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Carbon Footprint Reaction Paper

Since, climate is a global concern the change must start within ourselves. The result in
this website may not be accurate but I would need if I continue how my lifestyle is. A step
within people should start within themselves and how they consume things around them that emits
carbon dioxide, like for example the usage of vehicles, factories and it almost exists everywhere
in the world. We, yes including me, should be cautious in everything we do that might affect a lot
to our mother earth. Anyways, a carbon footprint is the amount of Carbon Dioxide or other carbon
compounds (greenhouse gases) emitted into the atmosphere by human activities. So technically,
we the human beings are leaving this carbon footprint in our planet, earth.
Ecological Footprint

Based on this result, if everyone lives like me, we will be requiring 3.2 earths to
live on. Ecological Footprint measures the ecological assets that a given population requires to
produce the natural resources it consumes (including plant-based food and fiber products, livestock
and fish products, timber and other forest products, space for urban infrastructure) and to absorb
its waste, especially carbon emissions. It states how much we consume our natural resources out
of our entire life. By knowing this, I might be more aware of what I use and I will be recycling
more since I already do recycling since I was a kid.

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