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Science Museum Force and motion

A force is either a push or pull. You push thing away from you and you pull things towards you.

A force both has magnitude and direction, making force a “vector quantity”. It can be measured in the
SI unit from Newtons and represented by the symbol F.

When forces are mentioned as pushes and pulls, this can provide understanding for describing forces.
That’s why I mentioned that in the first sententence

If you mention force, you can think of much different

things: The army FORCE, the FORCE in Star Wars, Force
as in power and force as in gravity. Gravity may be the
most known forces, and most fitting force in this
information document.


Gravity is everywhere. Sometimes its less then other

times. On the moon its less, on earth its much. If something falls fast, this means that there is much
gravity, if it falls slowly or doesn’t, there is no or very little gravity. Gravity is caused by the earths core,
which acts like a magnet. If you drop something, it will fall fast. But if you drop something on the moon,
it won’t touch the moon itself if its to light or will slowly do so if its as heavy as a human being.

So basically Force is:

A push and a pull can cause movement

Work: Using force to move an object.

Push: A force to move something away.

Pull: A force to move something towards you.

Gravity: A force that attracts objects towards each other.

Magnetion: A force that pulls metals towards a magnet.

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