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Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 2015, 8, 43–60

Advance Access publication 30 June 2014

Smart cities from scratch? a socio-technical


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Luís Carvalho
European Institute for Comparative Urban Research (Euricur) & Department of Urban,
Port and Transport Economics (RHV), Erasmus University Rotterdam, Burgemeester
Oudlaan 50, Room H16-23, 3062 PA Rotterdam, The Netherlands,

Received on October 15, 2013; accepted on May 12, 2014

This paper argues that contemporary smart city visions based on ITs (information and tele-
communication technologies) configure complex socio-technical challenges that can ben-
efit from strategic niche management to foster two key processes: technological learning
and societal embedding. Moreover, it studies the extent to which those processes started to
unfold in two paradigmatic cases of smart city pilots ‘from scratch’: Songdo (South Korea)
and PlanIT Valley (Portugal). The rationale and potentials of the two pilots as arenas for
socio-technical experimentation and global niche formation are analysed, as well as the
tensions and bottlenecks involved in nurturing socially rich innovation ecosystems and in
maintaining social and political support over time.

Keywords: smart city, socio-technical transitions, strategic niche management, transition management,
learning, societal embedding
JEL Classifications: O31, O33, Q55, R58

new communities of innovators around cit-

ies’ social and environmental challenges
Recent developments in information and com- (Allwinkle and Cruickshank, 2011). Examples
munication technologies (ITs)—for example, are the upcoming ‘internet-of-things’, the use of
enhanced broadband connectivity, diffusion of embedded sensors in the built environment, the
smart personal devices, data-sharing platforms, roll-out of open data and the development of
ubiquitous computing and cloud-based solu- urban ‘apps’.
tions—opened new possibilities for improving Notwithstanding the plans and resources
urban living and the delivery of urban services already committed by governments and trans-
(Institute for the Future, 2012). These new IT national IT companies (Bélissent and Giron,
possibilities are acknowledged as game chang- 2013; Woods and Gartner, 2013), the effec-
ers in the direction of ‘smarter’ cities, namely tive use of smart-IT solutions in cities is still
by facilitating the coordination of fragmented in its early infancy. While much has been said
urban sub-systems (for example, energy, water, about what cities would look like when such
mobility, built environment) and by harnessing technologies are made operational, not much

© The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Cambridge Political Economy Society.
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has been discussed about the technical, social in greenfield areas with almost no former resi-
and political processes involved in achieving dents or infrastructure, with purposely loose and
such outcomes (Carvalho and Campos, 2013; flexible regulations: the new Songdo district in
Yigitcanlar and Lee, 2013). Although technol- Incheon (South Korea) and the PlanIT Valley
ogy increasingly exists, the thorny issue is that in the North of Portugal. Among a burgeoning
some of the most promising solutions involve number of smart-city experiments worldwide

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large-scale changes in the infrastructure and (for example, Joss et al., 2013), both pilots called
in the sub-systems that currently sustain urban the attention of many international commenta-
life. Their adoption is unlikely to evolve in a tors (Hatch, 2012; The Economist, 2010) due to
linear fashion (that is, from development to their ambitious technological propositions—
implementation) as many social dimensions for example, large-scale embeddedness of sen-
have to simultaneously mature to make the sors in the built environment, ‘urban operating
new solutions fit to the existing world, such as systems’ and ‘machine-to-machine’ solutions.
user’s preferences, legal standards, planning In this paper, their rationale and potentials
requirements and social practices. It is thus as localised arenas for socio-technical experi-
not surprising that current urban regimes (for mentation are analysed through a learning and
example, based on individual mobility, central- societal embedding lens. Despite their unique
ised energy distribution, inefficient built envi- ‘blankness’ advantages, a closer look reveals
ronment) have been proving hard to challenge the many challenges and bottlenecks involved
(for example, Bulkeley et al., 2011). At best, a in nurturing socially rich innovation ecosystems
top-down ‘smart technology’ push is likely to and in maintaining social and political support,
be insufficient. which can ultimately hinder the way learning
Hence, which socio-technical processes have and societal embedding processes are launched
to be followed so that new smart-IT solutions and sustained over time.
can re-shape the functioning of cities? This paper The empirics in this paper draw on evidence
draws on the literature of socio-technical studies collected under the setting of two international
of innovation and sustainability transitions (for research projects, conducted during 2009 and
example, Elzen et  al., 2004; Kemp et  al., 1998; 2011. Besides multiple secondary and docu-
Schot and Geels, 2008) to suggest a framework mental sources (for example, company reports,
to better understand the processes involved in strategic documents, specialised publications,
experimenting and scaling-up new IT-related, web discussion forums, press-releases, personal
smart-city propositions. It argues that the dif- communications) it relies on in-depth, semi-
fusion of smart-city technologies and solutions structured face-to-face interviews with the
in society resemble socio-technical transitions, pilot’s proponents and involved stakeholders,
thus requiring early experimentation ‘gardens’ namely technology companies (CEO’s, direc-
and arenas for strategic niche management, that tors, chief technologists), governmental organi-
is, the development of protected spaces in which sations (city and regional government officers)
governments, industrialists and citizens, among and academia (researchers involved with the
others, interact to test and fine-tune solutions pilots), triangulated with other organisations
towards broader scaling-up (Kemp et al., 1998; and local experts in the host regions. Interviews
Rotmans, 2005), with an eye to enact processes lasted between 45 minutes and 3 hours and
of technological learning and societal embed- explored topics such as i) the pilot’s history
ding (Truffer et al., 2002). and rationale, ii) key partners involved, iii)
Subsequently, this framework is illustrated early outcomes and iv) main challenges ahead.
with two contemporary, extreme cases of For each case, interviews were conducted in
smart-city pilots ‘from scratch’, that is, planned different moments of time (in two different

Smart cities from scratch?

rounds), allowing to trace changes in the early or, in some cases, by fully revolutionising urban
development of both pilots. A total of 31 inter- provisions (for example, energy generation and
views were conducted (Songdo/Incheon, 17; distribution).
PlanIT Valley/Paredes-North of Portugal, 14)1. The idea that ITs can improve cities and
Extensive interview reports were produced urban services is not new. Previous IT break-
afterwards and preliminary results were dis- throughs—for example, telematics, the World

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cussed with key experts in both regions2. Wide Web, broadband diffusion, web 2.0—gen-
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. erated already considerable academic and pol-
The next section briefly discusses the contested icy attention (for example, Hardey, 2007; Ishida
notion of ‘smart city’ and argues that new and Isbister, 2000; Meer and Winden, 2003).
smart-IT visions for cities configure complex Yet, recent IT developments (for example,
socio-technical challenges, thus requiring stra- embedded systems, wireless networks, cloud
tegic niche management to foster technological computing, smart-devices and real-time data
learning and societal embedding. Subsequently, sharing) promise to structurally change the
the paper elaborates on the potentials and provision of urban services. For example, under
limitations of smart cities ‘from scratch’; it pro- an (envisioned) ubiquitous computing para-
ceeds by analysing early processes of learning digm, ITs can “weave themselves into the fabric
and societal embedding in the two case studies, of everyday life until they are indistinguishable
followed by a discussion. The paper concludes from it” (Weiser, 1991, 94). In this vein, large
by proposing a number of research avenues to IT powerhouses (for example, Cisco, IBM) and
strengthen the dialogue between the literature local governments have been imagining cities in
on smart cities, sustainability transitions and which buildings, roads, electric grids and waste
strategic niche management. systems are connected to each other through
dense networks of sensors and wireless tech-
nologies, with permanent data exchange and
Smart cities as socio-technical
‘machine-to-machine’ integration (for example,
Hatch, 2012).
Smart cities: setting the scene More recently, the smart-city discourse
Over the last few years, many different perspec- started to evolve from such grand, top-down
tives of what a smart city is (or should be) per- technology visions to highlight the potentials
meated academic, business and policy arenas of IT-enhanced platforms to facilitate commu-
(for example, Allwinkle and Cruickshank, 2011; nity engagement, participation and new ways of
Carvalho et al., 2013; Gibbs et al., 2013; Kitchin, solving urban problems through civic innova-
2014). Naturally, ‘smart’ and ‘smart city’ as such tion (Townsend, 2013) and ‘smart-er’ commu-
became elusive concepts, appropriated by dif- nities (Allwinkle and Cruickshank, 2011). This
ferent actors with different meanings, referring, approach is sceptical of turn-key, ‘smart-city-
among others, to (i) the local administration’s in-a-box’ solutions and explicitly favours the
ability to do more with less (money), (ii) a involvement of broader sets of actors (beyond
city’s educational standard or (iii) a city’s suc- IT corporations) in the development of smart-
cess in limiting urban sprawl. Yet, and beyond IT solutions for cities. In the process, it advo-
its broader meanings, most ‘smart city’ notions cates for a deeper consideration of the political
have explicit IT dimensions. It is believed that and social fabric that binds cities together.
ITs can increasingly contribute to solve or ame- All in all, and besides the development
liorate pressing urban sustainability problems and implementation of piecemeal applica-
by improving service efficiency (for example, tions (for example, light automation in build-
by reducing water losses and traffic congestion) ings, IT-powered congestion charging, urban


parking ‘apps’), there is still a large gap interaction of landscape, regime and experi-
between viewing and doing. In practice, the mentation niches (Hoogma et al., 2002; Kemp
development of IT-powered smart cities is still et al., 1998). The central block of a socio-tech-
in its early infancy. Laying new ubiquitous ITs, nical system is the regime, formed by a largely
pervasive sensors and real-time data in old stable set of interacting artefacts, technolo-
and entrenched systems involve large-scale gies, infrastructures, every day practices, poli-

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changes in the infrastructure and artefacts that cies, values and institutions. Despite its overall
sustain urban life, such as buildings or electrical stability (for example, centralised energy pro-
grids (Hodson and Marvin, 2009). Moreover, duction), a regime can be challenged by emer-
and perhaps more important, it implies that gent socio-technical configurations incubated
many other socio-institutional dimensions in niches: experimental settings in which new
have to simultaneously co-evolve to make new technologies and innovations are tested by
technologies and innovations fit to the existing new constellations of actors, with the ambition
world, such as user’s preferences and cultural to present alternatives to the current regime
practices, legal standards, planning require- (Rip and Kemp, 1998). The actions unfolding
ments, actor’s networks, privacy expectations in niches (for example, testing of new ways of
and business models. Thus, the deployment of energy production, ‘machine-to-machine’ inter-
new IT solutions in cities—or, in other words, actions in cities or opening real-time city data
making smart-city visions happen—is not only to wider communities) contribute to add vari-
an issue of developing and pushing the right ety and pressure to the current socio-technical
technologies. The changes involved have a configurations or regimes. Regime and niche
clear and challenging socio-technical nature. levels interact within a slowly evolving land-
scape, composed by societal values, worldviews,
fundamental technological developments and
A socio-technical perspective macro-structural economic, social and environ-
There is a large body of literature—rooted in mental conditions. Over time, socio-technical
evolutionary theorising and the history of tech- change can result from the landscape’s pres-
nology—that studies the processes followed by sures (for example, climate change threats or
socio-technical systems before their broader fast urbanisation) but also—and often in tan-
implementation in society (for example, cen- dem—from the unfolding and consolidation of
tralised energy production; water distribution new technological niches.
systems). As those systems—composed by Under this framework, niche experimenta-
assemblages of artefacts, technologies, net- tion is fundamental to foster socio-technical
works and institutions—tend to stabilise and change and the introduction of new technolo-
produce mainly incremental innovations, schol- gies in society. Hence the policy prescriptions
ars of social studies of technology speak of of transition management (Rotmans, 2005) and
technological transitions to refer to larger-scale, strategic niche management (Hoogma et  al.,
more radical system innovations unfolding 2002; Kemp et  al., 1998), that is, the develop-
through non-linear co-evolutionary processes ment of “protected spaces created by specific
between technological, social, political and eco- actors—be they industry managers, policymak-
nomic domains, taking place over long periods ers or citizen groups—with the strategic aim to
of time (Elzen et al., 2004; Geels, 2002; Geels, test and develop a technology and to prepare it
2005; Kemp et al., 1998; Smith et al., 2005). for further diffusion” (Truffer et al., 2002, 113).
These literatures posit that the dynamics Strategically managed niches and transi-
of socio-technical systems can be understood tion arenas aim to create protected incuba-
from a multilevel perspective, through the tion opportunities so that new desirable yet

Smart cities from scratch?

immature socio-technical configurations can be years with an eye to foster sustainability-related

tested, gain constituency, advocates, nudge new transitions—for example, the redesign of mobil-
regulatory frameworks and, ultimately, become ity, energy, health and waste systems—often
solid alternatives to current regimes. through very concrete and localised experi-
Hence, under which circumstances can the ments in cities (Bulkeley et  al., 2011; Nevens
emergence of new technological niches happen et al., 2012; Rohracher and Späth, 2013). In pro-

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(for example, new smart-IT urban solutions) tected niche arenas or experiments, new socio-
and pave the way towards broader regime shifts technical propositions can have breathing space
(for example, fully fledged, IT-supported smart to unfold and gain some critical mass—that is,
cities)? Which processes have to be followed? to ignite and develop early processes of learn-
According with Truffer et  al. (2002) niche- ing and societal embedding—before ‘protec-
based arenas and experiments are pivotal to tions’ (for example, political support, flexible
the extent that they can gradually support two regulations, financial resources) can be progres-
key processes (see also Kemp et al, 1998; Schot sively removed.
and Geels, 2008):

• Learning, that is, the discovery, testing and Smart-city pilots (‘from scratch’) as
fine-tuning of new insights about the tech- specific niche-based experiments
nologies at stake, their variants and the How have these processes been operating in
conditions for success in real-life environ- smart-city pilots? Over the last few years, a
ments, and, number of smart-city experiments started to
• Societal embedding, that is, the progres- be designed and implemented with the aim of
sive interaction between new technologies/ prototyping solutions and progressively embed
solutions and the social, cultural, political them in society. Even if transition manage-
and governance dimensions that structure ment and strategic niche management were
their use. Societal embedding encompasses not explicitly prescribed as guiding tools, most
three interlinked processes: smart-city pilots largely resemble niche-based,
transition experiments. Visionary entrepre-
i) Network building: the creation of constitu- neurs, IT corporations and proactive mayors
ency and coalitions of public and private have been amongst their biggest supporters
supporters of the technology (potential (Carvalho and Campos, 2013; Hatch, 2012;
producers, users, regulators) and resource Lindsay, 2010), but other communities (for
pooling (for example, money, expertise); example, open data users and activists) are
ii) Infrastructure matching: the adjustment of increasingly involved as well (Townsend, 2013).
the new technologies to an existing socio- Smart-city experiments have been com-
technical environment of regulations, ing in many shapes and guises. Some target
standards, business models and physical piecemeal improvements and largely operate
artefacts; and within the socio-technical fabric of existing
iii) Expectation building: the development of cities (for example, open data on water flows;
favourable expectations and visions about automated building and street lighting systems;
the advantages of the new technologies for remote electricity metering). However, others
society, (international) attention and legiti- propose the development of entire new cities
macy for continuing experimentation. and districts ‘from scratch’. In the second case,
it is considered that more demanding smart-
Transition management and niche-based city visions are mostly incompatible with the
approaches have been deployed over the last current socio-technical contexts of existing


cities (for example, infrastructure fragmenta- is likely to be insufficient for rich learning to
tion, procurement regulations and ownership unfold. The attraction of external-to-the-city
models). Hence, even if some of the piloted innovators is insufficient if a place lacks the
technologies and artefacts are not necessarily right, related variety of actors, activities and
radically detached from current socio-technical institutions to anchor and recombine knowl-
regimes (for example, IT solutions for mobil- edge locally (Boschma and Frenken, 2011;

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ity management or smart-IT powered electric Crevoisier and Jeannerat, 2009). Thus, the types
grids), they tend to face large mismatches with of learning in ‘from scratch’ pilots are likely to
regard to current user practices, regulations, be more intensive in the production and col-
infrastructure and business models, thus still lection of facts and data (about their techno-
requiring niche-based experimental settings. logical propositions) than on dense interactions
In the case of smart-city pilots ‘from scratch’, among actors conducive to socially grounded,
niche experiments are designed to cater for full locally co-developed solutions.
system integration from the early beginning. Second, piloted technologies in ‘from scratch’
They are planned in social and physically ‘virgin projects are expected to become embed-
land’ (that is, with no former residents, build- ded overtime in new social practices within
ings or infrastructures), in policy-protected the ‘enclave’ but also to constitute ‘first steps’
arenas (with loose, experimentation-oriented towards global processes of societal embed-
and flexible regulations), aiming to attract new ding. Beyond ‘de-bugging’ technical aspects,
residents and companies to be simultaneously such processes may involve the nurturing of
users and developers of new smart-IT solutions. new coalitions and networks of knowledge pro-
Thus, one of their defining features is the strong ducers, users and advocates, as well as the early
protection from the complexity and uneven- visualisation of new infrastructure and gov-
ness of real-life cities: entrenched social and ernance arrangements required to implement
physical infrastructures, business routines and new solutions in society. As the pilot gener-
political arenas. ates international awareness and raises expec-
The ‘strong protection’ feature has concep- tations, it can influence other less protected
tual and theoretical implications, namely when places towards the formation and structuration
it comes to learning and societal embedding of global niches (Geels and Schot, 2008).
expectations and possibilities. First, as the eco- However, in practice, the literatures on socio-
nomic geography literature suggests, richer technical transitions suggest that the processes
modes of learning (that is, combining multiple of societal embedding and progressive global
types of tacit knowledge pieces) tend to rely niche formation can be hampered by a number
on place-based, path-dependent ecologies of of localised phenomena in the host city/region,
actors and their networks, often linked by cul- potentially heightened in the case of ‘from
tural and social ties, knowledge exchange rou- scratch’ experiments. Those relate with (i) the
tines and mutual understanding (for example, difficulties to find a balance between empow-
Bathelt et  al., 2004); such networks include ering front-running actors (such as visionary
not only firms and their knowledge partners, entrepreneurs and government advocates) and
but also increasingly users and consumers as involving wider segments of users and local
co-learners and co-producers (Grabher et  al., communities with limited voice and agency (for
2008). Hence, this literature demonstrates that example, Lawhon and Murphy, 2012; Loorbach
the simple co-presence of actors and innovators and Rotmans, 2010) and (ii) the challenges
(firms, knowledge institutes, users) with limited imposed by contestation, uneven power rela-
or absent social, cultural or institutional ties tions and the political environments of the host
(for example, like in a smart city ‘from scratch’) city/region (Shove and Walker, 2007). Under

Smart cities from scratch?

these situations, early societal embedding is spearhead in the (local and national) govern-
likely to be jeopardised by the difficulties in ment’s investment attraction strategy, with an
maintaining momentum, resources (diversified eye to lure international companies, universi-
knowledge, finance) and a local license to oper- ties and expatriate workers (van Winden et al,
ate (Nevens et al., 2012), making it difficult to 2012).
keep the experiment running over sufficient The first smart-IT visions for Songdo date

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periods of time. from 2004, when it was selected as a pilot in
the Korean ‘ubiquitous-city’ (or ‘u-city’) strat-
Case Studies: Songdo and egy and envisioned as a test-bed of new u-tech-
PlanIT Valley nologies in daily life. Examples are real-time
traffic solutions, health care, crime prevention
In this section, the previous framework is illus- and environmental information services, all
trated with two well-known cases of smart-city based on radio frequency identification devices
pilots ‘from scratch’: Songdo and PlanIT Valley. (RFID), smart displays, data-sharing, video-
After briefly introducing their visions and cur- networking and embedded sensors (IFEZ,
rent development status (see also Table  1), 2010). Songdo’s u-city strategy has been coor-
their rationales, early achievements and limita- dinated by the IFEZ (Incheon Free Economic
tions fostering technological learning and soci- Zone) authority, responsible for providing
etal embedding are explored. hard incentives (funding, facilities) to attract
and nurture ‘u-technology’ companies, both
Songdo from Korea and abroad. In 2009, Cisco signed
Songdo is a newly build, mixed-use district a deal to provide their TelePresence technol-
at the edge of Incheon (South Korea). In the ogy (a video-conferencing platform system) to
early 2000s, Incheon was awarded the status new buildings and explore related u-services in
of Free Economic Zone and Songdo became a Songdo (see also Lindsay, 2010).

Table 1.  Key features of Songdo and PlanIT Valley.

Features Songdo PlanIT Valley

Nearest city Incheon (50 km from Seoul), Paredes (30 km from Porto),
South Korea Portugal
Planned size after completion (hectares) 5.300 (sea-reclaimed land) 1.670 (greenfield site)
Development stage of the site Under construction (started in 2003) Planning concluded (2009); start delayed
Primary uses Mixed (for example, international R&D and prototyping facilities (plus
business district, housing, housing and basic amenities)
international university campuses,
science parks, high-level amenities)
Dominant technological vision ‘Ubiquitous city’ ‘City with a brain’
Key integrating ITs Cisco TelePresence UOSTM (Urban Operating System)
RFID and ‘urban integrated Sensors and ‘urban apps’
operation centre’
Driving force Local and National Government Living PlanIT (born-global IT company)
Main stakeholders City of Incheon, National Living PlanIT, Members of PlanIT’s
Government; IFEZ—Incheon Free ‘ecosystem’ (for example, technology
Economic Zone, Gale, POSCO, Cisco companies, developers), National and
Local Government (supportive role)

Source: Fieldwork.


Up to now, Songdo attracted many com- sensors and cloud computing and, according with
panies working with IT and u-related tech- its proponents, “can be compared to a brain,
nologies, national and foreign, large and small linked and giving orders to the many parts of a
(IFEZ, 2010). Sensors, displays, ‘smart walls’ nervous system.” As the Chartered Institute of
and related technologies permeated parts of Building (2011) puts it, PlanIT Valley’s central
Songdo’s infrastructure, but no dramatic change innovation proposition is to foster

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occurred yet in Songdo’s sub-systems or living
modes. It is estimated that only roughly 3% of buildings and cities impregnated with
the total development costs of Songdo have sensing, communications and remote actua-
been allocated to smart-IT components (Hatch, tion devices (...), allowing for unprecedented
2012). The large majority of the new solutions control of waste and energy. (...) Buildings
focus on regular consumption (for example, won’t really be buildings anymore; primarily,
e-commerce, smart cards) and geo-location (for they will be computing devices, “iBuildings”,
example, of children and the elderly) and not like iPhones, allowing developers to get more
so much on structurally new ways of rendering money out of their built assets by facilitat-
urban provisions (for example, Shwayri, 2013). ing the provision of software applications to
Moreover, u-solutions have been largely pushed building occupants. (6)
from corporations to residents, in a rather inflex-
ible fashion (Lindsay, 2010; Shin, 2009). Currently, financial and credit access con-
strains are delaying the start of the construction.
Nevertheless, many technology companies are
PlanIT Valley already committed to take part in Living PlanIT’s
Contrarily to Songdo’s state-driven initiative, ‘UOS-ecosystem’, and pay a high membership fee
the idea behind PlanIT Valley—a large smart- for that. While the development does not start, the
city pilot planned for the North of Portugal— UOS is being explored and deployed in smaller
has been championed by Living PlanIT, a smart-IT pilots around the world, for example, in
born-global IT company led by a group of the Netherlands, UK, Brazil and China.
experienced transnational entrepreneurs. The
vision for the area consists in developing a pri-
vate, brand-new prototype district in which a Technological learning
number of environmentally friendly, smart-IT So far, how did the two pilots managed to
solutions can be developed, tested, fine-tuned steer technological learning, that is, to discover,
and showcased. To this effect, Living PlanIT is test and fine-tune new insights concerning
bringing together international IT providers, the technologies’ success in real-life environ-
developers, mobility companies and other sup- ments? Which advantages and limitations can
pliers to locate R&D antennas in the new dis- be found?
trict. The underlying rationale is that the staff Complementarily to piecemeal pilots in ‘old’
of the relocated companies (and their families) cities, the leading technological proponents in
will become simultaneously developers and Songdo and PlanIT Valley praise the virtues
users of new smart-IT solutions in place. of ‘from scratch’ pilots to test new IT solu-
The selling point of the PlanIT Valley is the tions in an integral fashion. Overall, the pro-
possibility to develop and implement new solu- posed advantages run through the provision of
tions, urban services and ‘apps’ through a propri- a ‘blank sheet’ environment. First, the physical
etary platform called ‘Urban Operating System’ infrastructure in such pilots is more mould-
(UOSTM), developed by Living PlanIT. The UOS able and experimentation-prone. For example,
platform works in connection with many physical the new bridge linking Incheon’s international

Smart cities from scratch?

airport to Songdo has been early commis- downsides. First, despite the ambitions, ‘from
sioned to be impregnated with sensors to per- scratch’ pilots seem to find it hard to nur-
manently monitor traffic conditions, as well as ture new innovation ecosystems. The case of
to provide remote safety services; to this effect, Songdo shows that fiscal incentives, the prox-
a Finnish technology provider established an imity to Incheon/Seoul and the ‘blank sheet’
R&D subsidiary in Songdo to closely monitor promise made it possible to attract a consider-

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the experiment and learn for other contexts. able number of technology firms and research
The same goes for other North-American and units in a short period of time, both from Korea
Korean companies who developed IT-based and beyond (Cisco, IBM, start-up companies,
traffic control systems in their home bases and sections of the University of Seoul, etc). Yet,
are currently testing them in place (for example, interaction routines between localised play-
road safety systems in the proximity to schools). ers did not seem to diffuse at the same pace.
Moreover, in ‘from scratch’ cities, infrastructure For example, the more challenging IT propo-
such as buildings, grids, lightning and sewage sitions of Cisco—system integration through
systems, etc., can be developed in a more articu- TelePresence solutions—have been imple-
lated fashion, making it easier to be connected mented in Songdo (many offices and apartments
to IT environments from the early beginning. are currently endowed with it), but developed
As explained by a technologist at Living PlanIT, through technology and company acquisitions
in the USA, Australia and Germany (see also
Designing a city’s infrastructure and IT back- Lindsay, 2010), rendering knowledge exchange
bone from the ground up is a golden oppor- and interactions in place limited. The same goes
tunity to explore new solutions and integrate for other smart, remote-controlled IT solu-
the city’s sub-systems from the onset – it’s like tions applied in the building environment (for
starting with a “clean slate”. (...) [Otherwise] example, lights, elevators, air conditioning, air
it is very difficult to achieve full integration sensors), which had been developed elsewhere
of all the old entrenched urban subsystems even if tested locally. In PlanIT Valley, the early
[e.g. energy, waste, lightning, safety] and to attempts to create an ecosystem of companies
visualise how that integration can work. ‘from scratch’ has resulted, so far, in a limited
number of localised interactions—the lion’s
Second, by providing more flexibility and trial- share of the urban operating system (UOS)
and-error opportunities, dedicated pilots ‘from development has been taking place in London
scratch’ make it easier to test, change and fre- and in Detroit, largely within the boundaries of
quently adapt new technologies on-the-go. As the company and applied to other urban retro-
elucidated by an interviewee, fitting projects (for example, in East London).
Second, and related with the previous, the a regular city district, or even in a building, it lack of active and socially mixed communities
is not easy to frequently introduce new techno- and the dominance of elite IT companies as
logical features when problems are identified: knowledge producers have been hampering
there is a lot of inertia. However, this perma- more widespread learning possibilities. Both
nent testing is the raison d’être in private, dedi- Songdo and (the planning of) PlanIT Valley
cated test-beds (...). For example, it becomes illustrate the difficulties gathering socially
possible to regularly turn-on/off all the routers heterogeneous users in place, ultimately lim-
and introduce “upgrades” on-the-go. iting the ‘real-life’ context of the experiments.
In Songdo, the initial ambition was to attract
Yet, despite the advantages, the ‘clean slate’ expatriates (considered to be advanced IT
status comes with two major societal-related users); however, over time, the real estate


market turned the location into a high-end, Societal embedding

homogeneous Korean suburb (Shwayri, 2013). Together with technological learning, transi-
In PlanIT Valley, the ambition has always tions go through processes of societal embed-
been to cluster technology companies’ staff ding, that is, the connection between new
from the beginning and to develop a ‘private technological propositions and the social
tech town’, thus with a relatively homogenous

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world. It involves the creation of constituency,
socio-economic profile and limited former actor coalitions and societal support around
social ties. new technologies (network management), the
Therefore, the pilots’ design—lack of for- co-evolution between new technologies, regu-
mer residents, companies and other organisa- lations, standards, infrastructures and busi-
tions—made the role of technology producers ness models (infrastructure matching) and the
overwhelmingly dominant, limiting the pos- development of international attention, legiti-
sibilities of actively creating and recombining macy, visions and positive expectations about
more diverse types of knowledge in place (for the advantages of the new solutions for society
example, from users and other stakeholders). (expectation building). So far, how did the two
The case of Songdo illustrates that many of the cases manage to steer these processes?
technologies currently deployed—for exam- First, both Songdo’s development and PlanIT
ple, TelePresence; smart personal cards with Valley’s announcement generated momentum
integrated transponders; remote monitoring and scope for the formation of new actor coa-
solutions—essentially run from the technolo- litions around smart-IT solutions, both locally
gists to the users. In this context, processes and internationally. For example, in Songdo,
of joint development and co-creation remain the u-city strategy influenced the allocation of
incipient; simultaneously, issues of data pri- national R&D funding and the development of
vacy and ownership emerged and have been new facilities (for example, a national R&D cen-
dominating the smart-IT debate between resi- tre for RFID, including testing and showcasing
dents and corporate players (see also Oxford, facilities). Moreover, it raised awareness among
2013). local policymakers, nudging the procurement
Summing up, the cases of Songdo and and testing of solutions that would not be easily
PlanIT Valley illustrate the learning rationales demanded by the market (for example, embed-
and advantages associated with the develop- ding sensors in the built environment and new
ment of smart-city pilots ‘from scratch’, namely associated u-services). Songdo’s u-city strategy
the mouldable infrastructure, the flexibility of also led to a new partnership between POSCO
experimentation, trial-and-error and the pos- and Gale (Korean and North-American real
sibilities to achieve early integration of multi- estate developers, respectively) to endow
ple urban sub-systems. However, under those their buildings with Cisco technology, not only
conditions, learning processes become strongly in Songdo but in other parts of the world. In
moderated by the pilot’s societal limitations, the case of PlanIT Valley, the early announce-
namely the difficulties to foster localised inter- ment of the pilot generated considerable fuss
actions and innovation ecosystems, the reli- in the region and led to the formation of local
ance on homogenous sets of users and the and international partnerships to champion
dominance of elite technological knowledge the UOS’s possibilities. A  number of leading
in the process. Therefore, in their current for- Portuguese and international companies (IT,
mat, smart cities ‘from scratch’ risk emphasis- mobility, telecoms, developers and architecture
ing divides between knowledge producers and firms) signed formal agreements to participate
knowledge users, hampering broader learning and design new smart-IT solutions for the plat-
processes. form. Moreover, Living PlanIT teamed up with

Smart cities from scratch?

the University of Porto to host a large interna- UOS as an integrated solution for cities; the
tional conference on smart cities, and incentiv- case received attention in leading business
ised the interest for joint research programmes schools (Eccles et al., 2010) and PlanIT Valley
across different faculties and higher education proponents have been invited to high-level
institutions. industry and government conferences world-
Second, due to their dimension and tech- wide, including the World Economic Forum.

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nological ambition, both Songdo and PlanIT In Songdo, the IFEZ authority became an
benefited from early exemptions and flexibil- ambassador of new u-solutions worldwide and
ity vis-à-vis the physical-societal structures of worked to showcase them in many forums and
the host place, such as national and local policy conferences. Moreover, IFEZ plans to demon-
frameworks (for example, bureaucracy, build- strate some of Songdo’s new u-solutions in the
ing heights, zoning codes, procurement rou- forthcoming 2014 Asian Games in Incheon.
tines). This gave rise to opportunities for testing Adding to this, a number of technology pro-
new services and business models that could viders and IFEZ developed a futuristic exhibi-
hardly fit current regulations and practices. For tion centre—called ‘Tomorrow City’—where
example, Songdo has provided room for the visions of ‘u-futures’ in cities can be visualised
development of new business models beyond and experienced by residents and visitors.
the Korean legislation, for example, foreign Despite the advantages of such pilots to
and privately supplied (partly monopolistic) IT raise awareness, visualisation of solutions and
solutions to connect different u-services, which networks of (corporate, academic and govern-
would not have been possible under standard ment) advocates, in practice, a number of limi-
Korean regulations. In PlanIT Valley, the plans tations and contradictions seem to moderate
to develop a ‘private city’ have been per defini- the pilots’ societal embeddedness merits and
tion an attempt to overcome the routines and potentials. An overreaching critique is that
(procurement) regulations that determine ser- Songdo and PlanIT Valley are too protected
vice provisions in regular cities and to visualise and detached from real-life cities, making
new potential governance and business models. its propositions hard to scale up beyond the
Third, Songdo and PlanIT Valley were boundaries of the experiment. Moreover, as the
designed as global showrooms of new ways of cases illustrate, over time, their ‘from scratch’
‘smart-living’ in cities, places where residents features magnified tensions accessing financial
and users can assess the benefits (and the costs) resources and the ‘licence to operate’ from their
of new technologies. A  Living PlanIT’s repre- host cities and regions.
sentative explains the role of such pilots foster- First, partly because of its scale and ambi-
ing awareness and wider legitimation: tions, the pilots found it difficult to retain the
initial momentum. The difficulties to deliver in
As the construction of the [PlanIT] Valley the short run become associated with tensions
is slightly delayed, we have been testing with the surrounding (not ‘from scratch’) socio-
the UOS in other places. (…) Yet, none of political environments; as a result, funding,
them can replace what the PlanIT Valley is social and political support tended to erode.
planned to be (...): an integral showcase, the In Songdo, the initial momentum and politi-
place where the merits of the new solutions cal support significantly decreased as the for-
can be visualized altogether. mer Mayor Sang-Soo Ahn left office in 2010
(leaving a mounting public debt), rendering
Moreover, the attention raised by such a Songdo and its u-strategies towards political
‘ground-breaking’ proposition contributed to indifference (see also Shwayri, 2013). By that
raise expectations about the potential of the time, Songdo’s debt had to be restructured


and the real estate consortium Gale-POSCO Valley raised concerns about the governability
agreed to concede 50% of the future profits to of the pilot (and about the eventual election
the City of Incheon. Subsequently, also a num- of political representatives) within the current
ber of disagreements emerged between Gale political frameworks of Paredes (but also of
(the lead real estate developer of Songdo) other newly built cities). In Incheon, local gov-
and the Korean Government about the resi- ernment representatives became increasingly

Downloaded from by Amity University user on 23 April 2019

dential-commercial mix in the area and about concerned about the perception of elitism that
the incentives for business attraction. A  large Songdo represented and hence mounting diffi-
share of the developed office space remained culties emerged persuading local tax payers of
empty and the government refused to subsi- the benefits of the (costly) investments.
dise the relocation of national companies. This Summing up, Songdo and (the plans for)
re­adjustment placed strong pressure on the PlanIT Valley illustrate the societal embedding
finance available to support smart-IT upgrades benefits and rationales for developing ambi-
and further experimentation. tious and strong-proposition ‘from scratch’
In the PlanIT Valley, the difficulties pulling pri- experiments: they (i) contributed to generate
vate funding and the project’s delay also impacted momentum and to nudge new front-running
the on the political support. The local government actor coalitions, both locally and internation-
started to face political contestation (for their ally, (ii) allowed for the testing of new business
institutional support, provision of cheap land and models beyond current regulatory frameworks
promises of new jobs) and scepticism increased and (iii) created expectations and facilitated the
within the surrounding community. Moreover, visualisation of new technologies and solutions.
early networks developed between Living PlanIT, However, too much distance from the current
local companies and knowledge institutes lost socio-technical world of regulations, standards
momentum. In both cases, as the political-soci- and policy routines and the difficulties in main-
etal support decreased and financial constrains taining the early support over time have been
emerged, the strategies of the dominant IT com- limiting societal embedding possibilities and
panies shifted towards smaller experiments else- the structuration of global niches. Moreover,
where, tapping on available packages of stimulus the observed erosion of financial, political and
funds and focusing on piecemeal ‘smartisation’ of societal support and the rebalancing of inter-
some parts of old urban structures (for example, ests between stakeholders (in Songdo) seems
adding sensors to sewage systems). For example, to highlight an emerging mismatch between
the UOS platform has been deployed in the rede- the potential benefits of ‘from scratch’ pilots
velopment of the City airport in London and the and their massive development costs.
British Government is supporting a number of
research programs to develop UOS-based ‘apps’
in local retrofitting projects. Discussion
Second, the large distance between current Different as they are, both Songdo and PlanIT
policy frameworks and the ones operating at Valley highlight the core features of the con-
the pilot render the experiments too detached temporary attempts to develop smart-city
from real-life contexts, making it difficult to per- experimentation ‘from scratch’, that is, planned
meate current socio-technical regimes. In both to unfold in newly built areas, with no former
pilots, many interviewees raised doubts about residents or infrastructure and with purpose-
the scalability of the experiments once the reg- fully loose and flexible regulations and policy
ulatory protection was removed and how would routines. The cases show that the underlying
they work for less advantaged social groups. For vision in such pilots, from the perspective of
example, the private-city strategy for PlanIT smart-city transitions, is to have a sort of

Smart cities from scratch?

‘blank-sheet’ in which the city’s sub-systems management initiatives are heightened in ‘from
can be more easily integrated through ITs from scratch’ pilots, limiting their learning and soci-
the onset. etal embedding potential over time: difficulties
By starting these experiments—or simply nurturing socially rich innovation ecosystems;
by announcing them (PlanIT Valley)—to a dominance of corporation-driven technologi-
larger or lesser extent, local governments and cal knowledge and limited user co-creation;

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transnational corporations ignited a number of tensions with the surrounding socio-political
dynamics that can positively influence learning arenas; wide distance from dominant regula-
and societal embedding processes of the new tory and governance systems and perception
technologies in society, both locally and with of elitism (for example, Lawhon and Murphy,
an eye to other (less protected) places: mobili- 2012; Loorbach and Rotmans, 2010; Shove and
sation of companies and innovators interested Walker, 2007). Table  2 synthesises the results
in the deployment and testing of the new tech- from the analysis.
nologies; attraction of R&D funding and new The analysis highlights a critical tension—
investments; formation of front-runner coali- and the need to strike a balance—between
tions; testing of new business models; visu- empowering front running players (for exam-
alisation and raised expectations about new ple, visionary entrepreneurs, industrialists,
technologies and solutions. Hence, even if the proactive mayors) and the need to open the
opportunity costs of allocating public support experiment to local communities at large (for
and private investments to such pilots remain example, Lawhon and Murphy, 2012). One
valid and open questions, the development of major limitation in ‘from scratch’ pilots is that
smart-city pilots from scratch is not (necessar- social and early innovation dynamics are per
ily) an excuse to develop speculative real estate definition limited, not only because of the dif-
projects—there can be important socio-techni- ficulties filling in the pilot with (heterogene-
cal dimensions and rationales involved. ous mixes of) residents but also because of the
The smart-city pilots explored in this paper inexistence of former sociability, knowledge
are still largely in a state of flux. However, their exchange and civic participation routines. As
success influencing larger ‘smart-city’ niche a result, the visions, interests and (externally
structuration and socio-technical transitions— developed) solutions of leading technology
through technological learning and societal proponents are weakly challenged/fine-tuned
embedding—has been relatively narrow so far. and risk becoming overwhelmingly dominant,
Paradoxically, the advantages of ‘blankness’ are creating user–producer divides. In this setting,
also their principal limitations. Despite the ini- as the case of Songdo highlights, data-related
tial boost, PlanIT Valley has been struggling to issues (for example, privacy and ownership)
take-off; Songdo’s u-strategies have been los- tend to dominate the debate, while broader
ing political momentum. In both cases, their processes of co-development between compa-
core technological propositions (for example, nies and users are relatively absent. The role of
UOS, TelePresence, machine-to-machine solu- the government does not seem to effectively
tions, embedded sensors) are being currently counter this tendency, being largely limited to
deployed in smaller, potentially less ambitious providing incentives and flexible regulatory
smart-city initiatives worldwide. frameworks, thus reducing the learning and
The recent credit constrains impacting on societal embedding potential of the pilots.
both pilots (in the aftermath of the global The relation between the pilot and its socio-
financial crisis of 2008)  do not tell the whole political environment is also a critical point of
story—the two cases reveal that many of attention. Even if ‘from scratch’ pilots are ideal-
the limitations pointed to strategic niche ised as protected from external regulations and


Table 2.  Smart cities ‘from scratch’: socio-technical rationales and limitations.

Socio-technical experimentation Limitations

Technological learning • ‘Clean-slate’; early system • Immature innovation ecosystems

Downloaded from by Amity University user on 23 April 2019

•  Testing flexibility • Dominance of (top-down)
technological knowledge; limited
user involvement (consumers
versus co-producers)
Societal embedding • Creating ‘momentum’ and • Tensions with socio-political
the formation of new actor environments in the host place
coalitions (erosion of support and licence to
• ‘Freedom’ vis-à-vis the physical, • Distance from real-life regulatory,
social and political structures of infrastructural and social contexts
the host place
• Early visualisation of integrated • Perception of elitism

Source: Own elaboration.

policy pressures, their host cities and regions and resources in smart city ‘from scratch’ pilots
are not as pristine and function under complex seems to happen before processes of learning
and evolving political environments, contesta- and societal embedding can consistently start
tion and power relations (for example, Bulkeley to unfold (both in the pilot and towards global
et  al., 2011; Shove and Walker, 2007). Songdo niche formation) and before regulatory protec-
and PlanIT Valley show that changes in sur- tions can be removed. The temporal dimen-
rounding policy arenas and shifting views about sion of smart-city transitions is so far a missing
the costs and benefits of such pilots can become dimension in the planning of such pilots, and
closely associated with the erosion of societal one that requires further policy attention.
and political support for the pilot, as well as Finally, smart cities ‘from scratch’ are illustra-
with difficulties accessing financial resources tive of a political and corporate discourse that
and a ‘licence to operate’. As transitions are not largely equates sustainability with the possi-
races but marathons, this is a plea to consider bilities opened by technology to improve effi-
the evolution of smart-city niche experiments ciency and to reduce resources’ consumption
in relation with the political dynamics of their (of energy, fuels, water, etc). However, from a
host cities and regions. political ecology perspective, new technologies
Moreover, the risk of early dry-up of the often lead to similar or even increased con-
public and private investments required for sumption levels (under new names) rather than
smart cities ‘from scratch’ raises important fostering broader changes in production and
questions concerning the temporality of smart- consumption patterns towards reduced ecolog-
IT transitions. The literatures on strategic niche ical impacts (for example, Lawhon and Murphy,
management (for example, Schot and Geels, 2012). Moreover, current smart-city discourses
2008) stress the need to gradually open up still tend to emphasise the environmental and
experimental spaces to allow broader societal economic dimensions of sustainability and
embedding and more systemic regime change. much less its social and equity spheres. Hence,
Yet, as the cases suggest, the erosion of support as previously suggested by other studies, in

Smart cities from scratch?

practice, there might be relevant conceptual types of smart-city pilots from varied angles
gaps between smart-IT city visions and other (for example, ‘from scratch’ versus retrofitting;
eco-city notions (Joss et  al., 2013; Yigitcanlar state-driven versus corporate-driven versus
and Lee, 2013). So far, as the abovementioned community-driven), with an eye to learning and
limitations show, smart-city pilots have a long societal embeddedness outcomes.
way to go if they are to tackle the challenges The analysis of power relations within smart-

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imposed by more reformist notions of sustain- city experiments is also an issue deserving close
ability (for example, Hopwood et al., 2005) and attention. A  number of commentators have
transition projects that account for behavioural been calling the attention to power ‘battles’
change, power, affordability, social justice and within smart cities (for example, Institute for
participation. the Future, 2012) and to the potentially diver-
gent and/or multiple interests of its proponents
(Carvalho and Campos, 2013). However, there
Conclusion and research avenues is a dearth of conceptualisation in this field.
This paper proposed a socio-technical approach A  deeper analysis and conceptualisation of
to analyse the contemporary development of power relations in smart-city pilots can benefit
smart-IT solutions and its promises to re-shape from studies at the crossovers of socio-tech-
the functioning of cities. It suggested that more nical studies, human geography, urban studies
than ‘technologising the way out’ of current and political ecology (Bulkeley et  al., 2011;
urban problems, a number of socio-technical Lawhon and Murphy, 2012). Moreover, those
processes have to unfold—technological learn- conceptualisations can open new avenues to
ing and societal embedding—so that new IT (i) analyse costs and benefits of smart-city
solutions can effectively challenge current pilots from a more nuanced perspective and
regimes of urban provisions. This framework to (ii) look at smart-city transitions with an
was then applied to the study of two cases of eye to their contributions to steer broader sys-
smart-city pilots ‘from scratch’: Songdo and temic change in production and consumption
PlanIT Valley. The advantages, but also the patterns (beyond technological demonstration
socio-technical limitations found in these pilots and adoption).
suggest the need for great caution in their One additional research avenue, also stem-
design and implementation as the latter can ming from this study, concerns the analysis of
easily outweigh the first. smart-city experiments from a closer geograph-
Hence, one important consideration for the ical lens. Beyond the socio-technical dynamics
proponents of smart-city pilots is about how of the pilot and of its host city, the cases suggest
protected should those pilots be. The cases that learning and societal embedding processes
analysed in this paper are at one extreme of taking place in smart-city pilots influence (are
a continuum between ‘highly-protected, from influenced by) other scales and places—for
scratch experiments’ and ‘piecemeal retrofit- example, through the operations and changing
ting initiatives’. It can be easily imagined that strategies of globally oriented IT corporations
if the first reveals too much distance from cur- in multiple locations. Hence, an analysis of
rent socio-technical regimes (for example, full smart cities from a space-relational perspective
integration of a city’s subsystem through ITs), can benefit from—and contribute to—recent
the latter are likely to be too proximate, find- geographical extensions in socio-technical
ing it hard to go beyond incremental innova- studies of innovation (for example, Carvalho
tions. In order to derive more context-sensitive et al., 2012; Coenen et al., 2012).
planning tools for smart-city experiments, fur- All in all, the framework presented in this
ther studies are needed that analyse different paper provides only a first step to analyse


smart-city experiments from a socio-techni- suggestions, greatly helping to sharpen and deepen
cal perspective, and to an emerging dialogue the paper’s arguments. Naturally, the usual dis-
between the literatures on sustainability claimer applies.
transitions, strategic niche management and
smart-city research. For example, research on
smart-city experiments could also inform some

Downloaded from by Amity University user on 23 April 2019

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Carvalho, L., Mingardo, G., Haaren, J.  van (2012)
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port (case of Songdo) and to all the interviewees and and Hamburg, European Planning Studies, 20:
colleagues who greatly helped during the field visits 375–396.
and collection of empirical material, in particular Charted Institute of Building (2011) Debt crisis in
Jeroen van Haaren, João Bruno Campos, Inês Plácido Portugal delays PlanIT Valley, Chartered Institute
Santos and Leo van den Berg. A previous version of of Building Briefings, 2: 6–9.
Coenen, L., Benneworth, P., Truffer, B. (2012) Toward
the PlanIT Valley case study was presented during
a spatial perspective on sustainability transitions,
a GREMI-T workshop in Paris (24 January 2012); Research Policy, 41: 968–979.
I thank Arnoud Lagendijk, Leila Kebir, Mário Vale, Crevoisier, O., and Jeannerat, H. (2009) Territorial
Olivier Crevoisier and Roberto Camagni for their knowledge dynamics: from the proximity para-
comments. I also thank the two anonymous review- digm to multi-location milieus, European Planning
ers who provided detailed comments and insightful Studies, 17: 1223–1241.

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