Questionnaire: Section I (Demographic Profile)

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(Demographic Profile)

Q1: Name ……………………………………….

Q2: City of Residence

Shimla Chandigarh New Delhi

Q3: Gender

Male Female

Q4: Age

18-25 years 25-35 years 35-45 years

45-55 years Above 55 years

Q5: Education Level

Up to intermediate Under Graduate Graduate

Post Graduate above Post Graduate

Q6: Please estimate your average annual income

Below Rs.200000 Rs.200000-Rs.400000 Rs.400000-Rs.600000

Rs.600000-Rs.800000 Above Rs. 800000

Q7: Please refer your occupation

Business Professional Service

Pensioner Any other


Q1: What kind of stock investor are you?

 I invest personal/ family money
 I invest professionally
 Both
Q2: From how many years are you trading or investing in stock market?
 1 -3 year
 3-5 year
 Above 5 years
Q3: What sources of funds do you utilize to invest or trade in the stock market?
 Savings/Personal
 Loans
 Pledging
Q4: What would you prefer among the following?
 High risk high profit
 Low risk low profit
 Moderate
Q5: Are you using any technique while investing?
 Yes
 No
Q6: If answer to the above question is yes then which technique?
 Fundamental analysis
 Technical analysis
 Both
Q7: In what kind of stocks do you trade or invest?
 Large Cap
 Mid Cap
 Small Cap
 All of the above
 Depends on market situations
Q8: Select each investment with which you are familiar?
 Bonds
 Equities
 Real Estate
 Commodities
 All of the above

Q9: When picking an investment, I consider the most important factor to be the:
 How quickly I will be able to increase my wealth
 The opportunity for steady growth
 The amount of monthly income that investment will generate
 The safety of my investment principal
 Consider an appropriate mix of investments
Q10: What is your purpose in investing in the stock market?
 To beat the rising costs of the inflation
 To invest in life insurance policies
 To gather capital in order to start a business venture
Q11: Provide the accurate reason from the choices given below as to why you invest
in the stock market?
 For long term gains
 For short term gains
 For the possibility of high returns
 For the thrill of speculation
 For regular annual income
Q12: What is your pattern of investing?
 Repeatedly invest or trade in same set of stocks
 Invest or trade in variety of stocks
 Depends on other factors
Q13: If your stock market is continues falling and your stock prices are fallen upto
20% what will you do?
 Sell it all
 Sell part of the investment
 Hold neither buys nor sell
Q14: According to you what all precautions or knowledge an individual must possess
in order to invest in stock market?

Q15: Please evaluate the degree of your agreement with the impact of behavioral
factors on your investment decision making
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree (5) (4) (3) (2) Disagree (1)

Other investor’s decisions of choosing stock types

have impact on your investment decisions.

Other investor’s decisions of the stock volume have

impact on your investment decisions.

Other investor’s decisions of buying and selling stocks
have impact on your investment decisions.

You usually react quickly to the changes of other

investor’s decisions and follow their reaction to the
stock market.
You consider the information from your close friends
and relatives as the reliable reference for your
investment decision.
You think that professional investors with low ability
follow the behaviour of their high ability peers.
You neglect your own information and find
reassurance in following the masses.
You consider carefully the price changes of stocks that
you intend to invest in.
Market information is important for your stock
You analyze the company’s customer’s preference
before you invest in their stocks.
You put the past trends of stocks under your
consideration for your investment
You study about the market fundamentals of
underlying stocks before making investment decisions
You believe that your skill and knowledge of stock
market can help you to outperform the market
You are normally able to anticipate the end of good or
poor market returns at the Indian stock market
You forecast the changes in stock prices in the future
based on the recent stock prices
You use trend analysis of some representative stocks
to make investment decision for all stocks that you
The return rate of your recent stock investment meets
your expectation
Your rate of return is equal to or higher than the
average return rate of the market
You feel satisfied with your investment decisions in
the last year
Reputation of the firm

Firm’s status in the industry

Increase in income level raises your interest in

financial instruments.
Your income level affects the maturity date of the
investments you make.
After a prior loss, you become more risk averse

After a prior gain, you are more risk seeking than

Your family structure and social environment affects
your investment decision.

Q16: Please give your level of agreement about the factors that are impeding stock
market investment
Strongly Strongly
Variables Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2)
Agree (5) Disagree (1)

Invest in stock market only if you

have surplus funds
Investing in stock market is like
Stock market is good for brokers and
wealthy people
Large cap stocks are always the best
High capital investment is essential
Stock market returns are highly
Stock market forecast are not
High volatility increases risk and
decreases returns
Stock market is very difficult to
Stock market makes you rich
It is not always good to have a
diversified portfolio
Equity is always safer than debt
It is good to invest in a stock if
everybody around is also investing
in it

Investment in stock market may or
may not give high return
There is always a danger of wiping
out all of your money in stock
Political and economic risks effect
the directional change of the market
Making money in stock market is
quite risky. It requires lot of patience
and understanding
Unidentified risks are associated
with stock market
Indian brokers are not very
Stock market has a very high
fraudulent rate
Insider trading is usually done in
stock market
Greed and fear is the base of stock
Complete knowledge of the stock
market is necessary before


Q1: Are you aware about online share trading?

 Yes
 No
Q2: Which method do you adopt for trading in share market?
 Online trading
 Manual trading
 Both
Q3: What is the frequency of your online trading in share market?
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Annually
 According to market

Q4: Duration from which you are trading online?
 1-3 years
 3-5 years
 Above five years
Q5: Do you have knowledge of trading timings?
 Yes
 No
Q6: What is the timing for collection of cash after placement of order?
 Received immediately
 T + 2 days
 Cannot say
Q7: How do you receive the confirmation of trading?
 By email directly or through broker’s email
 By SMS
 Any other mean
Q8: According to you what is the reason for adopting online system of trading?
 Time suitability
 User friendly
 Place convenience
 All of above
 Any other reason

Q9: Analysis of Investor’s Perception towards Online Trading

Factors Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree (5) (4) (3) (2) Disagree (1)

Online trading has captured more investors.

With online trading Indian stock market has

become efficient.

Upward trend in stock market is correlated with net


Online trading is reducing the role of brokers for

stock trading.

Net trading has made trading process more


Online trading has bright future ahead.

Online trading has reduced chances of fraud.

Online trading gives more on investment.

Do you agree that DEMAT A/C can keep your

portfolio of shares safe.
Do you agree that DEMAT A/C is helpful to
keep a true record of your shares.
Do you agree that DEMAT A/C makes easy to
buy or sell shares in the stock market.
Do you agree that after DEMAT A/C
valuation of shares become easy.
Do you agree that DEMAT A/C can help to
reduce frauds/scams in the stock market.
Do you agree that DEMAT A/C is helpful to
control tax evasion.
Do you agree that DEMAT A/C controls the
broker’s unscrupulous practices.
Do you agree that DEMAT A/C increased
your income level from stock market.
Do you agree that after DEMAT A/C your
knowledge and interest in the stock market
Do you agree that DEMAT A/C is more
beneficial and transparent in comparison to
physical holding.


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