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Corporal Punishment MUST be stopped

La’Deja Lanier
“Corporal punishment
is as humiliating for
him who gives it as for
him who receives it; it is
— Ellen Key
What is Corporal punishment
Punishment intended to cause physical pain on a person. It is
most often practised on minors, especially in home and
school settings. Common methods include spanking or
Around the world, close to 300
million children aged 2 to 4 receive
some type of physical discipline from
their parents or caregivers on a
regular basis

Sixty countries, states and territories

have adopted legislation that fully
prohibits using corporal punishment
against children at home,
Some of the countries and territories
that have bans are: Albania, Andorra,
Argentina, Aruba, Austria, Benin,
Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cape Verde,
Congo, Costa Rica, and etc.

Movements such the End All

Corporal Punishment of Children
and other organizations are calling
for more laws to abolish Corporal
Corporal Punishment in all forms and methods
must go because:

● Affects a child’s overall well being,

● Causes long term bad habits
● Teaches children that it’s appropriate when dealing
with their problems.
The Well Being of children
children learn attitudes and behaviors through observing and
imitating their parents actions whether their actions are good
or bad.

● The use of corporal punishment is a way to communicate specific

values to a child. As Dr. Alvin Rosenfeld, co-author of a book about
hyper parenting, tells “ children almost pick up our values as we live
them. So, if we demonstrate to our kids that hitting is an
appropriate way to deal with this pleasure, we shouldn’t be
surprised when they do the same thing.”
Long term bad habits
Punishment increases child aggression, antisocial behaviour, lower
intellectual achievement and can lead to poor quality in
parent–child relationships.

● Physical punishment that is considered child abuse can lead to

low self-esteem, brain damage, attention disorders and
substance abuse, It can lead to poor social skills, anxiety and
depression when children reach adulthood.
Violence Is NOT the answer
Punishment distracts children from learning how to resolve
conflict in an effective way.

● 7 percent of never-spanked adolescents grow up to abuse their

children, compared to 24 percent of those who were spanked.
Spanking teaches children that it's okay to hurt people and this
can lead them to believe you solve problems by hitting.

For my Student Learning Experience to help the community of Charlote:

● Interview parents in my community and interview staff from Garinger High

● I place posters in schools that gave their consent such as MLK
● While visiting these school I talked to some of the teachers about ways they
believe would be better than corporal punishment
My student learning experience impacted the community of choice because not
only did it influence them to use a better form of punishment but it also helped
get the point across that corporal punishment should not be taken lightly. Most
parent or guardians agreed and believe that they should reconsider using a more
positive method of discipline.
Rethink Punishment
By the end of this presentation I hope tht I ahve influenced you to rethink


It is up to the parents and the next generation of parents to put in end to it and
find better methods to teach their children.
Thank You for
Listening , Any

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