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What do you think is causing some of the problems in the bank’s home office and branches?

First of all, right person is not hiring for the right job. Ruth Johnson, a employee, doesn’t know
what the machine called for or what it did. It clearly indicates that she is not the right person for
the job though she knows how to operate it. Second problem is, she is not oriented properly to
her job. Third, Jack Nelson, a local bank is providing training to its employees. As a result they
are ignorant to their job or they are not getting the opportunity to improve their job performance.

One of the branch supervisors confesses that “she had little time to work the new employees as
they came and went.” It indicates that supervisors are not maintaining creative cooperation and
smooth working relationship with the employees. Supervisors never instruct employees how to
perform their job, they neither design any training program to improve employees performance.
Consequently, turnout rate in the organization is very high.

Moreover, supervisors are hiring employees when a opening develop without consulting the
home office. It shows the company lacks a strategic human resources management planning.

Do you think setting up an HR unit in the main office would help?

Setting up an HR unit will help the organization many ways. At first, it will establish human
policies and practices for the organization. Then it will ask the supervisors of the branches about
the qualification of the employees need to fill the vacant post. Next, they develop sources of
qualified applicant and conduct initial screening interview and select the best applicant to the
job. After that, they consult with the supervisors and provide required training to the employees
and set compensation. Result will be low turnout rate and high performance employees.

What specific functions should an HR unit carry out? What HR functions would then be
carried out by supervisors and other line managers? What role should the Internet play in the
new HR organization?

The HR unit will conduct job analysis and planning labor needs and recruiting job candidate,
selecting job candidates, orienting and designing training program new employees, managing
wages and salaries, apprising performance and building employee commitment, implementing
HR policies and practices. Supervisors will describe the qualification of the employees; they will
give training to the employees what is designed for them by the HR unit. They will build creative
cooperation and develop smooth working relationship with the employees, develop the ability of
the employees and maintain departmental morale. The internet will introduce high performance
work system. It will enable employees to take advantages of the web assisted HR activities, to
facilitate distinct learning and training, enable them to update personal information and manage
their own benefited package.
Institute of Business Administration

University of Dhaka

Case Study
Jack Nelson’s Problem

Managing People at Work (H501)

Submitted to

Dr. Khair Jahan Sogra


IBA, University of Dhaka

Submitted by

Minhazul Islam Chowdhury

Roll: 49, Batch: 48D

Date: March 1, 2015

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