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As a freshman I can strongly say I was very shy, and unconfident about my opinions or

actions. Examples, that show how I was a shy freshman was, not participating in class
discussion, avoiding speaking aloud as much as possible, and I hated presenting. The
experience that allowed me to realize that I needed to change was getting the opportunity to
participate in Summer Bridge. Doing this for two summers really impacted my life in a positive
manner because due to that experience i gained lots of interpersonal skills. Such as having
better conversations with people I didn’t know, better group discussions, and overall I learned to
feel confident about myself. Now as a senior, I can strongly say I am confident. Prove that
shows how I am more confident within myself are all the IDPs I did at HPIAM, being in varsity
baseball, and being a Summer Bridge Leader for two summers.
The second trait I utilized to describe myself as a freshman was dependent. What I
mean by this is that I would assume that teachers would help at any time, and think that I can go
to them for help at anytime I wanted. The experience that made me change was seeing my
cousins schedule who is a college student athlete. Now as a senior, I am a lot more
independent. Prove of how I become more independent was, playing varsity baseball, working
on the weekends, and getting involved with my school much more. My new path is I will be a
hard working independent college student hopefully accomplishing my goals.
The last trait that I used to describe my ninth grade self is disorganized. Evidence that
shows I was a disorganized student was having a messy folder, didn’t write down my
assignments or homework, and that led to me getting stressed for no reason. The experienced
that made me change was one day I forgot to turn in an assignment that was worth a lot of
points just because I didn’t write it down in my agenda. Now as a senior, I am organized, and
evidence that shows how I am an organized person is planning ahead of time and scheduling
my day accordingly, having an agenda or planner, and not procrastinating in my work. My new
path is I am organized and don’t stress as much. In addition, being organized just makes my
day go a lot more smoother and easier.

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