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Climate Change.

Climate change is the changing of season and

increase in rate of temperature and cold.

Janvier N.
● Climate change people are less concerned by this century
people because of technology has takeover and it the
most big thing that causing many tragery over the world.
In 2016 Scientist attribute shows that Climate change is
accelerating this century, mainly due to a rise in
industrial activity,and human expansion sending carbon
dioxide and other harmful gases that block the heat to
escaping in the atmosphere like: Nitrous oxide(N2O)
Carbon dioxide(CO2) and Methane(CH4)
Effect of climate change?

Climate change are causing more effect that people wasn’t expecting,increase of
temperature are causing the melting of ice at north pole of the world this is where
the polar bear live once all ice is melted all bear will disappear forever.

Co2 is the weapon to destroy the ozone layer that absorb ultraviolet radiation from
the sun that can cause skin cancer.

Disappearance of some organism that won’t live with changes.

Change of earth some of that impact has start happen taccording to the climate
change and other pollution gases will stuck in our atmosphere like what happen in
India last year scientist has proved that our planet's average surface temperature
has risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th
increase of ocean temperature might cause the rise in sea level the ocean
have absorbed of this increased heat,with the top 700 meter about 2,300
feet) oceans show warming of more than 0.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1969.
Melting of gracie's on the north pole the ice has decrease in mass climate
experiments shows that Greenland has lost 286 billion tons of ice per year
between 1993 and 2016, while Antarctica lost about 127 billion tons of ice per year
during the same time period..Destroying of Polar bear lives and disappearance
and increase of ocean water lever but this is not the only animal can be affected
because there is a lot fish can’t live on that type of situation .
Renewable resources:
People should focus to use renewable resources than fuel because this has less
impact on our lives and less pollute our atmosphere either is unlimited sources.
Volunteered at the Sailboat Bay cleaning up the neighborhood, After cleaning up,
we played soccer on the neighborhood court and helped to serve food.
Class teaching and discuss about the topic.
Everybody give their opinion what they think about and what should change to
decrease the impact of climate change.
Volunteer at the catholic garden published
Volunteer at the catholic garden announcement help them to plant some tree and
crops .to prevent more carbon dioxide that can remain in the sky.
What i learned
As the part of one who will affect with the climate change I decided to work on this

But i can’t make any change on my own but as together we can make a big
change and save our new generation lives.
Thank you for your time

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