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by Monika Motanová

“Your 20’s are your self-

ish years. It’s a
decade to immerse yourself in every single thing
possible. Be selfish with your time, and all the as-
pects of you. Tinker with shit, travel, explore, love
a lot, love a little, and never touch the ground.”

Kyoko Escamilla

Packing all your belonging to lug- useful tips and tricks with you. If you’re
gage and travelling to explore an- asking yourself what (not) to leave at
other country, with its culture, peo- home and how to make the most out
ple and educational system is the of this amazing opportunity to spend
greatest decision you could have almost half of the year abroad, just
done. It might be a bit scary at the keep reading this handbook, you’re
beginning, but hey, it’s so worth it! going to find some answers in here.

Since there are so many things to think I truly hope, and believe, you’re go-
about when doing this courageous ing to have a great time on your ex-
step of studying abroad, I decided to change, and I wish you a lot of cour-
create this handbook, so I could share age and unforgettable memories.

Monika Motanová

2 3

Estonia? Choosing your
England? is an important decision and there’s a
lot to consider:

• Do you prefer to find a high-class
university and focus on studying or
is a rich social life more important to

• What study programs does the university offer?
• What free-time activities do you like to do?
• What are the life-expanses in the chosen country?

Neatherlands? •

How far is it - would it be possible for your friends and family to visit?
What about the weather - do you prefer warm or cold temperatures?

Sweden? Making your preferences clear is a great help when it comes to choosing the
country and the university to study at because it will be a strong determinant


of your stay. For instance, south countries such as Spain or Italy are known
for their nightlife and great beaches, Scandinavian countries might be a great
choice, if you want to experience more practical educational system and if you

choose to go to Great Britain get prepared to write a lot of essays at school.


But then the place you choose might shape your experience considerably, but
the true decider of how much you’re going to enjoy the stay is the attitude

you’re going to bring along.

Slovenia? Poland?
Latvia? Belgium?
Slovakia? Malta? Germany?
4 5
Before you go
Choosing your accommodation is there is a lot of e-mailing involved, re

certainly one of the first things to sponses from universities sometimes

focus on. Most universities offer stu- take longer to get and you want to
dents dorms, which are a great choice make sure you don’t miss anything.

de if you’re looking for a place allowing

you to easily socialize with other stu-
dents and they usually have quite a
Having contacts on the locals is a very
useful thing. Before you go, try to

reasonable rent. Don’t forget to check get in touch with people in the area
if there is cutlery and other kitchen you’re travelling to, especially oth-
equipment at disposable and if you er university students can give you
need to bring your own bed sheets. useful tips on what to bring and what
Sometimes living in a rented house to expect from the school. Where do
might save you some money, but you you find them? Try to look if there are
have to put more effort into finding a some Facebook groups you could join,
suitable flat and your flatmates. You Couchsurfing is also a great app that
will have to search for local websites can help with getting in touch with lo-
or facebook groups offering accom- cals.
modation in the area.. You might have
a chance to ask former students from Try to google a bit about the place
your university who studied there, or you’re going to as well. It might give
you can also contact locals via Airbnb. you an idea of what to pack but main-
ly, it will make you even more excited
There’s a lot of paperwork involved. about what’s awaiting you!
Your school coordinator should in-
form you about all the steps you need
to do before leaving, but from my ex-
perience, you will have to be the one
checking all the deadlines. So don’t
leave making Learning Agreement
and other documents last minute as

6 7
My Expectations and Worries

“ Take ev
chance yo ery
because s et in life,
ome thing
only happ s
en once.”
Karen Gib

8 9
When you start packing
it suddenly becomes real. It’s here, I’m leaving for almost half of the year and I • Your favourite teddy bear or small talisman.
need to pack all my belonging to this one luggage, you realize. At this point it • Calendar with photos of your family and friends.
takes a lot of courage to go through your wardrobe and pick up the few pieces you • Buch of photos that you can decorate your room with.
will be taking with you as: • A jar full of notes from your friends - ask them to write you a small note
a) it’s not an easy choice (especially for picky girls :)) and b) you might start for every week of your stay.
questioning if you’re really that keen on leaving as everything at home suddenly • A book you’ve always wanted to read but never had time for it.
feels so much nicer and more familiar than usual and you know, you’re going to • An e-book reader is even more practical option as it’s not too heavy
miss this all - your room, your friends and family, your dog, there’s plenty… and you can keep buying new e-books during your stay.
But filling luggage does not take forever and soon you will find that you can’t fit
any more in it and you’re ready to go!

Few useful packing tips

It’s never a bad idea to weigh your you’re going to sincerely thank your-
luggage at home to avoid the airport self for not having to care about where
dilemma of what to through away to buy breakfast for the next day.
when having an overweight at check-
in - btw from many students’ experi- Take a roll of toilet paper with you,
ence I know that hairdryer is usually you might not find one at your accom-
the one going. modation.

Don’t forget to pack enough food. Don’t forget to pack a bag with med-
Not wanting to induce it, bare in mind icines - having a pain killer, nostril
the journey might be longer than in- spray or plasters might come handy.
tended and we all know how having
a full stomach helps when it comes To help you feel more at home in
to maintaining well-being. And if it the new environment, taking some
should happen that you arrive late in of items suggested on the following
the evening instead of the morning, page might be a good choice.

10 11

Packing list

Passport, ID ca
edit card + ca
Wallet with cr
Insurance card
ents for scho
All the docum
ger (+ powerba
Phone + char
Laptop + char
d notebook
Pencilcase an

” There are no foreign lands.

It is the traveler only who is foreign.”

Robert Louis Stevenson

12 13
When the day D comes Before you shut your home door
it’s time to head on your exchange adventure. Stepping into the unknown is not Know that you have all the papers place in a transparent envelope.
an easy thing to do and it takes a lot of courage to say goodbye to your family at ready! Acceptance Letter, Learning Every time, I get anxious about losing
the airport and leave your home behind. Suddenly everything is in your hands Agreement, Confirmation of Arriv- my wallet or passport, I just dig for
and the weight of responsibility might scare you. Together with the feelings of al, Housing Contract, Flight tickets the envelope in my backpack and find
loneliness that often occur, travelling can be difficult not only physically but also there’s a lot you want to have print- that I have everything safely stored in
mentally. But don’t let your fears frighten you too much, it might be a new ex- ed out with you in case a situation will there.
perience for you that seems a bit scary, but it’s certainly nothing you couldn’t occur when you’ll need it and there
manage and with the right preparation, you can avoid a lot of stress on the way. won’t be any internet connection or Have the connections from the air-
you run out of battery on the phone. port to the accommodation figured
It’s also a good idea to upload all out in advance. Know what busses
these documents together with pho- or trains you have to take, where the
tos of your personal ducuments and stops are and at what time they leave.
an insurance card on Google Drive, You also want to have the exact ad-
so you have access to them whenever dress of your accommodation written
you need. down.

Not wanting to call it out, it does Be informed about what the accom-
sometimes happen that the luggage modation process will be like. Will
get’s lost. So it’s not a bad idea, to you need to pay in advance? Will you
have some cash, food and phone need to have cash? Have some papers
charger as well with a toothbrush prepared? Especially if you’re arriving
and a set of spare underwear in your at night make sure, they will be some-
hand luggage. one awaiting you to hand you the
keys, you don’t want to sleep on the
I also find very useful to have all the street your first night :)
documents and my purse at one

14 15
First days are the hardest Feeling homesick is OK
you´ll find yourself in a completely strange environment with no familiar ground it’s a natural feeling when being away from your family and friends for so long.
and people. It’s OK to come and feel lonely, it’s even OK to cry the first night, but The good news is that with modern technology, fighting loneliness got way easier
don’t isolate yourself from others. Go explore the place, engage with new people, (although nothing is black and white and there’s a lot of truth in the saying that
share your feelings. Once you do that, you’ll find out that you’re not alone in that social media brings us closer to those that are far and further apart from those
situation, all the other exchange students are going through a similar process and being close). When it comes to keeping in touch with the loved ones living far
it’s very easy to bond with them as you can start exploring your new life-style to- away, technology is certainly a great tool. And although sending and receiving
gether. And step by step, the place will become your new home and soon it might postcards might also be a very good idea as it’s a clear demonstration of how
even win a special place in your heart. much time and effort someone had to put into writing them, it definitely is a lot
quicker to get in touch by WhatsApp or Skype calls.

First weeks advice

Tips for dealing with homesickness
Don’t stay closed in your room, in- this time as all new students are look-
stead use them to explore the area, ing for someone to hang out with. It’s a good idea to set up regular to arrange a visit as well. A nice act is
see, where the school is, what shops And having people you can rely on is Skype calls every week with your also getting a jar full of notes, that
are around, walk the roads direction- always a great advantage, especially family and friends. It helps you and you can read throughout the whole
lessly to get familiar with the place. when being away from your family. your close ones to always reserve sta, from your special one.
Dedicate some time to decorating Universities often offer voluntary time for talking and you will have If you enjoy writing, you should con-
your room to make yourself feel more activities that you can join and there something to look forward to every sider starting writing a blog, it’s a
comfortable there. You can do so by might be various student groups ac- week. great way to note all the memories
buying a small flower or a candle and tive offering a membership as well. What can be especially hard, is keep- and also instantly share them with
a nice touch to the room could also be Take advantage of that. Exchange ing a long distance relationship. The your relatives and friends at home
sticking some photos and postcards study program might not equal holi- new environment will give you a lot and keep them updated about what
on the wall. day and studying is a big part of it but to share with your loved one but liv- you’re up to. Also don’t forget to take
Engage yourself in social activities it’s mostly about gaining experience ing away from each other can also re- photos, once they will be the ones
even when you if you’re usually more and creating unforgettable memories sult in becoming alienated. There’s no that remind you the stay the most and
inclined to spending time alone. It’s and joining various groups is a great general advice on how to handle the can give an insight to your close ones
the easiest to make new friends at tool for acquiring them. separations. Skype calls can definite- as well.
ly help and if it’s possible, you can try

16 17
Activities I Want to Participate in

“ Traveling is brutality. It forces you to trust

strangers and to lose sight of all that famil-
iar comforts of home and friends. You are
constantly off balance. Nothing is yours ex-
cept the essential things. Air, Sleep, Dream,
the sea, the sky - all things tending towards
the eternal or what we imagine of it.”

Cesare Pavese

18 19
Conversation manual
Do you sometimes find yourself struggling with how to approach strangers and • Recreation - Asking about other people’s interests, hob-
how to initiate the conversation? I’ve collected a couple of tips, that could help you bies, and passions with a simple question “What do you
with that. like?” might sound like a cliché, but it can sparkle an
• The first impression isn’t actually made when you start interesting conversation. And it’s even a great chance
the conversation but when you first spot the person. To to learn something new if people bring up something
make a more welcoming impression, try to be aware you’re unfamiliar with. Ask, what they enjoy the most
of your body language - set yourself up right, have about their hobby and use it as a chance to broaden
your hands visible (out of pockets and not behind your your knowledge.
back), your shoulders down and back and most impor- • Dreams - sharing dreams and life goals can be very in-
tantly - smile, it’s the best opening line. teresting, but you should already have a lot of rapport
• It might sound a bit harsh, but the truth is that we, as before leading a conversation towards them. Once you
human beings, don’t care about others, until the mo- have created the trust, you can lead deeper conversa-
ment connect. So better tactic than starting by asking tions about your dreams and cravings and support one
about the other person’s name is focusing on creating a another on the way towards them.
connection - if you want to be important to somebody • Apart from those four topics, general advice would
else, start by making them the star of the show and be to try not to stay in your head so much, but rath-
relate topics to them and their experience. er pay attention to what’s happening around you. No-
• For sparkling interest and finding a mutual ground, you tice things happening in your surrounding and have
can use one of the following topics: an opinion about them - opinions are great engagers,
• Family - people feel significantly closer after sharing they also help to get other people out of their heads
related family matters. “See that guy over jogging over and they can spark a natural discussion.
there? He reminds me of my brother so much...” Direct • Look for the moments, when people raise their eye-
the conversation towards family and open up first. brows in the conversation. It’s a signal of their interest
• Occupation - Asking about someone’s study program and excitement for the topic being discussed.
is a great starter as other questions regarding studies • If you’re looking for a way how to naturally end the
can naturally follow. But try not to lead the conversa- conversation, shift the focus from present time to
tion on the surface informative level. Not to stay in an the future by asking for instance “What are you up to
interview mode add a comment, your own opinion or today?” or “Do you have any plans for the weekend?”
experience, before you ask another question. Goodbye comes natural after these topics.

20 21
New place, new life
Being on an exchange is a great opportunity to adopt healthy habits in your life- A great way how to taste other cul- can cook for the whole group a tra-
style. The only thing that dictates your timetable here is your school schedule so tures is to organise gatherings over a ditional dish from their country. That
it’s up to you how cleverly you will spend your time. Don’t waste it sitting in your meal. You can arrange a meeting with way, you can establish a close group
room watching Netflix, exchange stay can be great fun, but you’ll have to step out fellow exchange students every now of friends you’ll be seeing regularly
of your comfort zone sometimes. and then and each time someone else and also taste some delicious dishes.

Throughout your stay tips

Try to set up a routine as soon as you rious about. You might find your new
can. Having a functioning routine re- passion in them.
ally helps with feeling comfortable.
Of course, you probably won’t be in Keeping a journal is a great tool to ar-
bed every day by 11 pm, but starting range your thoughts, free your emo-
a day with a short yoga session, going tions but also note all your experi-
running every week or meditating in ences and fun stories, you experience
the afternoon are healthy habits that during the stay. When sticking some
will keep you fit and will enhance your photos into it you can make your jour-
mindset. nal into a unique personal memories
Being in the new place will bring
you new opportunities, take them. You are going to meet a lot of people
I, for instance, joined students radio from different countries with unlike
and together with my friend Nati, we backgrounds, beliefs and lifestyles.
made a radio show Volda? Well, duh! It Look for what inspires you in others,
turned out to be great fun and I found seek different approaches, educate
my new hobby in recording podcasts. yourself about life in other countries
(You can even check podcasts we and engage in discussions. Don’t
made here https://monikatheexplor- judge others for being different, re- Look for spect the unlikeness and learn from it.
things you’ve never tried but are cu-

22 23
My Echange Bucket list

“Travel opens your

heart, broadens
your mind and fills
your life with sto-
ries to tell.”

Paula Bendfeldt

24 25
W I ?
hat will cook today I bet you will have to ask yourself Salad
quite often. If you’re like me, you might experience your cooking premiere at salad mix, red reddish, chickpeas/red lentils, tomatoes/dried tomatoes, pepper,
the exchange program (because scrambled eggs don’t count :)) and you might cucumber, eggs, pumpkin seeds, extra virgin olive oil
have to spend some time on the phone with your mother giving you cooking
advice or on the internet googling beginners recipes. The truth is, cooking is There are honestly hundreds of variations you can do. I always mix various veg-
actually not that hard, trust me, it will take some practice but if you focus on etables, but I also try to always have legumes or boiled eggs (put for 8-10 mins
simple quick meals, you’ll soon get into the routine. into boiling water) contained to add some protein, whereas seeds and a final
sprinkle of extra virgin olive oil add some fats to the meal as well.
My favourite super simple (almost) vegan recipes
Muesli Falafel with Potatoes and Tahini Sauce
muesli, water/milk (I use the plant ones), fruits (bananas/ blueberries/blackber- falafel, seeds, potatoes, tahini, extra virgin olive oil, salt, 3 garlics
ries/kiwis/apples), dried dates/plums, peanut butter, hemp/lin/chia seeds
To prepare tahini sause crush 3 garlics and mix them with pinch of salt, then
This is my very favourite breakfast. It’s simple, variable and it fills you up for add tahini and juice from one lemon, mix everything well together and in the
the whole morning. First, you fill half of the cup müsli and pour it into a pot then end add a spoon o olive oil. Set aside Leave to stand for 30 minutes.
you add 1 full cup of water, milk or mix of both and you boil it. While you have a
boiling pot on the cooker, you cut a couple dried dates or plums and other fresh For making falafel and potatoes, preheat the oven on 200 degrees.You can buy
fruits you’re going to use (you can also use frozen fruits, but in that case, put a falafel mixture in the shop, at home, you just mix it with water (I also like add
bit fewer liquids at the beginning as they contain water as well). Once müsli and various seeds and seasoning). Form the matter into small balls which you put on
liquids turn into a mash (after about 3-5 mins), you pour it into a bowl and add baking tray lined with baking paper and add peeled and sliced potatoes sprin-
prepared fruits, seeds and one big spoon of peanut butter and you can enjoy cled with olive olil on the tray (I also recommend using potatoes seasoning).
your delicious breakfast. Then put the tray into the oven for approximately 15 minutes. Once it’s ready, I
like to add salad on the side of the plate and the meal is ready for serving.
Garlic bread
wholemeal bread/baguet, butter (I love vegan one made of coconut), garlic, basil, Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce
oregano, thyme, cherry tomatoes spaghetti, onion, garlic, tomato sauce, corn, kidney beans, seasoning.

Super simple yet super good. All you have to do is preheat the First start boiling spaghetti in a pot, then chop one half on an onion and put it
oven on 200 degrees, then you spread the butter on the bread, sprinkle it with into a heated pan with a bit of oil after 2-3 minutes add chopped garlic as well
herbs, you cut the garlic and lay the slices of it on the top and you can also cut and let it fry for another minute than add tomato sauce, corn and kidney beans
cherry tomatoes in half and lay them on the slices as well. Then you place it into and blend it together and wait until it starts boiling then you can also add some
the preheated oven and wait a couple of minutes until the edges are darker and seasoning like basil or oregano and easy yet tasty student dish is done.
the bread is crunchy. You can eat this bread by itself or with a salad.

26 27
My Favourite Recipes

“ No one is born a great cook,

one learns by doing.”

Julia Child

28 29
An exchange will teach you a lot Laudry advice
You will become more independent Having to struggle with health issues Doing laundry for the first time can Another group can be made up of reg-
and you’ll learn a lot about yourself. along the way I couldn’t do everything be a bit of a challenge. I’d recommend ular clothes and also clothes made of
Even if it should be finding out what I originally planned. It was tough starting by devideng clothes into natural materials, like sport’s moira
you don’t enjoy at all, it’s still an im- sometimes and in the end I had to pri- groups - one should be made of un- underwear, should go here (but with
portant lesson to learn. Changing oritaze my health over the experience derwear of light colours. This group sport’s clothes make sure to always
your lifestyle completely will make and come back earlier to fully focus on can be washed on 40 degrees 900 check the clothes tag to see specific
you realise what is important for you my well-being. Hoping that you won´t rpm, but make sure not to have white instructions as you can do with any
and what you can easily live without, have to go through any hardship like and black pieces toghether as the piece of clothing). This pile can be
it will teach you what matters to you. that, I do think that there is always a dark ones could potentionally dye the washed on 30 degrees 900 rpm and
Maybe your stay won’t look exactly as lot you can learn from your stay from rest - if you want to avoid doing two all colours should be safe to put to-
you planned, at least it was like that in gaining the practical skills like cooking seperate cycles, you can wash them gether as it’s not a high temperature.
my case. The best you can do is take or doing laundry through learning to all together but make sure to test the Last group contains towels, bed
what comes and make the best out of fully acknowledging the importance dark pieces before. sheets and dish towels and can be
it. Do something that you value every of family and caring friends. And it washed on 60 degrees and 900 rpm.
day. Even if you feel like you’re hav- might even help you decide which di- And if you should still not be hesitant,
ing a shitty day and it can’t get better, rection to go after coming back from why not call your mum, she will know
force yourself to overcome yourself your stay. for sure :)
and do something, you will be proud
of - go running, do the school home- Despite my health struggles, I’m still
work you’ve been postponing for a thankful for having the opportunity
few days already, clean your room, to experience studying abroad and
just make the day count. You might grow from it. Don’t take it for granted,
think that one semester is a long time, Make friends, memories, have your
but with always staying occupied it eyes wide open, Observe things and
will come to an end with an eye blink. learn, at school, but mostly outside of
the school walls, learn about yourself,
about others and about life.

30 31
What Exchange Taught Me

“ Travel is more than the seeing of

sights, it’s a change that goes on.
Deep and pernament, in the ideas
of living.”
Miriam Beard

“ Don’t tell me how educated you

are, tell me how much you have

32 33
Exchange Nikola Šumerová
students Edinburgh University

Share their
Texas University

Niki spent one semester at the pres-

tiqeus Edinburgh univesity and was
blown away by the beuty of Scottland.

Not going on an exchange during my places as she could. Doing roadrips

study proram would be a waste of a with her fellow students, taking loads
great opportunity, she explained to of photos and properly enjoying the
me her motivation to study abroad. youth is simply what she is good at.
And not just once, after spending
one semester in Scottland during her But although she didn’t forget to
Bachelor program, Niki decided to have fun along the way, she also ac-
spent another one even further from knowledged the importance of being
home in Texas during her Master stud- well prepered for school. Don’t leave
ies. things last minute and stay informed
in general would be Niki’s motto. What
As she says, both of her experienc- this teacher values? Is the presence
On the previous pages, I have shared lots of tips with you. But the advice given is es were quite different as she would strictly required? Is there a job oppor-
not just mine, during the process of creating this handbook, I met with couple of find herself not only in new schools tunity? Is there a party going on to-
my friends to collect their studying abroad experiences as well. I spoke with them and study approaches but also new night? She would always now what’s
about their stories and marked, what made their stay special and exiting. environments and cultures in general. going on and would take a proper ad-
But a link can be found in both stays. vantage of that, not being shy to ask
Niki, as a passionate traveller, would pays off, she knows and she adapted
always rent a car and go see as many this attitude in her day to day life.

34 35
Bunch of photos
from nikola’s

36 37
Raúl Graul Hana Fridrichová
Volda University College University of Valencia

Experiencing Volda changed Rául’s Hana’s studies are her passion. She
life he found his passion in out- already loved studying to become a
doors activities, fell in love with the dentist at home, but she wished to see
place and decided to stay there. a bit of the world for herself as well.

When Rául came to Volda for the he managed to step out of his shelf Hana made it challenging for herself to get all she needed and she also
first time, he was shy, self-confid- and finally he was able to dive into from the very beginnig as she de- managed to get some money back,
ance lacking boy spending most of an interesting comunity of interna- cided to go to Spain althought she when selling it at the end of her stay.
the time in his room. Still the place tional students and many of those has never had Spanish at school be-
managed to captivate him. When he became his life-long friends who he fore. It was only possible through Coming from a big family and hav-
came back home, he realised, how shares countless experiences with. her self-discipline that she man- ing lots of friends, she appriciated
much he loved all the outdoors ac- aged to learn Spanish well enough having a place for them in the flat to
tivities, that Volda and its surround- Rául also succesfully passes the to be able to study in the new lan- accomodate many of those visiting
ings had to offer and acknowledged, passion for outdoors on to new stu- guage. She also had to deal with and she properly enjoyed exploring
he feels the most himself when he dents coming to Volda. He organ- having Spanish speaking patients on Spain with them as much as spend-
is on a fresh air in the wild nature. ises various trips and information- the dentist’s chair, but as she says, ing time with her fellow students. She
al worshops for them and altought where the dedication is a way is. aknowledged that Spaniards are a
Knowing that this is it, Rául desided he is originally from Spain, Norway bit different from Czechs, more laid
to come back to Vodla a few years has become his new home which As she told me, she also had to obtain back and very friendly and open and
later for the whole ountdoors study provides him with the joy from na- a lot of dentistic equipment in Spain, she was inspired by the welcoming
program. With the right attitude, ture, that he couldn’t live without. which was not particulary cheap, but atmosphere she experienced there
thanks to the support of her family and brought some of the Span-
and also Erasmus funds, she was able ish sunshine back home with her.

38 39

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