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What is SCADA?

A SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is an industrial computer-based control system used
to acquire the real-time data to keep track, monitor and control industrial equipments at the supervisory
level.It is a combination of software, hardware and protocols. It is used in different types of industries and
various domains. Ability to collect data & control process from distance, create logs on system’s current
and past state,send necessary information to operators in real time using SMS and internet, Reduces man-
power needs ,Saves Energy, Time and Money,Less traveling forworkers,Reliable ,Supervisory control over
a particular system. • Before the concept of SCADA, industrial plants and remote sites relied on personnel
to manually control and monitor equipment via push buttons and analog dials. • Industrial organizations
started to utilize relays and timers to provide some level of supervisory control without having to send
people to remote locations to interact with each device. SCADA refers to a system that collects data from
various sensors at a factory, plant or in other remote locations and then sends this data to a central computer
which then manages and controls the data. SCADA systems are used not only in industrial processes: e.g.
steel making, power generation (conventional and nuclear) and distribution, chemistry, but also in some
experimental facilities such as nuclear fusion. The size of such plants range from a few 1000 to several 10
thousands input/output (I/O) channels. A SCADA system usually includes signal hardware (input and
output), controllers, networks, user interface (HMI), communications equipment and software. All together,
the term SCADA refers to the entire central system. The central system usually monitors data from various
sensors that are either in close proximity or off site (sometimes miles away). A SCADA system refer to a
system consisting of a number of remote terminal units (or RTUs) collecting field data connected back to
a master station via a communications system. The master station displays the acquired data and also allows
the operator to perform remote control tasks. The accurate and timely data (normally real-time) allows for
optimization of the operation of the plant and process.SCADA systems typically implement a distributed
database, commonly referred to as a tag database, which contains data elements called tags or points. A
point represents a single input or output value monitored or controlled by the system. Points can be either
"hard" or "soft". A hard point is representative of an actual input or output connected to the system, while
a soft point represents the result of logic and math operations applied to other hard and soft points. Most
implementations conceptually remove this distinction by making every property a "soft" point (expression)
that can equal a single "hard" point in the simplest case. Point values are normally stored as value-timestamp
combinations; the value and the timestamp when the value was recorded or calculated. A series of value-
timestamp combinations is the history of that point. It's also common to store additional metadata with tags
such as: path to field device and PLC register, design time comments, and even alarming information. A
further benefit is more efficient, reliable and most importantly, safer operations. This all results in a lower
cost of operation compared to earlier non-automated systems. The SCADA system gathers the information
(like leak on a pipeline occurred) and transfer the information back to the system while giving the alerts
that leakage has occurred and displays the information in a logical and organized fashion. The SCADA
system used to run on DOS and UNIX operating systems.

Types of SCADA systems

First Generation: Monolithic or Early SCADA systems(1950-70),

Second Generation: Distributed SCADA systems(1980-90),

Third Generation: Networked SCADA systems(1990-2000)

Fourth Generation: Internet of things technology, SCADA systems(2000).


2.1 Remote terminal units (RTUs)

Physical objects in the SCADA systems are interfaced with the microprocessor controlled electronic
devices called as Remote Terminal Units (RTUs). These units are used to transmit telemetry data to the
supervisory system and receive the messages from the master system for controlling the connected objects.
An RTU may consist of one complex circuit card consisting of various sections needed to do a custom fitted
function or may consist of many circuit cards including CPU or processing with communications
interface(s), and one or more of the following: (AI) analog input, (DI) digital input, (DO/CO) digital or
control (relay) output, or (AO) analog output card(s). Another term that may be used for RTU is remote
telemetry unit, the common usage term varies with the application area generally.

Two basic types of RTU:

Single board RTU

It is compact, and contains all I/O on a single board. The single board RTU normally has fixed I/O (eg.16
digital inputs, 8 digital outputs, 8 analogue inputs, and say 4 analogue outputs).

Modular RTU

It has a separate CPU module, and can have other modules added, normally by plugging into a common
"backplane" (a bit like a PC motherboard and plug in peripheral cards) is designed to be expanded by adding
additional modules.
2.2 Telemetry system

A telemetry system is typically used to connect PLCs and RTUs with control centers, data warehouses, and
the enterprise. Examples of wired telemetry media used in SCADA systems include leased telephone lines
and WAN circuits. Examples of wireless telemetry media used in SCADA systems include satellite
(VSAT), licensed and unlicensed radio, cellular and microwave.

2.3 Data Acquisition

A data acquisition server is a software service which uses industrial protocols to connect software services,
via telemetry, with field devices such as RTUs and PLCs. It allows clients to access data from these field
devices using standard protocols. So a real-life SCADA system needs to monitor hundreds or thousands of
sensors. Some sensors measure inputs into the system (for example, water flowing into a reservoir), and
some sensors measure outputs (like valve pressure as water is released from the reservoir). Some of those
sensors measure simple events that can be detected by a straightforward on/off switch, called a discrete
input (or digital input). It is used to read the power system data from 100-250 RTU into the control center.
• It detects and handle the error conditions of RTU and communication link as well as. • It can be used to
check the limits such as high/low operating limit, thermal limits, and safe handling limits. • It can be used
to convert the analog data into the binary data. • It stores only the error free data in the data b/c erroneous
data causes the failure of program. • It can interface with the data base manager, which generated the data
address where data can be stored in data base. • It completes all above tasks in less than 2 seconds. Typically
data acquisition is implemented by the master station, software, and computer. The software consists of
hundreds of different programs; at the same time these program needs access to describe the structure and
state of the power system. Therefore the data base plays an important and central role in control system
design. Thus the SCADA system requires an efficient and effective data base, data acquisition and main
machine interface.

2.4 Human machine interface

The SCADA system uses human machine interface. The information is displayed and monitored to be
processed by the human. HMI provides the access of multiple control units which can be PLCs and RTUs.
The HMI provides the graphical presentation of the system. It is used by linking to the SCADA system’s
software programs for providing the information, including the scheduled maintenance procedures, detailed
schematics, trending and diagnostic data for a specific sensor or machine.

2.5 Data Communication

The SCADA system uses wired network to communicate between user and devices. The real time
applications use lot of sensors and components which should be control remotely. The SCADA system uses
internet communications. All information is transmitted through internet using specific protocols. Sensor
and relays are not able to communicate with the network protocols so RTUs used to communicate sensors
and network interface.

2.6 Supervisory System

Supervisory system is used as server for communicating between the equipment of the SCADA system
such as RTUs, PLCs and sensors, etc., and the HMI software used in the control room workstations. Master
station comprises a single PC in smaller SCADA systems and, in case of larger SCADA systems, it
comprises distributed software applications, disaster recovery sites and multiple servers.

2.7 Communication Infrastructure

Generally the combination of radio and direct wired connections is used for SCADA systems, but in case
of large systems like power stations and railways wireless network are frequently used. • Private Network
(LAN/RS-485) • Internet • Wireless Communication systems.

2.8 Communication protocols

MODBUS • DNP 3.0 • Fieldbus • Controller Area Network (CAN) • Profibus • DirectNet • TCP/IP •

3 Programmable Logic Control(PLC)

A Programmable Logic Controller, or PLC, is more or less a small computer with a built-in operating
system (OS). This OS is highly specialized to handle incoming events in real time, or at the time of their
occurrence.  The PLC has input lines where sensors are connected to notify upon events (e.g. temperature
above/below a certain level, liquid level reached, etc.), and output lines to signal any reaction to the
incoming events (e.g. start an engine, open/close a valve, etc.).  The system is user programmable. It uses
a language called "Relay Ladder" or RLL (Relay Ladder Logic). The name of this language implies that
the control logic of the earlier days, which was built from relays, is being simulated.

3.1 Importance of PLC

The PLC is primarily used to control machinery. A program is written for the PLC which turns on and off
outputs based on input conditions and the internal program. In this aspect, a PLC is similar to a computer.
However, a PLC is designed to be programmed once, and run repeatedly as needed. In fact, a crafty
programmer could use a PLC to control not only simple devices such as a garage door opener, but their
whole house, including switching lights on and off at certain times, monitoring a custom built security
system, etc.  Most commonly, a PLC is found inside of a machine in an industrial environment. A PLC
can run an automatic machine for years with little human intervention. They are designed to withstand most
harsh environments.

3.2 How PLC Works

3.2.1How the PLC operates

The PLC is a purpose-built machine control computer designed to read digital and analog inputs from
various sensors, execute a user defined logic program, and write the resulting digital and analog output
values to various output elements like hydraulic and pneumatic actuators, indication lamps, solenoid coils,

3.2.2 Scan cycle

Exact details vary between manufacturers, but most PLCs follow a 'scan-cycle‘s format.

3.2.3 Overhead

It includes testing I/O module integrity, verifying the user program logic hasn't changed, that the computer
itself hasn't locked up (via a watchdog timer), and any necessary communications. Communications may
include traffic over the PLC programmer port, remote I/O racks, and other external devices such as HMIs
(Human Machine Interfaces).

Figure 1: How PLC Works


In recent times, all most every industry use automation or control systems for working. Every industry
needs more engineers to grow their production rate. Foreign countries have also understood the importance
of automation. It is a type of control system which involves information technology and reduces the human
manually works in production. For automation industry PLC and SCADA are the most important tools,
without these tools automation is not possible. It plays a vital role in the world economy as it replaces all
manual systems power.  If you want to get a best job in automation industry, you must have an idea about
industry’s requirement. Almost every industry needs professionally trained students who have some
experience and detailed knowledge about PLC-Scada technology. Candidate needs to get trained in the
same, because Training helps them to get practical knowledge and skills that required to get placed in a
famous industry. By getting trained with the professionals who have industry experience, you will get the
industry exposure with the industrial training project as well.


Generally SCADA system is a centralized system which monitors and controls entire area. It is purely
software package that is positioned on top of hardware. A supervisory system gathers data on the process
and sends the commands control to the process. The SCADA is a remote terminal unit which is also known
as RTU. Most control actions are automatically performed by RTUs or PLCs. The RTUs consist of
programmable logic converter which can be set to specific requirement. For example, in the thermal power
plant the water flow can be set to specific value or it can be changed according to the requirement. The
SCADA system allows operators to change the set point for the flow, and enable alarm conditions incase
of loss of flow and high temperature and the condition is displayed and recorded. The SCADA system
monitors the overall performance of the loop. The SCADA system is a centralized system to communicate
with both wire and wireless technology to Clint devices. The SCADA system controls can run completely
all kinds of industrial process.

4.1 Hardware Architecture

The generally SCADA system can be classified into two parts:

Clint layer

 The Clint layer which caters for the man machine interaction.

Data server layer

 The data server layer which handles most of the process data activities.
The SCADA station refers to the servers and it is composed of a single PC. The data servers communicate
with devices in the field through process controllers like PLCs or RTUs. The PLCs are connected to the
data servers either directly or via networks or buses. The SCADA system utilizes a WAN and LAN
networks, the WAN and LAN consists of internet protocols used for communication between the master
station and devices. The physical equipments like sensors connected to the PLCs or RTUs. The RTUs
convert the sensor signals to digital data and sends digital data to master. According to the master feedback
received by the RTU, it applies the electrical signal to relays.

Figure 2: Hardware Architecture

4.2 Software Architecture

Most of the servers are used for multitasking and real time database. The servers are responsible for data
gathering and handling. The SCADA system consists of a software program to provide trending, diagnostic
data, and manage information such as scheduled maintenance procedure, logistic information, detailed
schematics for a particular sensor or machine and expert system troubleshooting guides. This means the
operator can see a schematic representation of the plant being controlled. Example: alarm checking,
calculations, logging and archiving; polling controllers on a set of parameter, those are typically connected
to the server.
Figure 3: Generic Software Architecture

5 Infrastructure

It include water treatment and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, oil and gas pipelines,
electrical power transmission and distribution, and large communication systems.


The main challenges facing current and modern SCADA systems are complexity, scalability, security,
reliability, flexibility, Interoperability, robustness, and legacy systems. In what follows we give a brief
definition of each of those challenges and its reasons and consequences.

 Complexity is the quality of being intricately combined. SCADA systems complexity resulted from
adding new components such as computers, operator stations, networks, and other types of
resources. Moreover, SCADA complexity comes from the increasing amount of exchanged process
data and information, in addition to other interactions between system components. There are two
main techniques used for handling complexity, the first is decomposition and integration or
breaking down the problem into smaller and smaller pieces until each piece can be solved easily
and then putting these small solutions together to form solutions to the bigger problems until the
overall solution is achieved. The second is abstraction or ignoring details of a problem that are not
relevant to what we are currently doing to make it easier to work with the details.
 Scalability is the ability of a system, network, or process, to handle a growing amount of work in a
capable manner or its ability to be enlarged to accommodate that growth. A perfectly scalable
system is one that has a fixed marginal cost to add additional components. There is a relation
between scalability and complexity because increased size means increased complexity. SCADA
systems historically distinguish themselves from other industrial control systems (ICS) by being
large scale processes that can include multiple sites, and large distances.
 Security is the degree of resistance to, or protection from, harm. It applies to any vulnerable and
valuable asset, such as a person, dwelling, community, nation, or organization.

 The system supports use of restricted software’s and hardware equipments.

 The system increases unemployment rates.

SCADA is not a specific technology, but a type of application. SCADA stands for Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition— any application that gets data about a system in order to control
that system is a SCADA application.
A SCADA application has two elements:
1. The process or system that needs to be monitored and controlled.
2. A network of intelligent devices that interfaces with the first system through sensors and control
outputs. This network, which is the SCADA system, gives the ability to measure and control
specific elements of the first system. One can a SCADA system using several different kinds of
technologies and protocols. This white paper will help you evaluate your options and decide what
kind of SCADA system is best for your needs.
SCADA systems are widely used for control in the following domains
1. Electric power generation, transmission and distribution:
Electric utilities use SCADA systems to detect current flow and line voltage, to monitor the
operation of circuit breakers, and to take sections of the power grid online or offline.
2. Water and sewage:
State and municipal water utilities use SCADA to monitor and regulate water flow, reservoir
levels, pipe pressure and other factors.
3. Buildings, facilities and environments:
4. Facility managers use SCADA to control HVAC, refrigeration units, lighting and entry
5. 4. Manufacturing:
6. SCADA systems manage parts inventories for just-in-time manufacturing, regulate industrial
automation and robots, and monitor process and quality control.
5. Mass transit:

Transit authorities use SCADA to regulate electricity to subways, trams and trolley buses;
to automate traffic signals for rail systems; to track and locate trains and buses; and to control
railroad crossing gates.

6. Traffic signals: SCADA regulates traffic lights, controls traffic flow and detects out-of-
order signals

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