Fallen Down.3

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Fallen Down

As the light shone above
me, I had already realised
that I wasn’t dead. It
must’ve been the golden
flowers below me who
cushioned my fall. I could
still see the sky above me,
as well as the sun. But it
was all too far away from
here, the underground. I had
climbed the mountain, the
mountain where no one returns
from, in a hope to find
peace. In a hope to die. But
it had failed I suppose. I am
still alive.
I heard
footsteps as I
tried to get
up. I saw what
was coming towards me. It
was…a goat? But it was on two
legs and wearing a striped
shirt. It walked to the pile
of flowers I was sitting on
and quietly said, ‘Are you
okay??’ I couldn’t talk, just
pointed at the sky, trying to
tell it that I fell down.
‘What’s your name?’ it asked.
‘Chara? That’s a nice name.
My name is Asriel.’
I found them alright by the
flowers. They seemed to be
hurt, knowing they just fell
down. The human was wearing a
green and yellow striped
shirt and brown shorts. They
had brown hair and rosy
cheeks. And light skin, too.
It seemed that they couldn’t
talk. ‘What’s your name?’ I
asked. They answered with a
low and rumbly voice:’Chara’.
‘Chara? That’s a nice name.
my name is Asriel.’
As I suspected, their legs
were hurt. I helped them get
through the Ruins. To home.
We talked during the way.
About the
surface. About
their home. They
didn’t seem to
like the subject.
I brought them
to mom. She
insisted that they rest, so we
put another bed in my room
and let Chara sleep there.
The pie will be ready once
they wake up.
A blinding light woke me
up. For a moment I thought
that I had fallen asleep in
the village’s
fields again.
But I realized
it was just a
bright lamp
above my bed.
This wasn’t my room though. I
almost freaked out but I
remembered what had happened.
This was Asriel –the goat’s-
room. But I don’t remember
sleeping here with my
thoughts, I got up from the
bed and went towards the
mirror nearby. No scars.
Nice. Couldn’t say the same
for my clothes though, they
were ripped apart. So I
decided to ask Asriel for a
new shirt. Or I could just
take one from the wardrobe.
Giving me no time to decide
the door opened and a
different goat entered the
room. I assumed it was
Asriel’s mom. She looked
older and more feminine than
him. ‘Oh! You’ve woken up!’
she stopped when she saw me.
She had a slice of pie in
here hand.
‘Greetings, my child. I am
Mrs Toriel really likes
talking. She’s been talking
for at least half an hour.
And I’ve probably just been
drooling, looking at the
slice of pie. But at least I
have a general idea of my
position. I have been found
by the prince of the
underground: Asriel Dremurr.
Mrs Toriel Dreemurr is the
queen and Mr Asgore (which I
haven’t met yet) is the king.
Mrs Toriel gave me the pie
and left me alone for
a while. I wore one of
the sweaters in the
wardrobe and then
began eating. It was
a…cinnamon pie?
I’ve never eaten
something this good
before. No one would take
care of me in the village, so
it was very nice to eat a
real meal for once.
She had told me that I am
their child now that they’ve
adopted me.
I feel like I will be happy
here in my new home.


Maybe humans aren’t

as bad as I was told
they were. They say
that Chara doesn’t
think so. They say that
humanity is rotten and
monstrous. That’s ironic when
said to a monster though.
I’ve learnt about
humans’ and monsters’
history from the
ancient writings in
Winterfall, which’re
very interesting may I add.
It appera that there is
something that humans have
different than monsters:
Determination. This allows
their soul to persist even
after death.
And, if a monster were to
absorb a human soul.
Determination, a great power
would occur. Giving the
monster godly powers, such as
resetting or saving the
Maybe that’s why humans
attacked first. Maybe they
were afraid we would inherit
this power. Maybe it was just
a misunderstanding.

When I asked Chara about
it, they disagreed. They
believe the human race is
pure evil. I don’t blame them
though. After all they’ve
been through. But they were
also interested about
determination. Their own
determination to be exact.
I’d like to tell them about
the prophecy as well, but
would it be too much
pressure? Knowing that every
monster believes they are the
fallen would it crush them?
But still. They are my best
friend! I will always be on
their side. I’d never doubt
They asked me
if I remember
how we almost
killed dad by
today. We had
mistaken ‘cups of butter’ to
‘buttercups’ they looked lost
in thought.

‘Hey Chara’
There is a
prophecy believed
‘‘What is it
be true in the underground
‘We will always be best
friends, right?’
The fallen angel
who has
‘Of course we will!
Why would we ever
not be friends?’
seen the surface.
‘Then we will be
best friends
forever, right?’
would arrive
And the underground would
go empty
‘Here, take this.’
*You get the Golden Locket*

‘Asriel, I have a plan to

tell you.’
‘Chara, I don’t like this
Neither do I Asriel. But as
much as I’d like to give
up, I’m determined to
help the underground.
Monsters deserve to live
on the surface more than
humans do. So, what if we
combined our souls to bring
this ‘great power?’ then you
could pass the barrier,
collect six more souls from
the humans and break the
barrier for good. After all,
I would still have control,
I’d still live, right?
So what’s wrong with it?
Don’t you remember why I
climbed Mt Ebott in the
first place?
But it wouldn’t be easy to
take my soul. I’d have to
die. But how?
Mrs Toriel hid all the
knives from me. Maybe she
knew my intention? How about
we use something we know is
deadly. We can use something
we can easily find.

How about we use


Fallen Angel #8
‘I feel ill Asriel.
I have one last wish.
Let me see the
flowers at my
village, one last time,’
Stay Determined
‘The human is very
‘Now we’ll never
‘You’re the future
see the sun again.’ ‘
of humans and monsters!’
‘Chara! Wake up!’
‘Are they… dead?’
‘But, Chara-
No, I said I’d never

doubt you.’
‘What a tragedy.’
‘Our hope!’

‘Chara! You can’t give up

just yet!
Stay determined!
D.T. Experiment
Entry Number: #??
It has been at least a week
since the prince’s dust has
arrived at the lab. King
Asgore asked me to include
him in the experiment. Maybe
he hopes Asriel will
reincarnate? I don’t know?
His soul isn’t shattered
yet. It seems as he’s holding
onto life thanks to the
human’s determination. It’s
such a shame that the human
residents of the village
thought that he killed
them. Chara. It’s rather
sad knowing he was just
trying to bring them back to
their village, their old
I would try to get more
info from the queen but she
is nowhere to be found. She
left the king soon after he
decided to collect the souls
of the fallen humans.
It isn’t my duty to wonder
around thing like this as the
royal scientist, but it’s
just an interesting
situation. Very interesting.
D.T. Experiment
Entry Number: #??
It isn’t working.
Injecting determination to a
monster soul would make it
stronger, was my initial
thought, boy, was I wrong!
It turns out that monster
souls aren’t strong enough to
even hold the D.T. inside.
The monsters aren’t dead yet.
Hell, they’re even walking!
How are they alive?!
No no no no no no no no
no no no no no no
They’re melting!
They’re melting together!
They’re all my fault.
The Amalgamates

D.T. Experiment
Entry Number: #??
After the souls became the
I stopped answering their
relatives’ letters.
It’s just too much for me.
Humans can’t bear human souls
and monsters can’t bear
monster souls.
So what if I inject something
other than both with
a determined soul,
Prince Asriel’s
For example
A single

I heard that a single golden

flower bloomed in Asgore’s
Entry Number:##???
The flower is gone.
What will I tell
King Asgore?

I woke up in a
flower garden. I
didn’t dare to ask myself
‘Where am I?’ because I
wasn’t even sure if this was
reality. How was I able to
see these flowers? Their
golden petals were shining
despite the lack of sunlight.
I knew where this was. But
still, how? How can I see?
How as I alive?
Didn’t the humans kill me?
And here I was sitting in
dad’s garden. I could
breathe, obviously. But, I
couldn’t see my body. Or my
limbs. What was I honestly? I
looked down.
Oh no.
How did I -?!
Why am I a flower?!

the room
between my thoughts
He seemed to recognise me.
‘A-Asriel!’ he said. He was
He came closer and hugged me
tightly. I didn’t feel
He started coming every
day. He brought tea, books,
photographs… He seemed to
enjoy my company. I didn’t
feel anything. So I ran away
one day. One night.
I went to the ruins. To
Out of all people, she
could make me feel, right?
How foolish it was for me
to assume that I would ever
be the same.
How pathetic.
How stupid.
What an idiot
It failed I was unable to
feel love. So I followed my
friends’ steps. I ran away to
the Core. It felt like I was
burning. I looked down from
the bridge.
Then I dove right into the
Guess where I
woke up. This time
I was sure I died.
But then how? I
tried again
And again.
And again.

I kept waking up in the

same spot in the garden.
It was almost like a
save point.

I gave up eventually. It
was obvious that I couldn’t
die. What was the point of
trying? So I waited for dad.
‘I’ve never seen a flower
Howdy! What’s your name?’
‘I’m Flowey, Flowey the
Why am I forgotten all of a
sudden? What happened? The
only explanation I can come
up with is a
reset. But
who resetted?
Only ones with Determination
can reset, right? Who in the
underground could have this
Oh No
Chara was a human, which
means that they had
determination. And I absorbed
their soul. I can see a
slight connection here…
I won’t let you down,
So I did everything.
Everything I could do.
We saw the surface.
I became friends with
I helped everyone.
I tried every
possible outcome
And I killed everyone
But it was all the same.

It’s all it is. A game.
Whatever I do. Whoever I
kill, it won’t make a change.
There’s only so many outcomes
to so many possible actions.
But no matter how many times
I try something. The result
is always the same. It’s
The smiley trashbag is
always so annoying. Papyrus
is always so naïve, mom is
always so venerable, dad is
always so weak, Dr Alphys is
always a liar, Undyne is
always so persistent.
And I am always an idiot
thinking I can change things.
I just wish something
different would happen.
Nothing ever changes

Here in the

Entry No: #17


You wake up in a pile of
golden flowers. It’s obvious
that these flowers are what
saved you from a dead end.
You thank the flowers for
cushioning your fall.
You think
about your luck
for a bit. You
had survived a
dangerous fall.
However, you
wouldn’t fall
down if it
wasn’t for your
feet slipping.
This is a dilemma. “At least
I’m alive!” you remind
So this was under Mt Ebott.
You can see a light shining
from above. This will
probably be the last time you
see the sun shine as bright.
You have to stay determined
if you want to get out of

As the light shone upon me
I already knew that I was
DEAD. This time I’m sure that
I had died. Or I was. Not
completely apparently. Then
how can I remember dad
“Chara! You can’t give up
yet stay determined!”
Right before darkness fell?
Maybe I got cured of
Maybe he succeeded at our
Then why am I still in the
I see a figure before me.
A human child, with short
brown hair, wearing
a striped shirt.
They seem to have
fallen down. I could
feel a great power
coming from them
A power of will.
Maybe this power woke me form

Maybe their determination

became my will to live.

#20 [Reprise]
You try to get up, only to
fall on your butt. Ouch
You decide to treat your
wounds only to find out that
you have only one band aid
left. You decide to put it on
your knee to walk a bit
better. Only then you notice
the strange silhouette
standing before you. Or
The only things
notable about the
were its eyes and
the locket hanging
down from its neck.

Maybe it was
politer to call
them “they”.

You tried to say

“hello! Nice to meet you!”
But your vocal chords were
as useful as your band aid.
Only a muffled sound came out
of your mouth. But the ghost
looked like it understood you
#21 [Reprise]
You finally manage to get
up from the pile of flowers.
You linger around
for a bit before
walking towards the
gate. There’s a symbol
engraved on the gate:
You stare at
the symbol
trying to
what it means.
After a while
you give up
and walk past it. You notice
the ghost floating beside you
as you go. Like it’s forced
to follow you.

In the next room, you see a

flower before you. It has
beautiful golden petals and a
friendly face. Wait, face?
The ghost looks as surprised
as you are.
“Howdy! I’m Flowey, Flowey
the Flower!”
It says.
“You’re new to the
underground, aren’t ‘cha?”
#22 [Reprise]
There’s something fishy
about this flower. There just
… is. He seems so familiar,
yet so different.
The human was shocked too,
though I don’t think it’s the
same reason. There’re
probably surprised it’s a
talking flower.

It continued talking.

“Someone’s gotta
teach you how things
work around here. I
guess little ol’ me
will have to do.
Ready? Here we go!”
There was a
slight red flash
and then everything
turned black and white.
“See that heart? That is
your soul, the very
culmination of your being.”
The only real color was a
red heart fight in front of
the human. Their soul.
#23 [Reprise]
You couldn’t
see anything.
was so dark and
black. It was
like there’s no
color anymore.
Even you and
Flowey were colorless!
That was until you noticed
your ‘soul’. It was glowing
brightly within the dark,
just like the ghost’s eyes.
“Your soul starts off weak,
but it can grow strong if you
gain a lot of LV.” Flowey
“What does LV stand for?
Why, LOVE of course!
You want some love don’t
Don’t worry, I’ll share
some with you!”
His friendly smile got wider
as he said that.
“Down here, love is share
… little, white
Six bullet-like pellets
spawned around you.
“Ready? Get as many as you
#24 [Reprise]
You decide to trust Flowey
and walk into the pellets
HP 1/20

“You idiot.”
You step back in shock. The
bullets hurt you.
“In this world, it’s kill
or be killed.
Why would anyone pass up an
opportunity like this?”

You try to run away.

You cannot run away.

Your heart gets surrounded

by bullets, leaving no
escape routes. You refuse
to believe that this is
the end of our tale.
#25 [Reprise]
A ball of fire enters your
vision, tossing the flower to
the side. You’re… saved?
You’re not sure who to
thank, but you are thankful
“What a horrible creature,
torturing such a poor
innocent youth.”
Your saviour appears
within the darkness,
speaking with a soft
and motherly voice. You
can feel an aura of
safety surrounding her.
“Greetings, my child.
I am Toriel, the
guardian of The Ruins.
She looked like a goat,
despite wearing a dress and
talking. Her
dress had the same
symbol on it.
“I pass through here every
day to see if anyone has
fallen down.”

#25.5 [Reprise]
“Come now, young one. I
will guide you through the
Was what Toriel said before
taking your hand and
escorting you to the
entrance of the so-called
And that is when you see a
glow before you.
At times you see it
flickering, the light
only you can see.
By second nature, you
reach out and…

Suddenly you feel a great

power run through your veins,
restoring your hope. You are
filled with determination.

*Your progress has been


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