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DEFINITION. State Policy

Patents - A statutory grant which confers to State policy declaration:

an inventor or his legal successor, in return The State recognizes that an effective
for the disclosure of the invention to the intellectual and industrial property system is
public, the right for a limited period of time vital to the development of domestic and
to exclude others from making, using, selling creative activity, facilitates transfer of
or importing the invention within the technology, attracts foreign investments,
territory of the country that grants the and ensures market access for our
patent. products. It shall protect and secure the
exclusive rights of scientists, inventors,
Trademarks - Any visible sign capable of artists and other gifted citizens to their
distinguishing the goods (trademark) or intellectual property and creations,
services (service mark) of an enterprise. A particularly when beneficial to the people,
trade name is a name or designation for such periods as provided in this Act.
identifying or distinguishing an enterprise. The use of intellectual property bears a
social function. To this end, the State shall
Copyrights - A right over literary and artistic promote the diffusion of knowledge and
works which are original intellectual information for the promotion of national
creations in the literary and artistic domain development and progress and the common
protected from the moment of creation. good.
It is also the policy of the State to streamline
Industrial Designs - Any composition of lines
administrative procedures of registering
or colors or any three‐dimensional form,
patents, trademarks and copyright, to
whether or not associated with lines or
liberalize the registration on the transfer of
colors. Provided that such composition or
technology, and to enhance the
form gives a special appearance to and can
enforcement of intellectual property rights
serve as pattern for an industrial product or
in the Philippines.

Technology Transformation - Contracts or

Bureaus related to IPO:
arrangements involving the transfer of
systematic knowledge for the manufacture 
of a product, the application of the process, The Bureau of Trademarks
or rendering a service including  The Bureau of Legal Affairs
management contracts, and transfer,  The Documentation,
Information and Technology Transfer
assignment or licensing of all forms of Bureau
intellectual property rights, including  The Management Information Services
licensing of computer software except and EDP Bureau
computer software developed for mass  The Administrative, Financial and Human
market. Resource
Development Service Bureau
Utility models. –

1. Transportation Law
2. No answer
3. Common carriers are
persons, corporations,
firms or associations
engaged in the
business of carrying or
passengers or goods or
both, by land, water, or
air, for compensation,
offering their services
to the public.
4. No answer yet
5. No
6. It is that extreme measure of
care and caution which
persons of unusual prudence
and circumspection use for
securing and preserving their
own property or rights. The
law requires common carriers
to render service with the
greatest skill and utmost

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