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Question No:1

Name: mohammad Hassan

Surname: Ahmadzai

Father name: Mir Ahga

Province: Kabul

Country: Afghanistan

Religion: Muslim

Status: Single

DOB: 13/sep/1995

Profession: Student

Mohammad Hassan Ahmadzai is recently the student of Sabhram college pursuing BBA 2nd
year through SSSA scholarship and has completed 12th classes studies from Khoshal khan high
school,Kabul in 2014.

Mohammad Hassan knows (English,Urdu,Hindi,Pashto and Dari)languages for the

communication required during his education and attracting with different people who are from
different religion.

Mohammad Hassan Ahmadzai has few years of experience in Administration and

Management after completing his high school in Kabul for instance he was assign as
trailer/Cashier in Azizi Bank,Kabul

Mohammad Hassan Ahmadzai is too much keep of playing cricket from childhood and also he
is the member of local cricket association in the place where he is residence.

Mohammad Hassan is physically and mentally talented and powerful so that why he is pursuing
another diploma in Human right apart from his degree for the period of one year.

He is very socialistic and humanistic person & very sympatric in community and welfare
association during his life
Question no.2

Federation of international student Association, Bangalore is one of the significant organization

which is involving differ number of student from multi countries and culture so it could be a
great opportunity for myself to be as member of this federation at any level of Management in
order to spread out my Managerial and personal knowledge and thought and beside that I could
be able to capture huge bundle of knowledge and experience with all the existed members of this

The interval of sufficient time which I have apart from my studies for a specific period of time
and also could be extendable as per the environment respectively to see the bright and good
image of my career with federation of international student Association, Bangalore in the
future possible as well.

I am have multi skills and competences physically and mintally in order to serve and work in
different organization that why I am willing to be a stable and loyal member of FISA B (2018-
2020) in which I could show myself as one the active and super talented student among all.

The main aspects and reasons that I am interested to be the member of FISA B are…

1. Attraction with different cultural and religious background students

2. Sharing and capturing knowledge and experience from the available members
3. Coordination and assessments by myself among the students
4. Future and career development
5. Opportunities and training provided during the time
6. Observing and analyzing the recent challenges of the students and society
7. Reputation and recognition of FISA B
8. Looking and searching for the international level opportunities
9. Learning, behavior understanding and ethics development
10. Socialism, patriotism, humanistic sense and self-development

I believe that the federation of international students association, Bangalore could be a great
organization in which I could improve myself in order to have a very bright and clear career in
the future through which I could serve to the people who are underprivileged and also bring
major changes academically in the society specially in the life of the students who study at
different palaces of the world economically and environmentally.

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