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Name: Sam Facciolo Period:3 Date:4/29/19


What EMOTIONAL patterns did the children seem to be experiencing? Check each one that
you observed.

_____selfishness _____frustration __*___enjoyment

_____impatience _____anger ___*__delight

_____defiance _____fear ___*__affection

_____boastfulness _____jealousy ___*__silliness

List LARGE or GROSS motor skills List SMALL or FINE motor skills you
you observed observed
1. Throwing a football 1. Writing his name

2. Riding a bike 2. Putting beads on a bracelet

3. Runs around the playground playing tag 3. Uses chalk to write on cement

4. Climbs up and down the playground 4. Uses a paintbrush to paint

5. Throws a tennis ball when playing baseball 5. Creates large lego towns

6. Can catch a tennis ball 6. Creates art during lesson plans

What kind of positive SOCIAL interaction do you see the children using? Note skills such as
negotiating, compromising, rescuing another child in need, helping one another etc.

● Brendan is extremely good at social interacting with the students in the class and also all
of the big jags. When we play legos and a little jag comes over to the legos we are
using, he offers to share with the little jag, or give some extra lego pieces to them. If he
is playing with a specific toy or animal in the classroom and somebody takes it from him,
he nicely says, “I was using that.”

Write down some things that the children say.

● “Can we go outside?”
● “Put that picture on seesaw.”
● “Let’s play with Gavin and Mason!”
● “I have 4 brothers and a dog named Sunny.”
● “Russel Westbrook is my favorite basketball player”

Does the age of the children affect their ability to communicate effectively? Yes.

How? Since Brendan is a five-year-old, he knows how to communicate with others way more
than some people do. He knows his manners and says “thank you,” “please,” and “I am sorry.”
Compared to the three-year-olds, this is amazing because most of them do not use their
manners when they are trying to communicate something.

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