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Anagogical Method

o Webster dictionary defines anagoge, from its 15th century use, as an

interpretation of a word, passage, or text (as of Scripture or poetry) that finds
beyond the literal, allegorical, and moral senses a fourth and ultimate spiritual or
mystical sense.
o It uses intuition (as opposed to existential acquisition of knowledge from which
conclusion is derived by deduction).
o It was used by Origen and Augustine.
o In figure of speech, anagoge is similar to anabasis which is a gradual ascent or
increase of emphasis or sense. Anagoge is a combination of two Greek words,
ἀνά “again” or “up” and ἅγειν “to lead” or “a leading up.” The figure of speech is said to
be anagoge when the increase leads up from things inferior to things superior; from things
terrestrial to things celestial; or from things mundane to things spiritual. (FOS, p. 429)
o This figure of speech can also be thought of as moving towards the climax.

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