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(2g _MSc. Neuroscience 2015-2017 Curriculum 2015-17) Semester | Course | Title ofthe Paper (5) ‘Course Credits “| code type L_[t |r [eu TIRST | NS-101 | Cell Biology and Neuron organization | Core 3 fo fo [3 'NS-102 | Neuroanatomy Core 3 fo fo 13 'NS-103 | Genetics and Molecular Biology | Core 3 fo [o [3 'NS-104 | Laboratory Tools and Techniques | Core 3_[o fo [3 'NS-105 | Practcal- Cell Biology and Genetics — | Core oo {3 43 'NS-106 | Practical: Neuroanatomy Core ojo [3 [3 ‘NS-107 | Assignment/Personality and skill | Core ot jo ft development NS-T08 | Seminae-t Core of fet ‘Total valid eredits 20 'NS-109 | Comprehensive viva-voce exam [Virtual credits: [a |4 “Total eredits for First Semester (Walid Credits Virtual Credits) | 94 SECOND [ NS201 | Biochemistry Core 3_forfo [3 'NS-202 | Neurochemistry Core 3 fo fo 13 'NS.203 | Developmental Neurobiolog Core 3_[o fo 13 NS-204 | Cellular Neurophysiology and | Core 3 fo jo 3 Biophysies S205 | Practcal-Biochemistry and Molecular | Core 0 |e [3 Biology 'NS-206 | Practical: Neurophysiology Core o fo [33 ‘NS-207 | Assignment/Personality and ski | Core on development NS-308 | SeminarI Core oh teh Total valid credits 20 —TENS209 [Comprehensive vivewvoce exam | Virtual eredis 4 “Total eredits for Second Semester (Valid Credits+ Virtual Greditsy | 24 THIRD [NSA01 | Tmmunotog} Core 7_Jo [3 13 'NS-302 | Systems Neuroscienee-l Sensory and | Core 3 [oma |a Motor Systems NS-3OS | Systems Neuroseience-Ii; Regulatory | Core a [0 (3 de Systems NS304 | Behaviour and Cognitive | Core x fo [3 13 Neuroscience 'NS=305 | Practical- Neuropatholog Core 7b 'NS-306 | Practial- Behavior Biology Core ojo [3 [3 ‘NS-307 | AssignmenvPersonality and skill | Core o {i 1 development NS-508 [ Seminar-tlt Core oo fe Total valid eredits 0 NS-309 | Comprehensive vive-voce exam | Virtual eredits Ta Total credits for Third Semester (Valid Credits* Virtual Credit) | 24 FOURTH] NS-401 | Clinical Neurochemistry and [ Core 3 Jo Jo fs Neuropathology NS-402 | Practical Core o_[o|3_13 NS-403 | Project. Core iz [o Jo [2 ‘NS-404 | AssignmentPersonality and skill [ Core ot ft development NS-a05_[ Seminar-IV Core ee “Total valid credits [20 | TNSi06 | Comprehensive vive-voce exam | Virtual eredits Total credits for Fourth Semester (Valid Credits» Virtwal Credits) | 24 iwaji University, Gwalior Q M.Sc. Neuroscience 2015-2017 AIWAJI UNIVERSITY, GWALIOR, MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.Se.) IN NEUROSCIENCE, Goal and Objectiv. ‘the major gool of introducing a MSc. Neuroscience couse is for development of trained ‘manpower having a broad overview of the different aspects of neuroscience. tis planned fo teach this course at the postgraduate level, imparting the brood perspeclive of the different dlscipines, which “comprise neuroscience over a fwo-yeor period, The Training: if W's hoped that the MSc, Neuroscience programme would offer training in neuroscience to {greduates who would then be well equioped fo take up thei Ph.D. work in specific areas of bron research, The students with a MSc. in Neuroscience Degree would have acquired the basic knowledge n maior Giscipines of neuroscience, such as neuroanatomy, nevtophysiology, neurochemisty, molecular Neurobiology, neurogenelics, cognitive neuroscience and the knowledge of working of motor. sensory and regulatory systems. The development and regeneration of the bran as wel as the knowledge in basics of nical neuroscience in terms of diseases and ciognostic took would aso be provided. The students would {980 acquire proclical knowledge in the above aspects os well as in research’ methodology ond computational stl SyuLasus (2015-2017) Moster of Science in Neuroscience course shal comprise of four semesters of sx months duration -ach. The folowing sa summary of the course, whichis followed by detailed descriptions ‘M.Sc. Neuroscience: Theory and Practical Courses" Tite Cell Biology and Neuron Organization Neurcanatomy Genetics and Molecular Biology Laboratory Too’ ond Techniques PracticalCel Biology & Genetics Practical Neuroanatomy Assignmeent/Personaity Gnd skil development Seminar! Comprehensive Viva-vace exam 9 e Total Code Tile NS/201__Biochemisty NS/202._ Neurochemistry 1NS/203._ Developmental Neurobiology NS/204_Celviar Neurophysiology and Biophysics NS/205 Practical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology NS/206 PracticoLNeuaphysology NS/207 Assignment/Personalty Gnd skil development NS/208 Sener. 1NS/209 Comprehensive Viva-voce exam Be--eueeueg ga--vousee 2 Total Code Tile 1NS/301_ immunology 1NS/302__ Systems Neuroscience: Sensory and Motor Systems NS/903__ Systems Neuroscience:!: Regulatory System 1NS/304_ Behaviour and Cognitive Neuroscience: NS/305 Practical Neuropathology NS/306Proctical-Behavior biology 'NS/907 _Assignment/Personafty and stil development 1NS/308Sominarit NS/907_ Comprehensive Vivo-vace exam e Total Code Tile NS/401_ Clinical Neurochemistry and Neuropathology NS/402. Practical NS/403. Project NS/404_Assignment/Personcity and ski development NS/405. SerinarsV NS/405 Comprehensive Vivo-voce exam a Total Jiwaji University, Gwalior 2 «= _&G _MSc. Neuroscience 2015-2017 Detailed Syllabus (2015-2017) smester-| (Credits 24) NS/101; CELL BIOLOGY AND NEURON ORGANIZATION Credits Note: Neurons contain the same infraceliular components, as do other cels. Understanding of brain function would obsolvtely need a clear understanding of the celular and molecular exgarization of neurons and gla os units Thus in this paper the student is expected fo learn in greater details the sub ‘cellular and molecular organization of neurons and gla. the poper fo be tough! in about 40 lecture each ‘0! 90 minutes duration. In view ot the explosion of knowledge in Cel Biology we have tied to deta out he important aspectsin each lopic fo easiy confine fo alimitin teaching, ‘Membrane Structure and Funclion, skuclural models: Composition and dynamics Transport of ions and macromolecules: Pumps, caters and channels Endo- ond exocyloss; Membrane carbohydrates and the significance in colwiar recognition; Celular junctions and adhesions Nucleus Structute and function of nuclear envelope. lamina ang nucleolus Macromolecular afficking; Chromatin organization and packaging Coll cycle and control mechanisms Milochondiia — siucture: Organization of respiratory chain complexes: ATP. synthase: Structure-function relationship: Mitochondrial DNA and male steity Structure ond function of Golgi apparatus, lysosomes ond endoplasmic reticulum COrganzation and role of microtubules and microfilaments; Cell shape and motility, ‘Actin-binding proteins and thei significance; Muscle organization and function: Molecular ‘motors: Intermediate flaments:Exracefular matrix in animals 10. An overview of the nervous system 11. Neurons: Intioduction to neurons, The Neuron Doctrine, The Nis! and Golgi stoins, Components of neurons 12, Classification and types of neurons. Cytology of neurons 13. Dendfiles structure Gnd function, Axons structure and functional aspects, myelination and smapses V4. Otol cols Stuctwre and function of gf cel. Diferent types of al col: askocytes, oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells 15, Types of astrocytes type | I astrocytes, fbxous and protoplasmic asracyles, Importance of astrocytes in glutamate metabolism and blood brain bores 16, Functions of other gfal cels: oigodendrocyle and microgkal cels, Microglial phenotypes. 17. Overview of gal and neuronal lationship in he CNS 18, Giiol-neuronal interplay in the CNS ‘Svagested Books: ‘Siegel, Basic Neurochemistry (7" Editon) Academic Press, 2006 Albertes, Molecular Biology of the Cal (5° Edition) Gorland Science, 2008 Kendel, Principles of Neural Science (5 edition), McGraw Hil, 2013 \Veritatsky. Glial Neurobiology, A Tex! Book. Wiley. 2007 NS/102: NEUROANATOMY. Creaits=3 Note: i is expected thot « sludent of M. Sc. Neuroscience should have basic undesstending of the ‘anatomical grganization of the nervous system during the 1" semester so that he/she is able fo conelate: the functional aspects in subsequent stages of learning, Gross anatomy of the adult bain; organization of the nervous system ‘Subdivisions of the neevous system: Concept of CNS, ANS & PNS. The scalp, stl and meninges Cerebrospinal fhid ‘Consitulions of CNS: Overview; Neuronal elements, basic circuit, synoptic action, dencritic properties ond functional operation of axons Peripheralnervaus system: General organization; nerves, roots ond ganglia: sensory endings Spinal-coid Gross anatomy, internal structure, fracis of the ascending ond descending fibers, spinal reflexes; Jiwaji University, Gwalior 3

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