe the main factors that lead to success for new ventures.
85. Describe the environment of small business and how it is changing.
86. Identify the most common causes for small business failure.
87. Explain the important success factors for small business enterprises.
88. Describe corporate entrepreneurship.
89. Discuss the major approaches to corporate entrepreneurship.
90. Describe emerging ways corporations are encouraging entrepreneurship.
91. Describe local markets, competition and types of products or services that constitute the
small business environment.
92. Describe external factors that can threaten small business.
93. Discuss the concept of a planning paradigm for new ventures.
94. Discuss the concept of using a model for planning new ventures.
95. Discuss the four-stage growth model of entrepreneurship.
96. Define the growth continuum and contrast new venture activities at the polar extremes.
What is a ‘comfort zone’ in the continuum?
97. Discuss the fundamentals of a good feasibility plan.
98. Explain the major components of a good feasibility plan.
99. Explain how a feasibility plan is used and why it is important to entrepreneurs.
100. Explain how sales forecast influences marketing and financial plans.
101. Explore the planning responsibilities and ways in which entrepreneurs can get assistance.
102. Explain why planning benefits an entrepreneur and why the planning process can, by itself,
be helpful to the entrepreneur.



Sub Code: 06IM52 IA Marks: 25

Hrs/week: 05 Exam Hours:03
Total Lecture Hrs: 62 Exam Marks: 100

1. Introduction to Simulation: Simulation, advantages, disadvantages areas of application.

System environment, components of a system, types of models, steps in simulation study.
6 Hours
2. Simulation Examples: Simulation of Queuing systems, Simulation of Inventory System, Other
Simulation examples 6 Hours
3. General Principles: Concepts in discrete events simulation, event-scheduling time advance
algorithm, simulation using event scheduling. 6 Hours
4. Random Numbers: Properties, Generation methods, Tests for random number- frequency test,
Run test, Autocorrelation test, and Gap test, Poker Test. 6 Hours
5. Random Variate Generation: Inverse transform technique - Exponential, Uniform, Weibull,
Triangular distributions. Direct transformation for normal and log normal distribution,
convolution methods – Erlang distributions, acceptance-rejection techniques – Poisson
distribution, Gamma Distribution. 7 Hours
6. Analysis of Simulation Data: Input Modeling: Data Collection, Identification and distribution
with data, parameter estimation, goodness of fit tests, Selection of input models without data,
Multivariate and time series analysis.
Verification & validation of model: Model building, verification, calibration and validation of
models. 7 Hours
7. Output analysis: Stochastic nature of output data, Measures of Performance and their
estimation, Output analysis of terminating simulation, output analysis of steady state
simulations. 7 Hours
8. Optimization Via Simulation: Meaning, difficulty, Robust Heuristics, Random Search
Applications: Simulation of manufacturing and Material handling Systems, Simulation of
Computer systems, Simulation of Plant Layout, Simulation of Project Management.
Simulation Software: Selection of Simulation Software, simulation Packages, experiment and
Statistical Analysis tools, Trends in Simulation Software 7 Hours

Text Books:
1. Discrete Event System Simulation – Jerry Banks, John S Carson, II, Berry L Nelson, PHI
Publications (EEE), ISBN-81-203-1130-3.
2. Systems Simulation with Digital Computer – Narsingh Deo; PHI Publication (EEE), ISBN –0-
3. Simulation Modelling & Analysis – Averill M Law, W David Kelton; McGraw Hill
International Editions– Industrial Engineering Series, ISBN-0-07-100803-9

Sub Code: 06IM52 I.A. Marks: 25
Hours / Week: 04 Total Hours: 62
Subject: Simulation Modeling & Analysis Sem:V

Hour. No Topics to be covered

1. Introduction to simulation, Simulation, advantages, Disadvantages, Areas of

2. System environment, Components of a system
3. Types of models, steps in simulation study
4. Simulation Of Queuing Systems
5. Simulation Of Queuing Systems
6. Revision/quiz/surprise test
7. Simulation Of Inventory Systems
8. Simulation Of Inventory Systems
9. Simulation Of Other Systems
10. Concepts in discrete – events simulation, event scheduling.
11. Time advance algorithm
12. Simulation using event scheduling
13. Revision/quiz/surprise test
14. Properties, Generation methods
15. Test for Random numbers
16. Run tests
17. Autocorrelation Tests
18. Gap test , Poker Test
19. Poker Test
20. Revision/quiz/surprise test
21. Inverse Transform Technique
22. Direct Transformation for normal distribution
23. Convolution methods, Acceptance – Rejection Techniques
24. MODEL Test
25. Statistical models in simulation concepts
26. Useful statistical models
27. Revision/quiz/surprise test
28. Discrete / Continuous distributions
29. Poisson Process
30. Empirical Distributions
31. Input modeling: Data collection, Identification
32. Parameter estimation
33. Goodness of fit tests
34. Revision/quiz/surprise test
35. Selection of input models without data
36. Multivariate and time series analysis
37. Verification
38. Calibration and Validation of Models
39. Output analysis, Stochastic nature of output data
40. Estimation replication of runs
41. Revision/quiz/surprise test
42. Output analysis of terminating simulation
43. Output analysis of steady state simulations
44. Meaning difficulty
45. Heuristics, Random Search
46. Simulation Of Manufacturing System
47. Simulation Of Material Handing System
48. Revision/quiz/surprise test
49. Simulation Of Computer System
50. Simulation Of Plant Layout System
51. Simulation of Project management
52. Selection of Simulation software
53. Simulation packages
54. Experiments and statistical Analysis tool
55. Revision/quiz/surprise test
56. Experiments and statistical Analysis tool
57. Trend in Simulation Software
58. Model Questions Solving
59. Problems using Arena Package
60. Problems using Arena Package
61. Exercises
62. Exercises


01 Name several entities, attributes, activities, events & state variables for the following
 A Small Appliance Repair Shop
 A Cafeteria
 A Grocery Store
 A Laundromat
 A Fast – Food Restaurant
 A Hospital Emergency Room
 A Taxicab Company With 10 Taxis
 An Automobile Assembly Line
02 Consider the simulation process shown in the figure No. 1
 Reduce the steps by at least two combine similar activities. Give your rationale.
 Increase the steps by at least two by separating current steps or enlarging on
existing steps. Give your rationale
1 Problem Formulation

Setting of objectives &

2 overall performance

3 Model Data Collection

5 Model Translation

6 Verified?



8 Experimental Design

Production runs & analysis

More Runs?
10 11 Documentation & reporting

03 A simulation of a major traffic intersection is to be conducted with the objective of
improving the current traffic flow. Provide three iterations, in increasing order of
complexity, of steps 1 & 2 in the simulation process of fig No 1
04 In what way & at what steps might a personal computer be used to support the simulation
process of fig No. 1
05 A simulation is to be conducted of cooking a spaghetti dinner to determine what time a
person should start in order to have the meal on the table by 7:00P.M. Read a recipe for
preparing a spaghetti dinner (or ask a friend or relative etc, for the recipe). As best you
can, trace what you understand to be needed in the data collection phase of the simulation
process of figure 1.3 in order to perform a simulation in which the model includes each
step in recipe, What are the events, activities, and state variables in this system?
06 A small grocery store has only one checkout counter. Customers arrive at this checkout
counter. Customers arrive at this checkout counter at random from1 to 8 minutes apart.
Each possible value of inter arrival time has the same probability of occurrence, as shown
Distribution of time between arrivals
Time between
1 0.125
2 0.125
3 0.125
4 0.125
5 0.125
6 0.125
7 0.125
8 0.125

Service –Time Distribution

Service Times Probability
1 0.10
2 0.20
3 0.30
4 0.25
5 0.10
6 0.05
07 In the above example, let the arrival distribution be uniformly distributed between 1 and
10 minutes. Develop the simulation table and the analysis for 20 customers. What is the
effect of changing the arrival time distribution?
In example 1, let the service distribution be changed to the following.

Service Time in minutes 1 2 3 4 5 6

Probability 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.35 0.25 0.10

Develop the simulation table and the analysis for 20 customers. What is the effect of
changing the service time distribution?

Consider the following continuously operating job shop. Inter arrival times of jobs are
distributed as follows:

Time between Arrivals

0 0.23
1 0.37
2 0.28
3 0.12
08 Processing times for jobs are normally distributed with mean 50 minutes and standard
deviation 8 minutes. Construct a simulation table, and perform a simulation for 10 new
customers. Assume that when the simulation begins there is one job being processed
(Scheduled to be completed in 25 minutes) and there is one job with a 50 minute
processing time in the queue.
a. What was the average time in the queue for the 10 new jobs?
b. What was the average processing time of the 10 new jobs?
c. What was the maximum time in the system for the 10 new jobs?
09 Six dump trucks are used to haul the coal from a small mine to the railroad. Each truck is
loaded by one of the two loaders. After loading, the truck immediately moves to the scale
to be weighed as soon as possible. Both the loaders and scale have first come first served
waiting line for trucks. Travel time from loader to the scale is considered negligible. After
being weighed, a truck begins a travel time (during which time the truck unloads), and
then afterward returns to the loader queue. The distribution of of loading time, weighing
time and travel time are given in tables. The purpose of the simulation is to estimate the
loader and scale utilizations


Queue Queue Queue

10 In the dump truck problem, it is desired to estimate mean response time and the
proportion of response times, which are greater than 30 minutes. A response time for a
truck begins when that truck arrives at the loader queue, and ends when the truck finishes
weighing. Add the model components and the cumulative statistics needed to estimate
these two measures of system performance. Simulate for 8 Hours.

 Rework the above example using the following data:

Loading Times 10 5 10 10 5 10 5
Weigh Times 12 16 12 12 16 12 12
Travel Times 40 60 40 80 100 40

 Consider a drive in restaurant where carhops take orders and bring food to the car.
Cars arrive in the manner shown in the table. There are two carhops Able and Baker.
Able is better able to do the job, and works somewhat faster than the Baker. The
distribution of service times is given below
Interarrival Distribution of cars

Time between
Arrivals Probability
a. 0.25
b. 0.40
c. 0.20
d. 0.15
11 A production process manufactures alternators for outboard engines used in recreational
boating. ON the average, 1% of the alternators will not perform up to the required
standards when tested at the engine assembly plant. When a shipment of 100 alternators is
received at the plant they are tested and if more than two are non-conforming, the
shipment is returned to the alternator manufacturer. What is the probability of returning a
12 Lead-time demands for condenser unit is Poisson distributed with mean of 6 units.
Prepare a table for the inventory manager which will indicate the order level to achieve
protection o the following levels: 50%, 80%, 90%,95%,97%,,97.5%,99%,99.5%and
13 A random variable X which has PMF given by p (x) = 1/ (n+1) over the range Rx =
{0,1,2…n} is said t have a discrete uniform distribution.
 Find the mean and variance of this distribution.
 If Rx = {a, a+1, a+2, …b}, determine the mean and variance of X
14 An aircraft has dual hydraulic systems. The aircraft switches to the standby system
automatically if the first system fails. If both the systems have failed the plane will crash.
Assume that the life of a hydraulic system is exponentially distributed with a mean of
2000 air hours.
 If the hydraulic systems are inspected every 2500 hours, what is the probability that an
aircraft will crash before that time?
 What danger would there be in moving the inspection point to 3000 hrs?

15 A random variable X is beta distributed if its pdf is given by
 (α +β + 1) x a (1 − x) β 
F ( x) =   • 0 < x < 1,
 α !β ! 
0, otherwise
Show that the beta distribution becomes the uniform distribution over the unit interval
when α = β = 0
16 Lead-time is gamma distributed in 100’s of units with a parameter of 3 and a scale
parameter of 1. What is the lead-time exceeds 2 (hundred) units during an upcoming
17 Lifetime of the asynchronous adapter card for a PC, in months, denoted by the random
variable X, is gamma distributed with β = 4 and = 4 and θ = 1/16. What is the
probability that the card will last for at l4east 2 years?
18 Many states have license tags, which have the following format: letter letter number, the
letters indicate the weight of the automobile, but the numbers are at random, ranging from
100 to 999.
 What is the probability that the next two tage seen (at random) will have number of
500 or higher?
 What is the probability that the sum of the next two tage seen (at random) will have a
total of 1000 or higher?
19 Let X be a random variable that is normally distributed with a mean of 10 and a variance
of 4. Find the values a and b such that P(a < X < b ) = 0.90 and [ µ - a ] =[ µ - b]
20 Given the following distributions: Normal (10.4), Triangular (4,10,16 ), Uniform (4,16)
Find the probability that 6 < X < 8 for each of the distributions
21 Three shafts are made and assembled in a linkage. L The length of each shaft, in each
shaft, in centime5ters. Is distributed as follows:
Shaft 1 : N (60,0,09)
Shaft 2 : N (40,0,05)
Shaft 3 : N (50,0,11)
 What is the distribution of the linkage?
 What is the operability that the linkage will be longer than 150.2 centimeters?
 The tolerance limits for the assembly are (149.83,150.21). What proportion of
assemblies are within the tolerance limits?
22 The circumference of battery posts in a nickel cadmium battery are Weibull distributed
with ν = 3.25 centimeters, β = 1/3, and α 0.005 centimeters.
 Determine the probability that a battery post chosen at random will have a
circumference larger than 3.40 centimeters.
 If battery posts are larger than 3.50 centimeters, they will not go through the hole
provided; if thy are smaller than 3.30 centimeters, the clamp will not tighten
sufficiently. What proportion of posts will have to be scrapped for one of these

23 A postal letter carrier has a route consisting of five segments with the time in minutes to
complete each segment being normally distributed with mean and variance as shown
Tennyson Place N (38,16)
Windsor Parkway N (99,29)
Knob Hill Apartments N (85,25)
Evergreen Drive N (73,20)
Chastain Shopping Center N (52,12)
In addition to the above times, the letter carrier must organize the mail at the central
office, which requires a time that is distributed by N (90,25). The drive to the starting
point of the route requires a time that is distributed N (10,4). The return from the route
requires a time that is distributed N (15,4). The letter carrier then performs administrative
tasks with a time that is distributed N (30,9).
 What is the expected length of the letter carrier’s workday?
 Overtime occurs after eight hours of work on a given day. What is the probability that
the letter carrier works overtime of any given day?
 What is the probability that the letter carrier works overtime on two or more days in a
six-day week?
 What is the probability that the route will be completed within ±24 minutes of eight
hours on any given day?
24 High temperature in Biloxi, Mississippi on July 21, denoted by the random variable
X, has the following probability density function where X is in degrees F.

2(x - 85)
, 85 ≤ x ≤ 92
f (x) = 119
2(102 –x ), 92 < x ≤ 102

0, otherwise

 What is the variance of the temperature, V ( X ) ?

 What is the median temperature?
 What is the modal temperature?
25 The time to failure of Easting home light bulbs is Weibull distributed with V = 1.8 x103
hours, β = ½ and α =1/3 x103 hours.
a. What fraction of bulbs is expected to last longer that the mean lifetime?
b. What is the median lifetime of alight bulb?
26 Lead time demand is gamma distributed in 100’s of units with a shape parameter of 2 and
a scale parameter of ¼ . What is the probability that the lead-time exceeds 4 (Hundred)
units during an upcoming cycle?
27 A tool crib has exponential Interarrival and service times, and serves a very large
group of mechanics. The mean time between arrivals is4 minutes. It takes 3 minutes on
the average for a tool crib attendant to service a mechanic. The attendant is paid $ 10 per
our and the mechanic is paid $ 15 per hour. Would it be advisable to have a second tool
rib attendant?

28 A two- runway (one runway for landing, one runway for taking off) airport is being
designed for propeller-driven aircraft. The time to land an airplane is known to be
exponentially distributed with a mean of 1-1/2 minutes. If airplane arrivals are assumed
to occur at random, what arrival rate can be tolerated if the average wait in the sky is not
to exceed 3 minutes?
29 The Port of Trop can service only one ship at a time. However, there is mooring space for
three more ships. Trop is a favorite port of call, but if no mooring space is available, the
ships have to go to the Port of Poop. An average of seven ships arrive each week.
According to Poisson process. The port of Trop has the capacity to handle an average of
eight ships a week, with service times exponentially distributed. What is the expected
number of ships waiting or in service at the Port of Trop?
30 Given the following information for a finite calling population problem with
exponentially distributed runtimes and service times:
K = 10
1/µ = 15
1/λ = 82
C= 2
Compute Lq, and Wq. Determine the value of λ such Lq = L/2
31 Suppose that Figure 7.8 represents the number in system for a last-in-first-out (LIFO)
single-server system. Customers are not preempted (i.e. kicked out of service) but upon
service completion the most recent arrival next begins service. For this LIFO system
apportion the total area under L (t) to each individual customer, as was done in Figure
7.10 for the FIFO system. Using the figure, show that Equations (7.13), (7,11), (7.12)
hold for the single-server LIFO system
32 Consider a M /G / 1 queue with the following type of service distribution. Customers
request one of two types of service in the proportions p and 1 – p. Type I service is
exponentially distributed at rate µi, I = 1,2 Let Xi denote a type I service time and X an
arbitrary service time. Then E(Xi) = 1/µi ,V(Xi) = 1/ µi2 and

X1 with probability p
X2 with probability (1 – p)

The random variable X is said to have a hyper exponential distribution with parameters
 Show that E (x) = p/µ1 + (1 –p) /µ2 and E (X2) = 2p /µ12 + 2(1-p) /µ22.
 Use V (X) = E (X2) – [E (X)] 2 to show V (X) = 2p / µ12 + 2(1 – P) /µ22 –[p/µ1+ (1
– P) / µ2] 2.
33 A fleet of 10 trucks supplies a small lumberyard. One overhead crane is available to
unload the long logs from the trucks. It takes an average of 1 hour to unload a truck.
After unloading, a truck takes an average of 3 hours to get the next load of logs and return
to the lumberyard

34 A tool crib with one attendant serves a group of 10 mechanics. Mechanics work for an
exponentially distributed amount of time with mean 20 minutes, then go to the crib to
request a special tool. Service times by the attendant arte exponentially distributed with a
mean of 3 minutes. If the attendant is paid $ 6 per hour and the mechanic is paid $ 10 per
hour, would it be advisable to have a second attendant?
35 A small copy shop has a self-service copier. Currently there is room for only 4 people to
line up for the machine (including the person using the machine); when there are more
than 4 people, then the additional people must line up outside the shop. The owners
would like to avoid having people line up outside the shop as much as possible. For that
reason they are thinking about adding a second self-service copier. Self-service
customers have been observed to arrive at a rate of 24 per hour, and they use the machine
2 minutes, on average Assess the impact of adding another copier. Carefully state any
assumptions or approximations you make.
36 A self-service car wash has 4 washing stalls. When they are in a stall, customers may
choose among three options: rinse only; wash and rinse; and wash, rinse and wax. Each
option has a fixed time to complete; rinse only (3 minutes); wash and rinse (7 minutes);
and wash, rinse and wax (12minutes). The owners have observed that 20% of customers
rinse only; 70% wash and rinse; and 10% wash, rinse and wax. There are no scheduled
appointments, and customers arrive at a rate of about 34 cars per hour. There is only room
for 3 cars to wait in the parking lot, so currently many customers are lost, The owners
what to know how much more business they will do if they add another stall. Adding a
stall will take away one space in the parking lot. Develop a queuing model of the system.
Estimate the rate at which customers will be lost in the current and proposed system.
Carefully state any assumptions or approximations you make
37 Use the linear congruential method to generate a sequence of three two-digit random
integers. Let X0 = 27, a = 8, c = 47, and m = 100. Do we encounter a problem in the
previous exercise if X0 = 0?
38 The sequence of number 0.54, 0.73, 0.98, 0.11, and 0.68, has been generated. Use the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with α =0.05 to determine if the hypothesis that the numbers
are uniformly distributed on the interval [0,1] can be rejected
39 Consider the following sequence of 120 digits

1 3 7 4 8 6 2 5 1 6 4 4 3 3 4 2 1 5 8 7
0 7 6 2 6 0 5 7 8 0 1 1 2 6 7 6 3 7 5 9
0 8 8 2 6 7 8 1 3 5 3 8 4 0 9 0 3 0 9 2
2 3 6 5 6 0 0 1 3 4 4 6 9 9 8 5 6 0 1 7
5 6 7 9 4 9 3 1 8 3 3 6 6 7 8 2 3 5 9 6
6 7 0 3 1 0 2 4 2 0 6 4 0 3 9 3 6 8 1 5

Test whether these digits can be assumed to be independent based on the frequency with
which gaps occur. Use α = 0.05.
40 Develop the poker test for: i. Four-digit number ii. Five-digit number
41 A sequence of 1000 four-digit number had been generated and an analysis indicates the
following combinations and frequencies.

Combination i Observed Frequency, Oi

Four different digits 565
One pair 392
Two pairs 17
Three like digits 24
Four like digits 2
Based on the poker test, test whether these numbers are independent. Use α = 0.05
42 Determine whether the linear congruential generators shown below can achieve a
maximum period. Also, state restrictions on X0 to obtain this period.
a. The mixed congruential method with
A = 2,814, 749, 767, 109
C = 59, 482, 661, 568, 307
M = 248
b. The multiplicative congruential generator with
A= 69,069
M = 232
c. The mixed congruential generator with
a = 4951
c = 247
m = 256
d. The Multiplicative congruential generator with
a = 6507
m = 1024
43 Use the mixed congruential method to generate a sequence of three two-digit random
numbers with X0 = 37, a = 7, c = 29 and m = 100.
44 Use the mixed congruential method to generate a sequence of three two-digit random
integers between 0 and 24 with X0 = 13, a = 9 and c = 35.
45 Write a computer program that will generate four-digit random numbers using the
multiplicative congruential method. Allow the user to input values of X0, a, c and m.
46 If X0 = 3579 in Exercise 17 (c ), generate the first random number in the sequence.
Compute the random number to four-place accuracy.
47 Investigate the random number generator in a spreadsheet program on a computer to
which you have access. In many spreadsheets, random numbers are generated by a
function called RAND or @ RAND.
 Check the user’s manual to see if it describes how the random numbers are generated.
 Write macros to conduct each of the tests described in this chapter. Generate 100 sets
of random numbers, each set containing 100 random numbers. Perform each test on
each set of random numbers. Draw conclusions

48 Consider the multiplicative congruential generator under the following circumstances
a. a = 11,m = 16, X0 = 7
b. a = 11,m = 16, X0 = 8
c. a = 7,m = 16, X0 = 7
d. a = 7,m = 16, X0 = 8
Generate enough values in each case to complete a cycle. What inferences can be drawn?
Is maximum period achieved?
49 For 16-bit computer, L’ Ecuyer [1988] recommends combining three multiplicative
generators with m1 = 32363,a1 = 157, m2 = 31727, a2 = 146, m3 = 31657 and a3 = 142.
The period of this generator is approximately 8 x 1012 . Generate 5 random number with
the combined generator using initial seeds Xi,0 = 100,300,500 for the individual generators
I = 1,2,3.
49 Use the principles described in this chapter to develop your own linear congruential
random number generator.
50 Use the principles described in this chapter to develop your own combined linear
congruential random number generator.
51 Test the following sequence of numbers for uniformity and independence using
procedures you learned in this chapter:
52 Develop a random variate generator for a random variable X with the pdf
e2x, -∞<x ≤0
f (x) = e , 0<x<∞

53 Develop a generation scheme for the triangular distribution with pdf

½ ( x –2), 2≤ x ≤ 3
f (x) = ½ ( 2 – x/3), 3 < x ≤ 6
0, otherwise
Generate 10 values of the random variate, compute the sample mean, and compare it to
the true mean of the distribution.
54 Develop a generator for a triangular distribution with range (1,10) and mode at x = 4.
55 Develop a generator for a triangular distribution with range (1,10) and a mean of 4
56 Given the following cdf for a continuous variable with range-3 to 4, develop a
generator for the variable.
0, x ≤ - 3
½ + x/6, -3<x≤0
F (x) = ½ + x2 / 32, 0 < x ≤ 4
1, x > 4
Given the cdf F(x) = x4 /16 on 0 ≤ x ≤ 2, develop a generator for this distribution.
Given the pdf f (x) = x2/9 on 0 ≤ x ≤ 3, develop a generator for this distribution.
Develop a generator for a random variable whose pdf is
1/3, 0≤ x ≤ 2
f(x) = 1/24, 2< x ≤10
0, otherwise

57 The cdf of a discrete random variable X is given by: F (x) = x (x+1) (2x+1)/ n (n+1)
(2n+1), x = 1,2…..n When n = 4, generate three values of X using R1 = 0.83, R2 = 0.24,
and R3 =0.57.
58 Times to failure for an automated production process have been found to be randomly
distributed with a Weibull distribution with parameters β = 2 and α = 10. Derive equation
(9.6) and then use it to generate five values from this Weibull distribution, using five
random numbers taken from Table A.1.
59 A Machine is taken out of production if it fails, or after 5 hours, whichever comes first.
By running similar machines until failure, it has been found that time to failure, X, has the
Weibull distribution with α = 8, β = 0.75, and ν = 0 (refer to Sections 6.4 and 9.1.3.).
Thus, the time until the machine is taken out of production can be represented as Y = min
(x,5). Develop a step-by-step procedure for generating Y.
60 The time until a component is taken our of service is uniformly distributed on 0 to 8
hours. Two such independent components are put in series, and the whole system goes
down when one of the components goes down. If Xi (I = 1,2) represents the component
runtimes. Then Y = min (X1, X2) represents the system lifetime. Devise two distinct way
to generate Y.
61 Develop a technique for generating a binomial random variable, X, using the convolution
62 Develop an acceptance rejection technique for generating a geometric random variable, X,
with parameter p on the range {0,1,2..}.
63 Write a computer routine to generate standard normal varieties by the exact method
discuss3d in this chapter. Use it to generate 1000 values. Compare the true probability, φ
(z), that a value lies in (-∞,z) to the actual observed relative frequency that values were≤
z, for z=-4,-3,--2,-1,0,1,2,3and 4.
64 Write a computer routine to generate gamma varieties with shape parameter β and scale
parameter θ Generate 1000 values with β = 2.5 and θ = 0.2 and compare the true
mean,1/θ = 5, to the sample mean.
65 Many spreadsheet, symbolic calculation and statistical analysis programs have built in
routines for generating random variates form standard distributions. Try to find our what
variate-generation methods are used in one of these packages by looking at the
documentation. Should you trust a variate generator is the method is not documented?
66 Suppose that somehow we have available a source of exponentially distributed random
variates with mean I. Write an algorithm to generate random variates with a triangular
distribution by transforming the exponentially distributed random variates with a
triangular distribution by transforming the exponentially distributed random variates.
67 Go to a major traffic intersection and determine the interarrival time distributions from
each direction. Some arrivals want to go straight, some turn left, and some turn right. The
interarrival time distribution varies during the day and by day of the week. Every now
and then an accident occurs.
68 Go to grocery store and determine the interarrival and service distributions at the checkout
counters. These distributions may vary by time of day and by day of week. Record, also,
the number of service channels available at all times. (Make sure that the management
gives permission to perform this study).

69 Go to a cafeteria and collect data on the distributions of interarrival and service times.
The distribution of interarrival times is probably different for each of the three daily meals
and May also may during the meal; that is, the interarrival time distribution for 11:00A.M
to 12:00 noon may be different than from 12:00 noon may be different than from 12:00
noon to 1:00p.m. Define service time as the time from when the customer reaches the point
at which the first selection could be made until exiting from the cafeteria line. (Any
reasonable modification of this definition is acceptable) The service-time distribution
probably changes for each meal. Can times of the day or days of the week for either
distribution be grouped due to homogeneity of the data? (Make sure that the management
gives permission to perform this study.)
70 Draw the p.m.f of the Poisson distribution that results when the parameter α is equal to
(a) α = ½
(b) α = 1
(c) α = 2
(d) α = 4
71 On one figure draw the three Weibull pdf’s which result when ν = 0, α = ½ , and β =
1,2,and 4
72 The following data are randomly generated from a gamma distribution:

1.691 1.437 8.221 5.976

1.116 4.435 2.345 1.782
3.810 4.589 5.313 10.90
2.649 2.432 1.581 2.432
1.843 2.466 2.833 2.361
Determine the maximum likelihood estimators β and θ.
73 The following data are randomly generated from a Weibull distribution where ν = 0:

7.936 5.224 3.937 6.513

4.599 7.563 7.172 5.132
5.259 2.759 4.278 2.696
6.212 2.407 1.857 5.002
4.612 2.003 6.908
Determine the maximum likelihood estimators α and β

74 The highway between Atlanta, Georgia, and Athens, Georgia, has a high incidence of
accidents along its 100 kilometers. Public safety officers say that the occurrence of
accidents along the highway is randomly (uniformly) distributed, but the news media say
otherwise. The Georgia Department of Public Safety published records for the month of
September. These records indicated the point at which 30 accidents involving an injury or
death occurred, as follows (the data points represent the distance from the city limits of

88.3 40.7 36.3 27.3 36.8

91.7 67.3 7.0 45.2 23.3
98.8 90.1 17.2 23.7 97.4
32.4 87.8 69.8 62.6 99.7
20.6 73.1 21.6 6.0 45.3
76.6 73.2 27.3 87.6 87.2
Use the Kolmogorov- Smirnov test to determine whether the distribution of location of
accidents is uniformly distributed for the month of September.
75 Show that the Kolomogorov-Smirnov test statistic for Example 10.17 is D = 0.1054
76 Records pertaining to the monthly number of job related injuries at an underground coal
mine were being studied by a federal agency. The values for the past 100 months were as
0 35
1 40
2 13
3 6
4 4
5 1
6 1

77 2. The time required for 50 different employees to compute and record the number of
hours worked during the week was measured with the following result in minute:

Employee Time (Minutes) Employee Time (Minutes)

1 1.88 26 0.04
2 0.54 27 1.49
3 1.90 28 0.66
4 0.15 29 2.03
5 0.02 30 1.00
6 2.81 31 0.39
7 1.50 32 0.34
8 0.53 33 0.01
9 2.62 34 0.10
10 2.67 35 1.10
11 3.53 36 0.24
12 0.53 37 0.26
13 1.80 38 0.45
14 0.79 39 0.17
15 0.21 40 4.29
16 0.80 41 0.80
17 0.26 42 5.50
18 0.63 43 4.91
19 0.36 44 0.35
20 2.03 45 0.36
21 1.42 46 0.90
22 1.28 47 1.03
23 0.82 48 1.73
24 2.16 49 0.38
25 0.05 50 0.48
Use the chi-square test (as in Example10.14) to test the hypothesis that these service times
are exponentially distributed. Let the number of class intervals be k =6. Use a level of
significance of α = 0.05

78 Student wiser Beer Company is trying to determine the distribution of the breaking
strength of their glass bottles. Fifty bottles are selected at random and tested for breaking
strength, with the following results (in pounds per square inch):

218.95 232.75 212.80 231.10 215.95

237.55 235.45 228.25 218.65 212.80
230.35 228.55 216.10 229.75 229.00
199.75 225.10 208.15 213.85 205.45
219.40 208.15 198.40 238.60 219.55
243.10 198.40 224.95 212.20 222.90
218.80 203.20 223.45 213.40 206.05
229.30 239.20 201.25 216.85 207.25
204.85 219.85 226.15 230.35 211.45
227.95 229.30 225.25 201.25 216.10
 Use the chi-square test with equiprobable intervals to test these breaking strengths for
normality at a level of significance of α = 0.05.
 The manufacturer of the bottles says the breaking strengths are normally distributed
with µ = 200 and σ = 15. Test the manufacturer’s claim at a level of significance
of α =0.05.
79 The Cross Towner is a bus that cuts a diagonal path from northeast Atlanta to southwest
Atlanta. The bus operator, the bus runs Monday through Friday, maintains the time
required to complete the route. The times of the last fifty 8:00 A.M. runs, in minutes, are as
92.3 92.8 106.8 108.9 106.6
115.2 94.8 106.4 110.0 90.9
104.6 72.0 86.0 102.4 99.8
87.5 111.4 105.9 90.7 99.2
97.8 88.3 97.5 97.4 93.7
99.7 122.7 100.2 106.5 105.5
80.7 1079 103.2 116.4 101.7
84.4 101.9 99.1 102.2 102.5
111.7 101.5 95.1 92.8 88.5
74.4 98.9 111.9 96.5 95.9
How are these run times distributed? Develop and test a suitable model

80 The time required for the transmission of a message (in minutes) is sampled electronically
at a communications center. The last 50 values in the sample are as follows:
7.936 4.612 2.407 4.278 5.132
4.599 5.224 2.003 1.857 2.696
5.259 7.563 3.937 6.908 5.002
6.212 2.759 7.172 6.513 3.326
8.761 4.502 6.188 2.566 5.515
3.785 3.742 4.682 4.346 5.359
3.535 5.061 4.629 5.298 6.492
3.502 4.266 3.129 1.298 3.454
5.289 6.805 3.827 3.912 2.969
4.646 5.963 3.829 4.404 4.924
How are the transmission times distributed? Develop and test an appropriate model
81 Suppose that in Example 12,13 the simulation analyst decided to investigate the bias using
batch means over a batching interval of 2000 minutes. By definition, a batch mean for the
interval [(j – 1) j (2000) is defined by: Yj = 1 / 2000 ∫ j (2000) (j – 1) 2000 Lq (t) dt
 Show algebraically that such a batch mean can be obtained from two adjacent batch
means over the two halves of the interval.
 Compute the seven averaged batch means for the intervals [0, 2000),[2000,4000),….for
the M /G /1 simulation. Use the data (Y,j) in Table 12.6 (ignoring Y.15 = 8.76).
 Draw plots of the type in Figures 12.4 and 12.5. Does it still appear that deletion of the
data over [0,2000) (the first “new” batch mean) is sufficient to remove most of the point-
estimator bias?
82 Simulate the dump truck problem in Example 3.5. At first make the run length TE = 40 hours.
Make four independent replications. Computer a 90% confidence interval for mean cycle
time, where a cycle time for a given truck is the time between its successive arrivals to the
loader. Investigate the effect of different initial conditions (all trucks initially at the loader
queue, versus all at the scale, versus all traveling, versus the trucks distributed throughout the
system in some manner)

83 Consider an (M.L) inventory system, in which the procurement quantity, Q, is defined by
M – I if I < L
Q= 0 if I ≥ L
Where I is the level of inventory on hand plus on order at the end of a month, M is the
maximum inventory level. And L is the reorder point. Since M. L are under management
control. The pair (M, L) is called the inventory policy. Under certain conditions, the
analytical solution of such a model is possible, but the computational effort may be
prohibitive. Use simulation to investigate an (M, L) inventory system with the following
properties. The inventory status is checked at the end of each month. Backordering is
allowed at a cost of $ 4 per item short per month. When an order arrives, it will first be used
to relieve the backorder. The lead-time is given by a uniform distribution on the interval
(0.25,1.25) months. Let the beginning inventory level stand at 50 units, with no orders
outstanding. Let the holding cost be $ 1 per unit in inventory per month. Assume that the
inventory position is reviewed each month. If an order is placed, its cost is $ 60 + $
50Q,where $ 60 is the ordering cost and $5 is the cost of each item. L The time between
demands is exponentially distributed with a mean of 1/15 month. The sizes of the demands
follow the distribution:

Demand Probability
1 ½
2 ¼
3 1/8
4 1/8
 Make four independent replications, each of run length 100 months preceded by a 12-
months initialization period, for the (M, L) = (50,30) policy. Estimate long-run mean
monthly cost with a 90% confidence interval.
 Using the results of part (a), estimate the total number of replications needed to estimate
mean monthly cost within $ 5.

84 Consider the following inventory system:
(a) Whenever the inventory level falls to or below 10 units, an order is placed. Only
one order can be outstanding at a time.
(b) The size of each order is Q. Maintaining an inventory costs $0.50 per day per
item in inventory. Placing an order results is a fixed cost of $ 10.00
(c) Lead-time is distributed in accordance with a discrete uniform distribution
between zero and 5 days.
(d) If a demand occurs during a period when the inventory level is zero, the sale is
lost at a cost of $2.00 per unit.
(e) The number of customers each day is given by the following distribution:

Number of Customers per Day Probability

1 0.23
2 0.41
3 0.22
4 0.14
(f)The demand on the part of each customer is Poisson distributed with a mean of 3
(g) For simplicity, assume that all demands occur at 12 noon and that all orders are
planked immediately thereafter.
Assume further that orders are received at 5.00 p.m. or after the demand that occurred on
that day. Consider the policy having Q = 20 Make five independent replications, each of
length 100 days and compute a 90% confidence interval for long-run mean daily cost.
Investigate the effect of initial inventory level and existence of an outstanding order on
the estimate on mean daily cost. Begin with an initial inventory of Q + 10, and no
outstanding orders.
85 A store selling Mother’s Day cards must decide 6 months in advance on the number of
cards to stock. Reordering is not allowed. Cards cost $ 0.25 and sell for $ 0.60 any cards
not sold by Mother’s Day go on sale for $0.20 for 2 weeks. However, sales of the
remaining cards in probabilistic in nature according to the following distribution:
32% of the time, all cards remaining gets sold.
40% of the time, 80% of all cards remaining is sold.
28% of the times, 60% of all cards remaining are sold.
Any cards left after 2 weeks are sold for $0.30. The card shop owner is not sure how
many cards can be sold, but thinks it is somewhere (i.e. uniformly distributed) between
200 and 400. Suppose that the card shop owner decides to order 300 cards. Estimate the
expected total profit with an error of at most $5.00

86 A very large mining operation has decided to control the inventory of high-pressure piping by
a periodic review, order up to M policy, where M is a target level. The annual demand for
this piping is normally distributed with a mean of 600 and a variance of 800 this demand
occurs family uniformly over the year. The lead-time for resupply is Erlang distributed of
order k = 2 with a mean of 2 months. The cost of each unit is $ 400 . The inventory carrying
charge, as a proportion of item cost on an annual basis, is expected to fluctuate normally
about a mean of 0.25 (simple interest) with a standard deviation of 0.01. The cost of making a
review and placing an order is $200, and the cost of making a review and placing an order is
$200, and the cost of a backorder is estimated to be $ 100 per unit backordered. Suppose that
the inventory level is reviewed every 2 months, and let M = 337.
(a) Make five independent replications, each of run length 100 months, to estimate long run
mean monthly cost by means of a 90% confidence interval.
(b) Investigate the effects of initial conditions. Determine an appropriate number of monthly
observations to delete to reduce initializations to a negligible level.
87 3. Jobs enter a job shop in random fashion according to a Poisson process at overall rate 2
every 8-hour day. The jobs are of four types. They flow from workstation to work station
in a fixed order depending on type. As shown below. The proportions of each type are
also shown.
Type Flow through Stations Proportion
1 1,2,3,4 0.4
2 1,3,4 0.3
3 2,4,3 0.2
4 1,4 0.1
Processing times per job at each station depend on type, but all times are (approximately)
normally distributed with mean and s.d. (in hours) as follows:
At Small-town U. there is one graphics workstation for student use located across campus
from the computer center. At 2:00 A.M. one night six students arrive at the workstation to
complete an assignment. A student uses the workstation for 10± 8 minutes, then leaves to go
to the computer center to pick up graphics output. There is a 25% chance that the run will be
OK and the student will go to sleep. If it is not OK, the student returns to the workstation and
waits until it becomes free. The roundtrip from workstation to computer center and back
takes 30 ± 5 minutes. The computer becomes inaccessible at 5:00 A.M Estimate the
probability, P. that at least five of the six students will finish their assignment in the 3 hour
period. First make R = replications and compute a 95% confidence interval for p. Next
determine the number of replications needed to estimate p within ± .02 and make these
replications. Recompute the 95% confidence interval for p.
Four workers are evenly spaced along a conveyor belt. Items needing processing arrive
according to a Poisson process at rate 2 per minute. Processing time is exponentially
distributed with a mean of 1.6 minutes. If a worker becomes idle, then he or she takes the
first item to come by on the conveyor. If a worker is busy when an item comes by, that item
moves down the conveyor to the next worker, taking 20 seconds between two successive
workers. When worker finishes processing an item, the item leaves the system. If an item
passes by the last worker, it is recalculated on a loop conveyor and will return to the first
worker after 5 minutes.

89 Reconsider the dump truck problem of Example 3.5, which was also analyzed in Example
13.3. As business expands, the company buys new trucks, making the total number of
trucks now equal to 16. The company desires to have a sufficient number of loaders and
scales so that the average number of trucks waiting at the loader queue plus the average
number at the weigh queue is no more that three. Investigate the following combinations
on number of loaders and number of scales:
Number of Loaders
Number of Scales
2 3 4
1 - - -
2 - - -
The loaders being considered are the “slow” loaders in Example 13.3. Loading time,
weighing time, and travel time for each truck are as previously defined in Example 13.3.
Use common random numbers to the greatest extent possible when comparing alternative
systems designs, The goal is to find the smallest number of loaders and scales to meet the
company’s objective of an average total queue length of no more than three trucks. In
your solution, take into account the initialization conditions, run length and number of
replications needed to achieve a reasonable likelihood of valid conclusions.
90 In Exercise 12.6, consider the following alternative (M,L) policies:

Low High
30 40
Low 50 (50,30) (50,40)
High 100 (100,30) (100,40)
Investigate the relative costs of these policies using suitable modifications of the
simulation model developed in Exercise 12.6 Compare the four system designs on the
basis of long-run mean monthly cost. First make four replications of each (M, L) policy,
using common random numbers to the greatest extent possible. Each replication should
have a 12-month initialization phase followed by a 100-month data collection phase.
Compute confidence intervals having an overall confidence level of 90% for mean
monthly cost for each policy. Then estimate the additional replications needed to achieve
confidence intervals, which do not overlap. Draw conclusions as to which is the best
91 In Exercise 12.9, investigate the effect of the order quantity on long-run mean daily cost.
Since each order arrives on a pallet on a delivery truck, the permissible order quantities,
Q, are multiples of 10 (i.e., Q may equal 10, or 20, or30,). In Exercise 12.9, the policy Q=
10 was investigated.
 First, investigate the two policies Q= 10 and Q = 50. Use the run lengths, and so on,
suggested in Exercise 12.9. On the basis of these runs, decide whether the optimal Q,
say Q*, is between 10 and 50, or greater than 50. (The cost curve as a function of Q
should have what kind of shape?).
 Based on the results in part (a), suggest two additional values for Q and simulate the
two polices. Draw conclusions. Include an analysis of the strength of your

92 A clerk in the admissions office at Small State University processors requests for
admissions materials. The time to process requests depends on the program of interest
(e.g., industrial engineering, management science, computer science, etc.) and the level of
the program (Bachelors, Masters, Ph.D.). Suppose that the processing time is well
modeled as normally distributed with mean 7 minutes and standard deviation 2 minutes.
At the be inning of the day it takes the clerk some time to get set to begin working on
requests; suppose that this time is well modeled as exponentially distributed with mean 20
minutes. The admissions office typically receives between 40 and 60 requests per day.
Let x be the number of applications received on a day, and let Y be the time required to
process them (including the set-up time.). Fit a metamodel for E (Y/x) by making n
replications at the design points x = 40,50,60. Notice that in this case we know that the
correct model is E (Y/x) = β0 + β1x = 20 + 7x (why?). Begin with n =2 replications at
each design point and estimate β0 and B1. Gradually increase the number of replications
and observe how many are required for the estimates to be close to the true values.
93 Riches and Associates retain its cash reserves primarily in the form of certificates of
deposit (CDs), which earn interest at an annual rate of 8%. Periodically, however,
withdrawals must beamed from these CDs in order to pay suppliers, etc, these cash
outflows are made through a checking account that earns no interest. The need for cash
cannot be predicted with certainty, Transfers from CDs to checking can be made
instantaneously, but the is a “substantial penalty” for early withdrawal from CDs.
Therefore, it may make sense for R&A to make use of the overdraft protection on their
checking account, which charges interest at a rate of $0.00033 per dollar per day (i.e.,
12% per year) for overdrafts. R&A likes simple policies in which they transfer a fixed
amount, a fixed number of times, per year. Currently they make 6 transfers per year of $
18,250 each time. Your job is to find a policy that reduces their long-run cost per day.
Based on historical patterns, demands for cash arrive a rate of about 1 per day, with the
arrivals being well modeled as a Poisson process. The amount of cash needed to satisfy
each demands is reasonably represented by a log normally distributed random variable
with mean $300 and standard deviation $ 150.
The penalty for early withdrawal is different for different CDs. It averages $ 150 for each
withdra2al (regardless of size), but the actual penalty can be modeled as uniformly
distributed random variable with range $ 100 to 200.
Use cash level in checking to determine the length of the initialization phase. Make
enough replications so that your confidence interval for the difference in long-run cost per
day does not contain zero. Be sure to use correlated sampling in your experiment design.



Sub code: 06IM53 I A Marks: 25

Hours / Week: 5 Hrs Exam Hours: 3 Hrs
Total Lecture Hrs: 62 Exam Marks: 100

1. The Role of Statistics in Engineering (Data Summary and presentation): Statistical

Thinking, collecting data, Statistical Modeling framework, measurement of central tendency and
variance, Importance of Data summary and display, Tabular and graphical display.
06 hrs

2. Discrete Random variables and probability distributions: Discrete Random variables,

probability distributions and probability mass functions, Cumulative distribution functions,
Mean and variance of a discrete random variable, discrete uniform distribution, binomial
distribution, hyper geometric distribution, Poisson distribution, Applications. 07 hrs

3. Continuous Random variables and probability distributions: Continuous random variables,

Probability distributions and Probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions,
Mean and variance of a continuous random variable, uniform distribution, Normal distribution,
Normal approximation to binomial and Poisson distribution, Exponential distribution,
05 hrs

4. Estimation Theory: Statistical Inference, Random sampling, properties of Estimators, sampling

distribution, sampling distribution of means, variance and proportion, Introduction to confidence
Intervals. 05 hrs

5. Statistical Inference for a single sample and two samples: Hypothesis testing, Inference on
the mean of a population (variance known and unknown), Inference on the variance of a normal
population, Inference on a population proportions. 07 hrs

6. Statistical Inference for a single sample and two samples: Testing of goodness of fit,
Inference for a difference in means, variances known, Inference for a difference in means of two
normal distributions. Variances unknown, Inference on the variances of two normal populations,
Inference on two population proportions. 07 hrs

7. Simple Linear Regressions and Correlation: Simple Linear Regression, Properties of Least
square Estimators and Estimation of variances, Common abuses of regression, prediction of new
observations, assessing the adequacy of regression model, Transformations to straight line,
Introduction to multiple regression ( no problems) Correlation. 06 hrs

8. Design of experiments: Strategy Of Experimentation completely randomized single factor

experiment, tests on individual treatment means, the random effects model. The randomized

complete block design, one way analysis of variance and two way analysis of variance.
06 hrs


1. Applied statistics and probability for engineers- Douglas C Montgomery, George C Runner, 2nd
Edition John Wiley and sons ISBN-0-471-17027-5.
2. Statistics of Management, Richard I Levin, David S Rubin 6th Edition Prentice Hall India,

Reference Books:

1. Probability and Statistics in engineering, William W Hines, Douglas C Montgomery 2nd edition
John Wiley & Sons
2. Business Statistics for Management and Economics, Daniel, Terrell 6th Edition Houghton
Mifflin Company ISBN-0-395-62835-0
3. Probability & Statistics by Wall pole Mayer


Sub Code: 06IM53 I.A. Marks: 25

Hours / Week: 05 Total Hours: 62
Subject:Statistics For Engineers Sem:V

Hour. No Topics to be covered

1. Statistical Thinking, uses of statistics, History.
2. Grouping & Displaying data,
3. Collecting data, Importance of data summary difference between sample and
populations, arranging data using the data array and Constructing frequency
distributions problems.
4. Measures of central tendency Mean, Median, Mode, Geometric Mean and
Harmonic Mean problems.
5. Tabular and graphical display Histogram, Problems.
6. Exercises
7. Frequency polygons, Frequency curves & Ogives Problems.
8. Exploratory data analysis Stem and Leaf Diagrams, Box Plots and Time sequence
9. Probability distributions Discrete Random variable Continuous Random variable
Probability mass functions.
10. Cumulative distribution functions Mean and variance of a discrete random
variable discrete uniform distribution.
11. Binomial distribution Cumulative distribution function Mean, variance Standard
deviation Problems
12. Exercises
13. Binomial distribution Cumulative distribution function Mean, variance Standard
deviation Problems
14. Binomial distribution Cumulative distribution function Mean, variance Standard
deviation Problems
15. Poisson distribution Mean, variance problems
16. Poisson distribution Mean, variance problems
17. Poisson distribution Mean, variance problems
18. Exercises
19. Hyper geometric distribution Mean, variance problems
20. Hyper geometric distribution Mean, variance problems
21. Mean and variance of continuous random variable, continuous uniform
22. Normal distribution Mean and variance, problems
23. Normal distribution problems
24. Exercises
25. Normal approximation to binomial and Poisson problems
26. Exponential distribution Erlang, Gamma distributions and Weibull distribution
and problems.
27. Statistical Inference Random sampling Properties of estimators
Hour. No Topics to be covered
28. Statistical Inference Random sampling Properties of estimators
29. Sampling distribution, sampling distribution of means
30. Exercises
31. Introduction to confidence Intervals
32. Confidence Intervals Problems
33. Hypothesis testing, null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, significance level,
34. Type-I and Type-II Errors
35. Concept mean of a population variance known and unknown
36. Exercises
37. Inference on the mean of a population variance known and unknown
38. Inference on the variance of a normal population
39. Inference on the variance of a normal population problems
40. Inference on a population proportion
41. Testing for goodness of fit procedure and problems
42. Exercises
43. Testing for goodness of fit problems
44. Inference for a difference in means Variance known. Problems
45. Inference for a difference in means Variance known. Problems
46. Inference for a difference in means of two normal distributions. Problems
47. Concept of Linear Regression, Empirical models simple linear Regression
Properties of least square estimators.
48. Exercises
49. simple linear Regression, correlation coefficient problems
50. Linear Regression problems coefficient of correlation
51. Estimators and Estimation of variances Problems
52. Common abuses of Regression, Hypothesis tests in simple linear regression.
53. Prediction of new observations.
54. Exercises
55. Assessing the adequacy of regression model, Transformations to a Straight Line
Correlation. Problems
56. Concept of Multiple linear regression model,
57. Prediction of new observations, Measures of model adequacy.
58. Concept of design of experiments strategy of experimentation
59. Completely randomized single factor experiments.
60. Tests on Individual treatment means, the random effects model
61. The randomized complete block design, determining sample size in single factor
62. Exercises


01 Given below are the marks of 12 students in an examination, find the mean marks
02 A firm purchased a certain type of items from four different manufactures. Manufacturer
A supplied 50% of the items at a price of Rs 1.35 per item, B supplied 35% at a price of
Rs 1.40, C’, 10%at Rs1.42 and D, 5%at Rs1.47. Find the mean price of the items.
03 The mean wage of 100 laborers in a factory, running two shifts of 60 and40 workers
respectively, is Rs.38. the mean wage of 60 laborers working in one shifts isRs.40. Find
the mean wage of 40, laborers working in the other shifts
04 Calculate the mean for the following data
x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
f 1 9 26 59 75 52 29 7 1
05 Find the mean for the following data in a test carrying 100 marks given to 88 students, 77
students get above 10 marks, 72 get above20, 65 get above 30, 55 get above 40, 43 get
above 50, 28 get above 60, 16 get above70, 10 get above 80 and 8 get above 90. Find the
mean marks
Class 0-10 10-30 30-50 50-60 60-90 90-100
Frequency 2 5 17 22 20 9
06 Enumerate on Stem and Leaf Diagrams.
07 Prepare a stem and leaf Diagram for the following data: 10, 33, 9, 8, 75, 12, 15, 85, 18,
22, 25, 27, 29, 33, 68 35, 38, 42, 47, 52, 45, 56, 51, 50, 62, 64, 68, 70, 71, 78, 80, 75, 82,
88, 90, 91, 93, , 98, 32, , 56, 75, 24, 38, 56, 67, 84.
08 Explain briefly on the uses of measures of central tendency
09 A student computed the mean and standard deviation for 100 items of an observation as
40 and 5.1 respectively. It was later discovered that he had wrongly copied down an item
as 50 instead of 40. Calculate the mean and standard deviation
10 Define the terms i. Probability ii. Conditional probability
11 What do you understand by: i. Equal likely events, ii. Independent events, iii. Mutually
exclusive events, iv. Independent events, v. Dependent events
12 What is a Random experiment and sample space
13 State and prove Baye’s Theorem
14 Tickets are numbered from 1 to 100 they are well shuffled and a ticket is drawn at
random. What is the probability that the drawn ticket has:
i. An even number, ii. A number 5 or multiple of 5, iii. Number which is greater than 75,
iv. A number, which is a square.
15 An employer wishes to hire 4 people from a group of twenty applicants 12 men and 8
women all of whom are equally qualified to fill the position. If he selects the four at
random, what is probability that:
i. All four will be men, ii. At least one will be woman, iii. At least two will be woman.
16 A bag contains 17 counters marked with numbers 1 to 17. A counter is drawn and
replaced a second drawing is then made what is the chance that the first number drawn is
even and second is odd.
17 A man wants to marry a girl having qualities, white complexion, the probability of getting
such a girl is 1 in 20, handsome dowry the probability of getting that is 1 in 50,
westernized manners and etiquettes the probability here is 1 in 100. Find out the

probability of his getting married to such a girl when the possessions of three attributes
are independent
18 The Probability that a husband and wife will be alive 20 years from now are given by 0.8
and 0.9 respectively. Find the probability that in 20 years
i. Both ii. Neither iii. At least one will be alive
19 A speaks truth in 60% cases and B in 70% cases. In what percentage of cases are they
likely to contradict each other in stating the same fact
20 The probability that Mr. X passes mathematics is 2/3 the probability that he passes
statistics is 4/9. If the probability of passing atleast one subject is 4/5, what is the
probability that Mr X will pass both the subjects
21 If P (A)=0.6 P (B)=0.4 and P (A∩B)=0.3 Find 1. P (A∪B) 2. P (A∩B)
22 The digits 0,1,2,3,4 without repetition form a five-digit number. Find the probability that
number formed is divisible by 4
If A and B are independent events, prove that: P( A ∪ B) = 1 − P( A ) P( B )
24 In a housing colony, 70% of the houses are well planned and 60% of the houses are well
planned and well built. Find the probability that a house that is well planned is also well
25 A bag contains 2 white marbles and 4 red marbles and another bag contains 2 red marbles
and 4 white marbles. If a marble is selected at random from one of the two bags, what is
the probability that it is a white marble?
26 Two different digits are selected at random from the digits 1 to 9
i If the sum is odd, what is the probability that 2 is one of the digit selected
ii. If 2 is one of the digits selected, what is probability that the sum is odd?
27 A picnic is arranged to be held on a particular day. The weather forecast says that there is
80% chance of rain on that day. If it rains the probability of good picnic is 0.3 and f it
does not the probability is 0.9. What is the probability of good picnic?
28 The chances that doctor A will diagnose a disease X correctly are 60%. The chances that a
patient will die by his treatment after correct diagnose is 40% and the chance of death by
wrong diagnose is 70%. A patient of doctor A, who had disease X died, what is the
chance that his disease was diagnosed correctly
29 A binary communication channel carries data as one of two types of signals denoted by 0
and 1. Due to noise, a transmitted 0 is received as 1with the probability 0.06 and a
transmitted 1 is received as 0 with probability 0.09. The probability of transmitting 0 is
0.45. If a signal is sent find
i. The probability that a 0 is received
ii. The probability that a 1 was transmitted, given that 1 was received.
30 A ball is drawn from an Urn containing 3 white and 3 black balls. After the ball is drawn
it is placed and another ball is drawn. This goes indefinitely, what is probability that of
the first four balls drawn exactly 2 are white
31 Define discrete and continues random variables with an example.
32 Define Probability mass function and density function
33 Find the mean, variance and standard deviation for the following distribution
Xi -5 -4 1 2
P(xi) ¼ 1/8 ½ 1/8
34 The following table gives the probability distribution of a random variable X. Find k and
evaluates mean and standard deviation
Xi 0 1 2 3 4 5
P(xi) K 5k 10 10k 5k k
35 If a random variable X has the probability density function
2e −2 x x > 0
f ( x) = 
 0 x≤0
Evaluate P(1<X<3) and P(X>0.5)
36 The length of time (in min.) that a certain lady speaks on the telephone is found to be a
random variable with density function
 Ae − x / 5 for x ≥ 0
p( x) = 
 0 else where
Find the value of A
37 Find the probability that the number of minutes that she will speak on the phone:
i. More than 10 minutes ii. Less than 5 minutes iii. Between 5 and 10 minutes
38 The probability density function p(x) of a continues random variable is given by p(x) =
y0e-|x| , - ∞ <x< ∞ . Prove that y0=1/2 and hence find mean and variance of the distribution.
39 Obtain the mean and variance of the binomial distribution
40 Let X be binomially distributed random variable based on 6 repetitions of an experiment.
If p = 0.3, evaluate the following probabilities i ) p(X ≤ 3) ii)p(X = 4) and p(X > 4)
41 The probability that a pen manufactured by a company will be defective is 0.1. If 12 such
pens are selected at random find the probability that
i. Exactly 2 will be defective ii. At least 2 will be defective iii. None will be defective
42 Suppose 2% of the items produced by a machine are defective. Find the probability that
there are 3 defective items in a sample of 100 items
43 The number of accidents in a year to auto-drivers in a city is a poisson variate with mean
3. Out of 1000 such drivers find approximate number of drivers with a) no accidents b)
more than 3 accidents in a year
44 In a certain city the probability that rain occurs on a day during June is 5/8. Find the
probability that there is a rain on June 5th and not earlier
45 The probability that the prediction of a sooth sayer will come true is 0.01. What is the
probability that his 13th prediction is the first one to be true
46 A random variable X has a uniform distribution over (-α α) where α>0, Determine α in
the following cases i ) P(X>1) ii) P(X<1/2) iii) p(|X|<1)=p(|X|>1).
47 Find the CDF for a uniform distribution in the interval (a b).
48 On a certain city transport route, buses ply every 30 min. between 6am and 10pm. If a
person reaches a bus stop on this route at a random time during this period, what is the
probability that he will have to wait for at least 20 minutes
49 If X is uniformly distributed over the interval (-1 1), find the density function of
50 Find the mean and standard deviation of exponential distribution
51 Find the CDF of an exponential distribution
52 The duration of a telephone conversation has been found to have exponential distribution
with mean 3 min. Find the probability that the conversation may last i. more than 1 min.
ii. less than 3 min
53 In a certain town the duration of a shower is exponentially distributed with mean equal to

5 min. What is the probability that i ) a shower will last for at least 2 min. more given that
it has already lasted for 5 min. ii) a shower will last for not more than 6 min. if it has
already lasted for 3 min
54 For the following joint probability distribution of two random variables X and Y, find i )
marginal distribution of X and Y ii) Cov(X,Y) iii) ρ(X,Y)

X Y -4 2 7
1 1/8 1/4 1/8
5 ¼ 1/8 ½
55 The following table gives the joint distribution of two random variables X and Y. Find the
probability of X given Y=0
X, Y -1 0 1
-1 0 0.2 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.1
1 0.1 0.2 0.1
56 For the distribution with the density function
(1 / 8)(6 − x − y ) 0 < x < 2,2 < y < 4
p ( x, y ) = 
 0 other wise
Evaluate i. p(x<1,y<3) ii. p(x+y<3) iii. p(x<1| y<3)
57 For the distribution defined by the density function
 xe − x ( y +1) x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
p ( x, y ) = 
 0 other wise
Evaluate E(y | x) and E(x | y).
58 The joint probability density function for a distribution is
6e −2 x −3 y x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
p ( x, y ) = 
 0 other wise Verify that x and y are independent.
59 A firm purchased a certain type of items from four different manufactures. Manufacturer
A supplied 50% of the items at a price of Rs 1.35 per item, B supplied 35% at a price of
Rs 1.40, C’, 10%at Rs1.42 and D, 5%at Rs1.47. Find the mean price of the items
60 The mean wage of 1oo laborers in a factory, running two shifts of 60 and40 workers
respectively, is Rs.38. the mean wage of 60 laborers working in one shifts isRs.40. Find
the mean wage of 40, laborers working in the other shifts
61 Fit a straight line by the method of least squares to each of the following data

X 0 1 3 6 8
Y 1 3 2 5 4
62 Fit an equation of the form y=abx to the given data

X 2 3 4 5 6
Y 9.3 15.3 33.1 65.2 127.4
63 Find the coefficient of correlation and the regression lines for the following data

X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Y 10 12 16 28 25 36 41 49 40 50
64 The correlation coefficient between two variables x and y is r = 0.6. If σx =1.5 σy = 2.00,
x = 10 and y = 20, find the regression of y on x and of x on y
65 For the data given in the following table, compute
i. Standard deviation of X ii. Standard deviation of Y iii. Co-variation of X and Y
vi. The coefficient of correlation between X and Y
X 1 3 4 6 8 9 11 14
Y 1 2 4 4 5 7 8 9
66 Psychological tests of intelligence and computational ability were applied to ten children.
Following is the record showing intelligence ratio (I.R) and ability ratio (A.R). Calculate
the coefficient of correlation
I.R.(x) 105 104 102 101 100 99 98 96 95 94
A.R.(y) 101 103 100 98 95 96 104 97 97 96
67 Find the coefficient of correlation and regression lines for the following data
X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Y 10 12 16 28 25 36 41 49 40 50
68 The following table indicates the test scores of ten sales person in an intelligence test and
their weekly sales (in hundred units)

Test scores 40 70 50 60 80 50 90 40 60 60
Sales 2.5 6.0 4.5 5.0 4.5 2.0 5.5 3.0 4.5 3.0
Find the regression line of the sales on test scores and estimate the most probable weekly
sale of the sales person whose test score is 85
69 In a partially destroyed laboratory data, only the following regression equations were
available: 7X-16Y+9=0,5Y-4X-3=0.Find the coefficient of correlation between X and Y.
70 A correlation coefficient based on a sample of size 27 was computed to be 0.40. Can we
conclude at a significance level of 0.01 that the corresponding population correlation
coefficient differs from 0?
71 A correlation coefficient based on a sample of space 35 was computed to be 0.50. Can we
reject the hypothesis that the population correlation coefficient is ρ=0.70 at 0.05
significance level?
72 A correlation coefficient of 0.5 is found from a sample of size 19. Can we say that the
population correlation coefficient is closed to 0.3 at 5% level of significance?
73 Find 99% confidence limits for correlation coefficient, which is computed to be 0.60 from
a sample of size 28.
74 Find the probability that in 120 tosses of a fair coin i) between 40% and 60% will be
heads, ii) 5/8 or more will be heads.
75 It has been found that 2% of the items produced by a certain machine are defective. What
is the probability that in a sample of 400 items, i) 3% or more, ii) 2% or less will be
76 A certain machine part manufactured by a company has a weight of 0.5 gm on the average
with a standard deviation of 0.02gm. What is the probability that the mean weight in two
lots, of 1000 such parts each, will differ by more than 0.02 gm.
77 An urn contains 60 red marbles and 40 white marbles. Two sets of 30 marbles each are

drawn with replacement from the urn and their colors are noted. What is the probability
that the two sets differ by 8 or redder marbles.
78 A sample of 5 measurements of the diameter of a sphere were recorded as 6.33,
6.37,6.36,6.32,6.37 mm. Determine unbiased and efficient estimate of i) the true mean,
and ii) the true variance.
79 For the frequency distribution given below, find the unbiased and efficient estimate for
the mean and variance.
xi 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
fi 2 0 15 29 25 12 10 4 3
80 Suppose that 10, 12, 15, 16, 19 is a sample taken from a normal population with variance
σ2 = 6.25, find the 95% of confidence interval for the mean µ.
81 If the measurement of a sample mean is recorded as 216.48 with a probable error of
0.272, find the 95% confidence limits for the measurement.
82 Suppose that the CPU service time of a job is normal variate with standard deviation 1.5
sec. Find the how large a sample is to be taken in order to assert with 99% confidence that
the estimated mean service time is less than half a second of the true mean time.
83 In a sample of 200 items produced by a machine, 15 were found defective, while in a
sample of 100 items produced by another machine, 12 were found defective. Find 99%
and 99.74% confidence limits for the difference in proportions of defective items
produced by the two machines.
84 In a hospital, 230 females and 270 males were born in a year. On the basis of this
information, can the hypothesis that sexes are born in equal proportions be rejected?
85 The mean life time of sample of 150 bulbs produced by a company is computed to be
1570 hours with a standard deviation of 120 hours. Test the hypothesis that the mean
lifetime of all bulbs produced by the company is 1590 hours at 0.01 and 0.05 levels of
86 A sample of 100 electric bulbs produced by manufacturer A showed a mean lifetime of
1190 hours and a standard deviation of 90 hours. A sample of 75 bulbs produced by
manufacturer B showed a mean lifetime of 1230 hours with a standard deviation of 120
hours. Is there a difference between the mean lifetimes of the two brands at a significance
level of 0.05?
87 The mean lifetime of electric bulbs manufactured by a company has in the past been 1120
hours with a standard deviation of 125 hours. A sample of 8 bulbs chosen from supply of
newly produced bulbs showed a mean lifetime of 1070 hours. Test the hypothesis that the
mean lifetime has not changed, using a level of significance of 0.01.
88 The following table gives the marks of 10 students in two tests
Test 1 67 24 57 55 63 54 56 68 33 43
Test 2 70 38 58 58 56 67 68 75 42 38
Can we conclude that there is a difference in the performance in the two tests at 0.5
level of significance?
89 For the data given in the following table, compute :
i. Standard deviation of X, ii. Standard deviation of Y, iii. Co-variation of X and Y, and
vi. The coefficient of correlation between X and Y.
X 1 3 4 6 8 9 11 14
Y 1 2 4 4 5 7 8 9
90 Psychological tests of intelligence and computational ability were applied to ten

children. Following is the record showing intelligence ratio (I.R) and ability ratio (A.R)
. Calculate the coefficient of correlation
I.R.(x) 105 104 102 101 100 99 98 96 95 94
A.R.(y) 101 103 100 98 95 96 104 97 97 96
91 Find the coefficient of correlation and regression lines for the following data.
X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Y 10 12 16 28 25 36 41 49 40 50
92 The following table indicates the test scores of ten sales person in an intelligence test
and their weekly sales (in hundred units)
Test scores 40 70 50 60 80 50 90 40 60 60
Sales 2.5 6.0 4.5 5.0 4.5 2.0 5.5 3.0 4.5 3.0
Find the regression line of the sales on test scores and estimate the most probable
weekly sale of the sales person whose test score is 85
93 In a partially destroyed laboratory data, only the following regression equations were
available: 7X-16Y+9=0,5Y-4X-3=0.Find the coefficient of correlation between X and
94 A correlation coefficient based on a sample of size 27 was computed to be 0.40. can we
conclude at a significance level of 0.01 that the corresponding population correlation
coefficient differs from 0?
95 A correlation coefficient based on a sample of space 35 was computed to be 0.50. Can
we reject the hypothesis that the population correlation coefficient is ρ=0.70 at 0.05
significance level?
96 Define Random experiment, Sample space, Event and classical definition of probability
with example each.
97 State axioms of Probability and prove the following
i ) P( A) = 1 − P( A)
ii ) P(Φ ) = 0
iii) P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A ∩ B)
98 A box contains 75 good IC chips and 25 defective IC chips. If 12 IC chips are selected
at random, what is the probability at least one chip is defective.
99 A tea set has 4 sets of cups and saucers. Two of these sets are one color and the other
two sets are of different color. If the cups are placed at random on the saucers, what is
the probability that the no cup is on a saucer of the same color?
100 In a factory turning out optical lenses, there is a small chance of 1/500 for any one lens
to be defective. The lenses are supplied in packets of 10. Use Poisson distribution to
calculate the approximate number of packets containing no defective, one defective,
two defective, three defective lenses in a consignment of 20000 packets.
101 A systematic sample of 100 pages was taken from the concise oxford dictionary and the
observed frequency distribution of foreign words per page was found to as follows:

No. of foreign words per page (X) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Frequency 48 27 12 7 4 1 1
Calculate the expected frequencies using poisson distribution also compute variance of
fitted distribution.
102 Enumerate on the properties of normal distribution.
103 List the importance of normal distribution.
104 The per acre yield of a crop in a particular area is observed to follow a normal
distribution with mean 15 quintals and S.D of 5 quintals. Find i. The proportion of the
area yielding at least 25 quintals ii. What extend of the land under the crop can yield
between 10 and 20 quintals if the total land crop is 782 acres.
105 Find the probability that the number of heads lie in the range 185 and 220 when a fair
coin is tossed 400 times.
106 In a competitive examination, 5000 students have appeared for a paper in statistics.
Their average mark was 62 and S.D is 12. If there are 100 vacancies find the minimum
marks that one should secure to get selected against a vacancy.
107 In a normal distribution 17% of the items are below 30 and 17% of the items are above
60. Find the mean and standard deviation.
108 Fit a normal curve to the following data.
Class interval 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29
Frequency 10 22 40 21 7
109 Fit a normal curve to the data given below
Diameter in inches 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Frequency 1 6 7 11 20 10 6 5 1
110 The wage distribution of the workers in a factory is normal with mean Rs. 400 and S.D
is 50, If the wage of 40 workers be less than Rs 350, what is the total number of
workers in the factory.
111 Write short notes on one-tailed tests and two tailed tests.
112 Write a note on Degree of freedom and students “t “ distribution.
113 Define unbiased estimator, efficient estimator.
114 Discuss F distribution and F-test.


Sub Code: 06IM54 IA Marks: 25
Hrs/week: 05 Exam Hours:03
Total Lecture Hrs: 62 Exam Marks: 100

UNIT - 1
PRODUCTIVITY: Definition of productivity, individual enterprises, task of management
Productivity of materials, land, building, machine and power. Measurement of productivity, factors
affecting the productivity, productivity improvement programmes, wages and incentives (simple
numerical problems) 7 Hours
UNIT - 2
WORK STUDY: Definition, objective and scope of work study. Human factor in work study.
Work study and management, work study and supervision, work study and worker. 6 Hours
UNIT - 3
INTRODUCTION TO METHOD STUDY: Definition, objective and scope of method study,
activity recording and exam aids. Charts to record moments in shop operation – process charts, flow
process charts, travel chart and multiple activity charts.( With simple problems) 7 Hours
UNIT - 4
MICRO AND MEMO MOTION STUDY: Charts to record moment at work place – principles of
motion economy, classification of moments two handed process chart, SIMO chart, and micro
motion study. Development,definition and installation of the improved method, brief concept about
synthetic motion studies. 6 Hours
UNIT - 5
INTRODUCTION TO WORK MEASUREMENT: Definition, objective and benefit of work
measurement. Work measurement techniques. Work sampling: need, confidence levels, sample size
determinations, random observation, conducting study with the simple problems. 6 Hours
UNIT - 6
TIME STUDY: Time Study, Definition, time study equipment, selection of job, steps in time
study. Breaking jobs into elements, recording information. Rating & standard Rating, standard
performance, scale of rating, factors of affecting rate of working, allowances and standard time
determination. Predetermined motion time study – Method time measurement (MTM) 7 Hours
UNIT - 7
ERGONOMICS: Introduction, areas of study under ergonomics, system approach to ergonomics
model, man-machine system. Components of manmachine system and their functions – work
capabilities of industrial worker, study of development of stress in human body and their
consequences. computer based ergonomics 6 Hours
UNIT - 8
DESIGN OF MAN-MACHINE SYSTEM: Fatigue in industrial workers. Quantitative qualitative
representation and alphanumeric displays. Controls and their design criteria, control types, relation
between controls and displays, layouts of panels and machines. Design of work places, influence of
climate on human efficiency. Influence of noise, vibration and light. 7 Hours

1. ILO, Introduction to work study - III Revised Edition, 1981
2. Motion and Time study - Ralph M Barnes; John Wiley, 8th Edition, 1985.
3. Engineered work Measurement - Wledon, ELBS , 1991 Marvin E. Mundel- Motion and Time
study, PHI, 1st edition
1. Human Factors in Engineering Design - S Sanders and E J McCormick, 6th Edition, Mc Graw
2. Work Study and Ergonomics - S Dalela and Sourabh, – Chand Publishers, 3rd edition.
3. Industrial Engineering Hand book Maynard


Sub Code: 06IM54 I.A. Marks: 25

Hours / Week: 05 Total Hours: 2
Subject: Industrial Engineering Sem:V

Hour. No Topics to be covered

1. Introduction and definition of productivity,
2. Task of management and individual enterprises, techniques for productivity
3. Productivity of materials, land, building, machine and power
4. Factors affecting productivity and measurements of productivity
Introduction to wages objective, procedure and incentives and productivity
improvement programmes
6. Revision/Quiz/Surprise Test.
7. Definition, and scope of work study
8. Human factor in the application of work study and roles in work study
Work study and management, worker and supervisor and its influence of working
10. Introduction, definition, objectives, procedure and scope of method study
11. Selection of jobs, activity recording and exam aids
12. Different charts to record moments in shop operation and its explanation
13. Revision/Quiz/Surprise Test.
14. Process chart symbols and operation process chart with problems
15. Flow process chart of man type, material type and equipment type
16. Flow and handling of materials and developing a new layout
17. Handling of materials and making correct choice of handling equipment
18. Travel chart and multiple activity chart and its related problems
19. Principles and purpose of charts to record moment at work place.
20. Revision/Quiz/Surprise Test.
21. Classification of moments with two-handed process chart.
SIMO chart and micro motion study, movements and principles of motion
23. Development, definition and installation of improved methods
Brief concept about synthetic motion studies and classification of various
25. Use of films in method analysis and other recording techniques
26. Introduction, definition, purpose and objectives of work measurement
27. Revision/Quiz/Surprise Test.
28. Techniques and procedures of work measurement techniques
29. Basic concepts, definition and procedure of work sampling
Need, confidence levels, sample size determinations and random observations of
work measurement
31. Conducting study with simple problems and errors and use of work sampling
32. Definition and forms of time study and time study equipment
33. Different selection of jobs and steps in time study.
34. Revision/Quiz/Surprise Test.
35. Breaking jobs into elements and recording information
36. Steps and classification of elements in time study
37. Determination of sample size and timing elements by stop watch
38. Standard performance, rating and standard rating
39. Various scales of rating and factors affecting rate of working
40. Allowances and standard time determination.
41. Revision/Quiz/Surprise Test.
42. Predetermined motion time study and method time measurement
43. Introduction and definition of ergonomics, and areas of study under ergonomics
44. System approach to various ergonomics model
Discussion of man-machine system and components of man-machine system and
their functions
46. Various work capabilities of industrial worker
47. Study of development of stress in human body and their consequences
48. Revision/Quiz/Surprise Test.
49. A case study on ergonomics
50. Fatigue in Industrial workers.
51. Quantitative, qualitative representation and alphanumeric displays,
52. Controls and their design criteria
53. Control types and their forms
54. Relation between controls and displays
55. Revision/Quiz/Surprise Test.
56. Layouts of panels and machines
57. Design of work place and its layouts with specification
58. Influence of climate on human efficiency
59. Influence of Noise and its adverse effects on environment
60. Influence of Vibration & Light on employees in organization
61. Revision/Quiz/Surprise Test.
62. Revision/Quiz/Surprise Test.


01 Productivity and mention the benefits of higher productivity

02 Explain the productivity of land, buildings, machines and manpower.
03 What are the factors contributing to productivity improvement?
04 Sketch and explain the various tasks of a manager
05 Determine how productivity can be improved by reducing work
06 Define Work Study and explain its basic procedure
07 What are the prerequisites of conducting work-study?
08 What are the roles of management and supervisor in work-study?
09 What are the factors affecting working conditions?
10 How does noise and vibration affect the working conditions?
11 What are the factors considered for the arrangement of working time in work place?
12 Define method study and its procedures
13 Explain the factors involved in the selection of job
14 With notations explain the various process chart symbols
15 What are the primary and secondary questions involved in method study?
16 Mention the various methods of determining space requirements
17 What is cross-chart? Where is it used?
18 Is handling of materials necessary? If so, why?
19 Explain the various handling equipments and their area of usage
20 Differentiate between flow process chart - man type and material type
21 Give the importance of travel chart and multiple activity chart
22 State and explain the principles of motion economy.
23 What are the various classification of movements
24 Define two handed process chart and points required for compiling THPC.
25 What is micro motion study, explain its importance
26 Sketch the various Therblig’s symbols, with its abbreviations.
27 How is any new improved method maintained in work-study?
28 What is work measurement and describe the various purpose involved.
29 What are the basic procedure and techniques of work measurement?
30 Define work sampling and explain its basic concepts.
31 What are the various procedure of work sampling
32 What are the various procedures for selecting random observation and describe the
methods for determining sample size.
33 Give an example for conducting work-sampling study.
34 What are the time study equipments and forms
35 How is a job and worker selected for time study
36 Explain the basic steps for conducting time study
37 What are the timing elements of stopwatch?
38 Explain the standard rating and standard performance of a qualified worker
39 How is the comparison of the observed rate of working done with the standard
40 What are the factors affecting the rate of working?
41 How is rating factors recorded?
42 How is a study summary sheet prepared?

43 What are the numbers of elements and cycles to be considered in time study?
44 What are relaxation allowances and how is it calculated?
45 What are the various allowances considered in time study?
46 The observed time is recorded to be 15 minutes for a job done by a worker whose rating is
80. Following allowances are recommended by the management –
i. Personal needs allowance - 5% of basic time
ii. Basic fatigue allowance - 2% of basic time
iii. Contingency work allowance - 1% of basic time
vi. Contingency delay allowance - 2% of basic time
Determine basic time, work content and standard time for the job.
47 How is the standard time and cycle time determined in setting time standards?
48 How is interference allowance different from other allowances?
49 What are the concepts of restricted work and cycle time?
50 Explain the basic definitions pertaining to a man – machine system
51 What are the advantages and different forms of PTS systems?
52 List the applications of PTS system
53 How is a standard data developed?
54 How is PTS system used for developing standard data?
55 Explain the technical set-up and work specification of time standard.
56 List and explain the various uses of time standard.
57 Define ergonomics and discuss the factors of ergonomics.
58 Sketch and explain the three major functions of ergonomics.
59 What are the characteristics of man-machine system?
60 What are the various classification of man- machine systems? Explain.
61 Differentiate the various features between man and machine in ergonomics.
62 Explain the design of displays and controls.
63 What are the major factors considered for the designing of working environment?
64 How is fatigue eliminated by motion time study (MTS)?
65 Plot a graph of heart beat V/s clothe wear and state its features.
66 How are links used as indexes of interrelationships?
67 What are the quantitative solutions to arrangement problems?
68 What are the various visual components and hand controls?
69 Why controls requiring forces used?
70 How is specific arrangement of components done in ergonomics?
71 What are the external guidelines for designing individual workplaces?
72 How is hearing loss caused by continuous and non- continuous noise?
73 What are the effects of noise on performance and how is noise problem handled?
74 What are the effects of whole body vibration on performance?
75 Explain the psychological effects of weightlessness.
76 How does acceleration of body effect the performance?
77 What are the body changes caused by heat during thermal adjustmen?
78 What are the factors effecting heat exchange?
79 Sketch the various illumination standards.
80 Explain the influence of climate on human efficiency.
81 List the layouts of panels and machines used in man-machine systems.

82 Explain the factor affecting productivity
83 Explain the human resources
84 Explain the productivity measurement system
85 Explain the advantages of work study
86 Explain the process chart symbols
87 Explain the flow diagram
88 Discus about the string diagram
89 Explain the rules concerning human body
90 Explain the rules concerning time conservation
91 Explain the stop watch time study
92 Discus the process allowances
93 What is the standard data
94 Briefly explain the method study
95 Discus about work factor in work study
96 Explain the work sampling
97 Explain the work place layout
98 Why working environment should be good
99 Discus the ergonomics
100 Briefly Explain the method study procedure

06IM55 – CAD / CAM

Sub Code: 06IM55 IA Marks: 25
Hrs/week: 05 Exam Hours:03
Total Lecture Hrs: 62 Exam Marks: 100

1. Introduction: Role of computers in design and manufacturing. Influence of computers in

manufacturing environment. Product cycle in conventional and computerized manufacturing
environment. Introduction to CAD, Introduction to CAM. Advantages and disadvantages of
CAD and CAM 03 hrs

Hardware for CAD: Basic Hardware structure. Working principles, usage and types of
hardware for CAD – Input devices. Output devices, memory, and CPU, hardcopy and storage
devices. 04hrs

2. Computer Graphics: Software configuration of a graphic system.

Functions of graphics Package. Construction of Geometry. Wire frame and solid modeling.
CAD/CAM integration. Desirable modeling facilities. Introduction to exchange of modeling
data – Basic features of IGES, STEP, DXF, DMIS. 06 hrs

3. Introduction to Finite Element analysis: Introduction, Basic concepts, discretization, element

types, nodes and degrees of freedom mesh generation, constraints, loads, preprocessing, and
application to static analysis. 06 hrs

4. NC, CNN, DNC Technologies: NC, CNC, DNC modes, NC elements, advantages and
limitations of NC, CNC. Functions of computer in DNC 06 hrs
5. CNC Machine Tools: Turning tools geometry, milling tooling systems, tool presetting, ATC
work holding. CNC machine tools, Overview of different CNC machining centers, CNC turning
centers, high speed machine tools. 07 hrs

6. CNC programming: Part program fundamentals – steps involved in development of a part

program. Manual part programming, milling, turning, turning center programming. 08 hrs

7. APT PROGRAMMING: APT Programming in drilling, milling and turning with problems
Materials. Stress concentration, Determination of Stress concentration factor 06 hrs

8.Introduction to robotics: Introduction, robot configuration, robot motion, programming of

robots, end effectors, work cell, control and interlock, robot sensor, robot applications.
06 hrs

Suggested Text Books:

1. CAD/CAM Principles and Applications by P.N. Rao, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002
2. CAD/CAM by Mikell P-Groover, Emory W. Zimrners Jr Pearson Education Inc, 2003


1. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics - Newman and Sproull, Tata McGraw Hill, 1995

2. NC Machine programming & software Design -Chno-Hwachang, Michel.A. Melkanoff,

Prentice Hall, 1989.

3. Computer Graphics - Steven Harrington, McGraw Hill Book Co.

4. CAD/CAM -Ibrahim Zeid, Tat McGraw Hill, 1999

5. Computer Aided Manufacturing - P.N. Rao, N.K. Tewari and T.K. Kundra Tata McGraw Hill
6. Introduction to FEM- T Chandra Patta Ashok D Bebgundu, 2002

7. Computer Graphics - Pradeep K Bhatia, I K International Publishing house Pvt. Ltd.

8. Basic Computer Aided Geometric Design - Ganesh. M – I. K. International, New Delhi - 2008


Sub Code: 06IM55 I.A. Marks: 25

Hours / Week: 05 Total Hours: 62
Subject: CAD/CAM Sem:V

Hour. No Topics to be covered

1. Role of computers in design and manufacturing. Influence of computers in
manufacturing environment
2. Product cycle in conventional and computerized manufacturing environment
3. Introduction to CAD & CAM. Advantages (benefits) and disadvantages of CAD
and CAM
4. Introduction to computer and its Basic structure – generations, types, computer
languages, data representation
5. Introduction to Memory, Main memory, Auxiliary memory, Cache memory –
RAM, ROM, CD-ROM, Magnetic disks
6. Revision/quiz/surprise test.
7. Computer registers and it functions
8. Input devices – key board, mouse, touch screens, light pen, joy stick, track balls,
digitizer, tablet
9. Out put devices – Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) display (Stroke writing display and
Raster scan display), Plasma panel display, Liquid crystal display (LCD)
10. Hard copy devices – Graphical printers, plotters, photographic devices
11. Introduction to computer graphics, software configuration of a graphic system
12. Revision/quiz/surprise test.
13. Functions of graphics package, construction of geometry
14. Introduction to geometric modeling – wire frame and solid modeling
15. CAD/CAM integration, desirable modeling facilities.
16. Introduction to exchange of modeling data – basic features of IGES, STEP, DXF,
17. Introduction to finite element analysis, basic concepts.
18. Revision/quiz/surprise test.
19. Discretisation, element types – triangular, rectangular, polynomial
20. Nodes and degrees of freedom, mesh generation on models
21. Constraints, loads, pre-processing, processing, post-processing
22. Application to static analysis
23. Simple exercices on finite element analysis
24. Revision/quiz/surprise test.
25. Introduction to Numerical Control (NC) – its basic components (elements), trends
and new developments in NC and advanced NC systems.
26. Advantages and limitations of NC, NC motion control systems, NC coordinates systems –
fixed zero and floating zero – absolute positioning and incremental positioning
27. Introduction to Computer Numerical Control (CNC) and its functions. Advantages of
28. Introduction to Direct Numerical Control (DNC) and its functions – advantages
29. Introduction to CNC tooling, Turning tool geometry
30. Revision/quiz/surprise test.
31. Milling tooling system and its factions
32. Tool presetting, Automatic Tool changers (ATC)
33. Work holding devices for different types of machines
34. Introduction to CAM programming, overview of different CNC milling centers
35. Overview of different CNC turning centers
36. Revision/quiz/surprise test.
37. High speed machine tools, MCE
38. Introduction CNC programming – punched tap in NC, tape coding and format
39. NC part programming languages
40. Introduction to Manual part programming (MPP) and steps involved in wring part
41. Exercises on MPP – turning
42. Revision/quiz/surprise test.
43. Exercises on MPP – milling
44. Exercises on MPP – drilling
45. Computer assisted part programming (CAPP)– part programmer’s job and
computer’s job
46. Types of part programming languages in CAPP – APT language – geometry
47. Motion statements – auxiliary statements – processing statements
48. Revision/quiz/surprise test.
49. Exercises on APT language
50. Turning center programming
51. NC programming with interactive graphics, Advantages of CAD/CAM in NC part
52. Introduction to Robotics – different types of configuration, basic robot motions
53. Robot anatomy – joints, links, pitch, yawn, degrees of freedom
54. Revision/quiz/surprise test.
55. Important technical features in robots such as work volume, precision of
movement, speed of movement, weight-carrying capacity
56. Types of drive systems – Accuracy and repeatability of robot motion.
57. Programming of robots – different types of programming methods used in robots.
Robot programming languages – lead through programming, offline programming
58. End effectors – types of end effectors and applications, advantages and
disadvantages of each and end effectors, tools as end effectors
59. Robotic sensors, categories of sensors – application of sensors.
60. Work cell, control and interlock
61. Robot applications – general considerations in robot applications- application
areas for industrial robots like material transfer, welding, loading etc.,
62. Revision/quiz/surprise test.


01 What is the function of CAD? Mention important benefits of CAD.

02 Explain CAM.
03 Explain the product cycle.
04 How manufacturing database is created? What are the two basic approaches of solid
modeling? Explain.
05 What is the basic structure of digital computer? Discuss.
06 What is computer register? Explain the functions of these registers.
07 Explain the following terms: Raster Scan, Application software, CSG modeling, Host
satellite computer
08 Discuss the Data Representation.
09 Explain in brief with sketch the hardware component of CAD system.
10 Compare “Wire frame “ and “Solid modeling” graphics systems used in CAD
11 Briefly explain the fundamental reasons for implementing computer aided design system.
12 Explain with block diagram how the various design related tasks are performed by the
modern CAD system.
13 Briefly explain the fundamental reasons for implementing computer aided design system.
14 What is the programmable controller? What are the functions of programmable
15 What are the advantages of programmable controller?
16 Explain the CAD system.
17 What is the application of computers for design.
18 Describe the principle of working of a CRT.
19 What are the important output devices used in CAD?
20 How do you classify modeling package?
21 Compare 2D and 3d wire frame models.
22 What is a database ? What are the objectives of Database?
23 What are the advantages and disadvantages of Database?
24 Explain different types of modelers.
25 Explain DXF, DMIS, STEP and IGES.
26 Explain the construction of Geometry.
27 What are the four classes of data in manufacturing?
28 What is FEM.
29 Explain pre-processor, processor and post-processor in FEM.
30 Explain Nodes and selection of nodes.
31 Explain the discrimination of elements in FEM.
32 What is Numerical control? What are the applications of NC.
33 What are the Basic components of NC? Explain.
34 Discuss the Coordinate System and Machine Motions in NC.
35 What are the different types of NC systems? Explain.
36 Explain the component of MCU and their function.
37 State the various characteristics of jobs for which NC is most appropriate.
38 Explain accuracy and repeatability.
39 Explain with block diagram the various component of NC production system.

40 Explain the feature of a contouring NC system. How does it differ from a straight NC
41 What is a punched tape? How instructions are formed.
42 What are the different types of tape formats used in NC.
43 What are the different types of NC words used in the formation of a block?
44 Explain the Manual part programming.
45 Explain with a neat sketch the computer’s job in CAPP.
46 Discuss briefly the various programming methods used in NC system.
47 Explain the APT language. What are the different types of statements in the APT
48 Write a manual part programming for different shapes.
49 Write a APT language for different shapes.
50 Explain following terms: i. CNC and DNC ii. MACRO iii. Check Surface vi. Drive
Surface v. Part surface
51 What are the strategies used in adaptive control? Explain briefly.
52 Explain the controlling surface of a cutter in a contouring motion.
53 Explain the following: i. Manual Data Input ii. NC Part Programming Using CAD/CAM
iii. Computer-Automated Part Programming
54 What are the problems with conventional NC?
55 Explain the two types of DNC with sketches and advantages of DNC?
56 Explain the CNC control features.
57 Explain with a sketch a typical adaptive control machining system that uses cutter force as
the measured process variable.
58 Briefly discuss the part programmer and computer job in computer assisted part
59 Explain different types of work holding and tool holding devices used in NC machines.
60 Explain ATC.
61 Explain the different types of working centers used in different NC machines.
62 What is an Industrial Robot? Explain different types of Industrial Robot Joints and links
with neat sketch.
63 Discuss the different types of robot configurations with sketches.
64 Explain the Robot control systems.
65 Explain the following Robot technical features: i. Work Volume ii. Precision of
movement iii. Speed of movement vi. Weight carrying capacity v. Drive system vi.
66 What are end effectors? What are most common grasping methods used in robot grippers?
67 What are the different types of sensors used in robotics? Explain.
68 What is work cell control and interlocks?
69 Explain the following: Lead through Programming, Off-line programming
70 Explain the Robot languages.
71 What are the characteristics of Robot applications?
72 Explain difference between the powered lead through programming and manual lead through
73 Explain the Robot cell design.
74 Discuss the application areas for Industrial robots.


Sub Code: 06IM56 IA Marks: 25
Hrs/week: 05 Exam Hours:03
Total Lecture Hrs: 62 Exam Marks: 100

DESIGN FOR STATIC STRENGTH: Design considerations: Codes and Standards, Static
strength; Static loads and factor of safety; Theories of failure -Maximum normal stress theory,
maximum shear stress theory, Distortion energy theory; Failure of brittle materials, Failure of
ductile materials. Stress concentration, Determination of Stress concentration factor. Combined
Stress concentration factor. 07 Hrs
DESIGN FOR FATIGUE STRENGTH: Introduction, S -N diagram, Low cycle fatigue, High
cycle fatigue, Endurance limit. Modifying factors -size effect, surface effect, Stress concentration
effects; Fluctuating stresses, Fatigue strength under fluctuating stresses, Goodman and Soderberg
relationship; Stresses due to combined loading, cumulative fatigue damage. 06 Hrs
JOINTS AND COUPLING: Design of rigid flange coupling & Bushed pin type flexible
coupling. Cotter and Knuckle joints. 06 Hrs
DESIGN OF SHAFTS: Torsion of shafts, design for strength & rigidity, with steady loading,
ASME & BIS codes for design of transmission shafting, shafts under fluctuating loads and
combined loads 07 Hrs

DESIGN OF GEARS: Introduction to Spur, Helical & Bevel gears. Design of spur gear,
stresses in gear tooth, Lewis equation, form factor- dynamic and wear load. 06 Hrs
MECHANICAL JOINTS: Riveted Joints -Types, rivet materials, Failures of Riveted joints,
Efficiency, Welded Joints -Types, Strength of butt and fillet welds. 07 Hrs

DESIGN OF SPRINGS: Types of springs -stresses in Coil springs of circular and non circular
cross sections. Tension and compression springs. Stress in Leaf springs (Simple problems).
06 Hrs
LUBRICATION AND BEARINGS: Mechanisms of Lubrication -Viscosity, bearing modulus,
coefficient of friction, minimum oil film thickness-Heat Generated, Heat dissipated, bearing
materials, lubricants and properties. Examples of journal bearing and thrust bearing design, Ball
and Roller Bearings: Bearing life, equivalent bearing load, selection of bearings of different
types. 07 Hrs
1. Mechanical Engineering Design -Joseph Edward Shigley, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 1986
2. Machine Design -.VL. Maleev and Hartman, CBS Publishers & Distribution, Delhi, 1983 .

Design Data Hand Books :
1. Design Data Hand Book, K. Mahadevan and Balaveera Reddy , CBS Publication.
2. Design Data Hand Book Vol.l & Vol.2 -Dr. K. Lingaiah, Suma Publications, Bangalore.
3. Design Data Hand Book -Prof. H. a. Patil, Shri Shastri Prakashan, Belgaum.
1. Machine design -Robert .L. , Norton -Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, 2001
2. Theory and Problems of Machine Design, Hall, Holowinko, Laughlin, -Schaums Outline
Series, 2002
3. Elements of Machine Design -N. C. Pandey and C. S. Shah, 2002 -Chorotar Publishing
4. Design of Machine Elements -V. B. Bahandri, -Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New
5. Machine Component & Design -William Orthwan, Jaico Publishing Co.
6. Fundamentals of Design -Benerad J Hamrock, Bo -Jacobson & Steven R. Schmid.
7. Fundamentals of Machine Design Component -Robert C. Juvinall and Kurt M. Marshek
-John & sons
8. Machine Design -R. K. Jain , Khanna Publications, New Delhi.


Sub Code: 06IM56 I.A. Marks: 25

Hours / Week: 05 Total Hours: 62
Subject: Design Of Machine Elements Sem: V

Hour. No Topics to be covered

1. Syllabus, Scheme of examination, Textbooks and Reference books.
2. Design considerations: Codes and Standards
3. Strength; Static loads and factor of safety
4. Theories of failure -Maximum normal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory

5. Maximum shear stress theory, Distortion energy theory

6. Exercises
7. Failure of brittle materials, Failure of ductile materials
8. Stress concentration, Determination of Stress concentration factor. Combined
Stress concentration factor
9. Introduction, S -N diagram, Low cycle fatigue, High cycle fatigue,
10. Endurance limit. Modifying factors -size effect.
11. Stress concentration effects; Fluctuating stresses,
12. Exercises
13. Fatigue strength under fluctuating stresses, Goodman and Soderberg
14. Stresses due to combined loading
15. Stresses due to combined loading
16. Introduction, Design of rigid flange coupling.
17. Design of rigid flange coupling problems.
18. Exercises
19. Bushed pin type flexible coupling .
20. Bushed pin type flexible coupling problems
21. Cotter and Knuckle joints.
22. Cotter and Knuckle joints problems.
23. Torsion of shafts
24. Exercises
25. design for strength & rigidity with steady loading,

26. ASME & BIS codes for design of transmission shafting

27. shafts under fluctuating loads and combined loads

28. Shaft Design problems

29. Shaft Design problems.
30. Exercises
31. Shaft Design problems

32. Introduction to Spur, Helical & Bevel gears
33. Design of spur gear
34. Stresses in gear tooth, Lewis equation
35. Form factor- dynamic and wear load.
36. Exercises
37. Gear Design problems.
38. Gear Design problems –
39. Riveted Joints -Types, rivet materials.
40. Failures of Riveted joints, Efficiency

41. Welded Joints -Types,

42. Exercises
43. Strength of butt and fillet welds
44. Riveted joints design problems.
45. Riveted joints design problems. Welded joints design problems
46. Welded joints design problems
47. Introduction of springs, Types of springs
48. Exercises
49. Stresses in Coil springs of circular and non-circular cross sections.
50. Tension and compression springs.
51. Stress in Leaf springs.
52. Design problems
53. Design problems
54. Exercises
55. Mechanisms of Lubrication -Viscosity, bearing modulus,
56. Coefficient of friction, minimum oil film thickness-Heat Generated, Heat
dissipated, bearing
57. Materials, lubricants and properties
58. Examples of journal bearing and thrust bearing design,
59. Roller Bearings: Bearing life, equivalent bearing load, selection of bearings of
different types.
60. Design problems.
61. Design problems
62. Design problems


01 Explain the maximum shear stress theory and maximum strain theory
02 A bolt is subjected to a tensile load of 20 kn and to a shear load of 15 kn .suggest a
suitable size of the bolt according to various theories of failure .take yield stress
=300N/mm2 ,n=2.5 .v=.25
03 Define static loading and dynamic loading
A machine component is subjected to varying bending stress ranging from 250 N/mm2
tension to 100 N/mm2 compression. Determine the ultimate strength required for the
material using soderberg, Goodman and gerber relations.


Calculate the life of a circular shaft subjected to a completely reversed bending stress of
390 N/mm2 .the material of the shaft is C 45.


A circular bar of length 600 mm is supported at its is acted upon by a concentrated
cyclic load at its centre which varies from 20 KN to 50 KN .if the factor of safety is 1.5,
surface finish factor is 0.9 and the size effect is 0.85,find the diameter of the bar. The
ultimate strength of the bar is 650 N /mm2, yield strength is 500 N/mm2 and endurance
strength is 350N/mm2.

A mild steel shaft has transmit 80 KW at 200 rpm .the allowable shear stress in the shaft
is limited to 45 N/mm2 .allowable shear stress for key material is 45 N/mm2 ,crushing
stress for bolt and key is 160 N/mm2 ,shear stress for cast iron = 8 N/mm2 ,design and
draw a cast iron flange coupling of protected type .

A bushed pin type flange coupling is to be designed to transmit 25 KW at a speed of
1000 rpm .the following permissible stresses are used : shear stress for the shafts and
keys -55 N/mm2 ,shear stress for the pin 28 N/ mm2 ,and crushing stress for the key 100
09 Design a cotter joint to transmit a load of 120 KN in tension or compression. assume tensile
stress =85 N/mm2 ,shear stress 70 N/mm2,compression stress =165 N/mm2
Design a spindle for a milling machine .maximum power transmitted is 5 KW at 1000 rpm
.angle of twist per meter length of spindle should not exceed 0.25. Material used is 20 Mn
2. take G =0.8 X 10 5 N/mm2
A hollow shaft of 600 mm outside diameter and 400 mm inside diameter is used to drive a
propeller of a marine vessel. the shaft is supported on bearings 6 m apart and transmits
5000 KW at 150 rpm .maximum axial propeller thrust is 500 KN .shaft weighs 75 KN.
maximum shear stress developed and angular twist between bearings
A solid shaft transmits a torque of 800 Nm at a shearing stress of 25 N/ mm2. Determine
the wall thickness of a hollow shaft having an inside diameter equal to that of the solid
shaft that can transmit the given torque at the same maximum stress.
In an axial flow rotary compressor, the shaft is subjected to a maximum torque of 1500 Nm
and maximum bending moment of 3000 Nm.neglating the axial load on the compressor
shaft ,determine the diameter of the shaft .assume that the load is applied gradually .the
shear stress in the shaft is limited to 50 N/MM2. also design a hollow shaft for the above
compressor taking inner diameter as 0.4 times the outer diameter .what is the percentage of
material saving in hollow shaft?

A steel shaft transmits 15 KW AT 500 rpm .it is supported on two bearings 800 mm apart
and has two gears keyed to it .the pinion having 30 teeth of 5 mm module is located 120
mm to the left of the right hand bearings and delivers power horizontally to the right .the
gear having 100 teeth of 5mm module is located ,150 mm to the right of the left hand
bearing and receives power (ccw viewed from the left end ) from below .determine the
diameter of the shaft.

A machinery shaft is to transmit 65 KW at 1200 rpm with mild shock .the shaft is subjected
to an axial load of 85 KN and maximum bending moment of 1000 Nm.the shaft is
supported at intervals of 2.5 m.take C 45 as the shaft material and determine the diameter
of the shaft neglecting keyway.

16 a. Write a note on interference in gears
b. A pair of Spur gears is to transmit 20 kW when the pinion rotates at 300 r.p.m. The
velocity ratio is 1: 3. The allowable static stresses for the pinion and gear materials are
120 MPa and 100 MPa respectively. The pinion has 15 teeth and its face width is 14
times the module. Determine a) module ; b) face width ; and c) pitch circle diameters
of both pinion and gears from standpoint of strength only, considering the dynamic
loading effect only, given that :
Tooth form factor Y = 0.154 −
No.of .teeth
Velocity factor C v = where v is mtrs /sec
17 In a spur gear A 11KW motor running at 1450rpm drives a shaft trough a pair of spur gears
with a velocity ratio is 4.5:1. Forged steel SAE 1045 pinion and CI gear are specified.
Design the gear and check for the dynamic and heat load considerations
18 a. Derive an expression for beam strength of a spur gear tooth (Lewis equation) using
standard notations. State the assumptions under which this equation is valid
b. It is desired to transmit 11 kW from a motor shaft rotating at 1440rpm to a low speed
shaft with a speed reduction of 3:1. Single stage spur gear drive is employed for this
purpose. The gear teeth are 200 FDI. Pinion has 25 teeth. Starting torque is 50% higher
than running torque. Both the pinion and gear are made of heat treated steel with a
maximum allowable stress of 210Mpa. Design the suitable spur gear drive from the
point of view of dynamic and wear strength
19 a. Derive an expression for the load carrying capacity of helical gear tooth.
b. Determine the module and face width of a helical gear tooth for a helical gear pair to
transmit a power of 25KW from a shaft rotating at a speed of 1500rpm to a parallel
shaft to be 360rpm maintaining a center distances of 180mm
20 a. Explain clearly the meaning of formative number of teeth as referred to bevel gear.
b. A pair of bevel gear is required to transmit 30 kW at 500 rpm. The output shaft is
running at 200 rpm and is at right angles to input shaft. The gears are of 200 involute
stub teeth. The pinion is cast steel; the safe static strength is 142 MPa. The gear is of
cast iron, whose static strength is 71 MPa . Design the gear drive.
21 Design a worm drive to connect two shafts 300 mm apart and to transmit 10 kW. The
transmission ratio is 20:1 and worm shaft is to make 400 rpm. The lead angle is to be within
200. The worm is made of hardened steel (σ0 = 210 MPa) and worm gear of phosphor
bronze (σ0 = 105 MPa). Determine the probable temperature to which the gears may be
heated and the efficiency.
22 A pair of straight bevel gears has a velocity ratio of 2:1. The pitch circle diameter of the
pinion is 80 mm. 5kW power is supplied to the pinion, which rotates at 800 rpm. The
pressure angle is 200. Design the gears.
23 Design a worm gear drive to transmit a power of 2kW at 1000 rpm. The speed ratio is 20
and the center distance is 200 mm.
24 Explain self-locking as referred to worm gear drive. b) Design a worm gear reducer to
transmit 7.5 kW at 100 rpm. The input speed from the motor is 1500rpm. Calculate the
efficiency of the drive

25 A full journal bearing of 50mm dai. And 100mm long has a bearing pressure of 1.4Mpa.
Speed of journal is 900rpm and ratio of journal dai. To the diametrical clearance is 1000.
The bearing is lubricated with oil whose observed viscosity at operating temperature of 75
degree C may be taken as 0.011Kg/m-s. The temperature is 35 degree C. find the amount of
artificial cooli8ng required and mass of lubricating oil required, if the difference between
the outlet and inlet temperature of oil is 10degreeC. Take Sp. Heat of oil as
26 A 150mm dai shaft runs at 1500rpm, supporting a load of 10KN. The shaft runs in a
bearing of length 1.5 times the shaft dai. The clearing ratio is 0.015. The absolute viscosity
of the oil is 11cp. At its operating temperature, find the power lost in friction.
27 Determine the dimension of the bearing and journal to support a load of 6KN at 750rpm
using hardened steel journal and bronze backed babit bearing. An abundance of oil
provided which has a specific gravity of 0.95 at 15.50 C and viscosity of 9.5centistrokes at
820C that may be taken to the limiting temperature of oil. Assume a clearance of 0.001mm
per mm of diameter is allowed.
28 Derive Petroffs equation for the co-efficient of friction in a lightly loaded bearing
29 A shaft running at 600 rpm is supported in a bearing of 60mm dai and 60mm long. The
viscosity of oil is 0.014Pa s and the temperature of oil is 1100C. The radial clearance is
0.03mm. Determine temperature of still air in the bearing if there is no external cooling is
provided. The temperature of still air in the room is 200C
30 A journal bearing is to be design for the main bearing of a four-stroke oil engine to sustain a
load of 50KN for shaft diameter of 50mm. The engine runs at speed of 1500rpm determine
i. The length and diameter of the bearing
ii. Viscosity of oil to be used as lubricant, hence suggest a suitable oil
iii. The co-efficient of friction of the bearing and the heat generated.
31 Design the journal bearing for a centrifugal pump from the following data. Load on the
journal=10KN, speed on the journal=900rpm, Ambient temperature=150C.
32 A 40BC03(SKF6308) single- row, deep groove ball bearing, which is to operate at 80 rpm
is acted on by a 8KN radial load and 6KN thrust load. The outer ring rotates, and the
bearing is subjected to light shock. Determine the rating and median life of the bearing in
33 Select a single- row, deep groove ball bearing to carry a radial load of 4KN, and a thrust
load 5KN operating speed of 1200rpm, for an average life of 15years at 10 hours per day.
Assume there are 250 working days per year. The loads are steady and the outer ring
Design a riveted joint for the longitudinal and circumferential seam of a boiler 2.1 m in
diameter to withstand a pressure of 1 N/mm2 . the ultimate strength of the the plate material
is 380N/mm2 and a FS of 5 is recommended .permissible stress in the shearing of rivets is
60 N/mm2 and in crushing 100 N/mm2..

A bracket is riveted to a column by rivets of equal size and loaded as shown in fig .if the
35 maximum shear stress is limited to 65 N/mm2 find the diameter of the rivet .

Design a closed coil helical spring for a service load ranging from 2250N to 2757N. The
axial deflection for the load range is 6mm, assume the spring index=5, permissible shear
36 stress is 420Mpa and modulus of rigidity is 840Gpa. Neglect the effect of stress

A helical spring is used in a pressure relief valve. The spring is preloaded to relieve the
pressure at 5Mpa. The diameter of the valve is 20mm. The spring has to undergo a
deformation of 3mm to allow for fluid flow, the additional force caused due to this should
37 not exceed 10% of the force required to relieve the pressure. The material for the spring is
hot drawn wire having an elastic strength of 520Mpa.Under torsion. Take a factor of safety
of 1.5 and determine all the dimension of the spring if the diameter of the spring is not to
exceed 10mm
Design a valve spring of a petrol engine for the following operating conditions:
Spring load when valve is open = 400N
Spring load when valve is closed = 250N
38 Max. Inside dai. Of spring = 25mm
Length of spring when valve is open = 40mm
Length of spring when valve is closed = 50mm
Max strength = 400Mpa
Design a helical spring for a safety valve. The valve must blow off at a pressure of 1.2 MPa
and should lift by 3mm for 5% increase in pressure. The valve diameter is 60mm. The max
allowable shear stress is 400MN/m2 and the modulus of rigidity is 2.7X103MN/m2 take the
39 spring index as 8

a. Explain equalizing the stresses in leaf springs

b.A semi elliptic leaf spring used for automobile suspension consists of three full-length
leaves and 15 graduated leaves including the master leaf. The center distance between the
40 two eyes of the spring is 1m. The maximum force that acts on the spring is 75kN. The ratio
of width to thickness is 9:1 the modulus of rigidity is 80 Gpa. The leaves are pre-stressed in
such a way that the force is maximum the stress induced in the spring is 450Mpa. Determine
1) the width and thickness of the leaves 2) The initial gap 3) The load required

41 A journal bearing is to be design for the main bearing of a four-stroke oil engine to sustain a
load of 40KN for shaft diameter of 50mm. The engine runs at speed of 2000rpm determine
iv. The length and diameter of the bearing
v. Viscosity of oil to be used as lubricant, hence suggest a suitable oil
vi. The co-efficient of friction of the bearing and the heat generated.
Design the journal bearing for a centrifugal pump from the following data. Load on the
journal=18KN, speed on the journal=500rpm, Ambient temperature=130C.


A 40BC03(SKF6308) single- row, deep groove ball bearing, which is to operate at 100 rpm
is acted on by a 6KN radial load and 8KN thrust load. The outer ring rotates, and the
bearing is subjected to light shock. Determine the rating and median life of the bearing in


Select a single- row, deep groove ball bearing to carry a radial load of 4KN, and a thrust
load 7KN operating speed of 1200rpm, for an average life of 15years at 10 hours per day.
Assume there are 250 working days per year. The loads are steady and the outer ring


Design a riveted joint for the longitudinal and circumferential seam of a boiler 2.1 m in
diameter to withstand a pressure of 10 N/mm2 . the ultimate strength of the the plate
material is 380N/mm2 and a FS of 5 is recommended .permissible stress in the shearing of
rivets is 80 N/mm2 and in crushing 100 N/mm2..

A bracket is riveted to a column by rivets of equal size and loaded as shown in fig .if the
46 maximum shear stress is limited to 85 N/mm2 find the diameter of the rivet .

Design a closed coil helical spring for a service load ranging from 2250N to 2500N. The
axial deflection for the load range is 6mm, assume the spring index=5, permissible shear
47 stress is 320Mpa and modulus of rigidity is 840Gpa. Neglect the effect of stress

A helical spring is used in a pressure relief valve. The spring is preloaded to relieve the
pressure at 5Mpa. The diameter of the valve is 15mm. The spring has to undergo a
deformation of 3mm to allow for fluid flow, the additional force caused due to this should
48 not exceed 10% of the force required to relieve the pressure. The material for the spring is
hot drawn wire having an elastic strength of 520Mpa.Under torsion. Take a factor of safety
of 1.5 and determine all the dimension of the spring if the diameter of the spring is not to
exceed 8mm
Design a valve spring of a petrol engine for the following operating conditions:
Spring load when valve is open = 300N
Spring load when valve is closed = 150N
49 Max. Inside day. Of spring = 25mm
Length of spring when valve is open = 40mm
Length of spring when valve is closed = 50mm
Max strength = 400Mpa
Design a helical spring for a safety valve. The valve must blow off at a pressure of 1.2 MPa
and should lift by 5mm for 5% increase in pressure. The valve diameter is 60mm. The max
allowable shear stress is 400MN/m2 and the modulus of rigidity is 2.7X103MN/m2 take the
50 spring index as 7

A semi elliptic leaf spring used for automobile suspension consists of three full-length leaves
and 15 graduated leaves including the master leaf. The center distance between the two eyes
51 of the spring is 1.5m. The maximum force that acts on the spring is 75kN. The ratio of width
to thickness is 9:1 the modulus of rigidity is 70 Gpa. The leaves are pre-stressed in such a
way that the force is maximum the stress induced in the spring is 350Mpa. Determine 1) the
width and thickness of the leaves 2) The initial gap 3) The load required

Sub Code 06IML57 IA Marks 25
Hrs/ Week 03 Exam Hours 03
Total Hrs. 42 Exam Marks 50

PART- A: (Individual experiments)

1. Determination of Flash point and Fire point of lubricating oil using Abel Pensky Martins
2. Determination of Calorific value of solid and gaseous fuels.
3. Determination of Viscosity of a lubricating oil using Redwoods and say bolts – Viscometers.

PART-B: Group experiments

1. Performance Tests on Four stroke Diesel Engines, Calculations of IP, BP, Thermal
efficiencies, SFC, FP, heat balance sheet for
2. Multi cylinder petrol / diesel engine (Morse Test)
3. Calibration of venturi meter
4. Flow through pipes
5. Performance test on centrifugal and reciprocating pumps

Scheme of Examination
1 PART A 20 Marks
2 PART B 20 Marks
3. Viva Voce 10 Marks
4. Total 50 Marks


Sub Code: 06IML57 I.A. Marks: 25

Hours / Week: 03 Total Hours: 42
Subject: Mechanical Laboratory Sem: V

No of hours Topics to be covered

1. Determination Of Flash And Fire Points By Abel Flash - Point Apparatus and
Pensky Martins Flash Point Apparatus
2. Determination Of Calorific Value By Bomb Calorimeter
3. Determination Of Viscosity Of Oil By Red Wood Viscometer
4. Determination Of Viscosity Of Oil By Saybolt Viscometer
5. Performance Testing On Four Stroke Single Cylinder Diesel Engine With
Mechanical Dynamometer
6. Performance Testing And Morse Test On Four Stroke Four Cylinder Petrol Engine
With Hydraulic Dynamometer
7. Performance Testing On Four Stroke Twin Cylinder Diesel Engine With Electrical
8. Determination Of Co-Efficient Of Friction Of Flow In A Pipe
9. Determination Of Co-Efficient Of Friction Of Flow In A Pipe
10. Calibration Of Orifice Plate
11. Calibration Of Venturimeter
12. Performance Testing Of Single Stage Centrifugal Pump
13. Performance Testing Of Multi Stage Centrifugal Pump
14. Performance Testing Of Reciprocating Pump
15. Performance Test Of Two Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor


1. The efficiency of a Carnot engine depends on

2. Carnot cycle is the
3. Why Diesel cycle efficiency is maximum when the cut off is
4. Which is the unit of energy?
5. Which gases possesses maximum heat content at 100o c
6. All the commercial liquid fuels are derived from
7. Specific fuel consumption is defined as
8. Flameless combustion means
9. Submerged combustion involves
10. The working cycle in case of four-stroke engine is completed in how many revolutions of
11. In a Diesel engine, the fuel is ignited by
12. Scavenging air in diesel engine means
13. Supercharging is the process of
14. Compression ratio of I.C engines is
15. The calorific value of gaseous fuels is expressed in terns of
16. Indicated power of a 4- stroke engine is equal to
17. If the intake air temperature of I.C engine increases, its efficiency will
18. An engine indicator is used to determine the
19. The pressure at the end of compression in the case of diesel engine is of the order of
20. The maximum temperature in the I.C engine cylinder is of the order of
21. Combustion in the compression ignition engine is
22. The fuel in diesel engine is normally injected at pressure of
23. The specific fuel consumption per BHP hour for diesel engine is approximately
24. Compression loss in I.C engines occurs due to
25. The inlet valve of a four-stroke cycle I.C engine remains open for nearly
26. If one cylinder of a diesel engine receives more fuel than the others then for that cylinder the
27. It the temperature of intake air in I.C engines is lowered, then its efficiency will
28. As result of detonation in an I.C engines
29. Most high-speed compression engines operate on
30. The accumulation of carbon in a cylinder results increase of
31. The air fuel ratio of the petrol engine is controlled by
32. Diesel fuel compared to petrol is
33. Engine pistons are usually made of aluminum alloy because it
34. Most high speed compression engines operates on
35. The size of inlet valve of an engine in comparession to exhaust valve is
36. In a cycle the spark lasts roughly for
37. The minimum cranking speed in case of petrol engine is about
38. Flash point of fuel oil is
39. Air fuel ratio for idling speed of a petrol engine is approximately
40. A diesel engine has how many valves
41. The knock in diesel engine occurs due to
42. Which is more viscous lub oil
43. Ignition quality of petrol is expressed by

44. Petrol is distilled at temperature in range
45. Kerosene is distilled at
46. Self –ignition temperature of petrol is of the order of
47. Define Iso- octane
48. Define Cetane
49. Define Normal heptane
50. Ignition lag is
51. The spark plug gap is normally maintained at
52. The delay period in petrol engine is of the order of
53. If overhead clearance is less then the type of engine should be selected
54. Piston rings are usually made of
55. The top piston ring nearer to the piston crown is known as
56. In order to prevent Knock in the S.I engines the charge away from the spark plug should have
57. A fuel will detonate less if it has
58. Injection lag is
59. Calorific value of diesel is of the order of
60. Carbon residue in diesel oil should not be more than
61. The specific gravity of diesel oil is
62. Freezing temperature of petrol is
63. The specific gravity of petrol is
64. The efficiency of I.C engines normally is of the order of
65. The ash content in diesel oil should not be more than
66. Fuel consumption with increase in back pressure will
67. Air injection in I.C engines refers to injection of
68. Solid injection in I.C engines refers to injection of
69. The most effective air cleaner incase of diesel engine is
70. The thermal efficiency of a diesel engine is of the order of
71. Bomb calorimeter is used to find the calorific value of
72. The most important solid fuel is
73. A chemical fuel is a substance which release on combustion
74. Define flash and fire point
75. Properties of fluid
76. Compression ratio of diesel engine is
77. Carburetor is used for
78. Firing order of four stroke diesel engine
79. Bernoulli’s equation is application
80. A ventrimeter is used to measure
81. Types of orifice
82. Co-efficient of contraction
83. Co-efficient of discharge & resistance
84. What is mean by Throat?
85. Efficiencies of centrifugal pump
86. Manometric efficiency
87. A multi stage pump is used to
88. Slip of the pump
89. Negative slip

90. Types of reciprocating pump
91. Function of air vessels
92. Units of mass density
93. The property of fluid, which enables it to resist tensile stress, is known as
94. Specific weight of water in S.I unit is equal to
95. Unit of viscosity is
96. Kinematic viscosity is equal to
97. Manometer is used to measure
98. Choking in pipe flow implies
99. For pipe flow at constant diameter capacity is proportional to
100. Friction factor for pipes depends on

Sub Code: 06IML58 IA Marks 25
Hrs/Week 03 Exam Hours 03
Total Hrs. 42 Exam Marks 50


1. Recording Techniques: Preparing the following charts and diagrams (Minimum 3 Charts)
- Outline process chart
- Multiple Activity Chart
- Flow process chart and Flow diagram
- String diagram,
2. Experiments on the Application of principle of motion economy Two-handed process chart
3. Exercises on conducting method study for assembling simple components and office work.
4. Development of Layout plans using SLP technique
5. Experiments on Line balancing.


6. Rating practice using walking simulator
7. Rating practice using pin board assembly
8. Rating practice for dealing a deck of cards
9. Rating practice for marble collection activity
10. Determining the standard time for simple operations using stopwatch time study
11. Exercises on estimating standard time using PMTS.
12.Determination of standard time using PDA device and time study software
13. Experiments on office work measurement through work sampling
14. Measurement of parameters (heart beat rate, calorie consumption) using walking simulator
15. Measurement of parameters (heart beat rate, calorie consumption, revolutions per minute) using
16. Effect of Noise, Light, Heat on human efficiency in work environments.

Note: Minimum 14 Exercises to be conducted in this lab.

Reference Books:
1. Work Study by Ralph & Barnes
2. Introduction to Work Study by ILO

Scheme of Examination
1 PART A 20 Marks
2 PART B 20 Marks
3.Viva Voce 10 Marks
Total 50 Marks


Sub Code: 06IML58 I.A. Marks: 25

Hours / Week: 03 Total Hours: 42
Subject: Industrial Engineering Laboratory Sem:V

Sl No. Experiments

1. Method Study and Time Study on Pin Board Assembly

2. Flow Process Chart-Man Type
3. Two Handed Process chart for Nut and Bolt Assembly
4. Out Line Process Chart, Multiple activity Chart
5. Flow Diagram
6. String Diagram
7. Travel chart
8. Design of Cellular layout
9. Performance Rating Through Walking Simulator, Performance
Rating through Marble collection
10. Time Study on 5Amp Plug Assembly
11. Pace rating Through Playing Cards
12. Timing Practice through Computer Aided Element Generator
13. Advanced Work Measurement using MTM-Coaster Assembly
14. Measurement of human body parameters for a person walking
on a walking simulator, Measurement of human body
parameters for a person working on the Ergo meter
15. Conduction of work sampling study in the shop floor
environment to determine shop floor utilization.

16. Determining the effect of noise, light, heat on Human

Efficiency in work environment


1. What is Industrial Engineering?

2. Mention applications of IE in Engineering?
3. What do you understand by Basic time?
4. What is meant by Break point?
5. What is meant by Check time?
6. What is an allowance?
7. What are the different types of allowance?
8. What is a contingency allowance?
9. What is Timing?
10. What is cumulative timing?
11. What is fly back timing?
12. What are the different types of stop watches used for study purpose?
13. What is meant by cycle time?
14. What is meant by elapsed time?
15. What is meant by Element?
16. What is meant by Constant element?
17. What does Foreign Element mean?
18. What does Governing Element mean?
19. What does Machine Element mean?
20. What does Manual Element mean?
21. What does Occasional Element mean?
22. What does Repetitive Element mean?
23. What does Variable Element mean?
24. What is a Fatigue allowance?
25. What are the different recording techniques used for capturing data?
26. What is a Flow diagram?
27. What is a String diagram?
28. What is a travel chart?
29. What are cycle graphs and chrono-cycle graphs?
30. What are process charts & Flow process charts?
31. What are the different types of flow process charts?
32. What is a SIMO chart?
33. What is a spaghetti diagram?
34. What are two handed process charts?
35. What is a multiple activity chart?
36. What do understand by productivity?
37. How is productivity measured?
38. What are the advantages of increasing productivity?
39. Define Work-study?
40. What are the steps used in Work-study?
41. Define Method study?
42. Define Time study?
43. What is the prerequisite for Time study?

44. What is meant by work measurement?
45. What are the different techniques used for work measurement?
46. What does work sampling mean?
47. What is meant by idle time?
48. What is meant by Inspection?
49. What is an Interference allowance?
50. What is meant by Interference time?
51. What does Job Break down mean?
52. What is meant by Load factor?
53. What are the essential qualities of a work-study analyst?
54. What is meant by Machine ancillary time?
55. What is meant by Machine available time?
56. What is meant by Machine capacity?
57. What is meant by Machine controlled time?
58. What is meant by Machine down time?
59. What is meant by Machine interference?
60. What is meant by Machine maximum time?
61. What is meant by Machine utilization Index?
62. What do understand by MTM?
63. What is meant by observed time?
64. What is an outline process chart?
65. What is meant by predetermined time standards?
66. Who is a qualified worker?
67. What is meant by Rating?
68. What does a Rating scale mean?
69. What are the different rating scales available?
70. What is meant by restricted work?
71. What is an relaxation allowance?
72. What is meant by standard performance?
73. What do you mean by standard time?
74. What is a string diagram?
75. What is meant by tool allowance?
76. What is work content?
77. What is a work cycle?
78. What is meant by work specification?
79. What do you understand by an workplace layout?
80. What are gang process charts?
81. What are Therbligs?
82. What are the fundamental Hand movements?
83. What is Micro motion study?
84. What is the purpose on Micro motion study?
85. What are the limitations of Micro motion study?
86. What is a Centiminute?
87. What is a Wink?
88. What are the principles of motion economy?
89. What is a plant layout?

90. What are the different types of plant layouts?
91. Who is an Average worker?
92. What are the characteristics of a sound rating system?
93. What is a learning curve?
94. What are the different methods of rating?
95. What are the different classes of reach?
96. What are the different classes of move?
97. What are the different classes of position?
98. What are the different classes of release?
99. What are the different classes of search?
100. What is 1TMU?
101. What is fatigue?
102. What are the implications of fatigue?


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