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These guidelines are prepared to assist Developers and professional Engineers acting as Consultants in their
applications for water supply to new development schemes.

The guidelines set out herein describe the policy and the procedure for submission of water supply applications
and subsequent handing- over of the completed water supply system to WSA

These guidelines are by no means exhaustive and will be revised from time to time as the need arises. These
guidelines shall be read in conjunction with the latest amended version of the Sarawak Water Ordinance, the
Sarawak Water Supply Regulations, Jabatan Kerja Raya General Specification for Water Mains Construction.


The following Definitions shall apply in this guideline:-

“WSA” means LAKU Management Sdn Bhd. / Sibu Water Board

“Communication Pipes” means the section of the service pipe from the water mains to the water meter.

“Consultant” means a professional Engineering Consultants competent in the field of water supply duly
registered with the State Water Authority for the types of work carried out as per Regulation 108 (2) of the Water
Supply Regulations 1995, and the Board of Engineers, Malaysia.

“Developer” means any government departments or agencies issued with a valid license to develop any piece of
land for residential dwellings, commercial premises, industrial premises, government or private buildings.

“Internal Plumbing System” means the water supply system from the water meter to the premises including
the service pipes, storage tanks, fittings, pumping system, suction tanks etc.

“Mainslayer” means any person licensed by the State Water Authority to construct, lay or repair; pressure test
and do tapping on water mains, valves, hydrants and associated fittings which are connected with or to be
connected with the waterworks.

“Pipe fitter” means any person licensed by the State Water Authority to construct internal plumbing systems for
the conveyance of cold and hot water.

“No. of Unit of Premises” means:-

Residential Development - number of sub-divided lots, for
Commercial Development – shop houses: each floor of a sub-divided lot is considered one unit.

“Water Supply System” means the water supply system from the point of connection to the existing water
mains determined by the WSA to the development area, including the internal reticulation mains, sub-mains,
booster pumping systems, reservoirs and other water supply related appurtenances in accordance with the
requirement of the WSA and the State Water Authority.


The Sarawak Water Regulations 1995 states that the developer shall at his own costs and resources install the
whole of water supply system for his development projects which may include trunk mains, reticulation systems,

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pumping station, reservoirs and other ancillary works. The water supply system shall be tied-in to the existing
water mains as directed by the WSA at the costs of the Developer.

The water supply system shall comply with all the provisions of the latest amendments of the Water Supply
Ordinance, the Water Supply Regulations of the State of Sarawak and the WSA requirements.

On completion of the water supply system and after having tested to the satisfaction of the WSA, the Developer
shall apply to surrender the whole system to the WSA free of charge and without any liabilities before individual
units can be provided with water. A defect liability of 12 months commencing from the date the water supply
system is put into service shall be applied.

Only professional Engineering Consultants registered with the State Water Authority for the type of works shall
be allowed to submit designs and supervise the construction of the Water Supply System.

Only consultants, mainslayers and pipefitters who had undergone the induction courses/briefing as required by
the WSA for the type of works shall be allowed to submit, supervise and carry out works for the WSA.

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4.1 General

In general, the water supply for development projects goes through the following stages of approval:-

a) Submission of proposals and engineering design.

b) Construction, inspection, testing and commissioning of water supply installations
c) Handing over of the water supply system.
d) Application of water service connections by the purchasers/owners

4.2 Design Data/Preliminary Requirements

The Consultant appointed by the Developer shall write to the WSA to request for the following information:-

a) 24 hours pressure record chart at the proposed tie-in point to the existing water mains.
b) Information on the existing water mains such as pipe material, class, size and location, to which the new
system is proposed to tied-in to.

The Consultant shall submit with his request a locality plan of the proposed development showing the lot
numbers, existing road names and any other prominent land marks nearby.

The request shall be addressed to the following relevant address:-

Development Area Address to

Miri Chief Executive Officer,
6th Floor Soon Hup Tower,
Lot 907 Jalan Merbau, 98000 Miri
Bintulu Bintulu Area Manager
Lot 5012, Persiaran Belimbing 2
Jalan Sultan Iskandar, 97000 Bintulu
P. O. Box 1983, 98010 Bintulu
Limbang Limbang Operations Executive
Lot 850 Jalan Pandaruan, 98700 Limbang
Sibu General Manager
KM 5,
Jalan Salim, P.O.Box 405 96007 Sibu

The Consultant may use the design criteria as presented in Appendix 1.

(Local requirements for SWB)

For shophouse; consultant to furnish building plan with BOMBA approval for SWB comment. For residential
houses; consultant to consult SWB on proposed water reticulation mains with FH location before submitting to
BOMBA for approval.

4.3 Submission

The submission shall consist of:-

a. 2 sets of drawings for the first submission

b. Engineering Design report of proposed water supply system for:-
c. Specifications for the materials, installations, testing and commissioning.

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d. A complete submission in accordance to checklist.

Four (4) sets of the drawings and a compact disc containing the AutoCAD files of the design drawings shall be
submitted for final approval.

(Local Requirements for SWB)

5 sets of complete drawings (2 sets for SMC)
8 copies of locality/site plan and pipe cross section details for wayleave application to SESCO, TM, L&S, DID,
2 pieces of compact disc containing the design drawings in AutoCAD format to be submitted.

The submissions shall be made as follow:-

Development Area Address to

Miri and Limbang Chief Executive Officer,
6th Floor Soon Hup Tower, Lot 907 Jalan Merbau,
98000 Miri
Bintulu Bintulu Area Manager
Lot 5012, Persiaran Belimbing 2
Jalan Sultan Iskandar, 97000 Bintulu
P. O. Box 1983, 98010 Bintulu
Sibu General Manager
KM 5, P.O. Box 405
96007 Sibu

4.4 Design Report

4.4.1 The design report shall comprise of:-

a) Design criteria adopted for the design, such as average daily demand, maximum daily
demand, peak consumption, fire flow etc.
b) Formulae/charts used for the design
c) Software used for the design, if any.
d) Step by step engineering calculations.
e) The 24 hours pressure record charts supplied by the WSA
f) Pipe Materials and grade/class proposed for the system.
g) Computer printout of the analysis, if any.
h) Tabulated summary of the network analysis results as follow and to indicate if the pressures
meet the design requirements :-

Analysis Scenario Max. Pressure Min. Pressure

(bar) Node (bar) Node
Peak Demand
Average Demand + 1 fire flow
Average Demand

i) If the network analysis indicates that the pressure does not meet the criteria, the Consultant
shall propose measures to overcome the problem.

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4.4.2 For large scheme that is to be developed in phases, the consultant shall submit in one standard size
drawing, a master plan of the proposed water supply system. Each phase of the development shall be
clearly indicated and separately coloured. For each phase, a separate detailed reticulation drawing shall
be prepared and submitted together with the master plan concept for approval.
4.4.3 If a development project has to be supplied from more than one source of different pressure elevation,
the reticulation system should be divided into different supply zones and the zone boundaries clearly
defined and coloured.
4.4.4 All calculations shall be properly tabulated and typed. The WSA reserves the right to return the
document to the consultant without any comments if the above details are not submitted.

4.5 Drawings

The drawings shall be submitted in accordance with the following requirements:-

a) Location plans in scale of 1:2000 (SWB 1:10,000) showing the project site, the name of the roads in or near
the vicinity and any prominent landmarks.
b) Site or Layout plans in scale of 1:500 (SWB 1:1,000) showing the standards general notes as per Appendix
2, existing and proposed water supply reticulation mains layout, lot numbers, sub-lot numbers, sewer
system, platform levels, node points. The following information shall also be provided on this drawing:-
i) List of the water reticulation system components, such as lengths of various sizes and class of
pipes, number of various types and sizes of valves, fire hydrants, air valves etc.
ii) List of the types of buildings, the number of storeys and quantities
c) Plan and profile of all the proposed water mains showing locations of all specials such as valves, air valves,
drain/culvert crossings, tees, fire hydrants, pressure reducing valves etc. (scale: horizontal – 1:500, Vertical
– 1: 100). The top level of the culvert/drains shall be indicated on the drawing.
d) Details of all chambers and structures shall refer to Standard Drawings listed in Appendix B. Tie-
in/connection details
e) Tanks details, if any
f) Pumping system details, if any
g) All other details as required by the WSA. (Refer to Standard Drawings)
h) Cross section of the road indicating the proposed location of the water mains with respect to other services
such as sewer pipes, Sesco cables, Telekom cables, gas pipes, foot path etc.
i) Details of pipe supports if required.
j) The far end of any building should not exceed 100 meters by the nearest hydrant base on accessibility.

All drawings shall contain the following information:-

a) The Consultant’s Name, address and telephone no.
b) The Developer’s Name, address and telephone no.
c) The consultant’s professional stamp and signature
d) Scales
e) The “North” direction indicator, where applicable
f) Drawing No. and AutoCAD file name
g) Drawing Revision no. and brief description of the revision & date of revision
h) Date of issue
i) A box of size 125mm wide x 80mm high shall be provided at the top right hand corner of the drawings for
the WSA to affix the approval stamp.

Clear legible A2/A3 size drawings may be submitted for WSA comments. The WSA may require the Consultant
to submit a copy of the AutoCAD files of the design for the WSA evaluation. The drawings for approval shall be of
A1 size and shall be submitted together with a compact disc containing the AutoCAD files of the system. Failure
to submit the AutoCAD files may delay the approval of the submission.

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4.6 Colour Code

The colour codes for pipelines in the drawings are recommended as follow:-

a. Existing Water Mains - Blue

b. Proposed High Density Polyethylene Mains - (Green)
c. Proposed Ductile Iron Mains - (Brown)
d. Proposed Mild Steel Mains - (Red)
e. Proposed sub-mains - (Indicated by Legend)

4.7 Mains Requirements

The water reticulation system shall comply with the following requirements.

a. All water mains shall be installed at least 1m away from any other utilities. (SWB: Mains shall be installed
underneath and at middle of concrete footpath) Sewage pipes shall be laid on opposite side of the road.
b. Mains installed with fire hydrant shall be of minimum size 150mm nominal diameter.
c. Sub-mains of size 63mm OD or 90mm OD or bigger shall be provided on the opposite side of the mains
(refer Standard Drawing) for developments with more than four units (SWB 10 units) of building. The
Consultant shall determine the sizes of the sub-mains in the network analysis. No 90 mm size is used in
SWB due to maintenance reason. Extra road crossing will be provided for 20 units and above with a rate of
1 crossing per 10 units of houses. LAKU < 10 units, 63mm, 11 to 25 units, 90 mm, another set 90mm will be
provided if more than 25 units.
d. Sluice valve fire hydrant shall be installed at the end of pipeline. (SWB PH) LAKU will not hand over all
e. Wherever possible, dead ends of mains shall be avoided. To loop up using appropriate pipe whenever
f. Pipes crossing culverts shall be over the same and over the wing wall, wherever possible.
g. Pipe crossing drains shall be over the same and flush with the top of the drain, wherever possible, provided
that it will not obstruct the flow of water in the drain. Pipes crossing over drains shall not obstruct footpath
and cause safety hazard to pedestrians and road users. Where the drain is less than 750mm deep and not
more than 1m wide, the pipe may be installed under the drain, provided that the drain is designed such that
it will not settle. In such case, a 150mm layer of compacted sand shall be provided between the drain bottom
and the crown of the pipe.
(Local Requirements for SWB)
h. Pipe supports to be provided for the pipes installed unless consultant can proof otherwise or 5 years
guarantee by developer to Sibu Water Board.

4.8 Zone Meters

Zone metering facilities shall be provided for developments with 50 units or above of premises. The cost of the
zone meters shall be borne by the Developer. The Consultant shall design the zone metering facilities.

In the event that a development project is divided into phases, the WSA shall at its discretion require a meter to
be installed at the tie-in point to the existing water mains at the Developer’s cost. The Developer shall apply for
the meter as the registered consumer of the meter and shall be responsible for paying the bills issued for this
meter. This meter shall register the volume of water flowing into the development area. Should there be
individual consumers who have been fixed with water meters by the WSA, the volume registered by these
individual meters will be deducted from the zone meter and the balance billed to the Developer. Any new
connections to the water supply system shall only be carried out after the Developer has settled all the bills.

MPU memo S/KKA/JKR/G/4(47) dated 19 July 2010 /SWB memo SWB/261 Pt. 23/280 dated 11 October 2011.
(Appendix 7)

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4.9 Storage Reservoir Requirement & Capital Contribution

The developer shall provide a high level reservoir/tank of storage capacity for one day use for schemes with 400
or more units of houses or shop lots or with estimated consumption of 500,000 litres/day and above.

Where there is an existing reservoir that is of sufficient capacity and head to cater for demand of the
development scheme, the requirement for a new reservoir may be waived provided that the developer pays a
proportionate capital contribution towards the costs of the construction of the existing reservoir. The amount of
contribution will be determined by the WSA.

Notwithstanding the above, the developer will be required to pay a portion of the cost of existing reservoirs or
storage tanks which directly serve the development area. Such contribution for the development scheme will be
determined by the WSA.

4.10 Development on High Grounds

Where the development scheme is implemented on an elevation that is too high to be supplied with water from
the existing water supply system round the clock, the Developer shall at his own costs construct and install a
high level water tank, a suction tank and a pumping system to supply water to the development scheme. The
WSA is not obliged to take over such a water supply system. Where the system is not taken over by the WSA,
the Developer shall be billed in bulk the water supplied to the scheme. The pumping system shall be designed by
a competent Mechanical and Electrical Engineer.

4.11 Water Supply to Factories and Industrial Areas Requirements

All factories and industries shall have a storage tank with capacity equal to one day’s usage. Water usage for
these premises shall be recorded by combination meters. The water consumed by the workers of the factory
residing in the living quarters provided by the factory within the industrial area shall be billed together with the
factory at industrial rate.

4.12 Specifications

A special specification shall be prepared for the installation of the proposed water supply system and shall be
submitted together with the drawings and the design report for the WSA comments, if required.

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The internal plumbing system shall be designed and submitted by an Engineering Consultant who is competent
in this field. Where mechanical and electrical works are involved, the designer shall be a M&E consultant who is
competent in this field

The submission shall include the following:-

a. Pipe sizing design calculations for buildings more than 3 storeys high
b. Detailed layout plan of the building plans showing positions of each floor, indicating the positions of
water pipes, fixtures such as sinks, cisterns, taps, tanks and etc.
c. Isometric drawing of the system
d. water meters position, including details of the meter installation showing the location of the meters with
respect the nearest structures, such as fence, gates, columns, wall etc the front elevation of the

The details of pipe and fittings such as material type, diameter, class/grade and standards to which it is
manufactured etc shall be clearly stated on the drawings.

5.1 Internal Plumbing System Requirements

The internal plumbing system shall be designed to the requirements of the Water Supply Regulations, 1995 or its
latest amendments and the WSA requirements.


Only materials that have been approved by State Water Authority (SWA) are allowed to be used. Appendix 3 lists
out the materials that have been approved for use. The Consultants/Developers are advised to check with the
WSA for the latest approved list of materials for internal plumbing installations.

Galvanized iron pipes and fittings are not allowed for internal water supply system unless these pipes and fittings
are internally lined with approved linings to prevent corrosion and scaling.

Stopcocks shall be installed at the following positions except where indicated:-

a. Within hand reach on inlets of all tanks

b. On outlets of storage tanks (gate or ball valve only)
c. At every off-take point on the plumbing system
d. Inlet and outlet pipes of suction tanks
e. All scour pipes (gate or ball valve only)
f. Inlet to kitchen tap, cistern, urinal and flush valve.
g. Immediately after the water meter

5.2 Water Meters

Water meters will be installed by the WSA at the consumers’ costs. The size and type of meters to be installed
shall be determined by the WSA. The consultant shall provide estimated peak and average water demand by the
premises for this purpose. This requirement is not applicable to normal residential houses and shop lots.

5.2.1 Meter Position and Arrangements

a) The meters shall be located in front of the premise and outside the fence, where applicable. The position
and arrangement of the meters shall be agreed by the WSA. The water meter shall be positioned such that :-
i) it will not pose any obstruction to the pedestrians and/or traffic,
ii) it can be easily accessed for installation, disconnection, reading and maintenance.

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b) For multi-storey buildings the following shall apply:-
ι) All meters shall be located at the ground floor in a public area, arranged in ascending order
according to the floors of the building and clearly tagged with permanent address plate
ιι) Meters shall not be located over a void
ιιι) Where meter cabinets or rooms are provided, there shall be no locking device for the door and the
cabinet/room shall be big enough for easy installation/disconnection and maintenance of the
ιϖ) When required, bulk or combination meter shall be installed by the WSA at the cost of consumer.
ϖ) Where fire hydrants are provided within the premises, separate meter for the fire hydrant and other
usage shall be provided.
c) Meters of sizes 50mm and above shall be installed with:-
i) approved strainer
ii) straight pipes of 10 ( 5 if electromagnetic flowmeter) times and 5 (3 if electromagnetic flowmeter)
times the diameter of the meter before and after the meter respectively

The consultant shall submit drawings of the proposed meter location and arrangement for the WSA agreement.
The drawing shall show the position of the meter with respect to the nearest structure such as fence, posts,
column, wall etc.

5.3 Water Supply to High Rise Buildings

All buildings 4 storeys and higher shall have a pumping system unless otherwise approved by the WSA.
Pumping systems may be required for buildings less than 4 storeys high if the existing water pressure at the
particular locality is not sufficient to deliver the water to the highest floor at all time. The WSA may require
pumping systems to be installed for buildings that are less than four storeys high when the existing water
pressure is inadequate.

Roof tank storage capacity shall be one day’s usage minimum. Storage tanks with capacity less than 4500 litre
shall be installed with overflow pipes which can also act as a warning pipe. Storage tanks with capacity
exceeding 4500 litres shall be provided with separate warning and overflow pipes. The overflow pipes shall be
one size larger than the inlet pipe but not less than 20mm. Warning pipes shall be extended 250mm beyond the
edge of the building or to the wash rooms of the individual unit. Back flow of water from the storage tank and the
distribution pipes (down pipes from storage tank) shall not be allowed.

Water supply to high rise buildings shall be registered and billed by means of a combination meter. If sub-meters
are required for individual units, the sub-meters shall be located at the ground floor of the building. Letter boxes
shall be provided for the delivery of water bills for high rise buildings, if sub-meters are to be read and billed by
the WSA. Where combination meters and the sub meters are billed by the WSA, the difference in readings
between the combination meters and the total sub-meter reading shall be billed to the building management.

Fire fighting system designed with wet riser should have separate storage tank.

Pressure reducing valves or back pressure tanks on distribution pipes shall be provided at not more than 50m
drop in height and within hand reach on the equivalent flow.

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6.1 Water Supply System

The water supply reticulation system shall be installed in accordance with the Jabatan Kerja Raya General
Specification for Water main Constructions and any other requirements of the WSA.

a) All materials for the proposed water supply system shall be approved by the WSA. The list of materials to be
procured for the project shall be submitted to the WSA for approval before procurement. The list shall
contain the following information:-

 Manufacturer and brand name of the material

 Standard the material is manufactured to
 Class/grade/pressure rating of the material
 Product certification from recognised approving authority such as SIRIM/IKRAM
 Technical Catalogue of the materials.

b) The Developer shall submit the name and copy of the SWA licence of the mainslayer to be engaged for the
work for approval. The WSA reserves the right to reject mainslayer who has proven poor record or who has
been blacklisted by the WSA.
c) Upon delivery of materials to site, the Developer/mainslayer shall submit the “Application for
Commencement of Water mains Laying Work” and “List of Materials Delivered to Site” at least 7 working
days before commencement of work. All materials delivered to site shall be checked and approved by the
WSA’s authorised representative before work may commence. Any rejected materials shall be removed from
site within three days upon notice given by the WSA’s representative.
d) The WSA’s representative shall carry out spot checks on site and any installations that are not in
accordance with the specifications or standard practice shall be recorded in the WSA’s Site Diary. The
Developer’s/ mainslayer’s site representative shall acknowledge the record by signing on the WSA’s site
diary. All such work shall be rectified accordingly.
e) When the new water mains is ready for field tests, the Developer/mainslayer shall submit the “Application for
Witness Water mains Testing” to the WSA at least 7 days in advance. All field tests shall be conducted using
an approved pressure recorder with pressure chart.
f) Upon successful completion of all field tests, the Developer/mainslayer shall submit the “Application for joint
inspection of Water Reticulation Installation Works” at least 7 days in advance, before applying for the tie-in
work. The Developer/mainslayer shall rectify all defects/non-conformances found during the joint inspection
before applying for the tie-in work to be carried out.
g) The Developer/mainslayer shall submit the “Application for Tie-in to Existing Water mains” at least 7
working days in advance. The Developer shall ensure that all the relevant fees and charges (Section 11.0
Fees & Charges ) are settled in full before applying for the tie-in. The WSA will not entertain any application
for tie-in before the full payment of all the fees and charges.
h) After the tie-in work is completed, the Developer/mainslayer shall submit the “Application for flushing and
sterilising of Water mains” at least 7 working days in advance. The newly installed watermains shall be
flushed by the WSA’s personnel until the water is clear. The water mains shall then be sterilised in
accordance with the specification. The WSA’s Representative will instruct the mainslayer to collect water
samples from various location in the system for Bacteriological analysis by a certified laboratory. The
analysis shall be submitted to the WSA’s Representative for record.

6.2 Supervision

The Developer shall confirm who will supervise the water supply system construction by submitting the Form
“Confirmation Of Supervision by Consultant/Developer” to the WSA at least one months before the
commencement of the work. Should the Developer decide to engage the design consultant to supervise the
construction work, the resume of the person to be engaged for the supervision work shall be submitted to the
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WSA for approval. The WSA reserves the right to reject personnel proposed by the developer, should the WSA
feels that the proposed personnel is not competent. The relevant supervision fees as stated in Section 11.0 shall
be imposed.

Should the Developer decide not to engage the Consultant for the full time supervision, the work shall be full time
supervised by the WSA’s authorised personnel and the relevant fees shall be imposed.

6.3 Internal Plumbing System Installation

The developer shall:-

1. submit to the WSA for approval, the name and licence no. of the licensed pipe fitter he proposes to
engage for the installation of the internal plumbing system at least three (3) weeks before the
commencement of the work.
2. submit to the WSA for approval, the details of pipe and fittings materials he intends to use for the work
at least two weeks before the work commences. The details shall include the manufacturer, brand,
class/grade etc.
3. inform the WSA in writing at least seven (7) working days in advance the intended date of
commencement of work.
4. inform the WSA in writing at least seven (7) working days in advance the intended date of testing and
inspection of the internal plumbing system in accordance with the Water Supply Regulation 133.

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To avoid digging of sealed road, all communication pipes crossing the road shall be installed before the road is
sealed. The Developer may choose to install the class A Galvanised Iron Sleeves or the HDPE communication
pipes complete with G.I. sleeve at their own costs.

The developer shall inform the WSA in writing at least three (3) months before the road is sealed.

The communication pipes shall be installed by the WSA’s term contractor.

The communication pipes to shops shall be installed before the roads are sealed.


After the water mains have been satisfactorily flushed and sterilised, the water supply system will be turn on only
after all the following conditions are met:-
a. The following documents are submitted to the WSA:-
i) 2 sets of as built drawings
ii) 1 set of as built drawing AutoCAD files on CD
iii) All test Certificates, manufacturers certificate, HDPE jointing records (from automatic machine) etc
iv) Consultant’s completion certificate
v) Wayleave approval from relevant authorities/companies/agencies
vi) Handover certificate for fire hydrants issued by Jabatan Bomba.

b. The development will be occupied within one week.

If the development are is to remain unoccupied for more than 1 month, the whole water reticulation systems will
have to be flushed again and the water samples sent for testing after the flushing. The Developer will be billed for
the cost of re-flushing the mains


The Defect Liability of the whole water supply installation shall be 12 months commencing from the date the
water supply system is put into service. During the defect liability period, the Developer/mainslayer shall be
responsible for the rectification of any defects as follow:-

• All leaks shall be repaired within 4 hours it is reported to them.

• All non- leaking defects shall be rectified within one week it is reported to the Developer/mainslayer.

Should the Developer/mainslayer fails to rectify the defects within the above stated period, the WSA shall engage
its own contractor to repair the leaks and the amount deducted from the surety deposits.


Upon completion of the defect liability period of 12 months, the Developer shall hand over the water reticulation
system officially by submitting the “Handing over Certificate For Water Supply Reticulation” together with all the
following document:-
A joint inspection will be conducted after the expiry of the defect liability period. The WSA will officially take over
the water reticulation system after the joint inspection, provided that the WSA is satisfied that all the defects have
been rectified and all the above documentation are submitted.

The Developer shall handover all the fire-hydrants to the Fire & Rescue Department officially and a copy of the
handover certificate issued by Jabatan Bomba shall be extended to the WSA for record.

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Where advanced tapping is done, and the premises are not yet occupied, the developer shall be required to
undertake the responsibility of safekeeping of meter stands

The following fees and charges are payable by the Developer:-

1) Water Supply System Proposal Processing Fees

Estimated Daily Demand by the Scheme Fee

Up to 100,000 litres RM10/1000 litres or a minimum of RM 100.00

100,001 – 250,000 litres RM 2,000.00

>250,000 litres RM 3,000.00

2) Supervision fee and Surety Deposit for Maintenance

The supervision fee shall be based on the estimated project costs as estimated by the WSA using the standard rates.
The developers’ contract price for the installation of the reticulation system shall not be used.

Supervision By Consultant Full time supervision by the WSA

Estimated Project Cost
Supervision Fee Surety Deposit Supervision Fee Surety Deposit

Less than RM 10,000 Nil RM 2,000.00 RM 2,000.00

RM 1,000 or 2% of
RM10,000 – 50,000 the estimated RM 2,000.00
project costs,
RM 50,001 – 200,000 whichever is higher RM 5,000.00 RM 10,000.00 RM 5,000.00

RM 200,001 – 500,000 RM 10,000.00 RM 20,000.00 RM 10,000.00

> RM 500,000 RM 15,000.00 To be reviewed RM 15,000.00

(Local Requirement For SWB)

Project Monitoring Fee
1 – 40 Unit: RM16,000.00 or Pro Rata @ increment of RM360.00 per unit

3) Capital Contribution

Meter Size Category COC RATES COC RATES

15mm(½") Residential Houses Laku SWB
(i) Native Customary Land including RM 120.00 RM120.00
Kampung Reserve
(ii) Native Area Land with Titles RM 300.00 RM300.00
(iii) Low Cost Housing Land RM 400.00 RM360.00
(iv) All other lands RM 500.00 RM600.00
15mm(½") Developments other than Dwelling House RM 800.00 RM1,200.00
20mm (¾") All lands RM 1,500.00 RM1,400.00
25mm(1") All lands RM 2,000.00 RM2,000.00
30mm(1- All lands RM 3,000.00 RM4,300.00
40mm(1- All lands RM 4,500.00 RM4,300.00

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50mm & Hospitals RM 440.00/bed Nil
Educational Institutions
(i) Day Scholars RM 13.00/head RM11.40/head/session

(ii) Residential Scholar RM 80.00/head RM70.00/head

Office Building RM 4.30/m² RM3.68/m2
Commercial Complex RM 4.30/m² RM3.68/m2
Hostels/private/Government RM 80.00/resident RM70.00/resident
Hotel RM 300.00/room RM260.00/room
Cinema/Auditorium/Stadium RM 10.00/seat RM9.50/seat
Industrial & other developments RM0.44/l average daily Nil
(50mm)2” RM9,000.00
(75mm)3” RM18,000.00
(100mm)4” RM32,000.00
(150mm)6” RM72,000.00

(Local Requirement For SWB)

Main Laid by Developer

Meter Size Category COC RATES COC RATES

15mm(½") Houses - RM450.00
15mm(½") Shophouse per floor - RM450.00

4) Others

Description Rate/Calculation (LAKU) Rate/Calculation (SWB)

24 hours pressure RM 200.00 per piece plus other costs involve if RM160.00
charge required.
Water for testing, 15 times the volume of the system @ commercial 1. 15 times the volume of the system @
sterilising and tariff commercial tariff
2. Labour/transport/chemical/sampling
Tie-in to existing a. Fully borne by Developer c. Fully borne by Developer
b. Service charge = 20% of estimated cost of tie-in d. Service charge = 20% of estimated
chargeable cost of tie-in chargeable
Pressure/Leakage/ RM 150.00 per test nil
System Test
Water Sample RM 20.00 per sample Charged under water for testing, sterilising
Analysis (by WSA
Internal Plumbing RM 50.00 per unit or per floor of shop lot RM 50.00 per unit or per floor of shop lot
Inspection Fee
Wayleave nil RM65.00
Newspaper nil RM1,000.00/advisement
Bituminous Road nil Depend on actual cost plus service charge
Material Testing nil Depend on Actual Cost plus Service charge

Page 14
Refundable nil 5% of estimated project Cost



1. Per Capita Consumption

Category Consumption
Domestic Urban Typical 5.5 persons 250 litres/capita/day
Rural per household 150 litres/capita/day
Commercial Hotels/resorts 450 litres/room/day
Complexes/Office 10 litres/m2 area/day
Shoplots Typically 60’ x 22’. 2000 litres/floor/day
Institutions Schools (day) 45 litres/pupil/session/day
Schools (Boarding) 250 litres/pupil/session/day
Hospitals 400 litres/bed/day.
Government clinics 45 litres/patient/day
Armed Forces/Police 350 litres/person/day
Places of worship 10 litres/person/day
Industrial Light 22,000 litres/hectare/day
Medium 35,000 litres/hectare/day
Heavy 45,000 litres/hectare/day

For individual industrial developments, the consultant shall work out the average daily water demand for the industry.

2. Demand Fluctuations Factors

Maximum hourly or peak consumption - 2.2

Maximum daily consumption - 1.15
Average daily consumption - 1.00
For design with existing supply, it is required to study the actual demand pattern and subsequently derive the
appropriate factors

3. Fire Fighting Demand (Provision in the design only)

Class of Area Average Total Flow Spanning Maximum No. of hydrant Outlets
Risk (Litres Per Minute) (Metres) Used simultaneously
A Large buildings, shopping 4100 90 3@ 1370 lpm
complexes, high rise buildings,
large industrial estate,
Warehouse and ports
B Congested areas with buildings 2700 90 2@ 1370 lpm
up to 5 storeys
C Shophouse up to 3 storey, light 1370 90 1
D Residential terrace house, 1140 90 1
detached, semi detached
E Others 680 180 1

For Fire flow plus average demand, the pressure should be 10m

4. Other Requirements

4.1 The system should be designed to provide the following minimum residual pressure during the peak daily demand:

♦ Urban 20 metres
♦ Rural 10 metres

Page 15
Where the pressure cannot be achieved due to limitations of the existing supply system, the consultant shall propose means to
overcome the problem, such as construction of the high level tank, booster pumps etc.
4.2 In all cases, the maximum pressure in the system shall not exceed 60 metres. Where necessary, pressure reducing valves
should be installed to reduce the pressure.

4.3 The system design should take into consideration the provision of fire flow as stated in Section 3.

4.4 The general layout of water mains should allow for the following:-

i. Mains should be usually laid in front of the buildings.

ii. Gate/sluice valves should be located to minimize water supply interruption during pipe breakage
iii. Valves should not be located under pavements wherever possible.
iv. Position of fire hydrants to be approved by Jabatan Bomba.
v. Other design requirement should be in accordance with Spesifikasi Am Pembinaan Saluran Paip Air.

5. Pipes and Fittings Materials

All the pipes, fittings, valves, specials shall conform to the following requirements:-
 latest applicable Water Supply Regulations
 latest Malaysian Standards or equivalent.
 Approved by State Water Authority.
Water mains for commercial development shall preferably be of ductile iron and for industrial development, the water mains
shall be of ductile iron only. The pipes and fittings shall be of the following classes:-

Pipes & Fitting Materials Standards and Class Class & Special Requirements
HDPE pipes MS 1058: 2002 (PE80) Minimum PN 10 for sizes larger
than 63mm and PN 12.5 for smaller

HDPE Electrofusion Fittings WIS 4-32-14 (PE 80/100) Minimum PN 10.

PrEN 12201-3:2003
ISO 8085
BS 7336

HDPE stub end DIN 16963 PE 80 To be long collar factory


HDPE stub end backing ring ISO 9624 To be hot dipped galvanised to MS
Flange to BS EN 1092-1:2002, PN 16 740

PE Socket Fusion Fittings for DIN 16963 EN 12201

Cold Water system

Flanges Flange to BS EN 1092-1:2002 PN16

Ductile Iron Pipes & Fittings BS EN 545:2002

Sluice Valves BS 5163 Type B, Ductile Iron Body, resilient

Spesifikasi JKR 20200-0047-99 seated gates for sizes less than
Air valves Spesifikasi JKR 20200-0043-99

Flexible Couplings and Spesifikasi JKR 20200-0048-99

flange adaptors

Pillar Hydrants MS 1395:1996

Polyethylene Sleeves BS 6076

Bolts, Nuts & washers Hot Dipped Galvanised to MS 740

Page 16
Steel Pipes and Fittings BS 534

Appendix 2


1. The Water Reticulation System shall be installed, tested and commissioned by Sarawak State Water
Authority (SWA) registered mainslayer with valid licence, registered and approved by WSA
2. The Water Reticulation System shall be installed, tested and commissioned in accordance with
specifications and standards approved by WSA
3. All materials shall be approved by WSA before placing order and all materials delivered to site shall be
inspected and approved by WSA before installation.
4. All pipes & fittings shall conform to the latest issue of the following standards/specifications:-
• HDPE PIPES (class PN 10 & above) - MS 1058 or equivalent

5. All sluice valves shall be double flanged of type B to BS 5163 or Spesifikasi JKR 20200-0047-99,
clockwise closing, with ductile iron body and resilient seated gate, externally and internally coated with
fusion bond epoxy. The working pressure of the sluice valve shall be 16 bars. Installation of valves
underneath road pavement/concrete footpath shall be avoided.
6. The pillar hydrant shall be of type approved by the Fire & Rescue Department and conform to MS
1395:1996 or Spesifikasi JKR 20200-0042. Underground fire hydrants shall conform to BS 750.
7. All fittings shall be flanged ductile iron with flanges table 16/11, BS 4504.
8. All ductile iron pipes and fitting installed underground shall be wrapped with polyethylene sleeve to BS
9. All pipes shall be installed with approximately 1m cover.
10. All HDPE pipes shall be jointed using WSA approved automatic butt welding machine or electrofusion
machine and electrofusion couplers.
11. HDPE Stub-ends shall be of long collar and shall be jointed to the HDPE using electrofusion couplers.
Butt fusion of stub-ends shall not be allowed. Long collar sub-ends shall be factory produced.
12. All bolts, nuts and washers shall be hot dipped galvanized.
13. All tie-in to the existing water mains, including the sluice valve and chamber shall be installed by the
Developer’s under the supervision of WSA
14. All underground flanges shall be wrapped with approved anti-corrosion wrappers such as Denso Tapes.
15. Concrete thrust blocks shall be provided at all bends and tees.
16. All culvert or drain crossings shall be installed over the top level of the culvert/drain with air valves at the
highest point. Wherever possible, pipe crossing over culverts shall be installed outside the culvert wing-
wall. The crossing shall be installed such that it will not obstruct footpath and the like.
17. The Developer shall provide and install 40mm NB light class (A) galvanised iron pipe sleeve for the
installation of communication pipes involving road crossing and crossing under concrete pavements.
The location of the GI sleeves shall be determined at site.
18. Approved drawings valid for two (2) years.
19. SWB: Ductile Iron Pipe shall be (K9).
20. SWB: Tapping Saddle/Air Valves to AVK or equivalent.

Page 17
Appendix 3


1. The Internal Plumbing System shall be installed, tested and commissioned by a Sarawak State Water
Authority (SWA) registered pipefitter with valid license approved by WSA
2. The Internal Plumbing System shall be installed, tested and commissioned in accordance with the
requirements of WSA
3. All materials shall be approved by the Sarawak State Water Authority and WSA before placing order
and all materials delivered to site shall be inspected and approved by WSA before installation.
4. All pipes & fittings shall conform to the latest issue of the following standards/specifications:-
• HDPE Pipes (class PN 12.5) - MS 1058 or equivalent
• uPVC pipes (Class E only) – MS 628
• Copper pipes (Class X) – EN 1057
• Copper Fittings – EN 1254
• Stainless Steel Pipes – BS 4127/BS3605 Grade 304 minimum
• Electrofusion Fittings - WIS 4-32-14 or PrEN12201/3
• Socket Fusion Fittings -
5. All HDPE pipes installed under or in the floor slab shall be one whole length without any joints and
installed in a Galvanised Iron Sleeve.

Page 18
Appendix 4



We, the Developer of the above project hereby confirm that:-

the construction of the water reticulation system shall be full time supervised by the design Consultant

The design consultant for the above water supply reticulation system will not be supervising the work full
time. We hereby request WSA to supervise the work on full time basis and agree to pay the supervision
fees as stated in WSA’s approval letter.

Authorised Signature of the Developer WSA Stamp

Full Name of the Signatory:

IC No. of the Signatory:

Name of Developer:

Developer’s Address:

Tel: __________________________ Fax: _________________________ Date: ________________________


We, the design consultant of the Water Reticulation System for the above project hereby confirm that we have
been engaged by the Developer to carry out full time supervision of the water reticulation system installation.
We undertake to supervise the project in accordance with the requirements of WSA. The resume and work
experience of the supervisor at site is attached herewith for your approval.

Authorised Signature of the Consultant WSA Stamp

Full Name of the Signatory:

IC No. of the Signatory:

Name of Consultant

Consultant’s Address

Tel: __________________________ Fax: _________________________ Date: _________________________

Page 19


(LAKU Management Sdn. Bhd.)

Drawing No. Title

LAKU/SD/01 Communication Pipe Installation

LAKU/SD/02 Typical HDPE Meter Bridge Details
LAKU/SD/03 HDPE Meter Bridge C/W Magnetic Lockable Valve
LAKU/SD/04 Typical HDPE communication pipes & Meter Stand for Multi Meter
LAKU/SD/05 Typical Bulk / Combination Meter Installation
LAKU/SD/06 Trenching Details for HDPE Pipes
LAKU/SD/07 Typical Joints between Different Pipe Material
LAKU/SD/08 Typical Drain Crossing Details
LAKU/SD/09 Typical Culvert Crossing Details
LAKU/SD/10 Marker Post
LAKU/SD/11 Horizontal Thrust Block
LAKU/SD/12 Sluice Valve and Chamber
LAKU/SD/13 Washout Chamber
LAKU/SD/14 Sluice Valve Fire Hydrant
LAKU/SD/15 Screwdown Fire Hydrant Chamber
LAKU/SD/16 Traffic Control
LAKU/SD/17-1 Traffic Control & Sign Board
LAKU/SD/17-2 Traffic Control & Sign Board
LAKU/SD/18 Pillar Hydrant & Chamber
LAKU/SD/19 Double Air Valve Chamber
LAKU/SD/20 Single Air Valve Chamber
LAKU/SD/21 Typical Sub-Main Layout and Connection
LAKU/SD/22 Air Valve above Ground

Page 20


(Sibu Water Board)

Drawing No. Title

SWB/SD/1 Symbols for use in Water Supply Drawings

SWB/SD/2 Detail of Sluice Valve and Chamber
SWB/SD/3 Detail of Single Air Valve
SWB/SD/4 Detail of Pillar Hydrant
SWB/SD/5 Detail of Precast Chamber
SWB/SD/6 Detail of Ductile Iron Pipe Crossing RC Culvert
SWB/SD/7 Detail of HDPE Pipe Crossing RC Culvert
SWB/SD/8 Typical Detail of DI Pipe Crossing Culvert
SWB/SD/9 Detail of End Hydrant and End Anchorage
SWB/SD/10 Detail of Thrust Block for Bend on Horizontal Plan
SWB/SD/11 Typical Details of Meter Bridge Type A & B
SWB/SD/12 Details of Concrete Chamber
SWB/SD/13 Typical Tee Connection for DI and HDPE Pipe
SWB/SD/14 Details of Tee Connection for DI Pipe
SWB/SD/15 Typical Pipe Connection for 63mm HDPE Pipe
SWB/SD/16 Typical Pipe Connection for 150mm DI and 63mm HDPE Pipe
SWB/SD/17 Details of Cross Tee Connection for DI Pipe
SWB/SD/18 Details of RC Pipe Support
SWB/SD/19 Details of RC Pipe Support for 150mm DI Pipe
SWB/SD/20 Details of RC Pipe Support for 300mm DI Pipe
SWB/SD/21 Details of Typical Pipe Support for 63/160 HDPE and 50mm SS Pipe
SWB/SD/22 Typical Pipe Support for 63mm HDPE Pipe with GI Sleeve for Road
SWB/SD/23 Details of Pipe Trench for D.I and HDPE Pipe
SWB/SD/24 Details of Protection for Communication Pipe on Soft Ground
SWB/SD/25 Typical Detail of Communication Pipe Installation crossing RC
SWB/SD/26 Typical Detail of Communication Pipe Installation for Road Crossing
SWB/SD/27 Typical Detail of Communication Pipe Installation for Non Road
SWB/SD/28 Detail of RC Marker Post
SWB/SD/29 Details of 2” Diameter Stand c/w Stopcock for Flushing c/w
Lockable Steel Cabinet

Page 21
SWB/SD/30 Typical Road Cross Section

Page 22


Description Standards and Class Jointing Method Fittings for Jointing Special Requirements
HDPE pipes MS 1058: 2002 (PE80) Electrofusion, butt fusion using HDPE moulded fittings. Fabricated fittings are not
>63m OD - PN 10 minimum automatic machines Electrofusion Fittings. permitted
<=63mm OD PN 12. Ductile Iron Fittings to BS EN 545
HDPE Electrofusion Fittings WIS 4-32-14 (PE 80/100) Automatic Electrofusion
PrEN 12201-3:2003; ISO 8085; BS 7336 Machine
HDPE stub end DIN 16963 PE 80 Joint to HDPE pipes by To be long collar factory
Electrofusion Couplers manufactured
HDPE stub end backing ring ISO 9624 Galvanised Iron Bolts and Nuts To be hot dipped galvanised to
Flange to BS EN 1092-1:2002, PN 16 MS 740
PE Socket Fusion Fittings for DIN 16963 EN 12201 Fusion
Cold Water system
Ductile Iron Pipes & Fittings BS EN 545 Push-on joints and Flanged Socket and Flanged Fittings Internally cement lined, externally
Pipes up to 400mm ND Class 40 Joints coated with zinc and bitumen. To
Pipes > 400mm ND Class K9 minimum be wrapped with polyethylene
Fittings: K12 sleeve to BS 6076
Flange to BS EN 1092-1:2002, PN 16
Sluice Valves BS 5163 Type B, Ductile Iron Body,
Spesifikasi JKR 20200-0047-99 resilient seated gates for sizes
less than 300mm
Air valves Spesifikasi JKR 20200-0043-99 Isolation valves to be provided
Flexible Couplings and flange Spesifikasi JKR 20200-0048-99
Pillar Hydrants MS 1395:1996
Underground Fire Hydrant BS750
Bolts, Nuts & washers Carbon Steel to BS EN 10083-1 Grade Hot Dipped Galvanised to MS 740
Steel Pipes and Fittings BS 534 Internally cement lined, externally
coated with bitumen for pipes
installed underground, exposed
pipes to be coated with zinc
chromate followed with 2 layers of
Neptune blue gloss paint.

Page 23
Internal Plumbing System

Description Standards and Class Jointing Method Fittings for Jointing Special Requirements
HDPE pipes MS 1058: 2002 (PE80) Electrofusion, butt fusion using HDPE moulded fittings. Fabricated fittings are not
63m OD - PN 10 minimum automatic machines Electrofusion Fittings. permitted
<=63mm OD PN 12.5 clamp fittings, socket fusion, Ductile Iron Fittings to BS EN 545
compression fittings
Arylonitrile Btadiene Syrene MS 1419 Cold solvent cement ABS Fittings
(ABS) Class 15 – 15mm DN
Class 12 – larger than 15mm DN
Polypropylene (PP) Random DIN 8077/8078 Weld fittings, welded/threaded For internal use only, not suitable
Copolymer Type 3 fittings for exposure to sunlight
PN 10 – 20mm – 160mm OD
Polybuthylene (PB) AS/NS 2642.2 Mechanical joints, Thermal
Class 16 – 18mm – 28mm DN fusion
PA Pipe (Polyethylene ASTM 1282 Mechanical Fittings Blue Colour - cold water
Aluminium Composite Pipe) 10 - 60 mm ID Orange colour - hot water
Copper Cass X, BS 1057 Compression joints, capillary joints.
unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride MS 628 Solvent cement uPVC fittings For internal use only, not suitable
(uPVC) for exposure to sunlight
Class E – All sizes
Cryolen-Polypropylene Alloy DIN 8078, PN 10 20mm – 100mm Fusion welded fittings, Fusion
(POB – Polyolefine Blend) welded/threaded fittings
Stainless Steel ASTM A312, BS EN 10312, TP 304 & 316 Weld fittings
15mm – 200mm

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