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Lesson: Central Tendency of Ungrouped Data (Mean, Median, Mode)

Materials: laptop, projector, microlesson, deck of cards, glue, paper and pen

II. Objectives:

A. At the end of the period, the students should be able to:

Differentiate and define the different central tendency measures (mean,
median, and mode).
B. Compute the mean, median and mode of a given set of numbers.
Solve problems involving the central tendency measures.

III. Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
a) Prayer
b) Checking of Attendance
c) Grouping System: Let the students form groups of five (5) members.
This shall be their group up to the end of the period
B. Motivational Activity
a) Using the laptop and projector, setup the presentation of microlesson
entitled “Mystery 101: Who Killed the CEO? “
b) Allow the students to understand the content of the microlesson and
let then interact by solving who the mysterious killer is using the
concepts of mean, median and mode.
Lesson Proper
C. Provide the students with printed worksheet.

a) Give each group a standard deck of card.

b) Let the students draw 8 cards from the deck. Arrange the cards in
increasing value (ace card has a value of 1, jack card has 11, queen
card has 12, and king card has 13).
c) Paste the cards in the space provided in the worksheet.
d) Determine the mean, median and mode of the drawn cards and write
them in the space provided.
e) Repeat the procedures above using another copy of worksheet.
IV. Practice Exercises
Determine the mean, median and mode of the following set of numbers.

A. 13, 18, 21, 15, 16, 16, 12, 21, 21

mean ___
median ___
mode ___

B. 41, 50, 52, 43, 44, 55, 50, 57, 47, 48

mean ___
median ___
mode ___

mean: (13+18+21+15+16+16+12+21+21) / 9
= 153/9 = 17

median: arrange the numbers in ascending order

12, 13, 15, 16, 16, 18, 21, 21, 21
The middle number is 16, therefore it is the median.

mode: 21 appeared three times in the set,

therefore it is the mode

mean: (41+50+52+43+44+55+50+57+47+48) / 10
= 487/10 = 48.7

median: arrange the numbers in ascending order

41, 43, 44, 47, 48, 50, 50, 52, 55, 57
The middle numbers are 48 and 50. The average or mean of the two
numbers is (48+50) / 2 = 49 is the median

mode: 21 appeared three times in the set, therefore it is the mode

V. Evaluation
Analyze and solve the problem.

When your report card was given, it showed that your final grades in the following
subjects are as follow:

English - 92
Math - 95
Science - 89
Filipino - 90
Araling Panlipunan - 92
TLE - 88
MAPEH - 91
Values – 90

1. What grade/s appear/s most in the report card?

2. If your grades were arranged in lowest to highest, what should be the middle
3. You need an average grade of 90 in able to be in the honors list, are you
qualified for it?

90 and 92 appear most in the report card, therefore it is bimodal.
88, 89, 90, 90, 91, 92, 92, 95
The middle numbers are 90 and 91. The median is (90+91) / 2 = 90.5
c. (88+89+90+90+91+92+92+95) / 8 = 727/8 = 90.875
You are in the honors list!

VI. Generalization

A. Mean is the average of the given set of numbers. Add all the given numbers
and divide the sum by the how many numbers there are to get the mean.
B. Median is the middle number (if there is an odd cardinality on the given set of
numbers) or the average of the two middle numbers (if there is an even
cardinality on the given set of numbers) when the set is arranged in
ascending order.
C. Mode is the most frequently appearing number in the set. It could be
unimodal, bimodal, trimodal, etc. or none at all.

VII. Assignment

Determine the mean, median and mode of the following set of numbers

1) 43, 83, 25, 63, 26

Mean_____ Median_____ Mode_____

2) 49, 74, 86, 51, 55, 55, 73, 93

Mean_____ Median_____ Mode_____

3) 16, 43, 88, 95, 95, 23

Mean_____ Median_____ Mode______

4) 76, 46, 26, 82, 33, 49

Mean_____ Median_____ Mode_____

5) 88, 70, 18, 55, 99

Mean_____ Median_____ Mode__

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